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Aiden, Torin, And Steve II

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
Well the latest video was fine, it was Hot, sexy, and fun to watch, Aiden was his adorable self, Torin was hot to watch, and Steve showed promise for the possible future. These guys make a great pairing David and you chose wisely, but! The only thing that really bugs me is the almost constant barrage of verbal slams directed toward Aiden. These guys need to realize that if were not for that Fagot as they called him they would not now have the 5000 bucks. In the future I think it would be nice if guys like this were told upfront that any similar comments would reward them in a reduced wage. Also it would sure have been nice to see Aiden receive a bit more cash for putting up with it. Aiden would also be a good one to have show up on the forum. He might like having all the guys goggle and drool over him. Good work David we love ya.
That was pretty much a great scene all the way around. I didn't care for Torin teasing Aiden or making fun of him. I didn't like his wise crack to Steve about if he turned gay he would need to leave. I mean is being gay a contagious disease. Interesting Torin's girlfriend left. Hummm, I wonder why? Steve really came out of his shell a bit today he got a nice stiffy. I don't know how much that blindfold helped Torin with all of Steve's moaning. Everyone got off and that is what really matters most. I was impressed that Torin did it as a favor for Aiden.

I think Aiden is wearing Torin down. I would love to see Torin and Steve both come back. Torin and Steve still need to kiss and suck each other's cock. LOL Please, folks I am only joking here... A BJ for each other would be nice.

David, do you know if Steve told his family where or how he earned the money? It is not majorly important. It would be interesting to know though.:wink:
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Agree with Denny and to some extent Baal on this one. The homophobic remarks by the str8s and in particular Torin are not really welcome in here - jeez it's bad enough in the outside world.

Apart from that rant, the film was quite good. Steve is showing great promise, Aiden is a lovely guy but I'm off Torin I'm afraid. It's not surprising his gf left him if he openly admits to being an alcholic - his face shows evidence of addition too... remember those eyes in episode 2. He should get counselling before it gets to him... pdq

P.S Further rant - I think 2500 each for the tops was far too over the top. The site has now set a precedent for other models to ask for just as much. I hope this doesn't mean the subs will increase.
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Torin II

Say what you like about Torin having an abusive mouth (or GOB as we say over here), he knows how to fuck. I loved the hip action when he was giving Steven cock. A real nice mover, and some nice moaning at the end. I don't think Steve knew what had hit him. He looked 'fucked' in every sense of the word.
Nice shoot, with some different camera angles Mr David - particularly liked the view from behind Torin's ballbag when he was shafting Steve. I gave it a 4* because of Torin's attitude. Hope that they ALL come back and we get more action. This was shot in June, so only David knows if there is any more to come, and I don't suppose he will give us a hint....????? Keep us guessing eh...???
I liked the video but that Torin guy talks to much shit and i dont like his attitude but i do like the way he fucked his buddy, i think they should put Josh and Aiden together
Agree with Denny and to some extent Baal on this one. The homophobic remarks by the str8s and in particular Torin are not really welcome in here - jeez it's bad enough in the outside world.

Apart from that rant, the film was quite good. Steve is showing great promise, Aiden is a lovely guy but I'm off Torin I'm afraid. It's not surprising his gf left him if he openly admits to being an alcholic - his face shows evidence of addition too... remember those eyes in episode 2. He should get counselling before it gets to him... pdq

P.S Further rant - I think 2500 each for the tops was far too over the top. The site has now set a precedent for other models to ask for just as much. I hope this doesn't mean the subs will increase.
Guys, please don't take all of the dialog and scenarios too seriously. I thought that Jayman made a good point in discussing these guys, comparing it to professional wrestling, in the roles that the guys play.

I don't think that Torin is really homophobic when he made a reference to Steve becoming a "faggot". He had a smile on his face, and neither Dave nor Aiden, the two acknowledged gay guys on the set seemed in any way offended. It was just "guy talk", not said in a hurtful way. This world is much too politically correct to my way of thinking. And when Torin referred to himself as an alcoholic, I don't think he meant it in the true sense of the word. I remember "way back" to my college days, many of my buddies who liked to party in town at the bar, or sneak a bottle back to the dorm, proudly called themselves alcoholics. It is kind of a badge of courage for a twenty something dude to be such a "good drinker" that he calls himself an alcoholic. Same thing with the guys who liked to smoke a joint whenever they got the opportunity and called themselves a "druggie". To me it is all youthful banter. And I enjoy watching young guys being themselves.

I enjoyed this video, and I do like Torin. To me, he was the "star" of this series. Without him, there would not have been the drama or the hot sex in this scene. He doesn't have the handsomest face or the greatest body, but he has a beautiful cock, and the boy knows how to fuck. Steve has come a long way, (he actually remained hard for much of the scene), and Aiden is an adorable gay boy, who seems to like straight boys as much as I do.:wink: I only wish I could be young and pretty like him, and get the opportunities that he does to seduce young straight guys.

And two final points, keep in mind that David has never answered the question if the models wages are actually the figures that are quoted on screen. I believe that it is all part of the "fantasy scene", and their true wages are negotiated off screen, and that Torin's demands for more money does not actually affect our subscription rates. Also some guys were concerned in Torin and Steve's initial scene when Dave said that the videos were for his own personal use only, (something that he used to say often in the earlier scenes). Well, in this one he plainly said that he was putting the video on the website for the members to enjoy, so there is no subterfuge and obviously these guys all sign releases to give permission to exhibit their work. Let's enjoy the videos and the fantasy of Broke Straight Boys I liked all three guys and this scene very much.
MIke, I have to say before anything else I liked the scene and i thought it was very hot and a good job done by all including the filming which was excellent I have to say this and maybe you will consider me too PC but Torin's "If you turn into a faggot you have to leave the house" and the rest of it is intolerable to me Words hurt, interenalized homophobia hurts. Matthew Sheppard and countless others are dead, brain damaged or in the hosspital because of it and the right wing is still using homophobia to keep us second class citizens and I have had it way above my tolerance level. I agree that the "str8 guy" banter can be fun but not wnen it stoops to the level of hate speech Sorry for the rant but i feel very strongly about this
MIke, I have to say before anything else I liked the scene and i thought it was very hot and a good job done by all including the filming which was excellent I have to say this and maybe you will consider me too PC but Torin's "If you turn into a faggot you have to leave the house" and the rest of it is intolerable to me Words hurt, interenalized homophobia hurts. Matthew Sheppard and countless others are dead, brain damaged or in the hosspital because of it and the right wing is still using homophobia to keep us second class citizens and I have had it way above my tolerance level. I agree that the "str8 guy" banter can be fun but not wnen it stoops to the level of hate speech Sorry for the rant but i feel very strongly about this

Lester, it's not just PC to mourn the killing and injury of innocents; it's an act stimulated by a sense of morality and real sadness at human frailty and stupidity

I'd like to agree that the reparteé in this video is just role play. It would give me an excuse for liking the scene as much as I did. But I think there was low level but genuine hostility being aired among all three of them. Admittedly Aiden's was in reaction to the other two, but blondy wasn't loath to complain about the disagreeable straghties and their jibes. And if Torin's wasn't real, he's a pretty good actor.

But I really liked the scene. Torin came across as pretty articulate and "good in bed", Aiden is a perfect gem, and Steve is going to make a great addition to the stable. The tempo was technically excellent (whoever does the montage out in CO has got better, or maybe it's someone new). Dave was excellent.

I just sincerely hope they all three come back as a trio for more evolution. That's what I like the best, to see them do what Steve confessed to be doing, broadening his range of experience and seeing sex from a new angle.
Torin's straight schtick is getting old. He is always hard right out of his drawers, but as David said, a little Vitamin V helps a lot. He is a hot fucker though. I enjoyed his hip and ass action very much. He has a great cock, and knows how to use it.

Steve is the nicer of the two, but someone needs to feed him a cookie or two or three. He has some good cash, now he needs to feed. It appears Broke Straight Boys has another bottom boy, as he doesn't seem to want to be a top.

Aiden is just too cute, and a great little smart ass! I hope we get to see a lot more of him.

Without Torin, the last two shoots would have been less enjoyable. Without Steve, the last two shoots would have been too painfully sarcastic. Without Aiden, I wouldn't have made it to the end of this vid.
Like the rest of you guys I am rather conflicted on this scene. Probably because I really liked it! And perhaps more so than I should have. Like the rest of you have alluded to I didn't care for the homophobic remarks coming from Torin. I know he was doing that out of insecurity and trying to pass off his straight credentials to all the people he knew would see the video. I'm not making excuses for him, mind you. None of us like to see models insulting us.

As many of you have alluded to, as far as gay sex...me thinks Torin doth protest too much. He has gay friends. He found out about the site through gay friends. By Torin's own admission he broached the idea with Steve of appearing on the site. NOT the other way around. Torin always has a raging hardon right out of the gate while Steve struggles in the beginning. When Aiden kneels down in front of Torin to give him oral, Torin is hard as a rock right before Aiden has even touched him. The body doesn't lie.

I was also stunned like the rest of you at the paychecks in this vid. I WAS very pleased though to see Steve get the benefit of that kind of money. I don't pretend to read David's mind, but I suspect that he was so generous in this case because he knew how badly Steve needed the money. I think this was a bit of charity and human kindness at work. Which does sound like our David. And if so, I have no problem seeing Steve make the money to get he and his family out from under the tragedy that befell them. It worked because he was able to leave Torin's place. I don't begrudge Steve that money at all. I'm pleased. And for that money he gave us a very good performance. He did not whine or carry on and he bottomed for the first time like a champ. Throughout the series Steve was polite and showed humble gratitude for the opportunity provided to him to make that kind of money.


It's a little harder to accept seeing Torin make that kind of money but Torin did give a very good scene by our standards. It's just that he was overpaid in comparison to the standard rate. If he had been paid the standard $1000 I don't think we would be as uncomfortable. We also know that he more than made back any money he was out from providing for Steve's food, utilities, gifted clothes and other incidentals that Torin provided to him under his roof. So that's nice to know too.

For the generosity of giving Steve shelter, Torin makes up that money several times over. I would say that that is some positive karma at work. As much as we may want to be down on Torin there is obviously some good in there. Torin may be homophobic to a degree. But he does have gay friends. And he may be an alcoholic for real. But sheltering Steve may have very well cost him his relationship with the girlfriend.

As much as we may want to dislike Torin for his attitude, think about this though. When his buddy Steve was left homeless and had no job, Torin let him move into his 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment that he shared with his girlfriend. Even though Steve had no money to contribute towards rent, utilities, groceries or anything... Torin let him move in anyway. Torin didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Yet he agreed to give Steve the clothes off his back and to put food on the table for him. That is a REAL friend. How many of us would have done the same in the same situation?

How do you ever pay back a favor like that? How do you ever thank them enough? So underneath that gruff and crusty exterior there is obviously a very kind, compassionate and generous soul in there somewhere.

I wouldn't mind having Torin back at all...If he wants to come back. Obviously I don't think that he should be offered those high paychecks anymore. Just the standard fare. I doubt you would ever get him to bottom but I'd love to see it if it could be done. My pervy side has come up with the idea that I would like to see him touch dicks with another guy. In any way possible. haha The other is that I would like to see him touch another guys dick while another guy (Steve?) touches him. LOL And most of all I would like to see him give head. :thumbup1: For a reasonable amount of course.

So for all of his homophobic protests to the contrary... if someone asked him:

Have you ever let another guy touch your dick? Check
Have you ever let another guy give you head? Check
Have you ever fucked another guy? Check
Have you ever touched (or held) another guy's dick? Check? :drool: I hope we see it! LOL
Have you ever sucked another guy's dick?? Check? :drool:
have you ever kissed another guy??? Check? LOL
Have you ever been fucked by another guy??? Check? :drool:

I know we wouldn't get to see him do all of that. But it would be fun to see what David could get checked off the list. LOL My guess is that Torin is still going to be a struggling Broke Straight Boys So I bet he'd be willing to come back for more.
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Like the rest of you guys I am rather conflicted on this scene. Probably because I really liked it! And perhaps more so than I should have. Like the rest of you have alluded to I didn't care for the homophobic remarks coming from Torin. I know he was doing that out of insecurity and trying to pass off his straight credentials to all the people he knew would see the video. I'm not making excuses for him, mind you. None of us like to see models insulting us.

As many of you have alluded to, as far as gay sex...me thinks Torin doth protest too much. He has gay friends. He found out about the site through gay friends. By Torin's own admission he broached the idea with Steve of appearing on the site. NOT the other way around. Torin always has a raging hardon right out of the gate while Steve struggles in the beginning. When Aiden kneels down in front of Torin to give him oral, Torin is hard as a rock right before Aiden has even touched him. The body doesn't lie.

I was also stunned like the rest of you at the paychecks in this vid. I WAS very pleased though to see Steve get the benefit of that kind of money. I don't pretend to read David's mind, but I suspect that he was so generous in this case because he knew how badly Steve needed the money. I think this was a bit of charity and human kindness at work. Which does sound like our David. And if so, I have no problem seeing Steve make the money to get he and his family out from under the tragedy that befell them. It worked because he was able to leave Torin's place. I don't begrudge Steve that money at all. I'm pleased. And for that money he gave us a very good performance. He did not whine or carry on and he bottomed for the first time like a champ. Throughout the series Steve was polite and showed humble gratitude for the opportunity provided to him to make that kind of money.


It's a little harder to accept seeing Torin make that kind of money but Torin did give a very good scene by our standards. It's just that he was overpaid in comparison to the standard rate. If he had been paid the standard $1000 I don't think we would be as uncomfortable. We also know that he more than made back any money he was out from providing for Steve's food, utilities, gifted clothes and other incidentals that Torin provided to him under his roof. So that's nice to know too.

For the generosity of giving Steve shelter, Torin makes up that money several times over. I would say that that is some positive karma at work. As much as we may want to be down on Torin there is obviously some good in there. Torin may be homophobic to a degree. But he does have gay friends. And he may be an alcoholic for real. But sheltering Steve may have very well cost him his relationship with the girlfriend.

As much as we may want to dislike Torin for his attitude, think about this though. When his buddy Steve was left homeless and had no job, Torin let him move into his 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment that he shared with his girlfriend. Even though Steve had no money to contribute towards rent, utilities, groceries or anything... Torin let him move in anyway. Torin didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Yet he agreed to give Steve the clothes off his back and to put food on the table for him. That is a REAL friend. How many of us would have done the same in the same situation?

How do you ever pay back a favor like that? How do you ever thank them enough? So underneath that gruff and crusty exterior there is obviously a very kind, compassionate and generous soul in there somewhere.

I wouldn't mind having Torin back at all...If he wants to come back. Obviously I don't think that he should be offered those high paychecks anymore. Just the standard fare. I doubt you would ever get him to bottom but I'd love to see it if it could be done. My pervy side has come up with the idea that I would like to see him touch dicks with another guy. In any way possible. haha The other is that I would like to see him touch another guys dick while another guy (Steve?) touches him. LOL And most of all I would like to see him give head. :thumbup1: For a reasonable amount of course.

So for all of his homophobic protests to the contrary... if someone asked him:

Have you ever let another guy touch your dick? Check
Have you ever let another guy give you head? Check
Have you ever fucked another guy? Check
Have you ever touched (or held) another guy's dick? Check? :drool: I hope we see it! LOL
Have you ever sucked another guy's dick?? Check? :drool:
have you ever kissed another guy??? Check? LOL
Have you ever been fucked by another guy??? Check? :drool:

I know we wouldn't get to see him do all of that. But it would be fun to see what David could get checked off the list. LOL My guess is that Torin is still going to be a struggling Broke Straight Boys So I bet he'd be willing to come back for more.

WOW !! I agree 101% with you on this TampaBaby. I think Torin is just an honest, decent straight guy. He did what he did for the money. That doesn't mean he has to like it. His much-quoted"faggot" remark was unfortunate, but take it in context please. He is being asked to fuck his best buddy, a guy he has opened his home up to. Bound to feel a little weird and cause him to comment like that. It may have even been a little bit of an attempt at humour, if you listen to his tone carefully, in that context. I wish I had a friend like Torin, gay, straight or bi. Steve is a lucky man.
Just noticed something...

Just noticed something - has anyone else seen the resemblence of Steve to Austin (as in Dustin and Austin) ??
Question for Dave

It's a little harder to accept seeing Torin make that kind of money but Torin did give a very good scene by our standards. It's just that he was overpaid in comparison to the standard rate. If he had been paid the standard $1000 I don't think we would be as uncomfortable.
I agree with almost everything Tampa said about these boys, especially Torin. Except for the money issue, which David has never directly responded to. David, if you read this post, and have not yet left for vacation, please just answer if the amount of money that is stated during the videos is actually the real amount that you pay them? I am not asking for the actual figure, if the amounts are ficticious, as one's salary is between them and their employers. But if you would answer that question, that would go a long way to resolving some posters outrage at Torin receivng one of the highest amounts ever mentioned on Broke Straight Boys Thanks.
This was a hot episode. I wasn't going to post anything, because I got a few bad remarks about my posts concerning Torin. Please keep in mind that I am new to the site. I am glad that you guys thought that Torins' remarks were wrong or a least over the top. He is hot though and I like it when he pulls out that hard dick. How ever fag. is not something I want to hear any where. These posts in the forum really makes each episode come to life for me. So many details I would miss if I didn't read your comments. Thank you guys for that!
the only way I would want to see that nasty ass short little homophobic hustler on this site again would be if Deisel and some other extremely wellendowed model took him down the highway and he confessed he loved every minute of it otherwise he is on the curb giving $10 bjs
the only way I would want to see that nasty ass short little homophobic hustler on this site again would be if Deisel and some other extremely wellendowed model took him down the highway and he confessed he loved every minute of it otherwise he is on the curb giving $10 bjs

Lester! Why don't you tell us how you really feel! :wink:

I think it is all an act, Lester. I am over the act though. Time for a new persona..........
Lester! Why don't you tell us how you really feel! :wink:

I think it is all an act, Lester. I am over the act though. Time for a new persona..........
I agree Paris, that it was obviously an act, but I wouldn't mind seeing him again. He's not really hot at all, except when he's thrusting his dick into a guys mouth or pounding his ass. He is poetry in motion (to quote an old song) when doing what he does best. :tongue_smilie:
what Paris you missed my subtlety?? I have to polish my act
I think it is all an act, Lester. I am over the act though. Time for a new persona..........

I totally respect your viewpoint on him Lester. And I understand the justification for where your opinion comes from. I don't imagine that any of us here like to hear homophobic remarks from the models. And the whining does get old.

I also agree with you Paris. IF he comes back he needs to show a new persona and be more respectful. I would still like to have him back to do different things. BUT...If he can't promise to play well with others then he doesn't deserve to be allowed back on the playground.

Please make Steve's day and tell him we'd be happy to have him back!!

At least I would. :biggrin:
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