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Can we have an Asian please?

Ya know...I've been trying to get some hot Asian boys...but we hardly get any Asian boys applying. The few that apply are fat and ugly and I have to turn them down...but if we have a hot Asian boy applying, I will do my best to get them on the site.
Ya know...I've been trying to get some hot Asian boys...but we hardly get any Asian boys applying. The few that apply are fat and ugly and I have to turn them down...but if we have a hot Asian boy applying, I will do my best to get them on the site.

Sometimes, going back over the Nelson episodes, I find myself imagining that he's a cute Japanese-American 50/50 mix. It makes my dick even harder. Put an ad in Dave, there's gotta be at least one in Flauderdale.:tongue_smilie:
Asians would be nice, but an hour later you want another one. :lol:

(OK, I have already alienated our Jewish friends with my stereotypes in the Cupcake thread, now I can insult a whole continent with tired jokes.)

Asians would be nice, but an hour later you want another one. :lol:

(OK, I have already alienated our Jewish friends with my stereotypes in the Cupcake thread, now I can insult a whole continent with tired jokes.)


I'll jump in with you. As many of us have noticed, Dave has managed to find quite a few boys whose endowment is above average. I'm afraid that some continents are more endowed than others. I was truly disappointed in Bangkok and HCMC (Saigon) in the selection available. Not that the boys weren't cheap and cute (a good combo when practicing Sexual Imperialism), but other attributes were not up to my normal expectations (hey a nice 5" can be a real treat and a 10" is more than some of us can work with comfortably but it needs to be a mouthful at least).

Now I did find some Dutch/Indonesian mix guys with some nice packaqes, as well as one or two Viet/Italian mixes. Of course they all thought they were tops........

Oh well. Dave may be looking for a while or have to "downgrade" some of his usual standards.



P.S. Stereotypes can have negative connotations, but also can have a basis in reality. All ideas are mine and are intended to be humorous. If you have felt insulted by anything I have said, please PM me with your concerns.
Ya know...I've been trying to get some hot Asian boys...but we hardly get any Asian boys applying. The few that apply are fat and ugly and I have to turn them down...but if we have a hot Asian boy applying, I will do my best to get them on the site.

Thanks David...:thumbup1:
P.S. Stereotypes can have negative connotations, but also can have a basis in reality. All ideas are mine and are intended to be humorous. If you have felt insulted by anything I have said, please PM me with your concerns.

'Asian Stereotypes' is sort of redundant. I mean can you think of a single stereo or any type of electronics that aren't made in Asia? And the fact they specialize in miniaturization does help to dispell any myths.

All kidding aside, it would be hot to seem some Asian-American relations.
The Idea, Not The Person

P.S. Stereotypes can have negative connotations, but also can have a basis in reality. All ideas are mine and are intended to be humorous. If you have felt insulted by anything I have said, please PM me with your concerns.
I would like to add my stereotypical two-cents worth of comment here. Why oh why are we still walking on eggshells and tripping over our posts to apologize for them before they're even read for fear that we are insulting someone? Our posts are opinions, a personal thought, an idea, perhaps a thought that may not be well liked, but our thought just the same. I know some posts have degenerated into name calling, hurt feelings and banishment. But haven't we learned anything yet? First, read the post, understand the meaning....was it tongue in cheek and meant as a joke....or was it posted to stimulate....God forbid....some thinking. Secondly, if you like the post, say so, if you don't like the post or idea of the post, don't attack the poster, attack the idea. Give your thoughts the merit they deserve and make a response that will elicit thinking and thoughtfullness on the next reader. For example: Don't attack me because I say pigs can fly, tell me why you don't think they can....get it!

Getting back to your original post, I think your post has some truth to it. It made me think and do some reading up on your subject. Many studies have been done on the average length of the penis. The studies have confirmed that the pure Asian penis is smaller than others through evolution of the female Asian body. The small conformity of the skeletal structure of the female would preclude any need for a larger Asian penis to achieve satisfactory coitus. So there you have it.

Right, wrong or indifferent, post what you want, get the ideas out there without worrying about who you're going to piss off or who might get their feelings hurt. Ideas never hurt anyone. (Boy I'm going to get flack on that last sentence!) :001_smile:
First, read the post, understand the meaning....was it tongue in cheek and meant as a joke....or was it posted to stimulate....God forbid....some thinking. :001_smile:

I would like to think that I can plant tongue firmly in cheek and still stimulate some thinking. And I think you are a giant dick head for implying otherwise! :lol:

As for finding a Broke Asian Boy, that could be a tough task. Remember that most of our national deficit is financed by China. If they can fund our bailout, how broke could they be?

Hey guys!

I guess I was oversensitive in my Post Script. I was venturing out in an area that had the potential to cause pain to me and others if not taken in the manner in which it was intended. I guess I'm a little "controversy" shy. But let us laugh and let us think and let us talk. I am willing... are you?

Richard... Thanks for letting me know your thoughts. You are right that we need to get back to our previous level of discourse, humorous or not.

But I still maintain that David does have his standards and that he might be challenged in finding someone for Broke Straight Boys Hot, cute and hung - maybe two outta three?????? :sneaky2:

Yours always,

I would like to add my stereotypical two-cents worth of comment here. Why oh why are we still walking on eggshells and tripping over our posts to apologize for them before they're even read for fear that we are insulting someone? Our posts are opinions, a personal thought, an idea, perhaps a thought that may not be well liked, but our thought just the same. I know some posts have degenerated into name calling, hurt feelings and banishment. But haven't we learned anything yet? First, read the post, understand the meaning....was it tongue in cheek and meant as a joke....or was it posted to stimulate....God forbid....some thinking. Secondly, if you like the post, say so, if you don't like the post or idea of the post, don't attack the poster, attack the idea. Give your thoughts the merit they deserve and make a response that will elicit thinking and thoughtfullness on the next reader. For example: Don't attack me because I say pigs can fly, tell me why you don't think they can....get it!

Getting back to your original post, I think your post has some truth to it. It made me think and do some reading up on your subject. Many studies have been done on the average length of the penis. The studies have confirmed that the pure Asian penis is smaller than others through evolution of the female Asian body. The small conformity of the skeletal structure of the female would preclude any need for a larger Asian penis to achieve satisfactory coitus. So there you have it.

Right, wrong or indifferent, post what you want, get the ideas out there without worrying about who you're going to piss off or who might get their feelings hurt. Ideas never hurt anyone. (Boy I'm going to get flack on that last sentence!) :001_smile:

Guess what Richard. Overall I agree with you! We should be able to post on here without fearing hell and damnation from the PC police. Having said that though I myself would never go out of my way to hurt someone's feelings. And I hope that other members would feel the same way. As far as the last sentence I will leave that one alone. Free speech...
And isn't futon a Japanese word anyway?

As guys from the UK will tell you, "Asian" to them more often than not means "Indian" or Pakistani" since those are the former colonies, and guys from there abound. In France it was "Indochine" but there are masses of other hotties, Thais, Balinese, Vietnamese and Japanese. In Paris, about the hottest boys in the clubs are these mega cool, super stylish, smiley sexy Asian guys. They have amazing bodies, slender, fatfree and perfectly muscled. Their dicks are smaller than yours, but the ones I've seen are perfectly shaped and hairtrigger stiff.

Also they are very bright and have terrific senses of humor. Rifle knows Paris really well. Maybe he could bring one back.
I would like to add my stereotypical two-cents worth of comment here. Why oh why are we still walking on eggshells and tripping over our posts to apologize for them before they're even read for fear that we are insulting someone? Our posts are opinions, a personal thought, an idea, perhaps a thought that may not be well liked, but our thought just the same. I know some posts have degenerated into name calling, hurt feelings and banishment. But haven't we learned anything yet? First, read the post, understand the meaning....was it tongue in cheek and meant as a joke....or was it posted to stimulate....God forbid....some thinking. Secondly, if you like the post, say so, if you don't like the post or idea of the post, don't attack the poster, attack the idea. Give your thoughts the merit they deserve and make a response that will elicit thinking and thoughtfullness on the next reader. For example: Don't attack me because I say pigs can fly, tell me why you don't think they can....get it!

Getting back to your original post, I think your post has some truth to it. It made me think and do some reading up on your subject. Many studies have been done on the average length of the penis. The studies have confirmed that the pure Asian penis is smaller than others through evolution of the female Asian body. The small conformity of the skeletal structure of the female would preclude any need for a larger Asian penis to achieve satisfactory coitus. So there you have it.

Right, wrong or indifferent, post what you want, get the ideas out there without worrying about who you're going to piss off or who might get their feelings hurt. Ideas never hurt anyone. (Boy I'm going to get flack on that last sentence!) :001_smile:

I certainly agree. I think we all can agree that a spirited debate can be refreshing from time to time. However; some people struggle with the difference between the constructive criticism of an idea and a personal attack. I feel that another issue is that some people are unwilling to be open to the possibility of a better way to do something or the concept of change in ideology. Because of this egos can become overly aggressive in an attempt to make their point. Many gay and bisexual people tend to be very empathic and they can feel the fervor intended behind the written words. It is hard to decipher between an intense passion for one's view point and the hatred of another's personal opinion. Often times this comes across as a personal attack. I think it is tough to ask people to detach from their feelings and emotions when it is what we have learned to depend upon for our personal defense. As you said; Ideas never hurt anyone. However they can can sure bruise the hell out of our ego's.
I agree would love some more Asians on the site, I have a soft spot oh, wait that's my cum stain on my underwear . . . The "boys" don't have to be the "standard gay beauty" put skilled, passionate, and personality that can come through during the shooting . . . Thanks.
I'm happy to report, we hired two Asian boys. One boy is half Asian and half European, and he's bi (with limited sexual history with guys-he's more bi curious) and I placed him on Broke Straight Boys site, he's super hot!!!. The other Asian boy is a smooth hot twink boy but he's gay and he will be on College Boy Physicals site. Both boys will soon be appearing on the sites!
Way to go david......... now thats service
UP coming HOT boys!

Here are some of the hot boys that will be featured in future Broke Straight Boys episodes! The first pic is Chasen, we have Damien next, the ginger dude is Dustin and last is Shane. Some of you have my seen Shane on other sites...but he's gay for pay and is so HOT, I couldn't resist hiring him :thumbup:


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I'm happy to report, we hired two Asian boys. One boy is half Asian and half European, and he's bi (with limited sexual history with guys-he's more bi curious) and I placed him on Broke Straight Boys site, he's super hot!!!. The other Asian boy is a smooth hot twink boy but he's gay and he will be on College Boy Physicals site. Both boys will soon be appearing on the sites!

Codie of College Boy Physicals episode 03/01/07 looks like he has some Asian in him & he is absolutely gorgeous. It was a pity there was not more episodes of him.
I would rather we forgot the stereotypes! For every person who fits a stereotype, there is another who doesn't! It doesn't help us much, and we'd be better off treating the individual rather than imagining he or she fits a stereotype. I'm sure you guys wouldn't like me to deal with you as stereotypical Americans, or gays, or whatever. We all know that individual Americans, Asians, gays, etc come in all shapes and sizes, and the individual package is what counts :) Personally, I find Asians very attractive, and I'd love to see some on Broke Straight Boys! Cheers and love to all!