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Zach, Mike, Cody & Luke- Attn David

That is the kind of "elitist" snide rude comment that I find to be a total turnoff. While I believe that the value of this forum is to keep it open to all opinions, I do not like personal attacks on members, and their expressions and slang. This is a porn site DUDE. Do phrases like "jerk off", and "blowjob" and "loads of cum in my mouth" also offend you? This is not The Harvard Review. Chill out. (Does saying "chill out" mean that my IQ has taken a subtraction too?)
Eh bien, il semble que les paysans se vautre dans l'ignorance comme des porcs dans la boue, et l'aimer. Je ne savais pas qu'il était élitiste de s'attendre à une bonne expression et la grammaire de la part des adultes qui ont été prétendument instruits. Qu'est-ce que j'ai lu sur les forums, à l'exception de Jayman et Slimvintage (qui sont probablement les seuls à pouvoir lire ce), est une honte pour le système d'éducation américain. Etre gay et un membre d'un site pornographique n'est pas une excuse pour jeter anglais correct et de bonnes manières. Je n'ai jamais aucun problème pour commencer, j'ai seulement répondu. Je suis réactif, et non pas proactive dans ce domaine.
Careful folks:

If Denny Bear really is Santa, I don't want to get on his bad side. LOL It seems that coal is rather expensive these days. This year instead of lumps of coal he gave my brother snowman excrement. Who knows what you will get??? One thing though Santa, many of us are gay, bisexual, or straight for now. If we keep our mouth shut; we cannot suck any cock, eat any ass, or tell our partner how good it feels. Worst of all, we cannot tell Santa what we want for Christmas. Santa would be awfully grumpy if Mr. Clause kept his mouth shut for an entire year. That has to be a lot worse than being put on the naughty list. LOL

I must say that Santa made me laugh. Trust me; it was much more than a Ho, ho, ho too. I think until most of us had our first dick in our mouth or in our ole buttiecimo, we did not know for sure whether or not we were gay, bi, or straight. David said that he discusses with these guys up front what is being asked of them. I do believe the models are willing participants on some level. That is why I love this site.

I have been having sex with guys off and on since I was 9 years old. It wasn't until I was like 20 years old I could even accept the idea I might be bisexual. I AM that, I AM. – This simply means you are what you believe you are. Therefore, I believe sexual orientation is a state of mind folks. You are straight if you believe you are. You are gay if you believe you are. You are bisexual if you believe you are. Look at President Clinton. I know this is probably a bad example. He did not see being on the receiving end of a blow job as being sexual with Ms. Lewinski. Yet, many Americans felt as if he was lying. In his mind sexual relations involved something deeper than a good old fashioned BJ.

So, I challenge everyone in here to go back to your first time with another guy. Think how much you enjoyed it, living a fantasy or just having a friend willing to help out. Even if they did something wrong, it still felt great and the thrill of finally exploring gay sex made it worth while. Now imagine that someone is offering you money to explore gay sex for the first time. When I hear the word straight it is always a relative term to me. I know at least 10 guys over 35 and older that were married and had children. All of them have told me that they never thought about Gay sex or even considered it before they were married with children. The idea and or opportunity came much later for gay sex. After that first time or two, they really knew they wanted to be with a guy for the rest of their life. They got divorced and came out to everyone. They are all fairly happy today and thank God they all still have families and children that care about them and love them regardless.

I laugh, because I can remember women teasing this one guy who was out of the closet in High School. They would tell him that he never met the right girl etc. Well, I can tell you that until most guys have sex with another guy as a willing participant, there is no way a guy can really know for sure one way or the other. I propose that we just compromise and say that the guys on this site have not actually explored gay sex with another guy or that they have had limited experience until they came to Broke Straight Boys Besides, like Denny says, aside from shooting a model up with sodium pentothal (this one is mine) , taking a lie detector test, or both all the studio has is the model’s word.

I do enjoy watching the models progress into being more and more comfortable with gay sex. And the sequences can be confusing sometimes when I am trying to track a model's progression. I just try to ignore it for now because I understand David has months of filming that have been shot way in advance. I also understand that they wanted to do something special for Christmas to deliver some of the hot gay sex we have been craving. So, I am just enjoying the show and being very patient. I do believe the models are straight, by the definition above, when they come to Broke Straight Boys Since reading all of the explanations in here over the weeks on so many threads, I can see why some of these guys show up on other sites too. Basically, these guys come here pop a few nuts with a guy and discover it isn’t all that bad. The pay check is sweet too. Then they go to some other site to roust up some more work. In the interview they discuss their experience and say they have done work for Broke Straight Boys They shoot that week. The film looks great. So, that site wants to be the first to show the new face. So, they rush to get the video out. I do believe it is the nature of the business. :001_unsure:

There are two thoughts I want to leave everyone with::wink:

“Perfection is a state that can never be achieved. Once we reach what we thought was that pinnacle, we raise the bar even higher.” – me

“Repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results” is the definition of insanity in the NA text book.

As I said earlier, I for one don’t want to get on Santa’s bad side. Hey, Santa I would love to sit on your lap and tell you what I want for Christmas. I am just afraid we may wind up spending the whole night taking care of the first thing or two that pops up again… :w00t:

P.S. Some one pass me the lube. It is time to enjoy another great show.
Jayman, vous êtes si gentil et adorable. Toujours plein d'esprit et drôle, et intelligent sur le dessus de tous les autres attributs que vous venez à nous avec!
The type of debate on this forum is very, very mild compared to what is said on the floor of the house in Congress or in the House of Commons in the British Parliment. You should watch it sometime. I hope those who are so sensitive never run for office, they will not last a week in a campaign.
Jacob and Mikey

ANYTHING with Anthony (Jacob Anthony) and or his Cousin Mikey are amazing. I don't care if these guys had a 2" cock, I LOVE their personalities. My second favorite duo on your site are Alden & Robert.

I second that! J-Anthony and Mikey are the tops! And it was a promo of Alden and Robert that brought me to this site - what happened to those two?

What ever happened to wes and erik?
Jayman, vous êtes si gentil et adorable. Toujours plein d'esprit et drôle, et intelligent sur le dessus de tous les autres attributs que vous venez à nous avec!

Thank you... I appreciate your words of encouragement. Working as a humble servant for many not for profit agencies kind of does that to you when you need to ask the community for money. I have always found being mindful of other people encourages gratitude and the money follows hand in hand.
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I have personally appologized to David and I will appologize to the forum. I am sorry to all who are offended by my posts. I will in future keep my opinions to myself and enjoy the site. Thank You.
You have a right to voice your opinion. Don't let anybody stop you.
Nope your not being an A-hole, and your entitled to your opinion I'm not going to defend the site nor the boys anymore. We have more non-christmas footage of the new boys and this group of boys so when he filmed that scene...he already filmed other scenes so he already got the concept of the site and what he needed to do for this particular scene. I'm glad overall you enjoyed the site and the episodes. Thank you for the encouraging feedback and we thank you and appreciate you as a member.

All Right David & Co.!!!

"we" , (as nsreed used it) really DO appreciate you for all the pleasure you give us and the hard work and hours you put in. Personally, I love the scenes, but I never think too deeply on the "performance" of the characters. I guess I have just been too distracted to notice minor ambiguities or conflicts in logic. Must be the price of old age, oh well! LOL Anyway, thank you for everything and I'll see you in the New Year!

The type of debate on this forum is very, very mild compared to what is said on the floor of the house in Congress or in the House of Commons in the British Parliment. You should watch it sometime. I hope those who are so sensitive never run for office, they will not last a week in a campaign.


The real reason nothing gets done in congress is they Represenatives and Senators are too busy poking fun and bending over all of the pages. :thumbup:
Merci pour les mots, monsieur! Je pense que vous etes vraiment jolie, et un bon ami!

Merci pour les mots, monsieur! Je pense que vous etes vraiment jolie, et un bon ami!


Bénissez votre coeur, j'apprécie vraiment votre intelligence. Vous êtes un membre très spécial de ce Forum pour moi aussi. J'estime que je peux sans doute vous appeler "l'ami". :thumbup:
Bénissez votre coeur, j'apprécie vraiment votre intelligence. Vous êtes un membre très spécial de ce Forum pour moi aussi. J'estime que je peux sans doute vous appeler "l'ami". :thumbup:
Hi Guys. Could I respectfully request that you guys post in English. It is frustrating to not understand what you are saying. Thanks.:001_smile:
Hi Guys. Could I respectfully request that you guys post in English. It is frustrating to not understand what you are saying. Thanks.:001_smile:
Just skip the French postings. They are written in French for a reason. You are not missing any juicy sex talk.
Hi Guys. Could I respectfully request that you guys post in English. It is frustrating to not understand what you are saying. Thanks.:001_smile:

I told him I do appreciate him and consider him a friend.
Hi Guys. Could I respectfully request that you guys post in English. It is frustrating to not understand what you are saying. Thanks.:001_smile:

Sorry mike about the French, in a way it's partly not to be understood by everyone, partly cuz it's fun for us, and partly because we've one way or another been told to shut up, fuck off and tone it down because of what we were posting in English. This is a way to show respect for the guys who were irritated by some of what what we saying, but still be able to say some of it anyway to each other. No big deal. If more guys complain and the management doesn't like it they'll probably tell us to stop. There's always Spanish.

By the way, none of the above applies to Jayman01 and Marky. They just enjoy this for the love of language and the fun. rswaim and I are the bad apples.
How Does My Garden Grow?

Slim, Slim, you are too self depricating. :001_rolleyes: You have to remember that in some orchards you do have some crab apples, and other various and sundry fruits, but in this orchard I would consider you and your kind to be "golden delicious". Ripe, crispy, with a little bite to your juices, and a royal bent to your branches. May you grow and flourish. :biggrin:
Sorry mike about the French, in a way it's partly not to be understood by everyone, partly cuz it's fun for us, and partly because we've one way or another been told to shut up, fuck off and tone it down because of what we were posting in English. This is a way to show respect for the guys who were irritated by some of what what we saying, but still be able to say some of it anyway to each other. No big deal. If more guys complain and the management doesn't like it they'll probably tell us to stop. There's always Spanish.

By the way, none of the above applies to Jayman01 and Marky. They just enjoy this for the love of language and the fun. rswaim and I are the bad apples.
Ok, it is true.....I can cut a man's throat with my tongue....in English or French.
Slim, Slim, you are too self depricating. :001_rolleyes: You have to remember that in some orchards you do have some crab apples, and other various and sundry fruits, but in this orchard I would consider you and your kind to be "golden delicious". Ripe, crispy, with a little bite to your juices, and a royal bent to your branches. May you grow and flourish. :biggrin:

Darling dickhead, no one has ever metaphored us so nicely. Personally I'm gonna cut and paste that onto my ashes urn, presently holding 10 peonies, but eventually to be used for oven dried apple slices.