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Aiden Torin and Steve

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
That was fun watching them squirm and really Hot. I cant wait to see the teeth pulling that will be involved to get them to fuck. I would have however really liked to have seen Aiden get paid a bit more. I know you need to pay the straight boys more to get them to be there but I still believe in supporting our own kind. Also guys check out the main picture posted of Torin and Aiden it is sort of hot.
That was fun watching them squirm and really Hot. I cant wait to see the teeth pulling that will be involved to get them to fuck. I would have however really liked to have seen Aiden get paid a bit more. I know you need to pay the straight boys more to get them to be there but I still believe in supporting our own kind. Also guys check out the main picture posted of Torin and Aiden it is sort of hot.

The teeth pulling will be the best part. Steven actually has a head start. And if Aiden is willing to distribute his own pittance to his victims it means he's getting more than he needs. Only Dave knows for sure if the sums mentioned on cam are actually what the boys end up with in their pockets, but he's actually been known to ask gay hotties to "help him out" free.

The main pic is terrific. Torin fucking Aiden sucking Steven could be a 5.
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Well been as there are 2 posts on this thread and only one on Slims thread on the same subject I choose this one. Agree with all 3 posts and it's hard to guess whether or not Torin was just playing the hard str8 guy. I didn't particularly like his constant rolling of the eyes 'cos he looked like an out of space monster lol. Apart from that I thought Aiden did a great job, Steven is a real nice guy and think he can be converted but Torin is just Torin I guess. Can't wait for the next episode and yes, well done to Broke Straight Boys for getting the films in sequence.
I liked Torin almost as much as I liked the guy with the cottage cheese butt I hope we don't need the straighties to come off as total assholes. I joined the site because I liked the models My activist heart shakes with payiing him $1000 to have his cock sucked Oh well just me, I am sure this was a top scene for many people and I know fantasies BUt I would really like to know that Aiden did not have to give any money to that unplesant short person LOL
This was an interesting video. David no offense meant here but that maneuver you pulled with Aiden was what people in the drug and alcohol field call a dope fiend maneuver. Very well played I might add. It seemed that Aiden was more than willing and able to perform with those straight guys. They say if you stand in line at the barbershop long enough eventually you will get a hair cut. LOL

Wow, what is up with that Torin guy? He is really trying hard not to let everyone know he is a switch hitter. I mean two episodes in a row and he is hard before he even gets his pants off. Of course he only brought his friend there to help him make money so he could move out. Then let's see he runs around his house naked advertising his cock. I wonder if Steve has put any of this together yet. Freud would have a field day with Torin's laten homosexual tendencies. Then he decides he will do it for $1,000.00. So, then he isn't sure it was better than a girl. However; he is pretty sure he is getting the money... :glare:

Looks like the only one having any difficulty is Steve. I kind of feel bad for Steve knowing his situation and all. He seems like he is willing to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. Steve really kind of reminds me of our Jacob. He had a difficult time performing but later he got over his performance anxiety.

I wonder if they know David shares his personal collection with Broke Straight Boys members??? LOL

Steve had that look on his face like Torin, shut up and don't ruin this gig for me.

David, watch out for Torin in the future. I suspect he plans to get as much as he can for as little effort as he needs to put out. Seems I heard him say he had some gay friends that referred him to this site. Torin, just seems to get erect way to quick to be only into the women. I think he is an experienced street hustler trying to make as much as he can. Two times now and both of his loads were huge. I wonder how he would react being gang banged by Tyler, Logan, Diesal, and Austin in both ends... Sorry, I got a little sarcastic there...

I suspect that you kept them together because Torin is kind of Steve's security blanket. I know you have your reasons for whatever you do on the site. I really don't need any explanation. I love what you do. And you did a great job getting this shoot to take place. Great job. I am just sorry about you having to deal with Torin's attitude on camera. Let me say again what a smooth operator you are when it comes to getting your shots... David you are the best. We just don't like to see you or other models get demeaned by another model sometimes. Although I must say it really brings the fantasy part to life...

I think Lester made a great point. I think all too often we as gay and bisexual men have seen our fair share of street hustlers. I think you did get some great footage of Torin. If nothing else; Torin should remember you have that film and think twice before becomes hostile toward gays again. I almost wish you would send a copy to his girlfriend after his behavior. :thumbup1:
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Jay your right about Torin. I got a weakness for Diesal, he would be the one. If Torin didn't do it, he would get a hundred and be sent home:thumbdown: Aiden was hot and had to give his money up, but was the winner. Yeah bring Steve back to watch and help Torin get it, where the sun don't shine.:biggrin:
very nice scene

I thoroughly enjoyed watching this scene. Keep in mind guys, that David has told us that this is a "fantasy" site, and we shouldn't take everything that is said and done so literally. We know that Torin and Steve are real guys and their situation with the fire, and the rooming together is true, but the rest is a porn video.

Torin was clearly acting the part of a somewhat homophobic straight boy, but if he is truly a homophobe, why would he have gay friends, who lead him to the site? And why would he agree to be flown to Florida with Steve, knowing it was to film gay porn, and then spend the week and be fed and housed by David? And remember that the guys go through a run through before the actual video is shot. That is where the still shots are taken, so the general outline of the scene was presented to Torin and Steve before the real shoot took place.

As Slim pointed out, the amount of money paid to the models is not necessarily what is said on camera. When Torin denied Alden his $100, it was with a smile and a twinkle in his eye. And as Jay pointed out, if Torin was so repulsed by what was going on, why was his big ol' cock so hard when he removed his pants?

Alden is a real cutie and a perfect foil to be used with straight guys. I do look forward to Part III, which will obviously feature Alden getting fucked. I just hope that Steve can stay hard enough to don the condom and fuck our pretty blonde gay boy.

Overall, this was an excellent episode, (in my humble opinion :thumbup1:).
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this scene. Keep in mind guys, that David has told us that this is a "fantasy" site, and we shouldn't take everything that is said and done so literally. We know that Torin and Steve are real guys and their situation with the fire, and the rooming together is true, but the rest is a porn video.

Torin was clearly acting the part of a somewhat homophobic straight boy, but if he is truly a homophobe, why would he have gay friends, who lead him to the site? And why would he agree to be flown to Florida with Steve, knowing it was to film gay porn, and then spend the week and be fed and housed by David? And remember that the guys go through a run through before the actual video is shot. That is where the still shots are taken, so the general outline of the scene was presented to Torin and Steve before the real shoot took place.

As Slim pointed out, the amount of money paid to the models is not necessarily what is said on camera. When Torin denied Alden his $100, it was with a smile and a twinkle in his eye. And as Jay pointed out, if Torin was so repulsed by what was going on, why was his big ol' cock so hard when he removed his pants?

Alden is a real cutie and a perfect foil to be used with straight guys. I do look forward to Part III, which will obviously feature Alden getting fucked. I just hope that Steve can stay hard enough to don the condom and fuck our pretty blonde gay boy.

Overall, this was an excellent episode, (in my humble opinion :thumbup1:).

I agree Mike, but even in pro wrestling there is often a bad guy to hate and a good guy to root for. I thought over all it was a good shoot. Torin playing hardball for the money was pretty interesting.

I still think it would been fun to hear David say to Torin. "1,000.00 for a BJ. You must be joking. Either you came here to work or you came here to rip me off. I have guys calling every week begging to come do shoots with Broke Straight Boys Either you do the scene for the same $700.00 or you can sit there and watch and jack off. I don't care. A thousand dollars for a BJ scene you must be out of your mind..., in fact you know what if you want to do the BJ scene here I am only going to pay you $500.00 now take it or leave it." :sneaky2: I am sure he still would have done it...

He played his role well. Sometimes I think too much into it. LOL For example if Torin would never do this kind of thing why would he bring his friend Steve here in the first place? That is like saying, "Hey Steve, I thing you are gay. Stop hiding and go make some money having sex with guys on this web site. I hear it is a great way to make extra cash with a hard on...."
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I've been away all day and jumped back in here to find that we don't much like Torin. I thought he was great. He was Aiden's dream straight man, absolutely zero pun intended. Every one of Aiden's initiatives was met by the paradigmatic, stereotypical straight response. It was like a really good comedy act, Torin giving a sound, if slightly hammy, portrayal of a guy who is very viscerally freaked by the idea of sex with his own kind. For such a melodramatic performance, it was actually very believable. He seemed totally real when he made it crystal clear that he wasn't about to be undressed by a fag, and was gonna get out of his britches and knickers on his own. That's not homophobic in the malign sense. I know a bunch of very gay guys who can't stand effeminate boys. Remember the spate of mini-bios (10 Random Things) that included as one of the bullet points a dislike of nelly guys? That's just being straight, or gay, but with straight prejudices.

I don't normally get a stiffy if I'm not attracted to the person, or to the general concept of having sex at that moment. I've done a few charity fucks like everyone else, but that's different. If a lot of people are like me in this respect, among them Torin, then he was doing a great job of Straightie. A really great job.

I personally also love his looks. Maybe his arms need to do more lifting and his chest could stand some work, but he's terrific looking. Their third episode is going to be awesome. I hope there's a fourth and a fifth.
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I've been away all day and jumped back in here to find that we don't much like Torin. I thought he was great. He was Aiden's dream straight man, absolutely zero pun intended. Every one of Aiden's initiatives was met by the paradigmatic, stereotypical straight response. It was like a really good comedy act, Torin giving a sound, if slightly hammy, portrayal of a guy who is very viscerally freaked by the idea of sex with his own kind. For such a melodramatic performance, it was actually very believable. He seemed totally real when he made it crystal clear that he wasn't about to be undressed by a fag, and was gonna get out of his britches and knickers on his own. That's not homophobic in the malign sense. I know a bunch of very gay guys who can't stand effeminate boys. Remember the spate of mini-bios (10 Random Things) that included as one of the bullet points a dislike of nelly guys? That's just being straight, or gay, but with straight prejudices.

I don't normally get a stiffy if I'm not attracted to the person, or to the general concept of having sex at that moment. I've done a few charity fucks like everyone else, but that's different. If a lot of people are like me in this respect, among them Torin, then he was doing a great job of Straightie. A really great job.

I personally also love his looks. Maybe his arms need to do more lifting and his chest could stand some work, but he's terrific looking. Their third episode is going to be awesome. I hope there's a fourth and a fifth.

That would be great as long as Torin is the first one to get fucked and beg for more. LOL:lol::001_tt2: I am only kidding, but it would be interesting to see Troin converted in three easy sessions...:sneaky2:
That would be great as long as Torin is the first one to get fucked and beg for more. LOL:lol::001_tt2: I am only kidding, but it would be interesting to see Troin converted in three easy sessions...:sneaky2:

dream on, but yeah, it would be sizzling. if there are 5 episodes with this particular threesome, it wouldn't be too many for me. But Torin's pelvic thrusts as he facefucked Aiden Ashe lead me to think he'd make a great top. Can't you just see Aiden go into ecstasy when Dave tells them that he expects some anal during the intro next time?
I read this and the other thread before watching the vid. I really should not do that. It's kind of like having someone tell you how a new mainstream film ends before you've seen it.

That said, I think I enjoyed this vid far more than I would have without the various recaps done by you guys.

Torin's gum chewing and eye rolling was very funny to me. Thanks, Jon, for the outer space monster anecdote. He did look alienish. Kind of lizardy.

I think the boys played their roles well. Torin, the disgusted straightie (who had a raging before the action started LOL!) who wouldn't let the gay boy touch him for less than a thou. Giggle! He was so enjoying little cutie Aiden's BJ, that he face fucked him. Hhhmmm..... which boy busted first? LMAO!!

Steve seemed to just want what ever money David was willing to pay him, so he could get the hell off Torin's couch. Yeah, I have spent the night on a broke guy's couch before. Nasty! LOL! Loved how he gently pulled cutie Aiden's hair during the BJ. Steve is much more comfie on the Futon and on camera now. As long as he can keep wood, he's in!

Cutie Aiden is just adorable. He was like a hungry foal, jumping from one teat to the other, not sure which was more productive. He did seem a little more partial to Torin's. hehe

I'm hoping the money is more equitable for all backstage. I did LOL when Aiden said if Torin said he was better than a girl, he'd give him a hun of his take. Aiden just wanted to suck some straight cock. LOL!

Very entertaining vid, and it was fun to watch the boys play their roles while all the time getting off. Fun stuff! I'm looking forward to round 3!
dream on, but yeah, it would be sizzling. if there are 5 episodes with this particular threesome, it wouldn't be too many for me. But Torin's pelvic thrusts as he facefucked Aiden Ashe lead me to think he'd make a great top. Can't you just see Aiden go into ecstasy when Dave tells them that he expects some anal during the intro next time?

Yes , Slim you are so right. He really does have those pelvic thrusts down. Kind of reminds me of Broke Jake the skate boarder that Tommy and Sean (Dr. Top and Bottom) helped convert... That was a great three way. Seans comments were priceless.

"Oh, Good morning!!!" when Jake puts it in.

Jakes is fucking like crazy, "Oh, Fuck Get out. Why you gotta be straight. Alright cowboy, enough. No, you need to cum or somethig..."

Of course when Sean started out he wasn't sure he was even Bi. LOL Now look at him as Dr. Top and Bottom...

Jake was straight when he started. I am not sure it was all Broke Straight Boys's fault but he definitely found a flair for the cock too. He is in about a third or more of the gay college party videos as a face in the crowd mostly and I believe he is laying pipe in an episode or two.

All I can say is that this site has certainly impacted a lot models lives...

Who knows where Torin will be in a month or two???:001_smile:
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I can't get enough of Steve! I think he's the best thing to this site since Jordan came along!
I can't get enough of Steve! I think he's the best thing to this site since Jordan came along!
Comparing Steve to Jordan is very interesting....to say the least. On my scale of 1-100, (as 1-10 is too limiting), Jordan is a 97, and Steve is an 78, but maybe that's just me. But I'd love to see more of Steve, (with or without a visit to the dentist), but only if he can get his cock to stay hard. Perhaps he needs the little blue pill that Dustin used to take, or at least the cockring.:lol:
Oh, they're not similar at all and Jordan is way hotter than Steve (not to say Steve isn't hot. He's just not Jordan-hot!) but I don't think there's been anyone better than Steve since Jordan debuted. Josh and Kadin fizzled so I hope Steve doesn't too!
Oh, they're not similar at all and Jordan is way hotter than Steve (not to say Steve isn't hot. He's just not Jordan-hot!) but I don't think there's been anyone better than Steve since Jordan debuted. Josh and Kadin fizzled so I hope Steve doesn't too!

Jordan is better value for money because of his adrenalin rush personality, big boy body and kiddieporn face. But Steve is so transfixing as he moves into the moment of no return that he is just as hot. Some of the boys on here are less beautiful when they actually cum than in the course of the jo. This guy is more lovely.

I feel defensive about Torin, so here's some love. His orgasm was awesome too, really intense, and one thing I don't think he WAS overdramatizing.