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Clearing the smoke with Miss D as Mod


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Hello Everyone,

Lately we have heard some concerns with Miss D being appointed moderator. Honestly the concerns are only sent on assumptions and not fact, so I want to put it out here publicly as to why she was appointed.

We have been looking for mods for a few months simply to "keep an eye" on things. As you can see there is not a lot that needs to be "moderated" so to speak on this board, we are a diverse, non-discriminating board and no matter who we appointed there would have been some heat. We picked Diedra simply because she was active on the board, showed an unbiased towards others and had the qualifications since she has worked with our software VBulletin before, so didn't have to be trained on it.

Honestly nothing has even changed other than the fact she can move threads/posts into the correct category and let us know when she thinks a member is getting out of hand. She can not ban someone without letting one of us in management know first, either by contacting Stephane, myself or Mark; usernames:(scorpio, chuckblumedia, Broke Straight Boys). She can not see PM's, members' credit card info, real names, addresses other then what everyone else here can see on the forum already.

We want users to feel more a part of the board and can keep a better eye on things then us in management so we can focus on other features that make Broke Straight Boys what it is today. We are looking for other mods as well to keep a balance on the board.

Any questions or concerns can be brought to mine or Mark's attention. Now can't we all just get along? :biggrin:


Many of us like and admire Miss D. It isn't a case of who but of how. It would have been nice if management had told the membership of the appointment and the reason for it and what was expected of the moderator. Ms. Deidre is indeed active on the forum. The problem lies therein. When is she expressing herself or that of the moderator? Moderation tends to mean a certain amount of distance and neutrality.

I don't care if a moderator is a woman, although I do believe there should be a male counterpart in this particular case.

As far as your understanding what the fuss is about, why not try talking to us. I tried to reach Mark today but there was no answer. I have left PM's with my number. All you have to do is dial the number and we can talk.

When Chuck and I first spoke about becoming a mod, he asked me if I had any suggestions for other mods. I suggested some people. I think if anyone is interested all they would need to do is express that interest in a PM.
I fear that it may be too late and a dollar short. Sorry. BTW Ms. D. I loved our chat last night. It wasn't until afterwards that I saw the thread. I do NOT have anything against you personally, quite the opposite. I do however take exception to some of your actions and tone and those of Blu.

When Chuck and I first spoke about becoming a mod, he asked me if I had any suggestions for other mods. I suggested some people. I think if anyone is interested all they would need to do is express that interest in a PM.
This is absolutely ridiculous that this thread even had to start. Who the fuck cares who the moderator is!!!! It seems like all the power they have is moving posts (which will only help us) and getting rid of ignorant, right wing assholes.

It seems like some of us are regressing to high school. Get a life people.

PS, This isn't directed to you TusconJayce, just anyone who decided this was an actual "issue." You were just the only one that had posted.
Oh dear . . .

This is absolutely ridiculous that this thread even had to start. Who the fuck cares who the moderator is!!!! It seems like all the power they have is moving posts (which will only help us) and getting rid of ignorant, right wing assholes.

It seems like some of us are regressing to high school. Get a life people.

PS, This isn't directed to you TusconJayce, just anyone who decided this was an actual "issue." You were just the only one that had posted.

What's wrong with the occasional Right wing asshole as long as he doesn't get out of control? :biggrin: Snicker, Snicker
I don't see the issue at all. I think some members have an obvious problem with females and I think that is just sad. Gay people are discriminated against but I can't even imagine a gay guy discriminating against a woman. Does it really matter who the moderator is? It is a small role to just keep the forum under control etc. I wonder how many members would cancel if a female actually owned this site instead of myself.

What you don't know is there is some "secret group" that is displeased with having females on the board at all. If it was up to some in this group, we should be banning the females but that is impossible. The underlying group is insulted with management because they didn't pick a female or a long time member of the forum or the site. As part of the Broke Straight Boys team, I have spoken to Ms.D and I made it clear to Mark and Ms.D regarding making the decision about having Ms.D as the first moderator and I gave my thoughts about it. Overall the decision is made by Mark, I only film the content you see on the site :biggrin:

Congrats to Ms.D

Absolute rubbish if I may say so without being banned. Most of the senior members have embraced the female members so I don't know where you are getting this crazy idea from, unless it's paranoia. Just read what Slim wrote when Miss D gave her explanation.

I think what has "annoyed" most loyal members is the fact that the post was not advertised or discussed. If, as Chuck put it, "As you can see there is not a lot that needs to be "moderated" so to speak on this board," then why bother in the first place.

What "the management" have done, and as Jayce and others have stated, is put Miss D in a position that she can no longer state what she really thinks but has to put her moderator hat on whatever she does.

The situation would have been better left as it was. How many members have actually been barred from Broke Straight Boys ?. The only thing that has occurred here is inflamatory and not progress.
Mark, if you were a woman, i would enjoy the site all the same! i say we try this as a social experiment and dress mark up in drag....who's with me?
I have never been a part of any forum in any area that didn't have moderators. I have absolutely no objection to having a moderator here as well.

It seems to me that Ms. D is just as logical choice as anyone else out there. It could have been you, it could have been me. Personally, I don't particularly relish the thought of taking the heat that seems to go along with the position.

I agree that some of the posts made so far by Ms. D in the moderator position have been less than perfect in the tone, but I think we should give her a chance to get her feet wet and find that middle ground. When I found a particular post which I disagreed with, I probably did the wrong thing and posted my feelings. In retrospect, I should have PM'd her and explained what I thought. It is my understanding that if the roles were reversed, she would have PM'd me. So, for that I accept the blame.

It really doesn't matter the sex of the moderator, does it? It might even have been better if it were anonymous, so we didn't apply a name, face, or gender to that position.

Let's give her a chance. She is going to make some mistakes, as anyone in a new position might. If she (or any other moderator) gets out of control or abuses the position, we have repercussions, we can contact anyone in management and discuss our issues.
I have never been a part of any forum in any area that didn't have moderators. I have absolutely no objection to having a moderator here as well.

It seems to me that Ms. D is just as logical choice as anyone else out there. It could have been you, it could have been me. Personally, I don't particularly relish the thought of taking the heat that seems to go along with the position.

I agree that some of the posts made so far by Ms. D in the moderator position have been less than perfect in the tone, but I think we should give her a chance to get her feet wet and find that middle ground. When I found a particular post which I disagreed with, I probably did the wrong thing and posted my feelings. In retrospect, I should have PM'd her and explained what I thought. It is my understanding that if the roles were reversed, she would have PM'd me. So, for that I accept the blame.

It really doesn't matter the sex of the moderator, does it? It might even have been better if it were anonymous, so we didn't apply a name, face, or gender to that position.

Let's give her a chance. She is going to make some mistakes, as anyone in a new position might. If she (or any other moderator) gets out of control or abuses the position, we have repercussions, we can contact anyone in management and discuss our issues.

5 years experience of moderation would have been long enough IMHO to be experienced enough. Downright rudeness or lack of sincerity is another issue.
Hmmm I actually have nothing to say about this because this is too STOOPID for me. Congrats Miss Deidra, and then I don't know, Hmmm my heart is with people who are heartbroken by this??? I don't know lol Damn I wasted a post.
Mark, Scorpio, David, et all. I spoke with Chuck today. It was a lively discussion.

1. You assumed that appointing a avid poster as moderator wouldn't be a big deal, even though you (all) state that the site really doesn't need that much attention. So if it wasn't a big deal, then why not tell us you were looking for people, explain the role and announce you choice? And by choosing an avid poster it becomes difficult to know when he/she/it or they are expressing themselves or are being a moderator. Chuck's solution was to change her back to Senior member. A rose is still a rose by any other name.

2. While it may be all Kumbaya at Blu, I don't know of any women in your office. Why's that? To be perfectly honest you insulted the vast majority of your membership by your choice. You cannot tell me that there is/are no other candidates that are amongst the majority that could have been chosen along with Miss D? Look, I am not saying that women should not be here, I am saying that you gauged our reaction incorrectly. So now stand up and grow a set, admit that you were wrong and out of touch with the majority of your membership.

3. Management and the moderator have gotten NOT the same sheet of music therefore causing anxiety. Miss D. stated she CAN ban people, Chuck said no, but the reality is that she's supposed to consult first, then ban (correct me if I'm wrong please). Again, Management is to blame not us. Again, stand up and say mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa (and mean it!).

4. If this were a perfect world, you'd be out of a job. It's not perfect. Please don't give me the tired "It's because she's a girl". That's a blanket statement that only serves to stop people from commenting on how they feel. I like Miss D and have found the ladies to be kinda fun. But they have a different sensibility than I do and many of your members.

5. We've met her and like her. So what? I've met Mark. So I guess you didn't like me. Let's face it. That's not a good reason to appoint someone. So stop using it. BTW, I am NOT interested in the job. You've lost my trust and most of my respect. We'll have to see about my money.

6. It's not so much the who, but the how of your actions and the double speak that has enraged. So get off your high horses. Take the blame, and make things right.

We are not to blame.... don't try to put this back on us. You did what you did and now are seeing the repercussions. Deal with it. It's your fault.

I do believe Blumedia management can still make decisions without having the members' approval. We asked Miss Deidra to be a moderator, she said yes. That's it. It was OUR choice. I don't think everything needs to be decided by members. We still can make our own decisions you know :) I mean "Seriously!!!".
I do believe Blumedia management can still make decisions without having the members' approval. We asked Miss Deidra to be a moderator, she said yes. That's it. It was OUR choice. I don't think everything needs to be decided by members. We still can make our own decisions you know :) I mean "Seriously!!!".

Yes you can make your own decisions, EVEN BAD ONES!

Are you really going to sit there and say well, I guess we have a problem and there seems to be a reaction we didn't plan for. So I guess we'll just keep the same course cause the membership isn't management and doesn't have a vote. Stephane, that's how sites die...........

well deidra has said she is taking a break from posting, i hope all of you are happy. now we have the silent submissive moderator you all like best. and steve, mark, and everyone else, thanks for your support
Jason, I'm sorry but I don't think having Deidra as a mod is a bad decision. I wasn't even part of the decision and do I care? Not at all. It's a mod position, whoever fills that spot is fine by me. It's not gonna stop me from doing anything, nor will I lose appetite over it. I just don't understand this meltdown you guys seem to be having.

And no, sorry but I don't really care if people are having problems with it. All I'm thinking of is that all this probably makes Deidra uncomfortable and that's a shame cos she's really a nice person.

Anyway, sorry Jason, but I don't understand you and the other members who have problems with this :(

Yes you can make your own decisions, EVEN BAD ONES!

Are you really going to sit there and say well, I guess we have a problem and there seems to be a reaction we didn't plan for. So I guess we'll just keep the same course cause the membership isn't management and doesn't have a vote. Stephane, that's how sites die...........

I NEVER stated anywhere that I would ban people. I would never make that decision without consulting people. This isn't just some game for me. I only ever had to take part in the "banning" of one person because they threatened me and would harass me endlessly.
Jason, I'm sorry but I don't think having Deidra as a mod is a bad decision. I wasn't even part of the decision and do I care? Not at all. It's a mod position, whoever fills that spot is fine by me. It's not gonna stop me from doing anything, nor will I lose appetite over it. I just don't understand this meltdown you guys seem to be having.

And no, sorry but I don't really care if people are having problems with it. All I'm thinking of is that all this probably makes Deidra uncomfortable and that's a shame cos she's really a nice person.

Anyway, sorry Jason, but I don't understand you and the other members who have problems with this :(


We can agree to disagree. And I am aware of the hurt that this is bringing.
When I spoke to Chuck today he indicated that you were aware of the appointment and were for it. If I was mistaken in lumping you in with the other team members, I am truly sorry and please forgive.

Well, another thread totally out of control. I may be dumb as a box of rocks, but WTF is the big deal here?

Is it jealousy?

tusconjayce, I consider you a good friend here, but I am totally baffled as to why you are struggling so hard with this. I don't mean any disrespect, but as stated above, the staff and management of this site do have the right and privilege to make decisions and are not obligated to get our approval. They do own the site, after all. We are members, not stockholders. You are correct that you have the right to make the decision as to whether to continue contributing your membership fees if you don't agree with the direction of the site. We all do. But, in the total scheme of life, is this really a deal-breaker? Does it really make that much difference who the moderator is, or even if there is a moderator? If it really is that significant, then we all have a decision to make. To me, it doesn't matter. The forum and the site will continue. If you decide that this is a situation you cannot tolerate, we will miss you.

Five years' experience in any field doesn't necessarily prepare you to undertake another position in the same field. Each situation is unique. I firmly believe that whoever is appointed to the moderator position will have some time getting acclimated and will make some judgement errors. Perhaps in the future, she will PM someone in management before undertaking these situations herself.

I look at my life, and the state of the world today, and I try to put things into perspective. This isn't life or death. This is a blip on the radar.

Yeah, I'm going to say it. This is aimed at everyone, not to anyone in particular: Lighten up.