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Adam Lambert

Sorry to be a bit out of date but I just came across American Pop Idol on Youtube. The brits do screen the prog but not on the main channels. I think he's real hot but not sure about his sexuality. Any thoughts ?


If that boy isn't gay there aint no tea in China. LOL I did like his performance though. The media over here is now all up in arms about how preverted it was. LOL
I think he substituted shock value for quality because he could do the shock and quality doesn't come naturally to him!
He's very gay Jon. And he's no longer closeted about it. We aren't talking about that kiss over here right now. We are talking about the full on kiss that he did to another guy on stage (and on live TV) at the American Music Awards the other night. That was preceded by him rubbing a male performer's face into his crotch.


He is as out as he could possibly be right now. His performance did not go over well since it was on a network that was intended for all ages.
Why do I always have to be the odd man out?...:crying:
Why do I always have to be the odd man out?...:crying:

It's just a matter of taste, you have bad taste, we have good taste. LOL I'm so kidding :) The performance was entertaining, that's for sure. I just think he pushed it too far and didn't play it smart. The kiss? I didn't mind at all but the blowjob thingy, that was stupid. Come on, there are kids watching. It's one thing to shock, another to be vulgar.

I was a big fan of his and loved his performances on AI, but he can now count me out of his fan base. That song was horrendous, the album is not better. And if his goal is just to push boundaries, just to shock a puritan America, then I hope his career just dies. We don't need someone who could cause us more harm than good.

Again, just my 2 cents :) Slowly BUT surely!
Adam is talented, but he should have saved that performance for a non TV event. I didn't like the song much either. I thought he was great when he performed with Kiss on AI. Here? Not so much......

Kris Allen is a little hottie! :drool:
I love him Performance on the AMA not his best Last night performance on Letterman was fantastic Does anyone remeber Brittany and Madonna tonguing each other on the MTV awards What is different he is gay and we still have internalized homophobia? I hope he gets better and better and makes great music
No offence but, that guy is so butt ugly that I grabbed a roll of toilet paper and tried to wipe him off my computer screen. I was trying to flush it and his big bubble head kept coming up for air so I finaly had to beat him down with a toilet plunger. He was fighting pretty hard but fortunately after a couple of hours he went down. I then used a couple gallons of bleach to clean out the toilet because I could still smell his fearful cries screamed upon deaf ears with no mercy. I understand that him and the tidy-bowl-man are now together trying to launch a new career floating on ...never mind
It gets pretty disgusting from this point on.

I always get a little nervous after I slam some guy and then the boss comes by and likes the guy I slammed....
you know Mark just lives in Colorado which is right next door to Oklahoma and if anyone ever came down here to whip my ass it would probably be him. He looks pretty big in his avatar, and pretty tough.....
Can we get some of his stats so that I will know for sure if I need to get some bodyguards.

Does Mark like Lambert more than the money he makes off you month in, month out? When that changes, then you should worry!
I like Adam because he doesn't care what people think. Like Lester said it is ok for girls to kiss other girls on national tv but heaven forbid two guys do it. I think it was discrimination to cut out some of the things they did and I'm glad he is standing up for his rights and all of ours.


Good point Mark, but Madonna and Shitney are mega stars. I should imagine MTV awards have a PG rating too. Agree with Scorpio about it going a bit OTT for a programme watched by kids and that he should have mellowed it down a bit. This performance was for a 9pm + slot. Incidentally I liked his auditions but didn't like this song although I liked his raunchy performance.

Dirty horny bastards as I'd call him LOL.

BTW - Lester abd I will protect you Casper my love x
I Like Mr. Lambert

I like the openly gay Adam Lambert and believe he is a pretty cool guy. I look forward to following his career, buying his music and attending his shows (missed his summer tour though).

He's alright with me. Hooray for artistic freedom, creativity and individuality.

Go Adam Go.
you know Mark just lives in Colorado which is right next door to Oklahoma and if anyone ever came down here to whip my ass it would probably be him. He looks pretty big in his avatar, and pretty tough.....
Can we get some of his stats so that I will know for sure if I need to get some bodyguards.


Well now that you brought it up... Over on the forum at BCB Mark posted a Halloween picture of himself wearing a baby's mask on his face. His body looks fantastic! I thought for sure that he got the photo off the internet. Until he swore up and down that it really was him. In his photo from the face mask down he is wearing a skin tight wife beater T-shirt. (God I hate that term!) And then he is wearing some tight black shorts. He's seated, so there's no telling (from me at least) on what he's packing under them. haha

But the reason that I had a hard time believing it was really him was because he looks like a 17 year old gym bunny. His arms are so muscular. His biceps are amazing. You just want to rub and squeeze all over them. And the fantastic chest narrows down to a waist that looks in the photo to be about 28-30 inches. :tongue_smilie:

You asked, I told. Go check out the photo for yourself on the Halloween thread. So far the photo is a BCB exclusive. LOL
I think people are being dramatic. There were just as many appalled people when Madonna and Britney locked lips.

PLUS, if any man, gay or straight, shoved a dancer's face into his crotch it would attract negative publicity.

I don't understand why it's the over-the-top obnoxious homo's that get the urge to represent us. For once, I'd just like to see a masculine, sane man representing gays. Like a male Ellen D. She's such a great leader for lesbians all over the world. And it's not because she's humping people on stage. She's not a celebrity lesbian, she's a celebrity that happens to be lesbian. That's how it should be.

Okay vent over! :)