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When will the site bring back new models?

Don’t you fucking dare come out of nowhere and come for me. If you got so much god damn money to be a member of all of these other fucking sex sites, why don’t you make a fucking money offer to buy Broke Straight Boys and you can make all the god damn changes yourself. I came out of “hibernation” because quite frankly, this forum has been boring as hell.
Come at me again, and I will cuss you out so bad you won’t know what hit you.

This is is the most entertaining and immature comment I've read in a very long time. Little boys really can get upset quick huh? haha. You seem have wasted a lot of energy getting upset over there. I mean a few sites isn't all that expensive anyway sooo... Yeah, this forum was dry and boring as hell apparently until I joined and spoke up and look at me...I am famous now after just basically a DAY!! haha.
See this is exactly why I don’t post anymore. Confrontation. There’s not a soul here that can’t say I haven’t tried to be better and step back, but the first time I just give an opinion, someone starts in on me. Honestly, I don’t even want to be here anymore…. I was hanging on because of the forum but even that is driving me crazy.

Jay...I have to get back into the studio and film another College Boy Physicals scene today. But don't let him get to you...I was posting 2-days with him and he has his opinions and his right to say what he wants. Until he posted the "10 random things about yourself" and when you get to #10 you will be like WTF so I think this person has lost all credibility with me and I am not going to waste my time justifying anything with him based on his #10 fact about himself.

I thought his points he did have some valid points and he was wrong with others but again, here on this forum we are entitled to our opinions and I have to do my best to be neutral with my opinions but I am not going to defend my work on Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals with a person like this.

I don't want you to fight with him either, I don't want you to get banned regardless if you here on this forum or not, I truly got to know you as a person, and I would hate to see you get banned.
Elliot Dahl has only filmed 4 scenes with Broke Straight Boys and the members rated him low. When members rates the models or the scenes I am not sure what is going through there minds on what reasoning they give for a lower rating compared to a person like Darron Bluu that has filmed all over the place and has filmed multiple scenes for Broke Straight Boys and gets a higher rating so I am not sure what the overall thinking of the members.

I am not blaming members, its the managements has a rating system in place for a reason and what the members rate, management doesn't have control of what most members rate or if members rate I am not even sure if Broke Straight Boys lets say has 1000 members but only 50 members actually vote, then 950 members don't rate so I am not sure how accurate the rating system is so that is something management will need to explain if they wish to explain how it works.

As for hiring models. Its very easy to sit home and point out faults and models, but at the end of the day...we are at the mercy of which guys apply. I wish we had a lot more new guys applying all the time. We work with agents and they too have dry spells and a lot of times the guys that do apply just don't have the looks (too old, out of shape...etc). I wish we can hire a lot more new guys but a lot of these guys choose not to film porn and respectfully so, its takes a certain person that wants to do this type of work and some boys try it out and they figure out its not for them and they never return back or film with another studio.

I watch porn just like many of you guys, and I see a lot of the same models filming over and over again for the same sites. Perhaps I don't watch enough porn, but I do my best to keep an insight of what is going on with other studios so a lot you say is very true but a lot your very wrong, but I don't consider myself a "porn aficionado" so I only watch 5-10 sites and then I follow a lot of boys on twitter and I keep in touch with about 50 fans that don't post here on the Broke Straight Boys forum and we have a lot of private chats amoungst ourselves.

As I am only the crew that films for the owners (Management) so I am just giving you my point of view and what my daily job is on a day to day basis. I talk to many boys during the day, I hear about all the gossip and hear about the horror that goes on with other studios. Some guys will not do studio work and just film for there social media so it all depends on who applies.

As far as updates, rating systems, and the inner workings of Broke Straight Boys..this I don't know. I am only giving you my view point and I hope you understand and respect my view point as I am respecting yours.

I just thought you had more control over what happens on the site I guess I was wrong. Seems to me you in the same category as the members you're not able to make any changes or talk with people so they can make changes. I was I was able to tag Mark directly so he can take this information in himself.
This is is the most entertaining and immature comment I've read in a very long time. Little boys really can get upset quick huh? haha. You seem have wasted a lot of energy getting upset over there. I mean a few sites isn't all that expensive anyway sooo... Yeah, this forum was dry and boring as hell apparently until I joined and spoke up and look at me...I am famous now after just basically a DAY!! haha.
Keep telling yourself that, Queen. Yes, Queen…..the man who claims to be straight but subscribes to multiple gay porn sites. Dude, go fuck yourself.
Jay...I have to get back into the studio and film another College Boy Physicals scene today. But don't let him get to you...I was posting 2-days with him and he has his opinions and his right to say what he wants. Until he posted the "10 random things about yourself" and when you get to #10 you will be like WTF so I think this person has lost all credibility with me and I am not going to waste my time justifying anything with him based on his #10 fact about himself.

I thought his points he did have some valid points and he was wrong with others but again, here on this forum we are entitled to our opinions and I have to do my best to be neutral with my opinions but I am not going to defend my work on Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals with a person like this.

I don't want you to fight with him either, I don't want you to get banned regardless if you here on this forum or not, I truly got to know you as a person, and I would hate to see you get banned.
Thank you. I appreciate your encouragement. I am not going to continue to fight with him because it’s not worth it. He’s only coming at Broke Straight Boys because there is a forum that gives him the opportunity to do so.
If he had the intelligence to understand what he reads, he would’ve understood that I actually agreed with him by saying (myself included) and was only trying to explain that members on the forum make up about 10% of the total membership who doesn’t even post on the forum at all.
Jay...I have to get back into the studio and film another College Boy Physicals scene today. But don't let him get to you...I was posting 2-days with him and he has his opinions and his right to say what he wants. Until he posted the "10 random things about yourself" and when you get to #10 you will be like WTF so I think this person has lost all credibility with me and I am not going to waste my time justifying anything with him based on his #10 fact about himself.

I thought his points he did have some valid points and he was wrong with others but again, here on this forum we are entitled to our opinions and I have to do my best to be neutral with my opinions but I am not going to defend my work on Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals with a person like this.

I don't want you to fight with him either, I don't want you to get banned regardless if you here on this forum or not, I truly got to know you as a person, and I would hate to see you get banned.

So let me get this straight your site says broke "STRAIGHT" boys and you get upset with me because after my feedback on the site you learned I was straight so now now everything I said suddenly isn't creditable enough. It seems you as an ADULT MALE is more UPSET that I am not GAY or BI than anything spoken on this FORUM. Mike asked me to post there so I did only because he asked me to and I see now that this is not an healthy environment for me and it looks like based on how you handled me someone you don't truly know at it may be you probably have an issue with more straight guys or somethings because theres nothing I said that was wrong.

Jay has history here with you so you DECIDED to just defend him and throw me under the bus as say its because read number 10 on his facts he's straight...wow just wow. this is the staff at Broke Straight Boys Mark?! Mind you I don't know Jay never replied to him before he basically disrespected me for my comment and since I replied back to him he used profanity, threatened to cuss me out really bad, and he's the only that PLAYS the VICTIM like I did something wrong to him and now he was to leave never come because somebody ALWAYS confronting him. I don't know what on this forum before I joined so don't include me in that mess. This is childish and immature. And a bit toxic that you insulted me just because I didn't CONVINCE you that I am straight so now everything I say or said is crap. If you as an dult can't see how wrong that is; than maybe you've been living in a bubble. So I could had the right to say what I want as long as I was gay or bi huh? My 10 random random facts should have never been brought up because now you made it a personal attack against me because of my sexual orientation and as someone who actually works at a porn studios catering to all types of guys should never happen. I'm sorry I actually use my brain sometimes. You don't have to defend your work and I knew you were offended on your responses. You would hate for Jay to get banned. Of course you would. because I don't matter; I'm new and straight.
Thank you. I appreciate your encouragement. I am not going to continue to fight with him because it’s not worth it. He’s only coming at Broke Straight Boys because there is a forum that gives him the opportunity to do so.
If he had the intelligence to understand what he reads, he would’ve understood that I actually agreed with him by saying (myself included) and was only trying to explain that members on the forum make up about 10% of the total membership who doesn’t even post on the forum at all.

Straight and curious visually, but what happened to not labeling people. I swear yall can be so toxic and don't even stay true to the values you all in the LBGT+ teaches. All this judging me because you didn't like my sarcastic tone as I was tell you if felt like in your post you were shading me. But instead of being humble about the miscommunication from your end you went to wanting to cussing me out and threatening to leave like I did something to truly hurt you. I don't need this in my life at all and trust me I can not post here ever again and be okay.
Jay...I have to get back into the studio and film another College Boy Physicals scene today. But don't let him get to you...I was posting 2-days with him and he has his opinions and his right to say what he wants. Until he posted the "10 random things about yourself" and when you get to #10 you will be like WTF so I think this person has lost all credibility with me and I am not going to waste my time justifying anything with him based on his #10 fact about himself.

I thought his points he did have some valid points and he was wrong with others but again, here on this forum we are entitled to our opinions and I have to do my best to be neutral with my opinions but I am not going to defend my work on Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals with a person like this.

I don't want you to fight with him either, I don't want you to get banned regardless if you here on this forum or not, I truly got to know you as a person, and I would hate to see you get banned.

And imagine if I was in the closet and wasn't comfortable being out yet, imagine what a comment like that would have done to me. this is truly shocking how feedback turned into insulting me about being straight and making my points invalid. Maybe this is why the studios can't hire actual straight models anymore.
Jay you should or perhaps do know that it is the few that bother to make waves. Some of the many have lives outside of the Forum , others may not of heard of it such as my ignorant past self & many more just don't care. Pick your poison. We who post have differing reasons. I only know of a few who have visited my thread or seen my by now more than a few posts. So what, I have met some great people and made friends with a few. For me that is what this Forum is about. May the Forum continue to rule!
So let me get this straight your site says broke "STRAIGHT" boys and you get upset with me because after my feedback on the site you learned I was straight so now now everything I said suddenly isn't creditable enough. It seems you as an ADULT MALE is more UPSET that I am not GAY or BI than anything spoken on this FORUM. Mike asked me to post there so I did only because he asked me to and I see now that this is not an healthy environment for me and it looks like based on how you handled me someone you don't truly know at it may be you probably have an issue with more straight guys or somethings because theres nothing I said that was wrong.

Jay has history here with you so you DECIDED to just defend him and throw me under the bus as say its because read number 10 on his facts he's straight...wow just wow. this is the staff at Broke Straight Boys Mark?! Mind you I don't know Jay never replied to him before he basically disrespected me for my comment and since I replied back to him he used profanity, threatened to cuss me out really bad, and he's the only that PLAYS the VICTIM like I did something wrong to him and now he was to leave never come because somebody ALWAYS confronting him. I don't know what on this forum before I joined so don't include me in that mess. This is childish and immature. And a bit toxic that you insulted me just because I didn't CONVINCE you that I am straight so now everything I say or said is crap. If you as an dult can't see how wrong that is; than maybe you've been living in a bubble. So I could had the right to say what I want as long as I was gay or bi huh? My 10 random random facts should have never been brought up because now you made it a personal attack against me because of my sexual orientation and as someone who actually works at a porn studios catering to all types of guys should never happen. I'm sorry I actually use my brain sometimes. You don't have to defend your work and I knew you were offended on your responses. You would hate for Jay to get banned. Of course you would. because I don't matter; I'm new and straight.
First of all, I have privately apologized to David and we have patched things up months ago.
You are more than welcome to post in the forum and is always welcomed to be here, straight, bi, pansexual…who cares. But let’s be honest…..you came out of the gate with all of these opinions and anytime anyone would respond, you had a comeback.
I certainly own my past mistakes on the forum which is why I don’t even post that often anymore. I came at you with profanity because you came at me, period. I tried to explain to you that comments on the forum make up about 5-10% of the entire membership, so management is going to always go by the numbers and scene hits. I too have had issues with the ratings, everyone will tell you. But I have given up on that.
And as far as being members of all of these other sites and it’s really not that much money, Congratulations…..you have money that I and maybe others don’t have. I don’t have that luxury, but I’m glad that you do. Perhaps I shouldn’t have come at you so aggressively, but I didn’t appreciate you responding to my post which wasn’t even being negative towards you or any one person. I didn’t respond directly to you……if I was talking to you, I would have responded to you.
Let me make my opinion clear: As far as I am concerned everyone has a right to say what they want as long as it is not meant to personally hurt or insult another poster. I love reading views I disagree with & on occasion may moderate mine as a result of the person expressing then has something I consider valid. It is also true most everyone wants to hear something positive from time to time and frankly it is so easy to find good things in most other posters comments and costs you nothing to take notice of that.
First of all, I have privately apologized to David and we have patched things up months ago.
You are more than welcome to post in the forum and is always welcomed to be here, straight, bi, pansexual…who cares. But let’s be honest…..you came out of the gate with all of these opinions and anytime anyone would respond, you had a comeback.
I certainly own my past mistakes on the forum which is why I don’t even post that often anymore. I came at you with profanity because you came at me, period. I tried to explain to you that comments on the forum make up about 5-10% of the entire membership, so management is going to always go by the numbers and scene hits. I too have had issues with the ratings, everyone will tell you. But I have given up on that.
And as far as being members of all of these other sites and it’s really not that much money, Congratulations…..you have money that I and maybe others don’t have. I don’t have that luxury, but I’m glad that you do. Perhaps I shouldn’t have come at you so aggressively, but I didn’t appreciate you responding to my post which wasn’t even being negative towards you or any one person. I didn’t respond directly to you……if I was talking to you, I would have responded to you.

You apologizing to David has nothing to do with me because that history you have took place before I got here. The tone of your reply to A THREAD where I was main point of discussion and being that the points you made in your reply focused on the overall context of what I spoke on was reason enough why I felt it was appropriate I responded back to it and even in my reply I expressed how your reply came across and you didn't clarify or try to better express what you were saying like the tone you're using now but you went into attack mode. So after that, thats when I sarcastically brushed you off. and David came to your defense after bringing up my orientation at this moment. All over stupid points about helping to make the site better.

By the way I COMING BACK at anybody in my replies; I just had evidence that proved some of the points he was making wasn't entirely true like him saying they don't hire models with tattoos because members will be upset. So in my mind, I'll like huh? Some models you have now have tattoos so that doesn't make sense so if you think thats a coming back at somebody, its not. Thats call a conversation which a point is made and the other can agree or present evidence to show that point isn't valid. I believe he may have took offense by this and the points I was making and that's that.
Let me make my opinion clear: As far as I am concerned everyone has a right to say what they want as long as it is not meant to personally hurt or insult another poster. I love reading views I disagree with & on occasion may moderate mine as a result of the person expressing then has something I consider valid. It is also true most everyone wants to hear something positive from time to time and frankly it is so easy to find good things in most other posters comments and costs you nothing to take notice of that.

Let me just add something I'm not seen as this negative person or isn't implied that I only post bad things.

Yesterday was my first time ever posting on the forum. I don't think I've ever posted a single comment even under the videos. So I started the discussion about. new models and new talent because thats what I wanted to talk about the time. As feedback was given and points were I felt it was necessary and welcomed that I provide context to the points that I made based on the feedback I got.

That's it. Now, how that made others feel personally I can't control.
Just my opinion, but I don’t think the overall majority of site members give a shit about previous experience. Of all the most recent guys that have appeared on Broke Straight Boys, Darron Bluu has the highest rating and he has more experience than any of the guys in the past year. So most of the membership doesn’t really care what the few members of the forum think. (Me included). I prefer guys less experienced as well, like Justin Salvador and Duncan Story, but it is what it is. Plus, some of these boys don’t pass testings or they flake out and so Broke Straight Boys has to make things work. Most studios probably aren’t as strict.
Now I’ll go back into hibernation. Lol.
This was my comment. I don’t feel as though any of this was directed towards you. I even started with “just my opinion” and then later said (me included) because I don’t think the majority members even read the forum. I was actually somewhat agreeing with some of what you said up until that point and then you took my words and interpreted them as me being “petty” towards you? Misunderstanding on your part and I guess I apologize I wasn’t more specific in my words.
But thanks for reminding me that I play the victim or as someone else said recently about me that I’m “vindictive”. That’s why I have been in hibernation…..I’m learning to keep my fucking mouth shut and I guess I should’ve just kept my opinion to myself as I had been doing.
I won’t cancel my membership, but I will certainly limit my interactions.
Let me just add something I'm not seen as this negative person or isn't implied that I only post bad things.

Yesterday was my first time ever posting on the forum. I don't think I've ever posted a single comment even under the videos. So I started the discussion about. new models and new talent because thats what I wanted to talk about the time. As feedback was given and points were I felt it was necessary and welcomed that I provide context to the points that I made based on the feedback I got.

That's it. Now, how that made others feel personally I can't control.

I would hope you did not think what I said was in any way disparaging to you. On the contrary I applaud what you wrote and again state I want to see what others see and I don't. It is how I hope to continue growing as I reach my 79th year in September, assuming I make it til then. I will go further I want us to become friends either here or in some other more private venue.
This was my comment. I don’t feel as though any of this was directed towards you. I even started with “just my opinion” and then later said (me included) because I don’t think the majority members even read the forum. I was actually somewhat agreeing with some of what you said up until that point and then you took my words and interpreted them as me being “petty” towards you? Misunderstanding on your part and I guess I apologize I wasn’t more specific in my words.
But thanks for reminding me that I play the victim or as someone else said recently about me that I’m “vindictive”. That’s why I have been in hibernation…..I’m learning to keep my fucking mouth shut and I guess I should’ve just kept my opinion to myself as I had been doing.
I won’t cancel my membership, but I will certainly limit my interactions.
I always hate it when you go into “hibernation”, Jay. And in actuality, I think that you, datsperhero and I all agree that the majority of members never come on this forum, and more importantly we all would like more new, reasonably straight guys on Broke Straight Boys Hopefully we can all move on from some of the stuff said today and all coexist and make this forum a lively, interesting place agin. Without you Jay, it gets very boring. And I’d like datsperhero to remain as a new voice as well. The more the merrier.
I will allow you guys to get back to your more peacful forum without me. ��
I will allow you guys to get back to your more peacful forum without me. ��
no. You are welcome here. I honestly just think you misinterpreted my original comment.
I do apologize for attacking your sexuality….that was low of me, but people say things they don’t mean in defense….still no excuse, so I do apologize. You will always be welcome here.
I truly didn’t say anything negative to you about your opinions in this thread and you misinterpreted my comment and then tried to say I was being petty towards you. Why would you think that? You obviously have opinions of my past or you wouldn’t have brought them up. Do you think I would deliberately attack a new member out of the blue? Please tell me the truth because I don’t want to come across as that person. I have deliberately stayed quiet for the past month to give respect and the first time I respond with an opinion I got your feedback and it was just a slap in the face which is why I responded so harshly. So I would like to know what I said in my original comment that made you think I was being “Petty” towards you?
no. You are welcome here. I honestly just think you misinterpreted my original comment.
I do apologize for attacking your sexuality….that was low of me, but people say things they don’t mean in defense….still no excuse, so I do apologize. You will always be welcome here.

Please don't, I implore you not to do so.
I third the motion.:001_tongue::001_tongue::001_tongue: