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10 random facts about you.

Amen! I have to ask - is that your eye in your profile pic?

No, it isn't, but it is similar, minus the bright eye shadow, I am more neutral. I do have big, blue, eyes, that change color with what I wear or how I feel. Sometimes they are a very bright blue, sometimes a little lighter, even a bit grey.
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I'm so glad that we are getting to know you better Rbar. We actually have a lot in common so far. Among others.......

No, it isn't, but it is similar, minus the bright eye shadow, I am more neutral. I do have big, blue, eyes, that change color with what I wear or how I feel. Sometimes they are a very bright blue, sometimes a little lighter, even a bit grey.

Ah! Yet another thing we have in common!
Believe it or not, with all the talk I have done on here, I am a TOTAL 'Eyes' guy, not only the color, but, I 'look for' guys that are able to converse with me while LOOKING AT ME. No, I am not hearing impaired, I just thin k that a/the guys eyes are a real turn on, and, at the risk of sounding quirky, 'the gateway to the soul'. Some ppl on here, and Models will vouch to that

Eyes and teeth are first for me. I am a sucker for beautiful eyes, and bad teeth make me run.
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Believe it or not, with all the talk I have done on here, I am a TOTAL 'Eyes' guy, not only the color, but, I 'look for' guys that are able to converse with me while LOOKING AT ME. No, I am not hearing impaired, I just thin k that a/the guys eyes are a real turn on, and, at the risk of sounding quirky, 'the gateway to the soul'. Some ppl on here, and Models will vouch to that

I love when the guys look at one another while they fuck; Jason, Blake and Anthony are really good at that.:thumbup:
I'd say teeth are pretty up there also!

For me, it depends on the issue with the teeth. If the teeth are perfect but are really yellow and stained, that's a turn off. Teeth don't have to be perfect. Jagged but clean and sparkly white teeth can be a total turn on! Imperfection is sexy in the right combinations. In fact, I love it when a person has a quirky irregularity in their appearance.

I tend to be really attracted to men who are really tall initially, but I find I don't often have much in common and feel much more comfortable with men under 5'10", and really, 5'6-5'8 is a perfect height for me in a sex partner.

I cannot tolerate anyone who belittles others and who is not kind and gentle with pets as well as kids and adults.
I'd say teeth are pretty up there also!

Teeth seem to be a big thing over in the USA. Each time we get a show over here, everyone's teeth are whiter than white, It doesn't seem to be such a big deal over here tbh, although I would be turned off by a gurner or someone with manky teeth with bad breath. Dental hygiene is important but I wouldn't pay thousands to have that brilliant smile.
For me, it depends on the issue with the teeth. If the teeth are perfect but are really yellow and stained, that's a turn off. Teeth don't have to be perfect. Jagged but clean and sparkly white teeth can be a total turn on! Imperfection is sexy in the right combinations. In fact, I love it when a person has a quirky irregularity in their appearance.

I tend to be really attracted to men who are really tall initially, but I find I don't often have much in common and feel much more comfortable with men under 5'10", and really, 5'6-5'8 is a perfect height for me in a sex partner.

I cannot tolerate anyone who belittles others and who is not kind and gentle with pets as well as kids and adults.

I guess I should haVe been more specific about the teeth, but you are correct LL. I know what you mean. I don't mind imperfection, just poor dental hygiene, specially when it comes leads to bad breath. I honestly don't understand how people can haVe bad breath, and not be aware of it.
1) My Heritage is Irish
2) I love to travel, mainly cruising. Have been to every part of the world I will be able too afford.
3) I am impatient but try not to show it.
4) I am completely impatient with people who have no common sense and then have no problem showing it.
5) I get more angry at errors that I make than I do at other people who make errors.
6) I am very anal, especially when it comes to work.
7) I have never been in a long term relationship.
8) I prefer to live alone and hate to travel alone.
9) I hate clutter
10) My best qualities are listening, empathy and I never feel guilty about crying.
1) My Heritage is Irish
2) I love to travel, mainly cruising. Have been to every part of the world I will be able too afford.
3) I am impatient but try not to show it.
4) I am completely impatient with people who have no common sense and then have no problem showing it.
5) I get more angry at errors that I make than I do at other people who make errors.
6) I am very anal, especially when it comes to work.
7) I have never been in a long term relationship.
8) I prefer to live alone and hate to travel alone.
9) I hate clutter
10) My best qualities are listening, empathy and I never feel guilty about crying.

Hi Frontier, I'm really glad you decided to post more about yourself, it'll be good to get to get to know you better. Sometimes you seem a bit angry when you comment, but I can now see you just like to have your ducks in a row and don't like it when people mess them up...lol
1) My Heritage is Irish
2) I love to travel, mainly cruising. Have been to every part of the world I will be able too afford.
3) I am impatient but try not to show it.
4) I am completely impatient with people who have no common sense and then have no problem showing it.
5) I get more angry at errors that I make than I do at other people who make errors.
6) I am very anal, especially when it comes to work.
7) I have never been in a long term relationship.
8) I prefer to live alone and hate to travel alone.
9) I hate clutter
10) My best qualities are listening, empathy and I never feel guilty about crying.

I am so glad you are letting us get to know you better, Frontier. I will be better able to relate to you and understand you, especially since we have so much in common.

The funny thing is, that I am also impatient......but, I am also a procrastinator. I'm sure those things don't go together, but I have always found that I do a better job at things, when I don't give myself too much time to rethink and redo it.

People with no common sense, give me my biggest laughs.

In my job, I have had to learn to deal with clutter...........

I am also a great listener, very empathetic, and I am a great crier.
1) I'm Swedish, Irish, German, English, English-Irish, and French- Canadian. Basically, I'm a whole lot of white. LOL.
2) I speak Japanese and can understand simple Korean. I have also studied Latin, Italian, and French. And I've picked up some basic German.
3) As evidenced from above, I'm quite adept at learning foreign language. I intend to master as many languages as possible as it's become my passion.
4) I have a slight caffeine addiction.
5) I was raised in a single parent family with two sisters and a brother.
6) I came out as bisexual when I was nineteen. Though I haven't told my brother that yet. Lol.
7) I love reptiles and have a bearded dragon and a crested gecko, and in the past I have owned snakes. My dream pet is a dwarf caiman. Or maybe a green tree python.
8) My best friend is a very right wing republican and we agree on nothing and argue about everything.
9) I sew, needlepoint, and crochet. Please hold the grandma jokes. Lol.
10) I love to hike, swim, and spend most of my waking, non-working hours outside.
Coincidence is when preparedness meets opportunity

Nice to get you know better Bobbity. We have some green tree pythons here on Broke Straight Boys too!

1) I'm Swedish, Irish, German, English, English-Irish, and French- Canadian. Basically, I'm a whole lot of white. LOL.
2) I speak Japanese and can understand simple Korean. I have also studied Latin, Italian, and French. And I've picked up some basic German.
3) As evidenced from above, I'm quite adept at learning foreign language. I intend to master as many languages as possible as it's become my passion.
4) I have a slight caffeine addiction.
5) I was raised in a single parent family with two sisters and a brother.
6) I came out as bisexual when I was nineteen. Though I haven't told my brother that yet. Lol.
7) I love reptiles and have a bearded dragon and a crested gecko, and in the past I have owned snakes. My dream pet is a dwarf caiman. Or maybe a green tree python.
8) My best friend is a very right wing republican and we agree on nothing and argue about everything.
9) I sew, needlepoint, and crochet. Please hold the grandma jokes. Lol.
10) I love to hike, swim, and spend most of my waking, non-working hours outside.

We really do have a lot of things in common, Bobbity. #1 and 4 are exactly me......So is 5, but I only have one sister. I don't necessarily a reptile lover, but since my son is allergic to dogs I have adopted two turtles and 5 fire bellied toads. I am totally jealous of your language skills, I wish I had that capability.
1) I'm Swedish, Irish, German, English, English-Irish, and French- Canadian. Basically, I'm a whole lot of white. LOL.
2) I speak Japanese and can understand simple Korean. I have also studied Latin, Italian, and French. And I've picked up some basic German.
3) As evidenced from above, I'm quite adept at learning foreign language. I intend to master as many languages as possible as it's become my passion.
4) I have a slight caffeine addiction.
5) I was raised in a single parent family with two sisters and a brother.
6) I came out as bisexual when I was nineteen. Though I haven't told my brother that yet. Lol.
7) I love reptiles and have a bearded dragon and a crested gecko, and in the past I have owned snakes. My dream pet is a dwarf caiman. Or maybe a green tree python.
8) My best friend is a very right wing republican and we agree on nothing and argue about everything.
9) I sew, needlepoint, and crochet. Please hold the grandma jokes. Lol.
10) I love to hike, swim, and spend most of my waking, non-working hours outside.


It is so very nice, to meet you, welcome to the forum. For many of us, the forum has become our addiction! I love that you are so interested in languages! I was too when I was young. I still am, but I no longer make an effort to learn any more. But I do admire anyone who possesses more than 3 languages. I also admire that you can crochet and knit and the whole thing. I always wanted to learn, but never had the patience.
I love the outdoors as well, but mostly involving water. I LOVE the beach!

I look forward to reading your opinions on things here on the forum. We hAve a great time here, agreeing, disagreeing, arguing, pointing fingers, and then laughing it all off! Don't take anything here too seriously, well, except the friendships you may forge if you stay around awhile. There are some pretty amazing people here, men and women, young and old. It makes for a lively group at times, lol.
1) My Heritage is Irish
2) I love to travel, mainly cruising. Have been to every part of the world I will be able too afford.
3) I am impatient but try not to show it.
4) I am completely impatient with people who have no common sense and then have no problem showing it.
5) I get more angry at errors that I make than I do at other people who make errors.
6) I am very anal, especially when it comes to work.
7) I have never been in a long term relationship.
8) I prefer to live alone and hate to travel alone.
9) I hate clutter
10) My best qualities are listening, empathy and I never feel guilty about crying.


So nice of you to have shared all this now! It is good to know you better, and understand you better. Grace is right, this revelation about you makes your posts very understandable. And don't be so shy! Tell us, what part of the country are you located?
Nice to get you know better Bobbity. We have some green tree pythons here on Broke Straight Boys too!


I'm so incredibly jealous! Do you breed them or have you just been collecting over the years? They really are gorgeous snakes. Do they handle well or are they nippy?
Inside joke going wrong

I'm so incredibly jealous! Do you breed them or have you just been collecting over the years? They really are gorgeous snakes. Do they handle well or are they nippy?

Sorry... sorry.. sorry... I'm the joker here... :blush:

It's just a picture downloaded from the Internet - searched especially for you - here in the forum we create a virtual reality.

Like "The Broke Straight Boys bar" is a virtual place... as a topic in a thread. So I thought, let's have a virtual Broke Straight Boys terrarium... and we could fill it with Ms. K:001_wub: 's fire bellied toads, your dwarf caiman...


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