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Aiden, Torin, And Steve II

Oh Jon, my friend, it is not that I have the time to while away, doing research and analysis, it is because I beleive it is incumbent upon one to be able to back up statements with facts when taking a stand on any subject. While most of the naysayers have jumped on the bandwagon based on the musings of a few, tossing around words like greed, homophobe, hostile,cruel, distasteful attitude, hostility, hateful and hurtful, none have taken the time or made the effort to pinpoint the specific actions from which these opinions evolve. Anyone can post an opinion here, and many do, I have seen some great postings in the general forum by some members making excellant observations, only to see those same members flip flop their position when the general tone of a thread takes an oppisite direction, following the flock like so many sheep. A few of you always remain steadfast and I do respect that.

So many of you were outraged by your perceived intolerance and hurtful nature of Torin towards Aiden. Should you not have been as equally outraged by the unfair treatment of Aiden by Broke Straight Boys? Is it fair to offer a bounty to the straight boys and a mere pittiance in comparrison, to the gay boy, simply because he will enjoy it anyway? This is a common occurence on Broke Straight Boys whenever a gay boy is used in a shoot. Do we not pay the same dues wether we are watching straight boys or gay boys? And what about encouraging the degradation of a gay boy by having the straight boys cum on his face?
Does that not foster a bit of humiliation? Even though Aiden (and I) liked it, we justify it and accept it. Does Dave ever ask the straight boys to cum on each others face?
Just a factual observation on my part.
I am sorry I am unable to condense my words to a few sentences, but fear not, I am feeling beter and soon will not have the time for these long posts.
In defense of Torin, if you only seek the bad in a person, that is what you will find. There is beauty and good in all of us, and that is what I will continue to look for in everyone. You may choose to see the glass as half empty, I prefer to think of it as half full. - Peace

I think that you make two excellent points here, Jason. One is when you mention that some members of the forum seem to be on one side of an issue, and then do change their opinion when the tone of the thread goes in the opposite direction. It is great to be open minded on an issue, but I do respect those who have a belief or an opinion and stand by it, despite what others may say.

And you are also correct when you mention that those who are outraged by Torin's perceived intolerance of Aiden for being gay, do not complain that Broke Straight Boys management apparently pays the gay model's a much lower wage scale than the straight boys. I do say "apparently" because I am not convinced that the amounts of money discussed in the videos is actually the exact wage that the model's receive. If the figures quoted are accurate, I'd like David or Mark to comment on that.

Even though you also mention "encouraging the degradation of a gay boy by having the straight boys cum on his face", I disagree on that point, because as a gay man, I do not see having a handsome young man cumming on my face as degradation. Aiden enjoys it, and so do I.

But for the most part, I do agree wholeheartedly with you on your opinions on this apparently most controversial set of videos.
In defense of Torin, if you only seek the bad in a person, that is what you will find. There is beauty and good in all of us, and that is what I will continue to look for in everyone. You may choose to see the glass as half empty, I prefer to think of it as half full. - Peace

Thank you Jason for stating that all so well. :001_smile::wink:
Thank You Mikey, for those very nice words. You and I are simpatico in that I have seldom, if ever, seen you waver from your position on an issue, I always enjoy reading your posts, as well.

You are correct in that I may have chosen the wrong word to describe a soothing, creamy facial, which btw, I also enjoy immensley. I was describing the act more from the prespective of the two roomates who may have interpeted the act as such. I'm not too sure they would enjoy receiving one as much as Aiden, you or I would. My Bad.
At least now I don't feel like I stand alone anymore.

And then there were two.

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So many of you were outraged by your perceived intolerance and hurtful nature of Torin towards Aiden. Should you not have been as equally outraged by the unfair treatment of Aiden by Broke Straight Boys? Is it fair to offer a bounty to the straight boys and a mere pittiance in comparrison, to the gay boy, simply because he will enjoy it anyway? This is a common occurence on Broke Straight Boys whenever a gay boy is used in a shoot. Do we not pay the same dues wether we are watching straight boys or gay boys? And what about encouraging the degradation of a gay boy by having the straight boys cum on his face?
Does that not foster a bit of humiliation? Even though Aiden (and I) liked it, we justify it and accept it. Does Dave ever ask the straight boys to cum on each others face? Good point Jason of which I agree and we also see a bit of inconsistency from Broke Straight Boys In more recent films it's the bottom guy who's being offered the most money, was it because Aiden gay that he was offered much less ?? I also agree with your comments about facial.
Just a factual observation on my part.
I am sorry I am unable to condense my words to a few sentences, but fear not, I am feeling beter and soon will not have the time for these long posts. I did not know you were in ill health and I'm glad that your are better. I do wish that I had the flamboyancy and expertise of the English language as some of you guys have (e.g Rifle, Slim, Tampa and yourself to name a few) and it is sometimes quite embarrassing when I have to pick up the dictionary to find a word

In defense of Torin, if you only seek the bad in a person, that is what you will find. There is beauty and good in all of us, and that is what I will continue to look for in everyone. You may choose to see the glass as half empty, I prefer to think of it as half full. - Peace I did not see much good in Torin, apart from the fact that he put his friend Steve up in his flat. What I saw, and I've said it before, is a troubled kid with an attitude and unfortunately Aiden was the scapegoat in this instance.


Peace to you Jason, and get well soon :kiss:
Ah, yes, the clear sound of a ringing bell!


We saw the new show in New York in July. It was so much better than the original, which I dearly loved. There had been enough time to lose the tensions and animosity that surrounded everything during the original production and to just celebrate a great show. The finale had half the audience on stage dancing. Our kids couldn't stay off stage. Gavin Creel was wonderful (and he and his new boyfriend are the power couple on Broadway now.)

We bought our tickets through a broker to be sure we were together and had good seats. For all of us the cost was very close to a thousand. The people next to us bought discount seats just before the show started that evening for fifty dollars each. You know, we got exactly what we wanted and didn't regret the disparity of tickets prices at all. We knew going in that we had paid a premium. Kinda makes you think of Aiden, doesn't it? He and David had talked beforehand and he knew exactly what he was going to get and was willing to do it for that.

Hair is such a 'feel-good' musical. It simply lifts your spirits and makes you want to clap.

Glad you're feeling better. We took our flu shots this year. So many people here have had it - but with the tourist season kicking into gear, we've all been exposed multiple times.


PS. While in New York we also saw the new gay play The Tempermentals about Harry Hay and Rudy Guernrich. Hay has always been a fascinating figure for me. I mean, he actually screwed Grandpa Walton! Unfortunately, there was a young man in the cast who didn't seem to be performing the same play as everybody else. He dragged the whole show down for all of us. We went with a full glass - he sort of spilled half our drinks.
Rifle, Somehow I knew you would pick up on that. I never saw the play, but I have always loved the music. It really does let the sunshine in!

Yes there is Jon,
The moon must be in the seventh house and Jupiter is aligned with Mars.
Ring a Bell??

J :001_cool:

Isn't it the dawing of the age of Aquarius ? How embarrasing for a 22 yo to know that lol. Well I did have some assistance from Mr Google..
Ah, yes, the clear sound of a ringing bell!


Wow! Thank you Rifle for that wonderful clip. As well as the trip down memory lane. The long hair on guys, the afros, the beads, the flowers, the peace signs..and yet all the painful baggage behind the symbolism.

You are right Rifle. Now that we can look at Hair and the hippie movement in hindsight I see only the PASSION and the LOVE!

It's all so groovy man. You just want to sing and clap your hands...and say: Right on man! Right on!

Even in grade school in the late 60's I begged my mom to get me the 45 to "Age of Aquarius" and she did. I played it over and over. lol Thank you again for sharing that with us rifle.

We all still wistfully long for the day when: "Peace will guide the planets...and love will steer the stars." It was a noble cause then. It's a noble cause and ideal now.
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Rifle, Somehow I knew you would pick up on that. I never saw the play, but I have always loved the music. It really does let the sunshine in!

My whole family enjoys the theatre. I had to be in NYC for some PR for the book and we saw eight plays in four days. If you like musicals, Jason, try "Next to Normal." It may be the best musical I've ever seen - I'm sure it's the best musical on electroshock therarpy, anyway. Alice Ripley took my breath away, and Aaron Tveit got everything else! We had seen it twice before, once off-Broadway and once in its first run when it had the infamouse Costco breakdown scene still in it. How a musical about such horrible things could make you laugh and, in the end, feel upbeat about life, is amazing.

As far as Hair goes - it has so much wonderful music, but the song that always grabs me is 'Frank Mills.'

I met a boy called Frank Mills
On September twelfth right here
In front of the Waverly
But unfortunately
I lost his address

He was last seen with his friend,A drummer, he resembles George Harrison of the Beatles
But he wears his hair
Tied in a small bow at the back

I love him but it embarrasses me
To walk down the street with him
He lives in Brooklyn somewhere
And wears this white crash helmet

He has gold chains on his leather jacket
And on the back is written the names
And Mom
And Hell's Angels

I would gratefullyAppreciate it if you see him tell him
I'm in the park with my girlfriend
And please

Tell him Angela and I
Don't want the two dollars back
Just him!
Aiden, Torin, and Steve II

I really didn't enjoy the video that much. Too much processing of what is role playing and what is real. I much more appreciate each person enjoying himself (after all, they are allegedly accepting money for what they do) without the comments and the attitude that would suggest otherwise.
Thanks for joining in the fray, winkb. We've been tossing this one back and forth for quite a while. It was good to hear your perspective. Jasonaz did a nice job of sorting everybody's opinions on this one into statistics. You might want to check it out to see where you fit in the group. It's back about page 5 or 6 I believe.
Isn't it the dawing of the age of Aquarius ? How embarrasing for a 22 yo to know that lol. Well I did have some assistance from Mr Google..

That's allright Jon! I used to think it was the Dawning of the Age of Aquariums! So I went out and bought one! LOL - J

P.S. Now I have a really big one!
That's allright Jon! I used to think it was the Dawning of the Age of Aquariums! So I went out and bought one! LOL - J

P.S. Now I have a really big one!

Hi Jason,

Thought I'd nudge this one to remind people what we're missing, just before the next episode is released. :blush: