Well, I'm going to wade in on his one, and, once again, I may have my head handed to me on a platter.
We are all playing the blame game. We are all, including myself, pointing the political finger. We all want to shake our fist at the greedy, money-grubbing megacorporations who construct these huge drilling/mining/manufacturing structures which pollute, explode, and disperse contaminants. Damn them, anyway. Why do they do such a thing? How dare they tamper with our ecology?
Because not one of us is willing to give up our spoiled little existence and do without. Why did the oil companies charge $4.00+ per gallon of gas a couple of years ago? Because they could. And we, as self-centered spoiled consumers will pay whatever they damn well please to charge. If gas goes to $10.00 per gallon, do you think that will stop the American super-indulgent from getting in his car alone and motoring where ever he/she pleases? Not the longest fucking day you live. Almost nobody in today's society gives a good goddam about anyone else, and if someone has to struggle, someone has to sacrifice, let it be the other guy. Do you think that two workers, living perhaps on the same street, or even the same housing complex would ride to the same employer together in order to help save money and perhaps have an impact on the economy? Probably not, and for some selfish stupid reason as simple as one guy wants to leave 5 minutes earlier than the other one. Until we get over "me", the companies are going to capitalize on it, exploit it, and bank on it.
As for Tony Hayward not being in the loop as to the day to day operations of his company, I'll stick my neck out and say it loud and clear, "It's his goddam job." I don't know how much his compensation package is, but being British, I'll bet he gets paid in TONS, not POUNDS. His boat sure as hell wouldn't fit in my bathtub, or yours. Just what does he think his job is? When he endorses his paycheck, he is putting his signature on every single aspect of what his corporation does, from punching the hole in the ground, to selling you a cup of coffee at one of their convenience stores. He is the top, he is the man, he is where the buck stops, and when it stops at him, I'll bet you that friggin' buck ain't very lonely, it has LOTS of company. He needs to grow a set, tell the consumers that he won't rest until this thing is taken care of, get off his ass, get his hands dirty, help a fisherman get his boat and gear cleaned up, help rescue some wildlife, and stay at until his fingers bleed and his back is breaking. If this is ever cleaned up, when it is cleaned up, he should then go on global television, declare that he and his corporation have done their BEST to right their wrong, apologize profusely, then resign, hang his head in shame, go home and think about his chase for the almighty dollar/euro and what it did to the man in the mirror.
A preacher told me when I was a kid that when you point a finger at someone else, you have three pointing back at you.