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10 random facts about you.

Thanks for sharing all that Dekay. I'm sure I'm not the only one a little jealous that you have been able to j/o with some of your straight friends. LOL
Hi Jason, I have a couple of questions I hope you don't mind answering...

#6 Excuse my ignorance, but what does 'I am one of the few, the proud' mean?

#10 What sort of legacy do you have in mind?

#3 Real love is about completely excepting someone including their flaws. I hope one day you find your perfect match, and when you do you'll find this belief will be shattered into nonexistence. It does happen and don't you dare settle for less.

The few the proud is a reference to the United States Marine Corps.

As far as my legacy goes I cant speak for any plan in particular. I was had great ambitions to be a politician. Perhaps even president of the United States. I feel I would be an excellent president or politician in general. Unfortunatly I probably ruined most of those dreams with this career choice. At the end of the day its about being known as a good person. A family man that helped people in need. Someone that inspires people to continue to do great and is remembered for courage and integrity. I hope that people acrossed the country can look back at me long after Im gone and say "He really made a difference"

Im not against love or relationships. I enjoy spending my life with someone Im overly comfortable and compatable with. Someone that shares my common outlook on life and believes in the same morals. A person thats independant but cant live without you. Love is a beautiful thing and well worth the risk . One day Im confident I will find that special someone.. but I havent yet although ive tried dearly lol
1. Im half Italian and half Polish.
2. Im a first generation American on my mothers side and second generation on my fathers side.
3. I went from a 17 year relationship with a woman into a 5 year relationship with a guy.
4. There was a very brief overlap.
5. I prefer dating over one night stands, or casual sex, BUT, sometimes a boys gotta eat! ;)
6. I may be chunky, but I think I look pretty good for 42!
7. I am terribly shy in person.
8. Ive been single for 2 & 1/2 years, and am just now starting to get tired of it.
9. I am not into girly guys.
10. Most of my close friends in LA are butch lesbians. My friends in NY are all straight.
Im not against love or relationships. I enjoy spending my life with someone Im overly comfortable and compatable with. Someone that shares my common outlook on life and believes in the same morals. A person thats independant but cant live without you. Love is a beautiful thing and well worth the risk . One day Im confident I will find that special someone.. but I havent yet although ive tried dearly lol

Jason, that's because you haven't met ME! LOL

Seriously though, thanks for sharing all that about yourself. I now know why I find you so attractive. I've had a Cezch lover, many years ago, and more recently, I've had a Croatian cyber lover. They were both very hot young men whose culture made them very unique and desirable.
3. I went from a 17 year relationship with a woman into a 5 year relationship with a guy..

Hi rbar, thanks for letting us get to know you better.

Going from a long term relationship with a woman to a serious relationship with a man must have been a major event in you life. If it's not too personal would you mind sharing that part of your life with us?
1. Im half Italian and half Polish.
2. Im a first generation American on my mothers side and second generation on my fathers side.
3. I went from a 17 year relationship with a woman into a 5 year relationship with a guy.
4. There was a very brief overlap.
5. I prefer dating over one night stands, or casual sex, BUT, sometimes a boys gotta eat! ;)
6. I may be chunky, but I think I look pretty good for 42!
7. I am terribly shy in person.
8. Ive been single for 2 & 1/2 years, and am just now starting to get tired of it.
9. I am not into girly guys.
10. Most of my close friends in LA are butch lesbians. My friends in NY are all straight.

I'm so glad that we are getting to know you better Rbar. We actually have a lot in common so far. Among others........I am also terribly shy (school was torture), I have been single for just over 2 & 1/2, and I am not into girly guys.:smile:
Hi rbar, thanks for letting us get to know you better.

Going from a long term relationship with a woman to a serious relationship with a man must have been a major event in you life. If it's not too personal would you mind sharing that part of your life with us?

Hi Grace,
Thanks for asking! Its a long story, that I have been trying to turn into a book, so I wont get too detailed here, but the short of it is that she and I had been fighting for a while, I went out drinking with my best friend, who had broken up with his wife recently. We drank way too much, realized that neither of us could drive and took a cab back to my place, which was closer than his. We had been trash-talking all night about how we didn't need women, etc, and when we walked through the door, he kissed me, and we went from there... We spent several hours blowing each other that first night, a few days later we slept together for the first time, and by the time the week was over, he had moved in. It really happened so quickly that I didn't even think about it, and since he had been my best friend for years, it almost just seemed like a natural progression. It was a little harder for him (all that good Catholic boy guilt!) but we lived together for over 4 years, and did the long distance thing for another 10 months after I was transferred across the country. He still goes back and forth on his sexual preference (he enjoys sex with men, but feels guilty about it, prays for forgiveness, dates a woman for a while, then has another "lapse"), whereas I enjoyed both men and women for a while after our breakup, but have been pretty much gay for the last 2 or 3 years, with an exception or 2...

Thanks Ms K! Really? I am surprised to read that you are shy! I may be new to the forum, but I have been reading your posts for months, and never got that impression! :

BSB_WebMonkey adds:
I never got it either :) I get shy about guys I find handsome, then usually kick myself for not making the moves.
Thank for sharing your sexual transition with us. It must have been super exciting at the time, learning each other's bodies in a sexual way knowing your friendship was solid.

I feel a bit for him though, going though all that guilt and then switching back to women from time to time, even though he probably really wants to be with men only. That's so sad...
I never got it either :) I get shy about guys I find handsome, then usually kick myself for not making the moves.

I neer approach "handsome/pretty boys". I admire them, sometimes lust after them, but don't normally approach them. I find ways to let guys know that I want them, and then leave it to them to make the first move, and to my surprise, they sometimes do!
1. Im half Italian and half Polish.
2. Im a first generation American on my mothers side and second generation on my fathers side.
3. I went from a 17 year relationship with a woman into a 5 year relationship with a guy.
4. There was a very brief overlap.
5. I prefer dating over one night stands, or casual sex, BUT, sometimes a boys gotta eat! ;)
6. I may be chunky, but I think I look pretty good for 42!
7. I am terribly shy in person.
8. Ive been single for 2 & 1/2 years, and am just now starting to get tired of it.
9. I am not into girly guys.
10. Most of my close friends in LA are butch lesbians. My friends in NY are all straight.

Thanks for posting; you seem like a very interesting person! So, of course, there's questions:
1. Do you speak other languages?
2. Did you have an open relationship while you were with her? Do you consider yourself bi?
5. What do you like to eat?
6. I've always said, "more cush, less push;" I also fall into this category!
9. What do you notice first, in a girl? In a guy?
I neer approach "handsome/pretty boys". I admire them, sometimes lust after them, but don't normally approach them. I find ways to let guys know that I want them, and then leave it to them to make the first move, and to my surprise, they sometimes do!
I am totally intimidated around "handsome/pretty boys". It was sometimes a problem at my previous job of over thirty years, where I hired and managed the help, much of whom were college age kids. I would sometimes overcompensate with the pretty ones, by being less friendly, so as not to reveal my lust. But the guys who became longer time workers, I'm sure knew that their boss was hot for them, but I developed some very nice platonic relationships with some.
Thanks for posting; you seem like a very interesting person! So, of course, there's questions:
1. Do you speak other languages?
2. Did you have an open relationship while you were with her? Do you consider yourself bi?
5. What do you like to eat?
6. I've always said, "more cush, less push;" I also fall into this category!
9. What do you notice first, in a girl? In a guy?

1. I speak some Polish, but not nearly enough to be considered fluent. Only my mother and Grandmother speak it in the family, but most of us can understand it. I actually speak more Spanish, which I learned in school and from my girl, who was Puerto Rican.

2. It wasn't an open relationship, but once she cheated, I didn't really care anymore. Of course he and she knew each other, and he knew I was still sleeping with her, I'm not sure she knew about him, although I'm sure she suspected something was going on. I do still find women attractive, but its been a while since I've been in a male/female relationship. I have slept with a couple of women in the past few years, but I'd say that I am gay, with a side of Bi.

5. I'm a foodie! I love Italian and Chinese particularly, but as long as there are no onions (I'm allergic), I'll eat it, or at least try it! The only cuisine I'm not a huge fan of is Indian, but there are some exceptions.

6. I agree completely! I've always told my brother that girls or guys with some meat on them are better in bed.

9. Believe it or not, it's the hands and fingers. Not necessarily a manicure, but clean, nicely shaped hands and fingers. After that, different things about different people get my attention. It could be something as off-beat as someones chin, or jawline, or something as cliched as eyes or smile. A good personality trumps it all though. There is beauty in everyone, you just have to be willing to see it.
9. Believe it or not, it's the hands and fingers. Not necessarily a manicure, but clean, nicely shaped hands and fingers. After that, different things about different people get my attention. It could be something as off-beat as someones chin, or jawline, or something as cliched as eyes or smile. A good personality trumps it all though. There is beauty in everyone, you just have to be willing to see it.

OMG! That is the first thing I look at too! And if I don't like the hands/fingers, I ain't touching the rest!
1. I speak some Polish, but not nearly enough to be considered fluent. Only my mother and Grandmother speak it in the family, but most of us can understand it. I actually speak more Spanish, which I learned in school and from my girl, who was Puerto Rican.

2. It wasn't an open relationship, but once she cheated, I didn't really care anymore. Of course he and she knew each other, and he knew I was still sleeping with her, I'm not sure she knew about him, although I'm sure she suspected something was going on. I do still find women attractive, but its been a while since I've been in a male/female relationship. I have slept with a couple of women in the past few years, but I'd say that I am gay, with a side of Bi.

5. I'm a foodie! I love Italian and Chinese particularly, but as long as there are no onions (I'm allergic), I'll eat it, or at least try it! The only cuisine I'm not a huge fan of is Indian, but there are some exceptions.

6. I agree completely! I've always told my brother that girls or guys with some meat on them are better in bed.

9. Believe it or not, it's the hands and fingers. Not necessarily a manicure, but clean, nicely shaped hands and fingers. After that, different things about different people get my attention. It could be something as off-beat as someones chin, or jawline, or something as cliched as eyes or smile. A good personality trumps it all though. There is beauty in everyone, you just have to be willing to see it.

Facinating. She was Boricua?
I neer approach "handsome/pretty boys". I admire them, sometimes lust after them, but don't normally approach them. I find ways to let guys know that I want them, and then leave it to them to make the first move, and to my surprise, they sometimes do!

We'd better meet up then x
Eyes and teeth are first for me. I am a sucker for beautiful eyes, and bad teeth make me run.

Amen! I have to ask - is that your eye in your profile pic?