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Can you cook?

Beef Stroganoff

Following that line of thinking:


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Side dishes

OK Jayce, now everyone knows you have to serve gravy with meat. (And where's the potato side? I see you remembered the fruit though!:001_tt2:

I am,

Your Majesty:

The gravy is, of course, WHITE gravy and must be obtained by stroking the beef! :001_tt2: As for the potatoes...... You can't have everything.

Anyway I think the plate's pretty full and I'd be happy to have it served to me.

Of course you are more accustomed to "rich" meals than I.

I am your humble Servant,

Lord Jayce
Your Majesty:

The gravy is, of course, WHITE gravy and must be obtained by stroking the beef! :001_tt2: As for the potatoes...... You can't have everything.

Anyway I think the plate's pretty full and I'd be happy to have it served to me.

Of course you are more accustomed to "rich" meals than I.

I am your humble Servant,

Lord Jayce

Potatos are too starchy and loaded with nasty carbs. I think I will have the Atkins menu with just the beef please.
Jayman you kill me!

Potatos are too starchy and loaded with nasty carbs. I think I will have the Atkins menu with just the beef please.

Jayman, my dear, only you could come up with that dish being suitable for a diet! :001_smile::001_smile:

Of course the caloric intake is deffo less than the calories burned in truly experiencing the meal, so......... :001_tongue: Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken......:tongue_smilie:

Love you brother!

Jayman, my dear, only you could come up with that dish being suitable for a diet!

Of course the caloric intake is deffo less than the calories burned in truly experiencing the meal, so......... Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken......:tongue_smilie:

Love you brother!


You know me I always try to see the positive side of things in the world. Seriously, think about it any one can find something negative. It takes a lot of work to find the positives in any situation in life. However; I see so much good, I find it difficult to see anything negative any more. I prefer it this way though. How about you??? :001_tt2::001_rolleyes::wink:
OK Jayman you win!

Jayman, you're right. Life is better seen thru eyes looking for the light rather than the dark. Now how do you manage to take a dish like that and turn it into a teaching lesson? You are amazing. Makes me wonder what happens when you let the physical take over...... Jungle sex? LOL. You know I love ya!!!!

Jayman, you're right. Life is better seen thru eyes looking for the light rather than the dark. Now how do you manage to take a dish like that and turn it into a teaching lesson? You are amazing. Makes me wonder what happens when you let the physical take over...... Jungle sex? LOL. You know I love ya!!!!


Trust me; Jungle sex is always much better when you are already in a natural state of out of body nirvana...
LOL ^^

Well next time chop your patatoes into dices it will be far better ^^ You can add some cheese too and oignon.
I cook almost every day, I wanted to me a cook but my parents at the time didn't let me.
Anyway nice try! Let's call it the scorpio omelette!

Less and less people cook actually and that's pretty sad. Cooking is so much fun ^^


Smart parents i wish mine had been against it ...I can think of many other things id rather be doing then being stuck in a hot kitchen lol

IMmmmmmmm never going back...... if i ever did it would be because i was being,dragged kicking and scccccccccccreaming
Smart parents i wish mine had been against it ...I can think of many other things id rather be doing then being stuck in a hot kitchen lol

IMmmmmmmm never going back...... if i ever did it would be because i was being,dragged kicking and scccccccccccreaming
How sad. My happiest times of the day are in the kitchen. I teach cooking classes sometimes at night and have as many as thirty or forty kids at a time - they all love it. At home it's where my family comes together. We all laugh and share responsibilities and then enjoy what we've done together. Even when something goes wrong we laugh about it for weeks.
OOHH Dont get me wrong at home i cook lmao and enjoy it, i just dont care to do it for a living anymore

sorry for the miss understanding
Trust me; Jungle sex is always much better when you are already in a natural state of out of body nirvana...
Or Tarzans in a natural state of arousal and its your turn to wear the Jane costume.
Or Tarzans in a natural state of arousal and its your turn to wear the Jane costume.

I like the Tarzan costume... But hey, I will try just about anything once. :thumbup: