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Zach, Mike, Cody & Luke- Attn David


Well-known Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Padre Island Texas
David, First, thank you so much for such an amazing year and the wonderful job you do! And the Chritsmas bonus you gave us is above and beyond what ANY other site would have done.
Let me say first, of ALL of the epsiodes you have done, ANYTHING with Anthony (Jacob Anthony) and or his Cousin Mikey are amazing. I don't care if these guys had a 2" cock, I LOVE their personalities. My second favorite duo on your site are Alden & Robert.
This current Christmas bonus shoot was supposed to be 2 gay guys, one Bi, and one straight! The straight guy after just minute jumped in and sucked cock better the most gay guys. I am not being a dick, it just came across kind of lame. That and ONLY that was lame. The rest of the shoot was awesome! I just don't buy this new guy as straight boy. He is VERY cute by the way!
ALL of these guys are beautiful, It was very hot and totally appreciated.
I know no matter what, this will sound like am being a A-hole. I am not. I respect all that you do and this was hot as hell. I just don't buy the new boy as a straight guy! Please give us Jacob Anthony and his Cousin Mikey again soon! AND my boy's Robert and Alden!
David, First, thank you so much for such an amazing year and the wonderful job you do! And the Chritsmas bonus you gave us is above and beyond what ANY other site would have done.
Let me say first, of ALL of the epsiodes you have done, ANYTHING with Anthony (Jacob Anthony) and or his Cousin Mikey are amazing. I don't care if these guys had a 2" cock, I LOVE their personalities. My second favorite duo on your site are Alden & Robert.
This current Christmas bonus shoot was supposed to be 2 gay guys, one Bi, and one straight! The straight guy after just minute jumped in and sucked cock better the most gay guys. I am not being a dick, it just came across kind of lame. That and ONLY that was lame. The rest of the shoot was awesome! I just don't buy this new guy as straight boy. He is VERY cute by the way!
ALL of these guys are beautiful, It was very hot and totally appreciated.
I know no matter what, this will sound like am being a A-hole. I am not. I respect all that you do and this was hot as hell. I just don't buy the new boy as a straight guy! Please give us Jacob Anthony and his Cousin Mikey again soon! AND my boy's Robert and Alden!

Nope your not being an A-hole, and your entitled to your opinion I'm not going to defend the site nor the boys anymore. We have more non-christmas footage of the new boys and this group of boys so when he filmed that scene...he already filmed other scenes so he already got the concept of the site and what he needed to do for this particular scene. I'm glad overall you enjoyed the site and the episodes. Thank you for the encouraging feedback and we thank you and appreciate you as a member.
Zach, Mike, Cody, & Luke - Attn: David, Redux


Zach, Mike, Cody & Luke- Attn David

This current Christmas bonus shoot was supposed to be 2 gay guys, one Bi, and one straight! The straight guy after just minute jumped in and sucked cock better the most gay guys. I am not being a dick, it just came across kind of lame. That and ONLY that was lame. The rest of the shoot was awesome! I just don't buy this new guy as straight boy. He is VERY cute by the way!
We have more non-christmas footage of the new boys and this group of boys so when he (Cody) filmed that scene...he already filmed other scenes so he already got the concept of the site and what he needed to do for this particular scene.

Dear Dave,

Now this is what I'm talking about. Several members, myself included, couldn't understand what appeared to be the first shoot for a model to include cock sucking, tit licking, and anal. We do understand the evolvement of the models from first shoot to perhaps anal. We questioned, we asked, we accused, we didn't know how someone could do anal and the other fun things in their first shoot.

With NSREED's question above, and your answer above, we (that's the imperial we) understand....this was not Codys first shoot. This is what has confused us in the past when some of the shoots are posted out of order.

Perhaps a little disclaimer would help us to understand further when these little things happen. BTW, it was a great shoot, and thank you!! :001_smile:
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Dear Dave,

Now this is what I'm talking about. Several members, myself included, couldn't understand what appeared to be the first shoot for a model to include cock sucking, tit licking, and anal. We do understand the evolvement of the models from first shoot to perhaps anal. We questioned, we asked, we accused, we didn't know how someone could do anal and the other fun things in their first shoot.

With NSREED's question above, and your answer above, we (that's the imperial we) understand....this was not Codys first shoot. This is what has confused us in the past when some of the shoots are posted out of order.

Perhaps a little disclaimer would help us to understand further when these little things happen. BTW, it was a great shoot, and thank you!! :001_smile:

I'll say they were out of order, he had definitely got the "hang" of fun on the sofabed by the time we got to meet him: he only opened his mouth to put Zack's dick in it (not all that talkative) and surprise surprise, as the cam de-zoomed Blondie had a boner! Pretty Cody, on the face of it, had made the Tyler Evans Evolution From Str8 to Wanton Bi, during the course of his first shoot! Tyler took months. Still trying to guess at what happens behind the scenes richard? eh? Me too.

Can't help lovin' it, especially the absurdities. The shoot was great, as richardnog and pretty much everyone else has already said. And Cody: welcome to the gay community, what took you so long?
sorry for going out of order...but again...we wanted to place the xmas special up because it was a "special"...stop being so critical about the order..can't you guys just enjoy the scenes....if your patient enough, it will all fall into place.....and everything will be explained in future espisodes as you watch. We are so ahead of you guys, you have no idea what is coming up in future episodes...remember we film months in advance. We have stuff in the "can" you don't even know about and what is coming up...so again..stop being so critical and enjoy the scenes as they are placed up. I know at times they go out of order, especially the xmas special without any explaining...but we don't think watching porn should come with a "owners manual", these are simple shoots and if your patient and keep on watching, then you will understand the "big" picture and the sceam of things. Trust us...we kind of sort of know what we are doing :)
sorry for going out of order...but again...we wanted to place the xmas special up because it was a "special"...stop being so critical about the order..can't you guys just enjoy the scenes....if your patient enough, it will all fall into place.....and everything will be explained in future espisodes as you watch. We are so ahead of you guys, you have no idea what is coming up in future episodes...remember we film months in advance. We have stuff in the "can" you don't even know about and what is coming up...so again..stop being so critical and enjoy the scenes as they are placed up. I know at times they go out of order, especially the xmas special without any explaining...but we don't think watching porn should come with a "owners manual", these are simple shoots and if your patient and keep on watching, then you will understand the "big" picture and the sceam of things. Trust us...we kind of sort of know what we are doing :)
I trust you David, as one who used to bitch about the order after you explained it once in another thread I got it. I for one thank you, Mark and all the models for all you do for us members. I can't wait for the new year and new stuff headed our way. We all have our little wants for the new year scenes, I know I do and have said so in other threads. But I will be patient and wait to see what is coming our way. For all you OCD people who have to have things just perfect, I just got done typing this in another thread: It's not rocket science it's porn people!!!!
granted i enjoy watching the progression of the models, but it is a "porn" site and a HOTT SCENE is a hot scene..... regardless of what order things are in this was when founded an entertainment site and it is to this date still an entertainment site.
In a perfect world what we try to do is put up the following scenes in this order, if the model is new and had never been on Broke Straight Boys before we feature the scenes as follows:

Solo or duo solo-this is a simple scene of the guys or boy jerking off. Yes! I understand some of you folks feel and think the solos are boring...but then we upload another scene that week which shows action. When we bring in a new model, having them do a solo gives us an opportunity to introduce the model and it also makes the model feel comfortable infront of the cameras.

Oral-We do the oral next so this way we can ease the model and introduce the model to the wonderful world of oral. Oral to us is dick sucking and handjobs.

Anal-once the model has completed an oral scene, we introduce that particular model to anal action and then perhaps a 3way or orgy.

Now at times, we mix up the scenes from Oral to Anal, but NOT that often...in this weeks case, we did it purposely because we want to display the Xmas bonus scenes and give our members several updates this week. Its our Xmas present from D&E Productions/BluMedia Studios which produces Broke Straight Boys to our members. We feel, based on the feedback, all of you enjoyed the christmas special...we recieved a lot of great feedback and we learned to feature more "broke gay boys" on the site....who knows, perhaps we can start offsite called brokegayboys.com.

I hope this cleared up some issues for some folks that follow the site.
Thanks, Dave!

For me, it's just that the name of the site is Broke Straight Boys When I see them obviously having "experience", it kind of takes the fun out of it. It's porn. I get that, but the fantasy is missing. I do appreciate that you are kinder to the models than most..................
Ok folks, let the old man talk here. How many times have we heard people open their pie hole and bitch about someone appearing to be gay but saying they are straight. I have known COUNTLESS numbers of people that show more flame then the Olympic torch but yet still proclaim how they are straight. And who doesn't know the old story about the difference between a gay guy and a straight guy is a 6 pack of beer. Face it some guys just have a real hard time admitting who they are. So what do you expect David to do give all of the models a lie detector test? Now second the guy that comes on saying he is straight but of questionable validity is probably going to offer us a dam good show as opposed to the guy who don't know what the heck is going on. So what would you rather see? As has been said many times this is A PORN site for Pete's sake shut up and enjoy the show. Besides does your jizz not reach it's full potential if the guy your watching is not fully straight. Now as for the episodes being out of order. Remember it's A PORN site and it is run by David and company and frankly I happen to think they are doing a darn fine jog of it and I defy you to find a better site on the internet for the money your spending. If you happen to think other wise then have a nice day and go some place else to bitch. We will get along just fine without you. So again shut up and enjoy the show. Now if anyone wants to continue this useless discussion perhaps we should debate if you are actually GAY enough to be allowed to view the site. Maybe your just to straight your self to know a good gay orgy when you see one. So anyhow that's about all I have to say about that so you may now fire at will.
Denny Bear
Ok folks, let the old man talk here. How many times have we heard people open their pie hole and bitch about someone appearing to be gay but saying they are straight. I have known COUNTLESS numbers of people that show more flame then the Olympic torch but yet still proclaim how they are straight. And who doesn't know the old story about the difference between a gay guy and a straight guy is a 6 pack of beer. Face it some guys just have a real hard time admitting who they are. So what do you expect David to do give all of the models a lie detector test? Now second the guy that comes on saying he is straight but of questionable validity is probably going to offer us a dam good show as opposed to the guy who don't know what the heck is going on. So what would you rather see? As has been said many times this is A PORN site for Pete's sake shut up and enjoy the show. Besides does your jizz not reach it's full potential if the guy your watching is not fully straight. Now as for the episodes being out of order. Remember it's A PORN site and it is run by David and company and frankly I happen to think they are doing a darn fine jog of it and I defy you to find a better site on the internet for the money your spending. If you happen to think other wise then have a nice day and go some place else to bitch. We will get along just fine without you. So again shut up and enjoy the show. Now if anyone wants to continue this useless discussion perhaps we should debate if you are actually GAY enough to be allowed to view the site. Maybe your just to straight your self to know a good gay orgy when you see one. So anyhow that's about all I have to say about that so you may now fire at will.
Denny Bear

Careful folks:

If Denny Bear really is Santa, I don't want to get on his bad side. LOL It seems that coal is rather expensive these days. This year instead of lumps of coal he gave my brother snowman excrement. Who knows what you will get??? One thing though Santa, many of us are gay, bisexual, or straight for now. If we keep our mouth shut; we cannot suck any cock, eat any ass, or tell our partner how good it feels. Worst of all, we cannot tell Santa what we want for Christmas. Santa would be awfully grumpy if Mr. Clause kept his mouth shut for an entire year. That has to be a lot worse than being put on the naughty list. LOL

I must say that Santa made me laugh. Trust me; it was much more than a Ho, ho, ho too. I think until most of us had our first dick in our mouth or in our ole buttiecimo, we did not know for sure whether or not we were gay, bi, or straight. David said that he discusses with these guys up front what is being asked of them. I do believe the models are willing participants on some level. That is why I love this site.

I have been having sex with guys off and on since I was 9 years old. It wasn't until I was like 20 years old I could even accept the idea I might be bisexual. I AM that, I AM. – This simply means you are what you believe you are. Therefore, I believe sexual orientation is a state of mind folks. You are straight if you believe you are. You are gay if you believe you are. You are bisexual if you believe you are. Look at President Clinton. I know this is probably a bad example. He did not see being on the receiving end of a blow job as being sexual with Ms. Lewinski. Yet, many Americans felt as if he was lying. In his mind sexual relations involved something deeper than a good old fashioned BJ.

So, I challenge everyone in here to go back to your first time with another guy. Think how much you enjoyed it, living a fantasy or just having a friend willing to help out. Even if they did something wrong, it still felt great and the thrill of finally exploring gay sex made it worth while. Now imagine that someone is offering you money to explore gay sex for the first time. When I hear the word straight it is always a relative term to me. I know at least 10 guys over 35 and older that were married and had children. All of them have told me that they never thought about Gay sex or even considered it before they were married with children. The idea and or opportunity came much later for gay sex. After that first time or two, they really knew they wanted to be with a guy for the rest of their life. They got divorced and came out to everyone. They are all fairly happy today and thank God they all still have families and children that care about them and love them regardless.

I laugh, because I can remember women teasing this one guy who was out of the closet in High School. They would tell him that he never met the right girl etc. Well, I can tell you that until most guys have sex with another guy as a willing participant, there is no way a guy can really know for sure one way or the other. I propose that we just compromise and say that the guys on this site have not actually explored gay sex with another guy or that they have had limited experience until they came to Broke Straight Boys Besides, like Denny says, aside from shooting a model up with sodium pentothal (this one is mine) , taking a lie detector test, or both all the studio has is the model’s word.

I do enjoy watching the models progress into being more and more comfortable with gay sex. And the sequences can be confusing sometimes when I am trying to track a model's progression. I just try to ignore it for now because I understand David has months of filming that have been shot way in advance. I also understand that they wanted to do something special for Christmas to deliver some of the hot gay sex we have been craving. So, I am just enjoying the show and being very patient. I do believe the models are straight, by the definition above, when they come to Broke Straight Boys Since reading all of the explanations in here over the weeks on so many threads, I can see why some of these guys show up on other sites too. Basically, these guys come here pop a few nuts with a guy and discover it isn’t all that bad. The pay check is sweet too. Then they go to some other site to roust up some more work. In the interview they discuss their experience and say they have done work for Broke Straight Boys They shoot that week. The film looks great. So, that site wants to be the first to show the new face. So, they rush to get the video out. I do believe it is the nature of the business. :001_unsure:

There are two thoughts I want to leave everyone with::wink:

“Perfection is a state that can never be achieved. Once we reach what we thought was that pinnacle, we raise the bar even higher.” – me

“Repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results” is the definition of insanity in the NA text book.

As I said earlier, I for one don’t want to get on Santa’s bad side. Hey, Santa I would love to sit on your lap and tell you what I want for Christmas. I am just afraid we may wind up spending the whole night taking care of the first thing or two that pops up again… :w00t:

P.S. Some one pass me the lube. It is time to enjoy another great show.
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Ok folks, let the old man talk here. How many times have we heard people open their pie hole and bitch about someone appearing to be gay but saying they are straight. I have known COUNTLESS numbers of people that show more flame then the Olympic torch but yet still proclaim how they are straight. And who doesn't know the old story about the difference between a gay guy and a straight guy is a 6 pack of beer. Face it some guys just have a real hard time admitting who they are. So what do you expect David to do give all of the models a lie detector test? Now second the guy that comes on saying he is straight but of questionable validity is probably going to offer us a dam good show as opposed to the guy who don't know what the heck is going on. So what would you rather see? As has been said many times this is A PORN site for Pete's sake shut up and enjoy the show. Besides does your jizz not reach it's full potential if the guy your watching is not fully straight. Now as for the episodes being out of order. Remember it's A PORN site and it is run by David and company and frankly I happen to think they are doing a darn fine jog of it and I defy you to find a better site on the internet for the money your spending. If you happen to think other wise then have a nice day and go some place else to bitch. We will get along just fine without you. So again shut up and enjoy the show. Now if anyone wants to continue this useless discussion perhaps we should debate if you are actually GAY enough to be allowed to view the site. Maybe your just to straight your self to know a good gay orgy when you see one. So anyhow that's about all I have to say about that so you may now fire at will.
Denny Bear
Bravo Dude, is all I have to say to you.:thumbup:

Sick of this nit picking shit, it's like sitting in a movie theatre and someone is going on and on about how lame this is, or how fake that is. Drives me looney, shut up and watch the show!!! You paid for it, watch it or get the hell out!!!
Ok folks, let the old man talk here. How many times have we heard people open their pie hole and bitch about someone appearing to be gay but saying they are straight. I have known COUNTLESS numbers of people that show more flame then the Olympic torch but yet still proclaim how they are straight. And who doesn't know the old story about the difference between a gay guy and a straight guy is a 6 pack of beer. Face it some guys just have a real hard time admitting who they are. So what do you expect David to do give all of the models a lie detector test? Now second the guy that comes on saying he is straight but of questionable validity is probably going to offer us a dam good show as opposed to the guy who don't know what the heck is going on. So what would you rather see? As has been said many times this is A PORN site for Pete's sake shut up and enjoy the show. Besides does your jizz not reach it's full potential if the guy your watching is not fully straight. Now as for the episodes being out of order. Remember it's A PORN site and it is run by David and company and frankly I happen to think they are doing a darn fine jog of it and I defy you to find a better site on the internet for the money your spending. If you happen to think other wise then have a nice day and go some place else to bitch. We will get along just fine without you. So again shut up and enjoy the show. Now if anyone wants to continue this useless discussion perhaps we should debate if you are actually GAY enough to be allowed to view the site. Maybe your just to straight your self to know a good gay orgy when you see one. So anyhow that's about all I have to say about that so you may now fire at will.
Denny Bear

Watching the episodes is where I produce the copious and high quality jizz I've been known for all my life, the forum is where I air my extremely well written opinions, often contrarian, and therefore intentionally useful to the Firm:001_rolleyes::ohmy:

That's bulllshit of course, but nonetheless this is getting tiresome and dumb. A forum where people who actually make the debate sizzle being told to shut up and go away by others who are exclusively into rimming (also known as asslicking), man that's too bad.

And David, do you really mean to sound patronizing? What if the only posts regarding the episodes you got on here were, like, "...jeepers, that was one hot scene, I'm just hooked on hot toned straight babyfaced hung newbie Henry, and as for you, you are such an amazing producer who knows all the behind the scenes stuff that we have exactly zero idea of, and I for one am just gonna send you and Mark and all your staff and colleagues and the cleaning lady my eternal gratitude and limit myself to jacking my dick..."

Disheartening, but not yet enough to curb my enthusiasm. You'll have to incorporate a blocking mechanism to shut me up.

Love ya mister. Big hug for Eddie. Have a great New Year.

(btw Denny, I quoted you at the top when I maybe should have quoted David instead, so all the sarcasm isn't actually meant for you. I love Santa, just like Jayman does. And a Santa who is so loyal to the site I'm so hung up on, and who is also a cuddly bear and gay as fuck, that's one ace Santa in my book. Peace bro.)
Bravo Dude, is all I have to say to you.:thumbup:

Sick of this nit picking shit, it's like sitting in a movie theatre and someone is going on and on about how lame this is, or how fake that is. Drives me looney, shut up and watch the show!!! You paid for it, watch it or get the hell out!!!

Do you mean stop posting on the forum or do you mean cancel my subscription to the site? This past weekend someone who was upset by a guy sitting in front of him at the movies talking to his son pulled out a gun and shot the daddy in the arm haha. Happy New Year.

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Slimvintage is absolutely RIGHT. Now I'll throw in my lot. The forum is here so we can voice opinions. I am not a lap dog. I call it as I see it. If everybody just comes on with heaps of false praise and goes all goo-goo eyed, well that is not much of a Forum. Mark put this Forum up so he could get SUGGESTIONS and member FEEDBACK. So why criticize those of us who give honest feedback, which is what Mark wants because he is trying to keep everybody happy. That is just good business sense. And who are Denny Bear and Bookse to say which of us should be members? They will not tell me what I can or cannot write. If they don't like what I write they can "shut up" and "get the hell out." I strongly believe in two things for sure: 1) Freedom of speech, and 2) The free enterprise system. That is what is at work on this Forum. It sounds like Denny Bear and Bookse are trying to suppress free speech. If all the opinions are goody, goody backslapping for the staff and management then what purpose does the Forum serve? What Denny and Bookse advocate is something akin to the relationship between Pravda and Mr. Putin. Nothing but gooey sweet praise and no criticism, this is intellectually dishonest. I, indeed WE, have a right to "bitch." We are paying for this service. And Bookse, anytime I hear somebody say "dude" I automatically subtract 20 points from their I.Q.
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Slimvintage is absolutely RIGHT. Now I'll throw in my lot. The forum is here so we can voice opinions. I am not a lap dog. I call it as I see it. If everybody just comes on with heaps of false praise and goes all goo-goo eyed, well that is not much of a Forum. Mark put this Forum up so he could get SUGGESTIONS and member FEEDBACK. So why criticize those of us who give honest feedback, which is what Mark wants because he is trying to keep everybody happy. That is just good business sense. And who are Denny Bear and Bookse to say which of us should be members? They will not tell me what I can or cannot write. If they don't like what I write they can "shut up" and "get the hell out." I strongly believe in two things for sure: 1) Freedom of speech, and 2) The free enterprise system. That is what is at work on this Forum. It sounds like Denny Bear and Bookse are trying to suppress free speech. If all the opinions are goody, goody backslapping for the staff and management then what purpose does the Forum serve? What Denny and Bookse advocate is something akin to the relationship between Pravda and Mr. Putin. Nothing but gooey sweet praise and no criticism, this is intellectually dishonest. I, indeed WE, have a right to "bitch." We are paying for this service. And Bookse, anytime I hear somebody say "dude" I automatically subtract 20 points from their I.Q.

I'm not critizing your right to air opioions, but when you get personal with someone because of the way the write, use of gramar, slang and so forth that is not having to do with the site that is personal and people take offense to that. I can care less what you think of my IQ, yours tells me that if you are so righteous that what the hell do you need porn for!!!!
And Bookse, anytime I hear somebody say "dude" I automatically subtract 20 points from their I.Q.
That is the kind of "elitist" snide rude comment that I find to be a total turnoff. While I believe that the value of this forum is to keep it open to all opinions, I do not like personal attacks on members, and their expressions and slang. This is a porn site DUDE. Do phrases like "jerk off", and "blowjob" and "loads of cum in my mouth" also offend you? This is not The Harvard Review. Chill out. (Does saying "chill out" mean that my IQ has taken a subtraction too?)
Guys...this is not a forum to fight. Mark and I and the Broke Straight Boys team love to hear feedback from ALL of our members. We value your opinion and your suggestions...but many times, you guys are WAY OFF BASE. Some of you email me comments or place comments on this forum that are just "way out of line"...for the time we had a model with a "yellow bracelet" that one member emailed me telling me how dare I place a "yellow bracelet" on the model...he actaully accused me of tagging the models of who is really gay or straight or bottom/top and that is how our crew knows who is who...it was a donation to the Lance Armstrong charity to fight testicular cancer. Or how about when members swear that all the models are gay and just porn actors and there stories are scripted. If a member is off base and make false accusations, then yes...I will get insulted and tell you the truth and defend the site and the boys. You may not like my response and I'm sorry if you don't agree but this is a forum and I'm entitled to my opinion as well and respond to false accusations accordingly. This forum is not a place for others to insult other members. NOT every member has a hi IQ and we never claimed to be Harvard graduates. Everyone that is part of this forum and are members of this site come from all over the world some smarter, wiser, richer, dumber, ugly, good-looking, fat, skinny, man/woman, gay, straight, bi...whatever...we welcome everyone to this site and we will not stand for any members to insult other members regardless of what the rules are on this forum. This is not a place to insult peoples IQ, spelling, grammer and otherwise and this will not be tolerated!

I have mention this time and time again. We are NOT claiming these boys are "heterosexual"...these guys are straight, curious...or bi with very limited experience. Yes..I'm a gay man and I agree..if a man is going to have sex in any shape or form with another man, may it be oral or anal, that person is gay. However, times have changed...I'm 41 years old...today the younger generation is much more open and willing to do a lot more with sex today. We can all stand on our "soapbox" and try to "figure" out who is gay...and accuse us falesely advertising and marketing a site to make a buck and keep you as members...but the truth of the matter is yes! we find guys...that are straight that are curious about having sex with other guys, these guys have never had sex with a guy before and between the money (which motivates these guys to be filmed and think its easy) and the chance of having this sexual experience turns these guys on. We do extensive interveiws with the models and we find out a lot about them. When we place them on the site...we introduce them to you and sum up the reason why they are on the site and there situation. I don't think we need to spend hours telling our viewers there whole life story when in fact your all here to see them get hard and give you a show...nobody really wants to go into details about the models lives, we just give you a simple true summary of why they are doing this and why they appear on the site. Yes! these guys are broke in most cases...they need money for school, rent, car, girlfriends, bills, etc...many of the guys are unemployed or they are employed but not making ends meet. What you see is what you get..no hidden codes or secret agendas. Yes! Some boys you will see on other sites and some you will not...this again is the nature of the business, these models don't care who they work for, they go to studio to studio so they can make money...they don't care about you or the studio...there goal is to make as much money as they possibly can and work for the studio that can give them most of the work. Case in point, I wouldn't be surprised to see "Dustin" in a few months fucking other guys on another porn site or appearing in a DVD. Again, these guys need the money, they get desperete, they go to another studio and work to make the money. Some don't but most do...its the nature of the business and WE have no control over it. If you see a Broke Straight Boys model appear on other sites fucking guys...then this is the case...if you see a model on Broke Straight Boys that appeared on other sites...then these guys are considered "gay for pay"...again...I know its hard to believe but models that are gay for pay...are gay only when they get paid. Many studios use these type of models because they are HOT and they know how to perform and get the job done. For these boys...its a job...they are true "hustlers". Do I believe the gay for pay models are straight...in my heart they are bi..but I guess the stigma of saying they are bi converts in there brain as being "gay" and they rather live a straight life, they consider themselves straight but only have gay sex for money only on film. Whatever goes through a HOT 18-25 year old minds...I will never figure out or try to figure out. What people do sexually in there lives amazes me at times...the bottom line...we are all freaks and horn dogs!

As for production its a lot of work...we just don't film a scene, take the film out of the camera and upload it onto the site. We are sorry at times (not all the times) the scenes are out of order...sometimes its a hot scene and we want to place it up on the site ASAP! But there is always a follow-up and if your patient, all the scenes will fall into place. You have to remember, this is an office and production studio...I don't have boys running around naked doing drugs and I have a camera in my hand filming all the time...everything is planned out in advance...our office is boring..computers, and production people sitting in front of computers working on images and editing and making promotional and marketing material for Broke Straight Boys and College Boy Physicals sites as well as the other sites we are working of for future releases. We have two offices, one in South Florida were the production studio is and that is were I am and my team is located and we work primarily on the production and hiring models. Then you have Mark's team who is located in Colorado and we have a slew of people that work for us throughout the United States marketing and promotoing the sites. As you can see, its not a small mom & pop operation, there are plenty of things that go on behind the scenes that many of you don't know and don't understand. Most people have a very different image of the porn industry...but I hate to bust anyone's bubble...its boring, its offices with people working like any other office.

With this being said and going into the New Year! If members want to argue about who is gay, who is straight...if its there first time or not..if you want to believe that all the models are professional porn stars and this site is all fake...then you keep on thinking of that and I will agree...your the customer and the customer is always right! If you want to believe this site is fake and phoney...go right ahead. If you believe otherwise, I will agree with you the same. You can make your own judgements going forward. I'm tired of defending the site and the boys. I don't have time to keep up with this and I have lots to do and a business to run. My roll on this forum is to listen to your feedback and suggestions...I will hopefully answer any questions you may have about a scene and answer any legitimate non-insulting questions you may have about the site and the boys, I will let you guys know of any hot up & coming models watch for and respond to those that are not insulting in nature. If you guys want to fight amounst yourselves...go right ahead..knock your socks off...just keep in mind, keep watching the site and enjoy the show! And we will NOT tolarate members insulting other members on this forum!

I will respect your opinions and suggestions as I hope you will respect our views and my views as well.

Have a great New Year!!!
David Adamson
D&E Productions/BluMedia Studios
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I have personally appologized to David and I will appologize to the forum. I am sorry to all who are offended by my posts. I will in future keep my opinions to myself and enjoy the site. Thank You.