Thanks, Jon - fantastic article! I had, of course, read about the follies of Burroughs and his circle in Morocco - but this article offered a little more salient, and gritty, detail.
Tampa, the paradox about North Africa is - while we (nowadays) think of Muslim societies as being much LESS tolerant, in days of yore (the 1940's, '50's, and 60's) some enclaves within them were (paradoxically) MORE tolerant of homosexuality than most American cities of that time.
There has always been (I rely on some of my French professor-friends, for this) an undercurrent of homosexual activity in North Africa, as (of course) everywhere. But it was especially rife, there, BECAUSE (and this has been well-known in certain European circles since the 19th century - just read some of the poems of Constantine Cavafy, for literary markers, in this regard):
Because Islamic societies were so HARSH in their demands with respect to chastity as between young men and young women, before marriage: in some (but not all) of them - a certain tolerance of "boys playing with boys" grew up. Not something officially condoned, but something *winked at*, because it wasn't the main event in life ~ the main even in life being a
heterosexual marriage. AND, in previous centuries, more naïve than our own : the only REAL SEX being considered to be, the insertion of a penis, into a vagina.
In this regard, many Islamic societies have historically demonstrated an
ethos not unlike that of ancient Greece, i.e.:
*The desire for sex is universal, and the quenching of this desire is necessary - until a legal (heterosexual) marriage, is possible.
*There is nothing morally wrong with engaging in sexual relations with someone of the same sex, AS LONG AS - one is the TOP (not the bottom) and the partner in this encounter is younger, weak, and powerless. (I know, not so nice, huh?)
*In both Islamic societies (where it was NEVER talked about, explicitly) and in ancient Greek society (where it was talked about, a LOT):
deep shame attached to being the submissive partner in a sexual encounter:
viz., the one who sucked or GOT fucked. (The guys who were DOING the fucking, of course, got off Scot-free - as MANLY MEN who were just having a little fun in their spare time!)
*As I am sure you know, Tamps, the ancient Greeks did dress these harsh realities up, a whole lot. They even devised an ethics, and a culture, in which it was considered acceptable (and even admirable) for an older man to keep a younger one as a lover (and relate to him in this way - though the physical realities of this situation were rarely spoken about in philosophical tracts) - as long as it was recognized that the older man would act as a tutor and mentor to the lad in question (usually the relationship would end, when the younger man's beard began to grow); and that, it was IMPERMANENT.
When the younger man grew up, it was understood that he'd go off and marry, and engage in politics or military campaigns (or both): and take his place as a citizen. Thankful and grateful for the lessons and affection his older lover (who was likely also married to a woman) had given him - but moving on decisively to his new role as a heterosexual citizen, and not really talking about the past, all that much.
*The Islamic societies which have given a bit of scope to homosexuality, have done so on a VERY DIFFERENT basis. It has gone on for centuries, but it is
all, completely, on the down-low.
You can't afford to get married? Or you are waiting for your marriage to be arranged? Contact with ANY woman is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. But maybe. . . . if you hang out with your best friend from school, and mess around a bit - we'll look the other way.
That's the way it's been in Morocco, and Algeria, and Tunisia, for centuries. And that's the reason rich (gay) Westerners have loved to go to these countries, for decades. The combination of "winking tolerance" and the power of MONEY, helped a lot of people get laid, by cute Arab boys, over the years. Before the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism.
Tamps - I totally agree with you, about sex tourism. It isn't healthy; it isn't good; and it invariably involves (relatively) richer people enjoying themselves at the expense of much poorer people, who are so HUNGRY, they pretty much have no choice. This is tragic, I think.
Though this is a totally separate subject, when it comes to the subject of prostitution in our own countries, in the West, I have become much more liberal than I ever thought I would be.
Tamps, while I have never employed the services of a "rent-boy", and never would - it just wouldn't seem right, to me - I also know that many of the "johns" out there, are not bad people. . . they are just lonely people who feel that they would never have the opportunity to have an experience of physical love, with anyone, unless they paid for it.
And some of the "rent-boys" who do this sort of work (while I don't know any of them, personally) are kind of (I think) the NEXT STEP BEYOND our "
Broke Straight Boys". They are SO BROKE, they resort to escorting, to keep themselves fed and lodged, or to care for their families. (Of course, there is no denying that a substantial number of them, just like in gay erotic video, need the money to feed drug habits, and etc.)
Anyway, Tamps, as a matter of public policy (with implications for both the legal and public health systems) ~ though I never thought I would say this, when I was 25!!!! ~ I increasingly think that (for humanitarian and practical reasons): prostitution should be legalized. NOT because I think it's good. And NOT because I would ever encourage anyone to engage in it, BUT BECAUSE:
I have a sense that legalized and regulated prostitution would:
*Begin to remove a little of the stigma that is attached to people who do this work, now.
*Begin to mitigate some of the dangers and risks that follow people who do this work, now.
*Begin to allow systems so that people who feel they need to do this work, will not feel they are required to do it under the aegis of violent criminals. And so on.
Tampa, we just had a BIG debate about this, in Canada. Our current government decided to tighten UP the laws regarding prostitution, a LOT - following the "Scandinavian model", which has demonstrably failed. (The "Scandinavian model", as you probably know, saves the sex-workers themselves, harmless - while prosecuting their clients, vigorously. And this model has demonstrably failed, because it drives both the sex-workers and their clients underground, and leads to higher levels of exploitation and violent crime.)
That's just what I think. Hey, I'm a Christian (albeit a bad one), and a romantic, and my hope for EVERYONE is that he (or she) finds someone who truly loves and cares for him, or her.
But Tamps' comments about sex tourism sort of prompted me to reflect on this important public policy issue, which has been big in Canada, lately. So, sorry for the digression, but - - - digression is in my nature.