My ex-boyfriend and I were actually caught by the police just outside of Scranton, PA at about 3 AM back when I was only 17. I crawled out my bedroom window (thank God for ranch homes) and walked down to the office building at the entrance of my subdivision. My ex, who was 19 at the time, pulled up in his dad's van and drove us up towards Montage Mountain (now Sno Mountain), which is a local ski resort. On the way up the deserted, windy, two-lane road and just past an upscale neighborhood we noticed a small dirt road and decided to back on down it. We were well into the woods and away from the public eye (or so we thought). I started sucking my ex while he fucked me with a banana (hey---he forgot his
Dildo and lord knows I couldn't have one! LOL!) He was just starting to go inside of me himself when we noticed a pair of headlights coming up the windy road in the distance. We shrugged it off, assuming it was just some other lusty young couple with the same idea. Unfortunately a mere two minutes later a light was shone in on us---the headlights were actually a police car on patrol, and I suppose he had seen the van down the dirt road in the distance!
My ex scrambled and was able to get his jeans on, but I couldn't find my clothes anywhere in the dark so I just covered myself up with a blanket while the police officer approached our driver's side window. He did the usual yada yada "What are you doing out here? License, registration..." and then finally asked "Why isn't SHE saying anything" while pointing the flashlight in my direction as I shivered a bit under the blanket. My ex, thinking fast, said "because she isn't a she." The cop turned back towards my ex and said "She isn't a she?" I blurted out "Hi!" The officer asked for my date of birth to make sure that we weren't violating any sort of statutory rape laws, and then he chastised us, telling us that there had been a series of rapes up there recently before driving off. His voice was audibly shaking---either he was turned on by the thought of two hot teenaged guys rutting at it in a cargo van at 3 AM, or he was freaked out to the max! LOL!
Needless to say I was too stunned to want to continue getting off that night! LOL!