Being invisible as a state of being. We can project that thought into our aura consciously. We are there and can be seen but kind of like the Jedi mind trick we down play our presence to the point that no one takes notice. However, as is human nature we often need to satisfy our ego. Eventually whether we are invisible or not we will make our presence known to others even if the moment is short lived. I often choose to be visible when necessary and but I do like to fade into the background too.
I am with you Undie on the mind reading thing. I am pretty empathic myself and I can sense and feel what others are feeling more than anything and I can often pick up on other's thoughts when they are projected strongly enough or I take the time to focus. I have had to learn how to survive in this kind of environment and not take people's feelings or emotions to heart. Many times they are outward manifestations of their own inner frustrations and they are short lived. Also, I had to learn that people often make and form opinions based on their own perceptions. I cannot change those perceptions I can only change me. So, good luck trying to change others if that is truly what you want to do. Just seems like a lot of wasted time and energy to me that could be put to better use. As a person seeking spiritual enlightenment I have learned of many universal laws that are both written and unwritten. I do believe in their being what I call, "Ethical Responsibility." Unless people are coming to me for healing work or counseling purposes and they have given me permission to tune in; it is ethically a spiritual invasion of privacy to tune in deliberately and this is not to be taken lightly in the arena of karma. Also, it is very distracting. Many people who are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD possess this type of gift on some level. Eventually they will either be diagnosed with some type of mental illness and need to receive medication to suppress the gift so they can cope with life on life's terms. Many will develop their gifts and find ways to help people without revealing the true nature of these gifts. Others will master these gifts and utilize them to manipulate and take advantage of others.
I have a friend who occasionally uses his gift to manipulate others. One day I hope he will see the light again... He wanted to hang out with me the other night. He really wanted to bounce off of my energy and use me to further his own personal gains. I told him I was going to the gym to work out. He said he wanted to go with me. Well, I have permission to bring guests any time with my membership. So, I was clear I would be there about 2 hours. He said, "OK." I picked him up. He immediately tried to derail my plans to go to the gym by not bringing the proper footwear. I asked him to go get some proper foot attire. He said he would just watch. Whatever??? We went to the gym. 30min. into my workout he announced to me that he was bored and said we should go. I said I still had work to do. He was patient until I got 45 more min. into my work out. Again, he needed attention so we could go. This time he had a pain in his back and needed a massage. I told him "when I am done." I had enough. He was pressuring me by pacing around and acting frustrated and giving me the evil eye treatment so I would go and do what he wanted me to do. I was not going to give in or compromise. I then surrounded myself in white light. I called for archangel Michael to come and cut any chords that connect me to him. I asked for my angels to surround me with their wings and to protect me from his physical and psychic attacks and as an added measure to discourage him from playing his game I asked that that they reflect back to him what ever he is sending to me. I completed my work out without further interruption and actually put in an extra half hour. I even took time to use the massage chair and hit the tanning bed. He gave up trying to manipulate me and went for a walk in the freezing cold until I was done. Oh, well his choice. So, when we got in the car he said to me that he was starting to get very sick in there and that he needed to leave for some fresh air. I told him what I had done and he called me an ass hole but then he laughed about it. He told me that he is not used to not getting his own way. We had a great time after that for a few hours and he was upset that I would not do a remote viewing session with him to spy on his ex wife but he understood. He then started making a ton of phone calls and talking to people in Russian which is his native tongue as we went home. I haven't heard from him since. After he left I smudged myself, car, and home to break up any negative energy he may have left behind. He used to be one of the more spiritual people in my life and he is struggling to get grounded in the light again. I did what I could for him but he is the one who needs to let go of his fear. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred etc... You all saw Star Wars. LOL Uncontrolled or unmanaged fear is the path to the dark side.
I believe that we all possess these gifts to some extent and that we all choose when, where, and how we choose to use them. I guess I am saying that I use whichever gift I feel guided to use at that time. I have no real preference. I just do my best to follow my moral compass and set course in the right direction when using either gift.
Thanks Undie, a very thought provoking question indeed.