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Blake and Lucas


BSB Addict
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
This latest scene with BLAKE agreeing t9 do "BB" is something I will always refuse to watch or give my support. I have found BLAKE beautiful, charming, and endearing in the past. That will not change in my mind!

I cannot go along with this decision of his to BB however! This is such a SAD, SAD, SAD turn of events that will not change my mind or my refusal to in any way support this tragic development for models associated with Broke Straight Boys I am truly heartbroken about my beloved BLAKE!.

I leave you devastated about BLAKE with all the sadness I associate with "BB Sex"! Ii still love BLAKE but I hope he never agrees to do this in future scenes.

Sincerely disappointed by this turn of events,

As we have stated before we give the decision to each model whether or not to do bareback. If they want to do bareback they go through a full panel test and we review the risks with them. The full panel test is the best you can get and we don't film them until getting back results for each model. Having each model getting a full panel test also increases awareness of them having sex in their personal lives and the risks involved.
We really need a new thread for this video. :frown:

Or at least a new title.
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Stimpy I totally agree with you. When I read the description and saw it was BB my heart jumped into my throat and I felt a little sick. I am so disappointed that Blake decided to choose this route. There are so many things I could say but I don't want to insult anyone. I can't bring myself to watch this scene. I'll never think of Blake in the same way again, the idea that he did with Lucas is even more disgusting. I don't know if I'll ever be able to watch another Blake video because in the back of my mind I will know he got fucked raw by Lucas. I really do have trouble believing models don't get paid more for going bareback.
Gave the scene a 3. 5 for Blake's hotness, 3 for Lucas topping performance, 2 for Lucas non-believable bantor and 2 for the red couch= a 3. Could have been a better match-up for Blake, he's now a veteran on Broke Straight Boys and deserves it.
as i said in the 'Blake Bennet' thread:
first off, i am blake lover! having seen this latest episode, i am not red-faced in any way! perhaps, a little overheated!
i wonder about the value of an anal episode where the cock remains buried. the camera did capture the up and out strokes of lucas.
i really like how blake demanded a good performance from lucas. less overacting and this could well have been a high 4.
two hot models. one came to perform and the other came to overact.
i enjoyed seeing blake!
i call one of these young men, friend! i love him as a beautiful human being, i respect him as a rational adult, i trust him to have considered the risk.
for me, i would rather better sound than stripping down for sex.
a different lucas would have made this episode much better!
Lucas and blake

This scene was pretty good Lucas was much better here and Blake can do no wrong. Lucas actually did pretty well giving oral and you could tell he enjoyed Blake returning the favor. Now the complaining on Lucas part was nauseating, but I get it straight does not want to do male to male. The pounding Blake took was something he was a trooper to everyone that will say Lucas sucks this is Broke Straight Boys not broke gay boys how would you expect Lucas to act. I was not a fan of Lucas but I will keep an open mind after this scene maybe he will grow on me like Jamie did. I am also appreciative that Lucas did not cum in Blake so the bareback was not that bad for me.
Kudos to blake and lucas for a great scene!

I gave this scene a 5 - excellent in my book. As much as it pains me to say, Lucas did a good job as a top. He varied positions, varied his angles of entry, and his speeds of thrust. In his BTS videos or forum postings (I can't remember which), he told us he had a few more scenes with his histrionics in them, so I wasn't surprised at that. It was great to see Blake back in the studio, looking great and doing his excellent job as a bottom.

Blake - you will note by the title of this thread and various comments which will be made throughout it, that some of your fans will criticize you for doing BB. They will imply that somehow the intellectual capacity you have to be educated with respect to the BB issue and forming an intellectual decision and making a free will choice to do BB is somehow flawed or lacking just because you made a decision to do something with which they disagree. Don't be disheartened because there are those of us who agree with your decision.

That’s the hotest video i’ve seen in a long time. It’s the perfect blending of well-executed porn with a perfect backstory. Maybe lucas is an agressively straight young party-type stud, but if he isn’t he’s a very good actor. He’s obviously getting into it. It drives me wild when he rolls his eyes back. Obviously, he’s my type. I came just as he was laying blake flat down on the couch, so i haven’t even seen the final agonies. Something to look forward to!
As we have stated before we give the decision to each model whether or not to do bareback. If they want to do bareback they go through a full panel test and we review the risks with them. The full panel test is the best you can get and we don't film them until getting back results for each model. Having each model getting a full panel test also increases awareness of them having sex in their personal lives and the risks involved.

Mark - please don't feel compelled to post such a comment on each thread about a BB scene. You made a lengthy, cogent, and factually accurate statement about the testing methodology and regimen Broke Straight Boys follows for BB scenes when you posted your thread on it. Moreover, you post an excellent distillation of that lengthy statement at the beginning of the scene synopsis. I understand that these are the first BB scenes filmed. I would suggest, as I have before, that for all newly shot scenes the scene synopsis BB statement be incorporated at the beginning of the scene video right after the clip which shows the scene models' names and production date. That way everyone who watches the video will see the statement. As it is now, only those who read the scene synopsis see it, and I'm not sure that everyone reads those synopses.
To briefly touch on my feelings on this scene.....

Blake looked and sounded so good, just coming back from his cruise. He showed a lot of that personality that we love so much. I have to say that minutes 21-23 were stellar, I didn't care for the anal until Blake ended up on his back. The minutes before that didn't sound very fun.:blush:

*** Now the real star of this video for me, was the sound. We have had a lot of sound issues in the past, and tonight's sound was amazing. And I mean headphone free. All three voices were at the same level for me, and that level was great. I even had to turn my volume down.:smile:
I don't know if it is possible, and if it is, I wouldn't know how to transfer a post from one thread to another. And I'm not going to re-type it here. I gave this scene a 5 - excellent in my grading system. If you're interested in why, see my posts #7 & #8 in Stimpy's "disappointed & destructive" thread.

*** Now the real star of this video for me, was the sound. We have had a lot of sound issues in the past, and tonight's sound was amazing. And I mean headphone free. All three voices were at the same level for me, and that level was great. I even had to turn my volume down.:smile:

I agree 100%, Ms. K! I wear headphones all the time. I have some hearing loss so it is better that way. But the acoustics were better this time and I actually could hear everyone's comments. Hopefully, this will not be a one-time lucky happenstance, but one that indicates that someone finally has gotten the sound issue straighten out for good. Hope springs eternal!

as i said in the 'Blake Bennet' thread:
first off, i am blake lover! having seen this latest episode, i am not red-faced in any way! perhaps, a little overheated!
i wonder about the value of an anal episode where the cock remains buried. the camera did capture the up and out strokes of lucas.
i really like how blake demanded a good performance from lucas. less overacting and this could well have been a high 4.
two hot models. one came to perform and the other came to overact.
i enjoyed seeing blake!
i call one of these young men, friend! i love him as a beautiful human being, i respect him as a rational adult, i trust him to have considered the risk.
for me, i would rather better sound than stripping down for sex.
a different lucas would have made this episode much better!

Thank you for starting this thread, another1!
I saw part of the video before leaving for work. I wanted to start this thread but didn't get a chance. I'm glad you did.
Back to the video.

This is the first scene I've seen Lucas in. First, his comments on Blake's choice of underwear is beyond ridiculous. So, if we were to believe the guy. Blake wears boxers so he "must be gay"[/]? How idiotic is that statement? Is that based on a published study?? Nope, thought so.
Like Blake, it's not like he was wearing a jock ...lol :) Btw, I loved that come back Blake!
Then, they kiss and then again, Blake, nice comment there!! The guy had a boner just from kissing Blake!!
After that... I had to get to leave so I didn't see the rest.
I'll comment more on the whole scene tonight.

But you know what? Even, if, I would have preferred Blake to fuck or get fucked using a condom, since I don't think bareback adds anything in a scene and I'm against it, I trust Blake to do what he feels he's right. He's an intelligent young man and he can make his own choices.
That’s the hotest video i’ve seen in a long time. It’s the perfect blending of well-executed porn with a perfect backstory. Maybe lucas is an agressively straight young party-type stud, but if he isn’t he’s a very good actor. He’s obviously getting into it. It drives me wild when he rolls his eyes back. Obviously, he’s my type. I came just as he was laying blake flat down on the couch, so i haven’t even seen the final agonies. Something to look forward to!
I agree 100%, Ms. K! I wear headphones all the time. I have some hearing loss so it is better that way. But the acoustics were better this time and I actually could hear everyone's comments. Hopefully, this will not be a one-time lucky happenstance, but one that indicates that someone finally has gotten the sound issue straighten out for good. Hope springs eternal!


Agree about the sound and it's about time. Apart from the sound this film did nothing for me. I like chemistry and there was zilch, so it just goes to show that to me, and it's my personal view, that bareback or no bareback, if there is no chemistry between the models then the film gets a low mark. I gave it a 3 because I was feeling charitable.
Just goes to show that money talks above loyalty to long term fans. Many Blake fans - of which I am not, are amongst the anti bareback members, so maybe Blake should have listened to their views instead of thinking about his bank account.
The realization of my worst nightmare for BLAKE

I gave this scene a 5 - excellent in my book. As much as it pains me to say, Lucas did a good job as a top. He varied positions, varied his angles of entry, and his speeds of thrust. In his BTS videos or forum postings (I can't remember which), he told us he had a few more scenes with his histrionics in them, so I wasn't surprised at that. It was great to see Blake back in the studio, looking great and doing his excellent job as a bottom.

Blake - you will note by the title of this thread and various comments which will be made throughout it, that some of your fans will criticize you for doing BB. They will imply that somehow the intellectual capacity you have to be educated with respect to the BB issue and forming an intellectual decision and making a free will choice to do BB is somehow flawed or lacking just because you made a decision to do something with which they disagree. Don't be disheartened because there are those of us who agree with your decision.


Dear Stowe1,

You have the right to your opinion on BB Sex and I would never say you cannot have your opinion. But you are not personally taking the health risks here with BLAKE's barebacking either. I must admit that all anal sex with a condom carries with it an implicit risk of the condom breaking. But knowing from the getgo that no protection is in place, the risks are simply too great to be betting someone else's health for the rest of their life for this fleeting moment just to make an "update" for Broke Straight Boys


If one has so little regard for their own health, sexually speaking, without first making sure those three safeguards(listed above)are in place before proceeding, then entering into this behavior with "Sexual Workers" is by its very nature MORE self-destructive and EVEN HIGHER of a high-risk to those participating.

I realize Broke Straight Boys is making a good faith effort with their testing program for protecting the models, but no testing program is 100% foolproof or perfect in its design or testing instruments employed!. The usage of a condom is simply one more once of prevention stopping possible transmission of this disease. It is a safeguard that further enhances the safety of all immediately concerned! THE RISKS FOR HIV INFECTION STILL EXISTS AND THE "COCKTAIL" MEDICINES TREATING AIDS PATIENTS IS DEFINITELY NO CURE FOR AIDS! NO CURE EXISTS!!!

Sincerely "pro-condom" and "Safety-first",


P.S. I had hoped that this update with BLAKE was going to be with a condom and dreaded the thought that this would incorporate "BB". Essentially, this was my worst nightmare come to full-fruition for dear BLAKE!
I'm not as charitable as Jon....I gave it a 2. And that was ALL Blake.

I know that Lucas warned us there were two more overacted scenes in the can, but his warning didn't make them any better. I don't even blame Lucas for his lousy acting. The blame has to lie with Clay for allowing an unknown porn nobody to come in and direct his own scenes. If, as Lucas has stated, Clay had told him to just be himself and Lucas had other plans of his own, Clay should have insisted on doing it as HE directed or hit the door. It seems to me that Broke Straight Boys management doesn't learn too quickly concerning their past mistakes.

Nuff said.