Getting back to "Baseball 2018" and not hot guys in Yankees and Mets caps, tonight's "rubber game" between the Yankees and Mets was rained out and will be made up in August, and the Yanks drop to five games behind Boston in the A.L. East but there is a lot of baseball to play and I am enjoying the season. No offense to KG, but I'm sure glad I'm not a Mets fan as the problems and the lack of communication between players and management and the fans continue in Flushing.
While I am not a Yankee as Joe DiMaggio was, I am grateful that they've been my team of choice to root for all these years, in good times and bad, as in 1966 when they finished in tenth place in a ten team league. I am loyal if nothing else!
As a Met fan, I could bash the Yankees on this, but rather I shall give them credit. In a NY Times sports story today, it was discussed how the Yankees became the final and last major league team to do a gay pride game promotion. Better late than never, so I give them high credit for that. I also like how they schedule traditional Saturday afternoon home games in contrast with the Mets' apparent refusal to do so. The Mets even schedule Saturday night home games in cold night April, which is insanely unfair both to players and fans in attendance. So, there you have it, I just wrote two nice things about the Yankees. Don't get used to it.