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*ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS * Please read !!!!

The point I was trying to make last night, cautiously choosing my words, is the jw, a lot of your posts go beyond offensive, are rude, obnoxious and just plain nasty. I thought your post about the twink tripping over "his 25 year old limp pussy" was disgusting and totally disrespectful to Ms. Kianna and her thread.

Carking, I know that you are trying to defend me here, but I told Jon when this whole thing started with the "Women, whatever", comment that I was biting my tongue here. Since I purposefully have stayed out of this thread, you should not have brought me into it.

JW may say things on the forum that I do not know how to take, whether he's serious or not, but I would never publicly humiliate and shame someone.

My mother did teach me "Sticks and Stones," and she also taught me "Do Unto Others." I am going to work now, but I sincerely hope that JW is here when I get back.
I must reply to this

OK. First off, Forgive the CAPS in the title but this one I HAVE TO REPLY to no matter what.

The former term of Faggot and the connotation with it has a very bad past.
This is TRUE.
What is False if the fact that We CAN'T take it back and make it our own.

For example, a reference from the Valley of the Sun in Arizona is a term called "The Fruit Loop" and very bad in history. The connotation of it and the past of it was that you would go there to find homosexual guy and boy prostitutes. It was in essence the "gay hooker zone" of the valley.
HOWEVER!!! Now we have taken this turn back and turned this area into a mostly gay population and artsy area. Taking it from its negative connotation and CHANGING it to good!

I know it is hard to even imagine turning FAGGOT into a good term but many people in the gay community have. While it still pains me to hear the word as I was taunted in High School by that word me and my friends have TAKEN it back and made it more of a POSITIVE thing.

SO, those are my thoughts on that specific topic of the word FAGGOT as SO many people have gotten Varied opinions on.
Next Topic,
In reference to JW's posts being rude, crude, gross, out of line and anything else people may have said about it. BE NICE!!! Don't publicly put someone down for what they post. I personally will agree that I don't like some of JW's posts. HOWEVER!!! You Don't publicly put someone down for their posts. I have read MANY MANY peoples post that are FAR worse than most of the stuff I have read by JW.
If we decide to start publicly putting people down WE ARE NO BETTER THAN THE HATERS AND BASHERS WE TALK ABOUT EVERYDAY!!!!!!!

There is a rule we have at one of the community groups I attend. The rule is Don't Yuck Someones Yum.
Meaning that if someone likes something if you dislike it don't be rude about it!
Final words for this post.
Please do not take my before mentioned saying that I don't like some of the things you post as a personal attack towards you.
It is not meant that way.
I have NOTHING against YOU, just some of the posts.
Everyone have a good day!!!:cursing:
Carking, I know that you are trying to defend me here, but I told Jon when this whole thing started with the "Women, whatever", comment that I was biting my tongue here. Since I purposefully have stayed out of this thread, you should not have brought me into it.

JW may say things on the forum that I do not know how to take, whether he's serious or not, but I would never publicly humiliate and shame someone.

My mother did teach me "Sticks and Stones," and she also taught me "Do Unto Others." I am going to work now, but I sincerely hope that JW is here when I get back.

I was stating my opinion, not attempting to speak for anyone else. I am not attempting to publicly humiliate or shame someone. I merely pointed out that for jw to become indignant over the use of one word was fairly hypocritical considering the irreverance of many of his posts. I think that falls squarely under the "do unto others" rule of life. In order for him to hold someone else responsible for political correctness, he should first police his own actions. That's what I said, that's what I meant, and I still feel that way.

To put it crudely, if you are going to take a shit on the forum, don't be offended when someone shits back. Period.
OK. First off, Forgive the CAPS in the title but this one I HAVE TO REPLY to no matter what.

The former term of Faggot and the connotation with it has a very bad past.
This is TRUE.
What is False if the fact that We CAN'T take it back and make it our own.

For example, a reference from the Valley of the Sun in Arizona is a term called "The Fruit Loop" and very bad in history. The connotation of it and the past of it was that you would go there to find homosexual guy and boy prostitutes. It was in essence the "gay hooker zone" of the valley.
HOWEVER!!! Now we have taken this turn back and turned this area into a mostly gay population and artsy area. Taking it from its negative connotation and CHANGING it to good!

I know it is hard to even imagine turning FAGGOT into a good term but many people in the gay community have. While it still pains me to hear the word as I was taunted in High School by that word me and my friends have TAKEN it back and made it more of a POSITIVE thing.

SO, those are my thoughts on that specific topic of the word FAGGOT as SO many people have gotten Varied opinions on.
Next Topic,
In reference to JW's posts being rude, crude, gross, out of line and anything else people may have said about it. BE NICE!!! Don't publicly put someone down for what they post. I personally will agree that I don't like some of JW's posts. HOWEVER!!! You Don't publicly put someone down for their posts. I have read MANY MANY peoples post that are FAR worse than most of the stuff I have read by JW.
If we decide to start publicly putting people down WE ARE NO BETTER THAN THE HATERS AND BASHERS WE TALK ABOUT EVERYDAY!!!!!!!

There is a rule we have at one of the community groups I attend. The rule is Don't Yuck Someones Yum.
Meaning that if someone likes something if you dislike it don't be rude about it!
Final words for this post.
Please do not take my before mentioned saying that I don't like some of the things you post as a personal attack towards you.
It is not meant that way.
I have NOTHING against YOU, just some of the posts.
Everyone have a good day!!!:cursing:

I just wonder sometimes if I am speaking English or am I on some sort of Twilight Zone TV show where all of my words come out in a different language.

I apologize if people misinterpreted my rants as putting someone down for their posts and bashing them. I also apologize for bringing anyone else's name into my rants and raves.

What I am trying, apparently, unsuccessfully, to say is: Look at yourself before you start getting indignant over someone else's post. How can jw, or anyone else for that matter, get indignant over the use of the word faggot after posting some of the things he or they have posted?

I have learned one lesson, though. I am done trying to defend anyone on these threads. If I have anything to say to someone concerning what I consider to be an indescretion, I will do so in a PM. God forbid that I step on any toes publicly, even though I have no toes left. Guess I just stepped on the wrong toes, huh?
I just wonder sometimes if I am speaking English or am I on some sort of Twilight Zone TV show where all of my words come out in a different language.

I apologize if people misinterpreted my rants as putting someone down for their posts and bashing them. I also apologize for bringing anyone else's name into my rants and raves.

What I am trying, apparently, unsuccessfully, to say is: Look at yourself before you start getting indignant over someone else's post. How can jw, or anyone else for that matter, get indignant over the use of the word faggot after posting some of the things he or they have posted?

I have learned one lesson, though. I am done trying to defend anyone on these threads. If I have anything to say to someone concerning what I consider to be an indescretion, I will do so in a PM. God forbid that I step on any toes publicly, even though I have no toes left. Guess I just stepped on the wrong toes, huh?

sometimes i wonder if i am also speaking english, because carking, i never said if anyone uses the word faggot in general usage i will have them reported. what i said, is if that word is ever directed at ME i will have them reported. we can use whatever language we like here, as long as it isnt hateful or abusive towards another member. notice i have never called another member names or was rude and crude towards another member lately. i have done so in the past but that i did clean up from my own back yard as you like to put it. so that is my opinion, i am done now.
Wow, all of you get the fuck over yourselves. You are all ridiculous and should be ashamed for even utilizing the English language, whichever side of the pond you reside. You are all snarky, queeny, petty and moronic. They are words. I get offended when someone says butter, so I will report anyone who says butter. OH NO I SAID IT MYSELF! QUICK REPORT MYSELF! ...
Wow, all of you get the fuck over yourselves. You are all ridiculous and should be ashamed for even utilizing the English language, whichever side of the pond you reside. You are all snarky, queeny, petty and moronic. They are words. I get offended when someone says butter, so I will report anyone who says butter. OH NO I SAID IT MYSELF! QUICK REPORT MYSELF! ...

LOL good post. You have been reported to the big gig in the sky.

Carking - I do agree with what you say 100pc but I think it's best to drop this one, otherwise it will end up in a battle and both yourself and me will look the bad people.

BTW faggots in the english language primarily a food sililar to your meat balls. I shall continue to use the words I mentioned in my previous post in an amusing way to suit. If a person is offended then please dont read my posts and go and knit a jumper or feed your chickens.

The gay community in the UK and the rest of the world has far greater issues than in fighting amongst fellow GLBT members over a few words.

Now lets get back to BGs competition..
I want to start off by saying I haven’t had much sleep as of late and should be sleeping now but cant. So on the forum I go to post. Where to start, I was talking a friend of mine outside of Broke Straight Boys and we got to talking about even on forums that are talking about a certain hobby people still find ways to argue, bicker and create a higher archy of people who get it and the ones who don't.

I find it sad that we as community have to have debate on whether or not to be pc when we all willing watch guys who have sex for money and even at times this is their only option left. They aren’t jumping for joy to do it when they first come to Broke Straight Boys In fact one of things that members like to see is how a model comes into his own. A perfect example of this would be when a model wouldn’t have chosen to hook up with a guy in this personal life but hey on Broke Straight Boys it was okay and they justify it. One way I see is like how Logan is ,I don’t see him hooking up with guys while he is not filming but on futon it's acceptable.

So for me personally censoring things I have a hard time doing that. In my personal life I have said the word fag hag, queen, diva, dyke and stud , I meant them in the most loving way. I think it would be okay to call someone a queen on here and I have in my own little head but I realize the person I am calling that might not like it and may have been called that in a negative way that brings out not a warm fuzzie feeling when heard or the other 40 people reading the post and not saying anything might not like it either.

I would just say be mindful you might be pissing someone off. I really don’t want to come to a forum where the daily running thread turns into a pissing contest.

Again i am might be babbling... but just some thoughts.
LOL good post. You have been reported to the big gig in the sky.

Carking - I do agree with what you say 100pc but I think it's best to drop this one, otherwise it will end up in a battle and both yourself and me will look the bad people.

BTW faggots in the english language primarily a food sililar to your meat balls. I shall continue to use the words I mentioned in my previous post in an amusing way to suit. If a person is offended then please dont read my posts and go and knit a jumper or feed your chickens.

The gay community in the UK and the rest of the world has far greater issues than in fighting amongst fellow GLBT members over a few words.

Now lets get back to BGs competition..

And, Jon, I agree with you. This just isn't worth it. What started out for me to be a fun diversion, this forum has become high mainenance. I am going to pare back my participation, read more, and say less.
And, Jon, I agree with you. This just isn't worth it. What started out for me to be a fun diversion, this forum has become high mainenance. I am going to pare back my participation, read more, and say less.

LOL, I bet you don't. There aren't many people who speak their mind on this forum and not bow down to pc and peer pressure. I'm glad though that you and just a few do not and continue, like myself, to post what is on your mind for better or worse. Keep posting Carking or I'll start calling you Mr Car Salesman again. :wink:
I find it sad that we as community have to have debate on whether or not to be pc when we all willing watch guys who have sex for money and even at times this is their only option left. So for me personally censoring things I have a hard time doing that. In my personal life I have said the word fag hag, queen, diva, dyke and stud , I meant them in the most loving way.
I agree very strongly on both points. Yes we here on the Broke Straight Boys forum are part of a community that pays to view videos, where the basic premise is to seduce guys who are supposedly "not into it" into being recorded having gay sex for money, so bitching about a word that some may consider offensive seems a bit hypocritical to me. People who live in glass houses ...........

And I too can use the words that you mentioned above, in a fun loving way among friends. Words don't hurt people, people do. Censorship of any form sets a dangerous precedent.
Good Grief! Has this place turned into freakin Peyton Place or what? LOL Oy vey! haha

The inside joke unbeknownst to the uninitiated observer is that most of us really do like each other. Up to and including the times when we appear to be at each others' throats. Even when we see 2 or more people going at it, if one looks closely he or she can still see some mutual respect. That includes those who definitely don't like each other at all. Even many who rail against "the women" for instance, will admit privately that they personally like the female members in here as individuals.

That's not to say that we are all going to gather in a group hug and start singing Kumbaya. Sometimes we really do go at it if the points being discussed really raise our hackles. But I don't think the posts of the last 36 hours are going to cause anyone to leave. Nor do I think that any permanent damage is done. We'll all return to our respective corners and spar again another day. haha

I hope that your health issue has improved significantly and that you have it behind you very quickly. I know from experience that trips to the ER are scary and stressful. Best wishes to you.

Don't let the mini soap opera drama of the last couple days discourage you in any way. Like water off a duck's back.... :wink:

I really do want to thank you for starting the contest. I realize that it took you alot of time. I'm sorry that I didn't participate in it myself. But I have been quite busy with other things offline. You did such a good job of making it difficult that I realized it would take quite a bit of time to solve. LOL If you or anyone else decided to do another contest in the future I would make an effort to participate...provided I had enough time.

I wanted to add also that I think it was a great idea on your part to reward both participants. Thank you again for your efforts on our behalf to liven things up by creating the contest in the first place. :001_smile:
That's not to say that we are all going to gather in a group hug and start singing Kumbaya. [/QUOTE]

Don I am down for it as long as it's at the beach and the guys are there too :p haha

Thank you for the kind words as well. I know this is going to sound a little nutz but I have been thinking of a contest. I might make it a hard one and give everyone 2 weeks. Call me stupid but I might shoot myself in the foot and actually do it.

Questions if I were to take on this unruly task what would be to the right amount of questions? I was thinking of doing a trivia as well as a partners on the futon kinda game. What is everyone's thoughts? finals are done and I have a lot of time on my hands :)
That's not to say that we are all going to gather in a group hug and start singing Kumbaya. [/QUOTE]

Don I am down for it as long as it's at the beach and the guys are there too :p haha

Thank you for the kind words as well. I know this is going to sound a little nutz but I have been thinking of a contest. I might make it a hard one and give everyone 2 weeks. Call me stupid but I might shoot myself in the foot and actually do it.

Questions if I were to take on this unruly task what would be to the right amount of questions? I was thinking of doing a trivia as well as a partners on the futon kinda game. What is everyone's thoughts? finals are done and I have a lot of time on my hands :)[/QUOTE]

Do a pop quiz it's easier and less controversial x
Sounds good to me. :wink:

Whether it's photos or trivia questions or both. And we know that we all like "hard ones". LOL But if it's to hard and time consuming to figure out then fewer people will participate. Two weeks is a decent time frame though to get answers together. Good luck if you choose to do it BiG.
Wow, I am thoroughly amazed with the conversations that develope here on the forum. The various ideas, thoughts, comments and insults are entertaining to say the least, and the eloquence has a range from sofisticated to uneducated and even to "oh my god, stop writing already".

Let me tell you a little about me. I went to school at U.C. Berkeley, where one could find him or herself in a political debate almost daily. I enjoyed those debates back then and I seek them, or any other brain stimulating conversation today. I like the verbal banter and the theories and proofs that come about. It keeps me thinking and evaluating my position on any given topic, and it gets me to reconsider and sometimes change my stance on that topic. Many times, the outcome has been positive for all people involved.

Historically, most women tend to be much more emotional than men in these types of situations, and the emotion has been the main factor in their downfall while debating. The emotion takes over the logical thought process and in turn ruins the credibility of their defended position.

My point? Most women put a lot of emotion in almost everything they do, no matter what the outcome, and BiG demonstrated this when titling her thread and then again when responding to my post of disapproval. All I intended to do was caution her about her title which seemed to "cry wolf".

...but then, when I said "Women, whatever.", there was a small part of me looking for a debate. I wanted to read her justification for her actions and analyze its validity. Yes, I admit I was stirring up shit. I guess I did a pretty good job wouldn't you say?

To my surprise, the person who became the most emotional was a man, Carking. He was flinging insults anywhere he could while using very poor grammer, (my one and only insult for this post). Carking, you grow a pair.

BiG, your new game sounds fun. I really do hope you have the time to put it together.

Jon, it's always a pleasure reading your posts.

Slim, you were a little too wordy, but I understood what you were saying. I like reading your posts too.

The rest of you, keep doing what you're doing. Get mad, try to enforce some PC rules, talk about how we should all love each other, piss people off, say what's really on your mind, say nasty shit that offends people. All of this makes an interesting forum. The only thing that I would advise is please don't allow this forum to go away. In the words of Martha Stewart, "It's a really good thing."

Sincerely, Longtimefan
Oh LTF how clever you are...
Wow, I am thoroughly amazed with the conversations that develope here on the forum. The various ideas, thoughts, comments and insults are entertaining to say the least, and the eloquence has a range from sofisticated to uneducated and even to "oh my god, stop writing already".

Let me tell you a little about me. I went to school at U.C. Berkeley, where one could find him or herself in a political debate almost daily. I enjoyed those debates back then and I seek them, or any other brain stimulating conversation today. I like the verbal banter and the theories and proofs that come about. It keeps me thinking and evaluating my position on any given topic, and it gets me to reconsider and sometimes change my stance on that topic. Many times, the outcome has been positive for all people involved.

Historically, most women tend to be much more emotional than men in these types of situations, and the emotion has been the main factor in their downfall while debating. The emotion takes over the logical thought process and in turn ruins the credibility of their defended position.

My point? Most women put a lot of emotion in almost everything they do, no matter what the outcome, and BiG demonstrated this when titling her thread and then again when responding to my post of disapproval. All I intended to do was caution her about her title which seemed to "cry wolf".

...but then, when I said "Women, whatever.", there was a small part of me looking for a debate. I wanted to read her justification for her actions and analyze its validity. Yes, I admit I was stirring up shit. I guess I did a pretty good job wouldn't you say?

To my surprise, the person who became the most emotional was a man, Carking. He was flinging insults anywhere he could while using very poor grammer, (my one and only insult for this post). Carking, you grow a pair.

BiG, your new game sounds fun. I really do hope you have the time to put it together.

Jon, it's always a pleasure reading your posts.

Slim, you were a little too wordy, but I understood what you were saying. I like reading your posts too.

The rest of you, keep doing what you're doing. Get mad, try to enforce some PC rules, talk about how we should all love each other, piss people off, say what's really on your mind, say nasty shit that offends people. All of this makes an interesting forum. The only thing that I would advise is please don't allow this forum to go away. In the words of Martha Stewart, "It's a really good thing."

Sincerely, Longtimefan

oh, and here i thought i was the shit stirrer.....well i guess my reputation for chasing people off the forum has gone to shit. looks like i will have to try harder.
The rest of you, keep doing what you're doing. Get mad, try to enforce some PC rules, talk about how we should all love each other, piss people off, say what's really on your mind, say nasty shit that offends people. All of this makes an interesting forum. The only thing that I would advise is please don't allow this forum to go away. In the words of Martha Stewart, "It's a really good thing."Sincerely, Longtimefan
I certainly agree 100% with the portion of your post that I quoted. When there is some turmoil or controversy here, I can't wait to read what I've missed since my last visit. So I believe that a healthy respectful debate is a lot of fun.

And I don't want to see this forum go away either, It's fascinating to see the eclectic group of folks who have come together here, at a site that features young straight guys having sex with each other. What an unusual common ground.