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BP and the Oil Spill

Will you buy petrol or anything else from a BP station in the future?

  • Absolutely, doesn't matter to me

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Never

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • Depends on their prices and those of their competitors

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • I'm still torn, depends on how the situation plays out

    Votes: 9 29.0%

  • Total voters
I will never buy from BP and I have said this for many many years...
Gas and petrol prices in the UK are seriously fucked up and years ago me and my friends joined a petition to boycot one of the major retailers and it just so happened to be the most expensive at the time - BP. This was so if enough people boycotted them they would have no choice but to reduce prices - but then I was introduced to the stock market and the finance world and found out that BP, Shell etc actually generate the least amount of revenue from retail so it made no huge difference to them, but i stuck to getting my petrol elsewhere out of habbit.
BP have a HUGE oil refinery in Grangemouth, Scotland and I have a few friends and family member whom have worked there. One in particular was in very senior management and resigned. Not to go into details for obv reasons,but he made it very clear BP dont give a shit about anything except profit and I mean ANYTHING - and that became all too evident with the Gulf Oil Spill.
Now I dont think the Head Dog is directly responsible for what happened, but, with a position of huge power comes huge responsibility, therefore he should be held accountable for his decisions and actions and those that are made by his deligates and managment team.

I really hope that this is sorted ASAP, for the sake of Oil prices, jobs, and an ecosystem that may never recover!

Peace Love and Oil
Hi John, nice to see you back posting.

I do agree with you about the big oil companies not giving a damn about people and just about profit and also joined the boycot. Unfortunately many supermarkets do not publicise where they get their fuel from, so it is virtually impossible to be 100pc sure that you are not buying BP fuel. The only time I go to the local BP garage is to get money out of the hole in the wall, I NEVER buy fuel there as there is a Tesco nearby.

With power does come responsibility and Hayward has taken responsibility on behalf of the company. However, he has had to be carefull about choosing his words and most responses would have had to through a lawyer.

Hope you are okay btw

jon x
I would love to do a census to compare the number of GLBT citizens that recycle and live green in comparison to the rest of the world...:wink:

Well this one does. Jeez we have 2 green bins for garden waste, 2 green plastic boxes for bottles and cans, one brown bin for paper and cardboard and a black in for general waste. I'm not going to say which bins or boxes get filled the most - hic :001_tt2:
Well this one does. Jeez we have 2 green bins for garden waste, 2 green plastic boxes for bottles and cans, one brown bin for paper and cardboard and a black in for general waste. I'm not going to say which bins or boxes get filled the most - hic :001_tt2:

We pretty much recycle everything we can here too. It also helps cut down on the trash hauling bill too... Isn't it grea to recycle.:thumbup:
come on be fare

number 1
he waited 35 days before doing anything
1. play golf seven times had 3 dinner parties and a private concert before going down there

what would you be saying if GWB did the same thing

2. hes refused to left jones act so other countries can help with the clean up
something bush did the second day after katrina
why?? because that act is designed to protect unions
thirteen countries all of which have more know how than we do have offered to help with the off shore clean up they were to no thanks

3. he took more money from BP than anyone in history

4. why were they forced to drill in such deep water?
not because thats were the oil is but that the only place they were allowed to drill

5. the god almighty government that he is in charge of took bribes and watched porn all day instead of doing their jobs. These are his people not GWB

6. stoping drilling will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

if you are still blaming GWB for everything he does wrong. when will you ever start blaming him???

I am not a Bush fan but be fair. This guy has no idea on how to lea and take charge.
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number 1
he waited 35 days before doing anything
1. play golf seven times had 3 dinner parties and a private concert before going down there

what would you be saying if GWB did the same thing

2. hes refused to left jones act so other countries can help with the clean up
something bush did the second day after katrina
why?? because that act is designed to protect unions
thirteen countries all of which have more know how than we do have offered to help with the off shore clean up they were to no thanks

3. he took more money from BP than anyone in history

4. why were they forced to drill in such deep water?
not because thats were the oil is but that the only place they were allowed to drill

5. the god almighty government that he is in charge of took bribes and watched porn all day instead of doing their jobs. These are his people not GWB

6. stoping drilling will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

if you are still blaming GWB for everything he does wrong. when will you ever start blaming him???

I am not a Bush fan but be fair. This guy has no idea on how to lea and take charge.

First of all who are you relating this post to ?
Who blamed GWB for this ? Where did you get your facts from ?

Your post has completely confused me, are you in charge of an oil company lol
no i was trying to make the point that bp might of caused the problem but the government took bribes and looked the other way. People here never bring that up. They bring up the close ties bush had with big oil but they look the other way when this president takes more money than anyone else from big oil.
no i was trying to make the point that bp might of caused the problem but the government took bribes and looked the other way. People here never bring that up. They bring up the close ties bush had with big oil but they look the other way when this president takes more money than anyone else from big oil.

I'm glad you don't say that in front of camera otherwise you could face a major lawsuit. So how do you know that the people in office watch porn ?
number 1
he waited 35 days before doing anything
1. play golf seven times had 3 dinner parties and a private concert before going down there

what would you be saying if GWB did the same thing

2. hes refused to left jones act so other countries can help with the clean up
something bush did the second day after katrina
why?? because that act is designed to protect unions
thirteen countries all of which have more know how than we do have offered to help with the off shore clean up they were to no thanks

3. he took more money from BP than anyone in history

4. why were they forced to drill in such deep water?
not because thats were the oil is but that the only place they were allowed to drill

5. the god almighty government that he is in charge of took bribes and watched porn all day instead of doing their jobs. These are his people not GWB

6. stoping drilling will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

if you are still blaming GWB for everything he does wrong. when will you ever start blaming him???

I am not a Bush fan but be fair. This guy has no idea on how to lea and take charge.

Those who know me will be proud of me, but I'm not even going to wade in on this one. This is just another post from a sore-loser Republican who wants to blame Obama for everything from global warming to the bubonic plague. It isn't worth responding to.

This guy is sort of like the guy who posted the thread about the ugly people hitting on the attractive people. He is just trying to get a response. I say, don't give him the satisfaction. He needs to take his pants off so we can hear him. Clearly, he is talking out of his ass.
i have nothing against his race. i try to judge the people bu their action what i see in him is someone who plays more golf than any other president. i see him piling up so much debt that by 2015 our debt will be more than our gdp. i see a man who doctors unemployment numbers to make it look like its not all that bad (ie adding census jobs to the jobs number) i see a man you bribes threatens and insults any one who disagrees with him. Its people like you who help the conservatives win. The independents are sick and tired of the left calling anyone who disagrees with this man a racist. He lied about health now that the CBO has had time to look over the bill they added 3 trillion dollars more to it. so no his color has nothing to do with why the majority of Americans don't like him its his actions.
OK, shawn, I'm going to say it. If you have PROOF of these allegations, then you should go public with it and save the country from a corrupt administration.

If you do not have proof, then you should keep your mouth shut in order to avoid a HUGE libel suit.

I suspect it's all a lot of hearsay and inuendo which you have bought into because you don't like the President.

And, while you're at it, go back to school and learn to spell and type. People would take you a lot more seriously if you at least sounded intellegent.

Perhaps you should also check and see how much golf Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and George Bush, Sr. played before throwing that in. Isn't a President allowed any time for recreation? Or, just the Republicans?
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Comparing Obama's reaction time to that of GWB during Katrina is hardly a valid comparison. BP was lying for the first several weeks about the severity of the spill. First they said that no oil was leaking. Then they said it was. But only a thousand gallons a day. Now we know that it is closer to 2.5 million gallons a day.

Obama wasn't vacationing at a ranch in Texas over his Labor Day holiday playing golf or "clearing brush" while dead bodies were floating and piling up in the streets. And people were dying from lack of food and water. This one is an environmental and economic disaster. That one was a human disaster. Not a valid comparison...

And as far as Obama receiving more money from Big Oil than any other president in history...that would be quite a feat in less than 2 years. If it were true. Which of course it's not. Not even "fair and balanced" Fox news is willing to run with that story.
Comparing Obama's reaction time to that of GWB during Katrina is hardly a valid comparison. BP was lying for the first several weeks about the severity of the spill. First they said that no oil was leaking. Then they said it was. But only a thousand gallons a day. Now we know that it is closer to 2.5 million gallons a day.

Obama wasn't vacationing at a ranch in Texas over his Labor Day holiday playing golf or "clearing brush" while dead bodies were floating and piling up in the streets. And people were dying from lack of food and water. This one is an environmental and economic disaster. That one was a human disaster. Not a valid comparison...

And as far as Obama receiving more money from Big Oil than any other president in history...that would be quite a feat in less than 2 years. If it were true. Which of course it's not. Not even "fair and balanced" Fox news is willing to run with that story.

I think it is a valid comparison, irrespect whether its human or environmental, disasters are disasters. But it is also important that any president or leader of a country be seen to be on the spot ASAP if any disaster happens.
I started a Recycling Club at my school this past year. With donations from parents who own businesses, the PTA and some fund-raising, we set up 15 stations around the school for recycling plastic and aluminum. We also recycle cardboard, newspaper, magazines, white and colored papers, and batteries.

At home I have separate containers for plastic, aluminum, papers (incl. newspaper and magazines) and cardboard. It is so simple to do!

Living on a small island, reducing the waste we produce is a big issue. Our local landfill has been declared "full" for over 15 years, and yet it is still in operation.

The kids really got into the program, and can now pretty much run it themselves. This year I want to explore the possibility of installing solar panels in the hope that it can reduce the school's electricity costs.

This summer, I've spent a few hours each day sorting through paper that teachers left behind at the end of last school year. I separate colored from white, look to see if the back side is blank and still usable (I only use recycled paper in my classroom), and shred the rest so it can be used by farmers for mulch.

You create your own reality, might as well make it a positive one!

i understand what youre saying, one of the 3 american contractors was haliberton, which is basically all the same major players in enron, but they have still not stepped up and said what can be done to keep this from happeneing again. they are willing to buy people out, and in the long run that isnt going to do anything. not only is this going to destroy industry in the gulf, its going to creep up the east coast. they are projecting that it will reach the carolinas, which are a huge vacation spot. North Carolina has beachfront properties that will be uterly useless. the thing about that is that in North Carolina, the whole coast is vacation properties, that are going to turn into a ghost town.

I believe you are right denny, we are greedy. all we do, we do for money. my family is about to drop a large sum of money on installing a geothermal heat pump and i am super excited for that. not only will that save us money, but the technology is a great way to start going green and lessening our carbon footprint. even with this going on, in the area i live, i practically see a hummer for every 3 vehicles. its insane that uppermiddle class white people feel the need to drive a military vehicle to transport their little brats back and forth to soccer practice. for this reason exactly i have vowed never to bring new children into this world. i believe we are headed down a road of disaster. by all means i will adopt the children already alive and in this world, but as for new children, i dont want to bring anyone into this ticking time bomb that i dont have to.

Interesting turn of events last week and possibly this week.

Haliburton produce profits of 80%.

An employee of the US company that manages the rig stated that people sleep on the nightshift instead of monitoring the systems. The US company denies this of course.

Memphis have floods costing more than 1 billion dollars but there is not a peep from the US govt.

BP are on the verge of producing record quarterly losses - understandable considering the compensation they're having to put out. Also the Sunday newspapers reckon the board will sack Hayward and possible the chairman.


Why hasn't anyone posted on this subject for a few weeks ?

Why hasn't anyone questioned the percentage of Haliburtons profits.

Why hasn't anyone brought up the subject of Memphis flooding ?


Finally, where have all the interesting threads gone from this side of the forum ? This side used to be one of the most serious and active parts of forum life. Now all we talk about is fantasies...

Why hasn't anyone posted on this subject for a few weeks ?

Why hasn't anyone questioned the percentage of Haliburtons profits.

Why hasn't anyone brought up the subject of Memphis flooding ?


Finally, where have all the interesting threads gone from this side of the forum ? This side used to be one of the most serious and active parts of forum life. Now all we talk about is fantasies...

I agree with you that this side of the forum was/will be (?) the one to generate the most thought provoking discourse. I think nobody has posted on this thread lately because up until this past week the situation with the ongoing spill, the cleanup efforts and the work on the relief wells appeared to be very static.

I figured people got tired of hearing what I had to say on the subject. And if you want to bash Dick Cheny's former employer, you'll hear no complaints from me. Go ahead. LOL

As for the Memphis flooding it is a tragedy for the people affected certainly. Those who live in the region and wish to discuss it are free to do so of course. But in a country of this size it is not unusual to have natural disasters happening in many places simultaneously. It's not especially newsworthy to have a severe drought going on in one region while another is experiencing terrible flooding. Or for one area to have minor earthquakes while another is having bad tornadoes.

It may sound cold and callous even though I don't intend for it to come across that way. Bad flooding of a large city in a country like Denmark would be huge news over there. But living in the fourth largest country on the planet means that local natural disasters in one city do not typically have the whole country talking about them. It is reported in the news of course. We are all very well informed of current events through all facets of the media. (If we choose to be at least) If we see the need to donate to relief charities or to pray for the residents of an affected region, we do. For the most part though we leave disaster response up to local authorities and/or agencies of the federal government to deal with.

I do agree with you on the last point Jon. I long for the days when most of the good conversation was actually non sexual in content. I wouldn't mind seeing a return to that kind of lively discussion and debate.

Oh! And if Cheney ever went to the renowned cardiologist Dr. Seuss for an evaluation...I'm pretty sure I know what the good doctor would have to say. That the only thing wrong with Cheney's heart is that it's two sizes too small.
You might check your Presidential history

i have nothing against his race. i try to judge the people bu their action what i see in him is someone who plays more golf than any other president. i see him piling up so much debt that by 2015 our debt will be more than our gdp. i see a man who doctors unemployment numbers to make it look like its not all that bad (ie adding census jobs to the jobs number) i see a man you bribes threatens and insults any one who disagrees with him. Its people like you who help the conservatives win. The independents are sick and tired of the left calling anyone who disagrees with this man a racist. He lied about health now that the CBO has had time to look over the bill they added 3 trillion dollars more to it. so no his color has nothing to do with why the majority of Americans don't like him its his actions.

Concerning time spent on golf, have you ever heard of President Eisenhower, a Republican President from 1952 - 1960? I think he lived on the golf course. By the way it might be worth mentioning Eisenhower also planned D-Day in WWII and turned the war around. Thank God GW Bush wasn't living yet during WWII. By the way my mentioning Eisenhower is my attempt at being "fair and balanced"!

Besides, there is no reason to defend GW Bush. His lack of preparation for the job goes without question. He could have had asked his father for some presidential advise before entering into the war. But, he was too proud to lower himself. You could devote an entire lifetime defending GWB's endless stupid mistakes without improving the quality of life for just one American. One of these mistakes was gutting financial regulations on the banking industry -- resulting in the worst economic crisis and near collapse since the Great Depression courtesy of the GWB administration. Unregulated Free Markets always results in rampant greed(The same thing happened in the Great Depression under President Herbert Hoover, Republican). During George W's terms in office, we waisted billions and billions recklessly on an unnecessary war in Iraq, not to mention the unnecessary loss of life to thousands and thousands or the unnecessary permanent physical impairment to thousands and thousands of GI's due to this war. Think of the inestimable costs in reaching their potential to all those injured young soldiers and it is not George W. who will be paying this bill.
I agree with you that this side of the forum was/will be (?) the one to generate the most thought provoking discourse. I think nobody has posted on this thread lately because up until this past week the situation with the ongoing spill, the cleanup efforts and the work on the relief wells appeared to be very static.

I figured people got tired of hearing what I had to say on the subject. And if you want to bash Dick Cheny's former employer, you'll hear no complaints from me. Go ahead. LOL

As for the Memphis flooding it is a tragedy for the people affected certainly. Those who live in the region and wish to discuss it are free to do so of course. But in a country of this size it is not unusual to have natural disasters happening in many places simultaneously. It's not especially newsworthy to have a severe drought going on in one region while another is experiencing terrible flooding. Or for one area to have minor earthquakes while another is having bad tornadoes.

It may sound cold and callous even though I don't intend for it to come across that way. Bad flooding of a large city in a country like Denmark would be huge news over there. But living in the fourth largest country on the planet means that local natural disasters in one city do not typically have the whole country talking about them. It is reported in the news of course. We are all very well informed of current events through all facets of the media. (If we choose to be at least) If we see the need to donate to relief charities or to pray for the residents of an affected region, we do. For the most part though we leave disaster response up to local authorities and/or agencies of the federal government to deal with.

I do agree with you on the last point Jon. I long for the days when most of the good conversation was actually non sexual in content. I wouldn't mind seeing a return to that kind of lively discussion and debate.

Oh! And if Cheney ever went to the renowned cardiologist Dr. Seuss for an evaluation...I'm pretty sure I know what the good doctor would have to say. That the only thing wrong with Cheney's heart is that it's two sizes too small.

It's rather sad that just because a country is big geographically then this determines whether such a bad event deams to be discussed. I would think that proportionally speaking the uk as just as many people per mile as the USA and yet the flood in Cumbria, the mass shootings of Derek Bird again in Cumbria, and the recent manhunt of Raull - all made the main BBC national news.

Maybe if Obama stopped trying to milk BP for every dime they have and concentrate on helping those in Memphis, then he would be better appreciated both home and abroad. Don't forget, BP have thousands of staff in the USA and if you include their subcontractors like Haliburton - which you failed to mention Don, and other contractors - then I fear trying to put a company out of business is going to have a negative effect and you'll end up with lots of highly skilled but unemployed staff.
I also just wanted to say that just because people here in the States are anti-BP right now doesn't mean they are anti-British. Most Americans I know are enlightened and educated enough to differentiate one from the other. If the incompetence, greed and cost cutting measures were all the work of "rogue" American employees of BP America then Hayward should say as much and let the chips fall where they may. The American legal system will happily go after American citizens who broke the law and unleashed an environmental and economic man-made disaster on the Gulf region.

If the culture of cost cutting, greed and indifference to local laws and regulations came from the top down, then BP is definitely on the hook. Lock, stock and barrel. I'm not ready to let other American companies like Halliburton off the hook either. Halliburton brings a whole lot of very sleazy baggage to the table all by itself. Given that that greedy sleazebag Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton right before becoming VP... And the fact that he funneled billions and billions of dollars to HB in the form of security and reconstruction projects to them, in no bid contracts, for the war in Iraq, while still getting a pension from the company... For a war that he, Rumsfeld and Dubya personally started... The idea that HB did something illegal out in the Gulf, in non compliance of government regulations, in order to improve their own balance sheets...would surprise me not at all.

But regardless of whether the BP employees responsible the mess are American citizens, British citizens or any other...BP is still on the hook financially and legally. And Tony Hayward is smart enough to know that too.

As all can see I have mentioned Halliburton (HB) in some very non flattering terms on this very thread. And I also say again that regardless of whether the main company being held liable is American, British or Japanese...most Americans are sophisticated enough not to hold the countries themselves responsible for the actions of a multinational corporation of the country. I would never hold a grudge against Jon for instance just because BP happens to be a British company and Jon is from Wales.

I happen to have family in the Memphis area. A dear cousin of mine teaches 3rd graders there. She said that well over half of the students in her class had homes that had been flooded out. I could have mentioned it on the forum. But as I say, the country is so large, and people who are struggling in their personal lives on a daily basis just to keep their heads above water...No pun intended...in general they are not going to get all worked up and interested in something that is happening to in a city that they are not familiar with personally. The flooding in Memphis did make the national news. It was a big enough story that people were aware of it here.

My admiration and respect for the country and culture of Britain is undiminished by the turn of events involving BP. And most certainly my respect and warm feelings of friendship for a particular Welshman are as strong as ever.
As all can see I have mentioned Halliburton (HB) in some very non flattering terms on this very thread. And I also say again that regardless of whether the main company being held liable is American, British or Japanese...most Americans are sophisticated enough not to hold the countries themselves responsible for the actions of a multinational corporation of the country. I would never hold a grudge against Jon for instance just because BP happens to be a British company and Jon is from Wales.

I happen to have family in the Memphis area. A dear cousin of mine teaches 3rd graders there. She said that well over half of the students in her class had homes that had been flooded out. I could have mentioned it on the forum. But as I say, the country is so large, and people who are struggling in their personal lives on a daily basis just to keep their heads above water...No pun intended...in general they are not going to get all worked up and interested in something that is happening to in a city that they are not familiar with personally. The flooding in Memphis did make the national news. It was a big enough story that people were aware of it here.

My admiration and respect for the country and culture of Britain is undiminished by the turn of events involving BP. And most certainly my respect and warm feelings of friendship for a particular Welshman are as strong as ever.

Thanks for that Tampa and same goes to you. Now as I type this the BBC, that bastion of news, has announced that Tony Hayward is to step down in October and is being sent to Russia to work on the TNK venture. The site also speculates that American Bob Dudley, who is heading the clean up operation, will take his place as CEO. Many scepticle Brits like myself (sure not me), suspect this appointment if true, will be down to political pressure rather than choice of best man for the job. That weazle Cameron doesn't want to upset your darling President Obama so early in his office.

Obama needs to get his ass down to Memphis or over to Afghanistan as I hear there is breaking news there too.

Jon at the newsdesk signing off...