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You have to click register and signup for our message board


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
Hi if you haven't yet please signup for the message board. We have had over 200,000 posts, prize giveaways, cash giveaways, models posting and we are always discussing the guys, porn, non related porn topics etc. Myself and the staff post as well to answer your questions etc. We are the only gay porn pay site with a message board.

I'm really sorry you have to register for the message board. I wish we could just have it transfer your username when you joined the site. Click on the link below if you need to signup for the message board. You only need your birth date which you don't have to be precise on, a username, password, name and email. You can use the same username as your login if you would like. If you have any questions please post in this thread. One good thing is if you leave Broke Straight Boys and come back your message board login will never change and it will remember all your messages, settings, profile etc. Click the link below to start the registration process.

To new members, the Forum sounds intimidating at first, but it is not. It just takes a few set up minutes up front, and thereafter you get to have a fun dialogue with fellow members, many of whom become your friends.
Also if you are debating to join the forum or not... Putting down an email does NOT mean that anyone can see your email address or your real name in the forum. It's confidential. There is a feature where you can opt to be able to receive emails from others. But only if you choose to do so. But even then, again nobody can see what your actual email address is. By choosing a forum name you do not have to disclose your real first name or any personal info. The forum software is set up well to give you personal privacy in spite of however much or however little you might choose to post. :)
However I have lots of real names and phone #s for the right price lolololol just kidding!!!
I enjoy the message board significantly when I have the opportunity to view it, which unfortunately is seldom. Appreciate how members can exchange opinions, sometime heated, but still respectful. This is something I'm surprised other sites haven't grabbed on to. Especially Helix which is another of my favotirte site, but it's their loss.
I am a being of the net. As a grad student in the atmospheric sciences as a premier dept. in 1967 I began using a computer in 1967. Back then they were housed in a building several stories high & consisted of tubes and circuitry that required air condition to keep them cool. To use them you had to right program in various available languages that was translated into 1's and 0's. The discovery and use of these goes back to the late 19th century. The developing technology advanced rapidly in the late 20th century. Up to the late 90's only the military and the associated science used them. Late in the 90's the net opened to the public. BF started in 98-99 at which time I joined in the first decade of this century others sites such as Broke Straight Boys and Helix started and I joined both as well as CF. Later on I added Bigstr ,BA & Freshmen. I also have Filemonster which for me is free and Hotlinks. Even wih the affects of Covid on player source it is possible to get all you can eat so to speak.

I failed to add every thing had to be feed into the monster via punch card a person tyoe which were then given to a computer operator to run. It usually took at least a day to get your results back. Ahhh the bad Olde Days!
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I hope others were not bored by the above history. granted it was not "pornie" so let me add this:
