Senior Member
I agree with you Jon....I wasn't sure what LTF's motives were but I read some of his older posts and realized he's just a tad bit clumsy with his words....
Can this be written in modern day English please. I've had to check the Oxford dictionary no less than 5 times in the above post.
We all know your skill with the pen Slim, but sometimes your skill actually overshadows/clouds over what you're trying to get across - this is meant in a kind way of course.
Maybe you're trying to say that the sudden appearance of so many vocal women on the forum has come as a shock to the male members, and that it's going to take some time before we all get used to the change - a change for the good may I say. The odd phrase of which Longtimefan came out with is bound to come out now and again but, just as most of us males have embraced you girls then maybe you should take a step back when you read one of these male bloopers. If of course it is an obvious attack on your gender then you are correct to "kick off" however, in the case of LTF I don't think it was.
BiGurl0527;47417 @Jon You might not know this but I am one of your biggest fans. You make me laugh so hard sometimes but I feel like you don't sugar coat things and tell it like it is and I can respect that. I don't always agree with you but you have reasons for saying what you do when you do. I will add in this tp what you said about the women because I took the bait with longtimefan I should have just let it go but in the back of my mind I thought really what did he expect. Yes said:Hey Boy Gusher - I don't want fans hun, I'm here for the site and will comment as seem fit. Not sure what SD means but hope you are better following your ER issue.
Jon, I agree with Boy Gusher, when she says,Hey Boy Gusher - I don't want fans hun, I'm here for the site and will comment as seem fit. Not sure what SD means but hope you are better following your ER issue.
OK from now on I will not be PC but DC (directly correct) lol. And if you don't like what I say then read it from a British perspective, because although we speak the same language, there are many differences in meanings.
So to all the faggots, dykes, bisexuals, straights and I don't really know what I am, enjoy the friggin forum. xx
i dont understand how the word faggot could mean anything different across the water. maybe you could expand on this. i do know that often you call cigarettes "fags", but even that is derogatory. yes, a bundle of wood is called a faggot, and the derogatory meaning of the word faggot comes from the old practice of tieing up gays together and burning them like witches. im sorry i dont know the orgination of the derogatory word "dyke" but i am sure it is just as offensive. so go for it jon, call me a faggot and i will have you reported so quickly your head would spin. i dont tolerate that word from anyone, not even my own family and gay family. they know better than to throw that word and its history back in my face. or how about this, we come to an agreement, i wont call you a twat and you dont call me a faggot. i think that's fair
OK, I'm a little perplexed about this post. jw, you sign your posts joseph, but refer to yourself as a girl. You once told me that you were one of the first women on the forum. Your avatar is quite puzzling. I absolutely do not mean this as disrespect, but I am thoroughly confused as to exactly what gener you engender. Seriously.
Then, when jon mentions the word faggot in this thread (which I also deplore the word, along with several others), your claws come out and you inform him that you will have him reported so fast his head will spin. Reported to whom? Is it a bannable offense to use that word? What words constitute banning?
I do think that there should be some leeway for the language barrier, even though we both speak the mother tongue. I have been very careful in referring to what I speak as American, because, as a society, we have murdered the English language. Also, bear in mind, that the British love to make up a nickname for virtually everything. They love rhymes.
My point is this: from time to time, you come up with some pretty off-the-wall posts yourself, and you have a knack for being bawdy, rude, and unsettling (i.e. puking in the rosebushes). Perhaps a little house cleaning around your own back yard would be in order before you blast jon for mentioning every sexual persuasion in a tongue-in-cheek manor. He didn't refer to anyone specifically by any of those terms. Cut the guy some slack, he's one of the good guys. Save your venom for a stalker or a terrorist.
OK, I'm a little perplexed about this post. jw, you sign your posts joseph, but refer to yourself as a girl. You once told me that you were one of the first women on the forum. Your avatar is quite puzzling. I absolutely do not mean this as disrespect, but I am thoroughly confused as to exactly what gener you engender. Seriously.
Then, when jon mentions the word faggot in this thread (which I also deplore the word, along with several others), your claws come out and you inform him that you will have him reported so fast his head will spin. Reported to whom? Is it a bannable offense to use that word? What words constitute banning?
I do think that there should be some leeway for the language barrier, even though we both speak the mother tongue. I have been very careful in referring to what I speak as American, because, as a society, we have murdered the English language. Also, bear in mind, that the British love to make up a nickname for virtually everything. They love rhymes.
My point is this: from time to time, you come up with some pretty off-the-wall posts yourself, and you have a knack for being bawdy, rude, and unsettling (i.e. puking in the rosebushes). Perhaps a little house cleaning around your own back yard would be in order before you blast jon for mentioning every sexual persuasion in a tongue-in-cheek manor. He didn't refer to anyone specifically by any of those terms. Cut the guy some slack, he's one of the good guys. Save your venom for a stalker or a terrorist.
Thanks for that Carking and yes you are correct and it was tounge in cheek in response to some previous posts/interaction with members on this thread, who don't jump on their high horse when they see a word they dislike.
JW is one of the reasons that this forum has got so PC and boring of late - see MikeYanks post earlier. He assumes he can say post/say whatever he wants but when he sees a chance to get at me he does so. It was JW who by using the word twat that caused all the disruption a few months ago and led to some members leaving the forum.
So JW or Jo or Josephine or whatever you call yourself. You are nothing but a shit stirrer (check out the English meaning) and love to disrupt what was just friendly banter. No doubt you have spent many dollars chatting about this to your "fellow girls" on the phone as you say you often do and I don't give a flying fuck if you do, it's your money to waste.
To all the rest of the members, including Boy Gusher, I shall now revert to my PC self of late..
wtf, youre going to completely pin that on me? how is any of that my fault? i never did call you a twat directly, i just used the word, and all of a sudden, the person so afraid of the pc police became an officer himself! not to mention, i had no idea the word had such a horrible meaning for you. I was not the reason members left the forum, and i am hardly the shit stirrer you say i am. but if it makes you happy, i will avoid all direct contact with you from here on. but DONT you dare pin that disruption on me!
I have to admit that I was shocked by jw's reaction to Jon's tongue in cheek remarks last night. We were bantering over the use of the term "queen", and it was all in good fun. When Jon said he would start using words like faggot and dyke, etc., jw acted like it was the old "slowly I turned routine" by Abbot and Costello, and threatened to report people directly to Mark and having folks banned for using such "offensive terms". I got disgusted by that whole tone and instead of replying, turned my computer off.Joe I'm glad you will no longer be responding to my posts and tbh I had long not responded to yours, well apart from the poll you put up on a thread on the other section. It was YOU who once again started the trouble by not reading into the post between myself/Boy Gusher and Mike. Had you taken time to read those posts you would have realised it was all a joke.
You jumped in the bath and caused a tsunami..
This is all about me, me, me. I've been a terrible influence on young Joe and Jon, speaking my mind here since 2008 in the most luxurious fashion, trying to amuse with my lamentable penchant for sophism, sarcasm and irony. I've alienated most of my friends at one point or another with posts that, if I hadn't been chuckling to myself over how clever I thought they were, I'd never have clicked "submit" on. It's not a good idea.
aquarius and carking are two of the friends I've managed to provoke the highest level of disgust in, and who rightly can't stand the sight of me. I may not be able to give up making myself laugh at my own jokes, but am determined to be more respectful, and to read through the posts at least once before clicking them into the record. In my family we always wrote letters to the editor, that goes back years and years. The dogmatic stances those letters have always taken come across as overkill on a forum composed of friends. I don't mean to give up speaking my mind, but am going to be less personal about it. If all you can do well is jeer and sneer, you have to take stock and try harder.
btw, I know that neither Joe nor Jon have emulated me in any way at any time. My saying so was just a way to show solidarity with two valued members of the forum who've got themselves in deeper than they may have meant to.