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*ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS * Please read !!!!

yay! my hand made it in one of the pictures and half of my dick lol :)

Half of your dick is more than half of the dicks on the site. I'd take half of your dick any day.

BiGurl, I will be submitting a list. I'm working on it, will finish when I get home from work.
Excellent contest. Good luck guys.
Only two people did this contest. I am going to make sure that both of them get something other than that is closed. Thank you for carking and jlipps for doing this.
Only two people did this contest. I am going to make sure that both of them get something other than that is closed. Thank you for carking and jlipps for doing this.

I didn't like your title, "*ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS* Please read!!!!". It alerts with the air of importancy when in fact it's just a game you wanted us to play, and one that has recently been played. Please choose your titles wisely. Just because you want some sort of attention given to your thread doesn't mean you can "cry wolf" about its urgency and add exclamation points to lure us in. Call it what it is and hope people find it interesting enough to read it.

Women, whatever. :sneaky2:
I didn't like your title, "*ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS* Please read!!!!". It alerts with the air of importancy when in fact it's just a game you wanted us to play, and one that has recently been played. Please choose your titles wisely. Just because you want some sort of attention given to your thread doesn't mean you can "cry wolf" about its urgency and add exclamation points to lure us in. Call it what it is and hope people find it interesting enough to read it.

Women, whatever. :sneaky2:

Was this necessary? The contest was closed. The thread was moving on down the list, surely to never be seen again. Was it your point to try and start beef by saying "Women, whatever." I don't understand your motives.

I've said my peace.
I'm biting my tongue. Very hard!

Not worth it love. Rise above it and do not react. I do tend to agree about the thread title, it does seem to suggest that there is something ultra important that we should all be zooming into.

BTW I haven't a clue who half the models are lol. :001_rolleyes:
I dont really care that no one did the contest ,let me just put that out there. I did put a urgent tittle to get people to read it because, the contest wasnt going to be going a long time. My hope was that it was going to go on just for the weekend. I am sorry you feel like adding your two cents worth in and throwing in I am woman to the mix. If in every willie nellie post I read from some of the queens on this forum that they were doing it cause they were male, i would banished. so thank you for being a the negative nellie of my day !
I dont really care that no one did the contest ,let me just put that out there. I did put a urgent tittle to get people to read it because, the contest wasnt going to be going a long time. My hope was that it was going to go on just for the weekend. I am sorry you feel like adding your two cents worth in and throwing in I am woman to the mix. If in every willie nellie post I read from some of the queens on this forum that they were doing it cause they were male, i would banished. so thank you for being a the negative nellie of my day !

Gawd, you can't just say, "I made a mistake and I'm sorry"? Please just listen to my words and adjust your use of exclamation points.

Also, I'm glad you appreciated my negative comment. Without negativity, you wouldn't be able to appreciate the positive comments you've received so whole heartedly. Good luck.


I suppose that BiGurl could have responded to your post this way... "I'm sorry that my title and excessive use of exclamation points offended you." And it would be over.

However, I do have to agree with her that your use of the phrase at the end, "Women, whatever.", could be interpreted negatively by the women on this forum, that we could read that we "women" are all inclined to over dramatization and therefore can all be lumped together into a single category. We have recently been through this discussion as well.

Although her contest may have been redundant, being a newer member of the forum, she should be allowed some leeway. Not all of us newer forumites have spent the time reviewing every thread on this forum.

There are intricacies and norms on here that one cannot just intuitively understand. It has been my experience on the forum that the majority of the members are sensitive to that fact and find kind and judicious ways of letting us know when perhaps we have overstepped or misstepped with our threads and posts, and frequently do that privately. Perhaps you believed you were, indeed, sending a friendly note?

I think you had a lot going for you in your argument with just the mention that perhaps she implied an urgency that was not, in your opinion, necessary. However, in going further than that, you offended not just her, but me. And now, while you believe you are owed an apology, I am left feeling like you owe not just BiGurl an apology, but me and all the other women on the forum one, as well.

I think we have a new winner in our forever-running contest:


Longtimefan, are you really that offended by some freaking exclamation points? Was it worth it to degrade all of the women on the site? And you feel as though you are owed an apology? Get real!!!

What kind of pompous ass would accuse someone of overdramatization for posting what bigurl did? I didn't see anything wrong with it then, and I still don't. If you read that thread and didn't like the title, why not just move on to another thread? She wanted the members to read it. She was excited, because frankly, she put a lot of work into that fun little contest, and not only did she not get a respectable response, she got chastised for blowing the horn a little too loudly. And, then, you go on to add, "Women, whatever."

I am relatively certain that you have or had a mother, and that mother was a woman. Would you tolerate any person speaking to or about your mother in that manner? Bigurl is someone's daughter, and I know that some of the people you offended in your post are someone's mother.

Sir, it is you who owes an apology, to bigurl and all of the wonderful women who are members of this site, just like you. They pay their money, and they contribute a HUGE amount to this forum. They don't need your permission or approval to add punctuation to their titles. Get over it, be a man, grow a set, and say you're sorry.
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Thank you Carking. I agree. It was mean spirited and unnecessary.
I told myself that I want going to say anything on this matter and I was done but the more I have thought about what carking said I felt like I need to say something.

I am sorry if people read the thread and were sadly disappointed with what they opened up wasn’t earth shattering Broke Straight Boys news. My only hope is they looked at the pictures and were eased by the trouble they went through clicking to read the thread. I will add this even if people didn’t do the game they were changing what they were watching. The weekend the game was going on there was a huge change in what the top videos were. I made sure I did people I didn’t even have idea of. I haven’t watched every video nor have I ever claimed to have watched it. As Carking had said before dang right I was excited. I came up with this idea on the phone with a bsber. I thought this would be a great way to connect to the forum and I ended up spending the rest of the evening of my time getting it ready. Of course I was excited! I didn’t get to just click open a video and cock picture would be there. I looked through many pictures to get the right ones. I felt like I did more than I should have but I figured people would do what they knew and hope they were right. The planning wasn’t the greatest if there was any fault that would have been mine. My own friends refrained from doing the contest because I had talked to them about it and as well as were worried that if they got the most answers right that they would be told they cheated. So Longtimefan I will not apologize and I think again please choose your words wisely when lumping a group of women together.
Sorry I didn't participate Bigurl but I would have been embarrassed by my ridiculously low score lol. Appreciate all your hard work in getting this all together, but if it took you such a long time, imagine how long it would take the members to search through all the catelogue to find these dudes.. Maybe you should have given us a few clues lol xx
jon, thanks for recognizing that it took me a day and a half to find the answer to all of those pictures. I didn't want to take anything away from how hard she worked, but it was time-consuming looking all of them up. Some of them were obvious, most were not. Frankly, one or two of them I resorted to noting the color of the sheets they had on the futon and matching that up with the promo pix for the scene. Then, I could go through the still shots for the scene and try to find the picture. I'm pretty sure I got all of them correct, but it is possible I reversed two of them just because of the numbering.

All in all, I thought it was a fun contest, and I thought it was brilliant the amount of work that went into it. I would use a lot of exclamation points to show how much I liked it, but that just pisses some people off.:001_tt2:
I can say, BiGurl was super happy Carking and JLipps did the contest and she's going to make it worth it for both of you! A little birdie told me she is going to get something extra special signed for you two in the Big Easy! I think it was a fun idea no matter what the title of the thread was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told myself that I want going to say anything on this matter and I was done but the more I have thought about what carking said I felt like I need to say something.

I am sorry if people read the thread and were sadly disappointed with what they opened up wasn’t earth shattering Broke Straight Boys news. My only hope is they looked at the pictures and were eased by the trouble they went through clicking to read the thread. I will add this even if people didn’t do the game they were changing what they were watching. The weekend the game was going on there was a huge change in what the top videos were. I made sure I did people I didn’t even have idea of. I haven’t watched every video nor have I ever claimed to have watched it. As Carking had said before dang right I was excited. I came up with this idea on the phone with a bsber. I thought this would be a great way to connect to the forum and I ended up spending the rest of the evening of my time getting it ready. Of course I was excited! I didn’t get to just click open a video and cock picture would be there. I looked through many pictures to get the right ones. I felt like I did more than I should have but I figured people would do what they knew and hope they were right. The planning wasn’t the greatest if there was any fault that would have been mine. My own friends refrained from doing the contest because I had talked to them about it and as well as were worried that if they got the most answers right that they would be told they cheated. So Longtimefan I will not apologize and I think again please choose your words wisely when lumping a group of women together.

BiG, and Forumites. If we are gonna divide ourselves into 2 factions based on gender (something that is totally inevitable in the forum of a niche fetish porn site aimed, just in a general way mind you, at gay chickenhawks with a slight schadenfreud bent) then I think we have to find a way to do that without filling certain threads with recriminations. I would tend to say it's healthier to find a way to recognize the fact that the new influx of very vocal women members has skewed the forum, neither for better nor for worse, just different, and that in a place like this, such a big shift will be noticed by some of the hitherto all male coterie. This attitude ought to square with the girls' outlook too. You don't think the forum is a "better place" than it was before you started posting do you? It's possibly there where the all male forum might have been more thoughtful in welcoming the influx when it took place: in paying lipservice to the rather insulting old American frontier wisdom that women are a civilizing force for good, we might have lost track of the fact that in a place like this they are something of an anomaly, a surprise.

If we could all be comfortable with that, and not become too stressed when individual forumites occasionally betray attitudes which conform to the clichés regarding their sex, we could be more like a slightly disfunctional family than like two warring factions. Embrace the differences. Embrace.

(BiG, I've got to know you through your posts. You are someone I read every time I see your byline on a comment. In the one quoted above it looks to me as if you've been proofed before publication: a pity since your honest mistakes are more lyrical than even lovelumps' effortless and beautifully constructed prose. And if lovelumps has you beat conceptually, just for that one phrase addressed to the guys who sent in entries to your photo competition, that you would "make it worth their wild", you live in my heart forever.)
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BiG, and Forumites. If we are gonna divide ourselves into 2 factions based on gender (something that is totally inevitable in the forum of a niche fetish porn site aimed, just in a general way mind you, at gay chickenhawks with a slight schadenfreud bent) then I think we have to find a way to do that without filling certain threads with recriminations. I would tend to say it's healthier to find a way to recognize the fact that the new influx of very vocal women members has skewed the forum, neither for better nor for worse, just different, and that in a place like this, such a big shift will be noticed by some of the hitherto all male coterie. This attitude ought to square with the girls' outlook too. You don't think the forum is a "better place" than it was before you started posting do you? It's possibly there where the all male forum might have been more thoughtful in welcoming the influx when it took place: in paying lipservice to the rather insulting old American frontier wisdom that women are a civilizing force for good, we might have lost track of the fact that in a place like this they are something of an anomaly, a surprise.

If we could all be comfortable with that, and not become too stressed when individual forumites occasionally betray attitudes which conform to the clichés regarding their sex, we could be more like a slightly disfunctional family than like two warring factions. Embrace the differences. Embrace.

(BiG, I've got to know you through your posts. You are someone I read every time I see your byline on a comment. In the one quoted above it looks to me as if you've been proofed before publication: a pity since your honest mistakes are more lyrical than even lovelumps' effortless and beautifully constructed prose. And if lovelumps has you beat conceptually, just for that one phrase addressed to the guys who sent in entries to your photo competition, that you would "make it worth their wild", you live in my heart forever.)

Can this be written in modern day English please. I've had to check the Oxford dictionary no less than 5 times in the above post. :001_tt2:
We all know your skill with the pen Slim, but sometimes your skill actually overshadows/clouds over what you're trying to get across - this is meant in a kind way of course.

Maybe you're trying to say that the sudden appearance of so many vocal women on the forum has come as a shock to the male members, and that it's going to take some time before we all get used to the change - a change for the good may I say. The odd phrase of which Longtimefan came out with is bound to come out now and again but, just as most of us males have embraced you girls then maybe you should take a step back when you read one of these male bloopers. If of course it is an obvious attack on your gender then you are correct to "kick off" however, in the case of LTF I don't think it was.