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What I don't like about Jimmy!

Values instilled by his father are optional I guess?

In response to Ms. Kianna's concerns: When I see the BTS Palm Springs conversations between Jimmy, Cole, and Rob, I have to ask now wouldn't this be expected from a bunch of unattached horny 20+ year olds. Then realizing further there is a father in the bunch of boys, ask yourself what kind of father so disrespects the mother of his own child to engage in several extra-maritial affairs during his wife's pregnancy. I won't say any more about this basic betrayal. You be the judge and you decide how you view this.

It is up to the members if this disrespect is what one normally expects from a recent dad or a soon to be dad, regardless if this is a porn site or not. Ask yourself if this just reinforces the old stereotype that women are here to be used and abused as some mere sex object, pregnant or not. Talking about the difference between "pussy" and "pregnant pussy" they way they did would seem to forget the fact that one way or another, we all have occupied that same innocent space(the womb) before our own birth and no "Mother" needs to have her essential role in reproduction so disrespected that it comes down to the lowest form of "locker-room talk" that I would assume rightfully offending all women subscribers on the site in the process. There are some elements in life that are "too fundamental to screw around within such "off the cuff" and insensitive comments.

I wish others would respond to how they would view their own mother's dignity being so tastelessly disrespected? View BTS Palm Springs Part I and II before responding.

Sincerely sad to end the year this way,

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In response to Ms. Kianna's concerns: When I see the BTS Palm Springs conversations between Jimmy, Cole, and Rob, I have to ask now wouldn't this be expected from a bunch of unattached horny 20+ year olds. Then realizing further there is a father in the bunch of boys, ask yourself what kind of father so disrespects the mother of his own child to engage in several extra-maritial affairs during his wife's pregnancy. I won't say any more about this basic betrayal. You be the judge and you decide how you view this.

It is up to the members if this disrespect is what one normally expects from a recent dad or a soon to be dad, regardless if this is a porn site or not. Ask yourself if this just reinforces the old stereotype that women are here to be used and abused as some mere sex object, pregnant or not. Talking about the difference between "pussy" and "pregnant pussy" they way they did would seem to forget the fact that one way or another, we all have occupied that same innocent space(the womb) before our own birth and no "Mother" needs to have her essential role in reproduction so disrespected that it comes down to the lowest form of "locker-room talk" that I would assume rightfully offending all women subscribers on the site in the process. There are some elements in life that are "too fundamental to screw around within such "off the cuff" and insensitive comments.

I wish others would respond to how they would view their own mother's dignity being so tastelessly disrespected? View BTS Palm Springs Part I and II before responding.

Sincerely sad to end the year this way,


The cheating and blatant disrespect bothered me, Stimpy, but the attitudes, the lack of conscience, and the levels of deceit were so much worse.:sick::cursing:
i am shocked, shocked! that these 20'ish boys would think and speak like so many men i have known over the years.
men who learning the girl they have been sleeping with is pregnant leave.
men who learn the pregnant girls like sex too.
men who wander when away from home.
men who see their sex partner as a hand replacement.
i am not saying it is something i find acceptable, just that it is something i have observed.
i am shocked, shocked! that these 20'ish boys would think and speak like so many men i have known over the years.
men who learning the girl they have been sleeping with is pregnant leave.
men who learn the pregnant girls like sex too.
men who wander when away from home.
men who see their sex partner as a hand replacement.
i am not saying it is something i find acceptable, just that it is something i have observed.
Another1, I agree that as reprehensible as that behavior spoken about by Jimmy, Rob and Cole may be, I too have observed that same behavior over and over, both by personal acquaintances and in the media regarding public figures.

How many married professional athlete's, with wives and children waiting for "Daddy" back home go on the road and take advantage of their good looks and celebrity and "bang" every pretty "Baseball Annie" or whatever sport they play chicks on the road? We've seen this pattern repeatedly with famous baseball, football, basketball, and hockey players, who are generally the same age as the models here.

And don't forget how many rich famous politicians have gotten caught with their pants down, when away from the wife and family. And let's not forget about the preachers and religious leaders who had to apologize to their families and their congregations for their sexual dalliances.

Again, I think it is disgraceful how men can act when they are famous, or rich or just have an opportunity to get laid, thinking with their dicks as young men, and older men tend to do. I don't accept it or defend it, but it does not surprise me in any way, either.
And don't forget how many rich famous politicians have gotten caught with their pants down, when away from the wife and family. And let's not forget about the preachers and religious leaders who had to apologize to their families and their congregations for their sexual dalliances.

Again, I think it is disgraceful how men can act when they are famous, or rich or just have an opportunity to get laid, thinking with their dicks as young men, and older men tend to do. I don't accept it or defend it, but it does not surprise me in any way, either.

What surprises me is not so much that it happened with the model in question. What saddens me is that they showed such poor taste in discussing it on camera the way they did. Very tacky. After bragging about how many more women members Broke Straight Boys has as compared to College Dudes, why go on and risk the alienation of any woman watching the video...on Broke Straight Boys? The video was produced for Broke Straight Boys Not College Dudes.

If the conversation in question had happened among only the 3 parties involved...in some smoke filled bar at a back table where nobody could hear them...it would still have been a boorish conversation, but without alot of damage. But this was not a private conversation and they knew it.

I have no problem with the fact that the guys get laid while on tour. I would only be surprised if it didn't happen. And I don't mind them discussing some of their conquests with us. It's age appropriate for them and sometimes quite entertaining to hear about. I'm fine with that. I like the BTS vids for showing us that side of the models and what happens in their lives off-set.

This interview just went over the top in places. The talk of pregnant women got very cringe inducing for a video being broadcast online. And the open talk of cheating on a girlfriend/almost wife was something best kept off camera. :tmi:
While the cheating bothered me, I can't say I was surprised or upset by it. I also figured it was typical 20 year old immature bullshit, and I would have been more surprised if it wasn't going on.

I also wasn't too surprised or bothered by the bragging and joking about the cheating.......except that it was at the expense of someone eight months pregnant with his child, at a stage where most women start to get very uncomfortable and have a lot of restrictions placed on them. One of those restrictions being avoiding stress.

What bothered me to the extent that it did was the lack of concern or conscience, and the level of deceit that goes into a plan to keep her blocked from being able to see his conversation, and know what he was doing to her, until the baby was born and the birth certificate was filled out, so she would not change her mind about naming the baby after him.

After all, we usually name children after people that make us proud, and we want to show honor to.

Yes, sadly it was typical young guy behavior, but still despicable, disrespectful, irresponsible, dishonorable.........

My feelings about this have nothing to do with being a woman, it is about being a person that has always been honest and taken responsibility for my actions, even when it was hard.

And the fact that we have listened to Jimmy and Rob for the last 8 months, constantly telling us what a great guy Jimmy is. And I believed them. I guess we have very different definitions of great.

I know, I shouldn't take this so seriously....and in my "real" life it doesn't effect me at all, but here it did change my mind, as a neutral party, in the great Jimmy debate.
Dear Mark,
If you're seriously thinking of censoring comments you feel are bashing the models than for the love of God please remove the BTS Palm Springs Pride Videos, Parts 1 and 2. I am respectfully requesting this of you for the sake of our female members and because as Stimpy so eloquently wrote, "no 'Mother' needs to have her essential role in reproduction so disrespected that it comes down to the lowest form of 'locker room talk'."

I am, also, respectfully asking you to encourage the parties involved in this deplorable event to apologize to, not only the female members of the forum, but to the rest of the membership as well.

Thank you,
As much as I detest censorship, I hate self righteousness even more. It was foolish to be so honest on camera and telling your business to everyone. But lets face it, none of us are moral beacons. We are on a site lusting after naked young men who are half or one third our age. Jimmy obviously is not in love with his woman. And I'm sure this is not the first time he has been unfaithful. She is probably aware of that, and we have no idea what arrangement they have with one another. We learned a long time ago when Jimmy said the members that complained about him "bitched like girls" that he had no real respect for the opposite sex. So, I am befuddled that anyone would find his behavior shocking or out of character. I could frankly give a damn about anybodies moral character on this site (member,staff, or model) And all of this moralizing is absurd on a sex site. Jimmy is going to get rimmed by Chad. Now that interests me.
As much as I detest censorship, I hate self righteousness even more. It was foolish to be so honest on camera and telling your business to everyone. But lets face it, none of us are moral beacons. We are on a site lusting after naked young men who are half or one third our age. Jimmy obviously is not in love with his woman. And I'm sure this is not the first time he has been unfaithful. She is probably aware of that, and we have no idea what arrangement they have with one another. We learned a long time ago when Jimmy said the members that complained about him "bitched like girls" that he had no real respect for the opposite sex. So, I am befuddled that anyone would find his behavior shocking or out of character. I could frankly give a damn about anybodies moral character on this site (member,staff, or model) And all of this moralizing is absurd on a sex site. Jimmy is going to get rimmed by Chad. Now that interests me.

Jimmy Johnson is his "stage" name, He is an actor playing a part.... Are we really sure the background info he's relayed is not also fictitious? I'm sorry for ruining some of our fantasies, but I'm pretty sure Santa is alive and well.
Colbear I'm going to make this last comment and then I'm going to just leave it alone because we have beat this dog to much already. What bothers me, well many things bother me, but what bothers me the most is that if his girlfriend/wife or whatever she is sees this, and she will if she wants to, then she has been publicly embarrassed when she has done nothing to deserve it, and that is just wrong and should be taken down now.

Anyone feels like throwing the first stone? Or at what number are we...
Ok I watched some of the Palm Springs BTS footage and I must say I was appalled at the behaviour displayed on there.

I always admired and respected Jimmy, I tended to stick up for him because I felt he had been getting a terribly bad rap just for being a typical straight guy.

I loved his attitude, his humor, his joking around in the scenes and the way he carried himself here on the forum. I also respected, and loved the way Jimmy talked about how he used to stick up for kids who got picked on when he was in school, I thought he was really a cool guy not to mention hot.

However, his behaviour in the Palm Springs BTS footage was appalling and shocking. Bragging about cheating on his pregnant girlfriend, and things of that nature was just beyond the scope of what should be discussed in public when *not* in private in the confidence of a close friend that you trust to keep things confidential.

I am also shocked, and mortified at the decision of those who edit the footage to keep it in there for all to see. Not only is that extremely poor judgment in my view, but it also potentially sets them up for legal action in the future as content can be subpoenaed in court when it comes to issues like that.


I no longer support Jimmy Johnson because of the behaviour prominently displayed in that God awful BTS footage, and I have completely wiped my hands of him forever.
Ok I watched some of the Palm Springs BTS footage and I must say I was appalled at the behaviour displayed on there.

I always admired and respected Jimmy, I tended to stick up for him because I felt he had been getting a terribly bad rap just for being a typical straight guy.

I loved his attitude, his humor, his joking around in the scenes and the way he carried himself here on the forum. I also respected, and loved the way Jimmy talked about how he used to stick up for kids who got picked on when he was in school, I thought he was really a cool guy not to mention hot.

However, his behaviour in the Palm Springs BTS footage was appalling and shocking. Bragging about cheating on his pregnant girlfriend, and things of that nature was just beyond the scope of what should be discussed in public when *not* in private in the confidence of a close friend that you trust to keep things confidential.

I am also shocked, and mortified at the decision of those who edit the footage to keep it in there for all to see. Not only is that extremely poor judgment in my view, but it also potentially sets them up for legal action in the future as content can be subpoenaed in court when it comes to issues like that.


I no longer support Jimmy Johnson because of the behaviour prominently displayed in that God awful BTS footage, and I have completely wiped my hands of him forever.

You must be kidding! Tell me, please, YOUR KIDDING! Judge not lest ye be judged! Or whatever. Like I said before, we support paying boys much younger than ourselves to get naked and get their bodies probed by other dudes. We make "disgustingly" vivid remarks about their bodies and the quality of their performance. We are no better than Romans watching their slaves having orgies. We are not here to be Jimmy's or anybody else's conscience. Enjoy the show or get thrown into the arena with all the other christians. Hypocrisy does not become us. :smiley-sex020::angeldevil::abkuehlung:
The pot calls kettle black? We pay these guys to throw their sex moral overboard. We enjoy watching how they slowly corrupt into these hot young sex devils; the sex devil inside our mind. Relax it's just sex!

If Jimmy would become jobless, his pregnant girl had a financial problem as well.
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You must be kidding! Tell me, please, YOUR KIDDING! Judge not lest ye be judged! Or whatever. Like I said before, we support paying boys much younger than ourselves to get naked and get their bodies probed by other dudes. We make "disgustingly" vivid remarks about their bodies and the quality of their performance. We are no better than Romans watching their slaves having orgies. We are not here to be Jimmy's or anybody else's conscience. Enjoy the show or get thrown into the arena with all the other christians. Hypocrisy does not become us. :smiley-sex020::angeldevil::abkuehlung:

Just out of my own curiosity Larkster, did you even watch it?
Just out of my own curiosity Larkster, did you even watch it?

Ms K, I would never comment on something if I didn't know what I was talking about. What do you think I am, an Evangelical Christian Minister? I am not saying it was anyones finest moment, but you are not so sheltered as to think this is not typical male behavior. MEN ARE PIGS! In full rut. Even Evangelical Christian Ministers. If you didn't know it before, you know it now. They will do what they can get away with. And I am shocked at the naivity being displayed over these videos. Do you really think Jimmy's girlfriend doesn't know her trailor trash acting boyfriend isn't faithful? He's fucking dudes for money, for Christ's Sake...well maybe not for Christ's Sake. :angel2: Not a big leap. They were admittedly drunk. Their censors were turned off or at least down low. We were voyeurs in the room. I think if you want to get to know these boys, you've got to accept the results. Being a gay man, I wasn't entertained by pussy talk, but if it had been a bunch of drunk women talking about ravaging a guy or guys I would have been as entertained as hell. And believe me I have been privy to such conversations. Women can be just as raunchy, Ms K. I'm not a moralist, I'm a horny devil. I hope I haven't disappointed your perception of me. I am just fascinated by all aspects of human sexuality. And I don't censor my search. Some things I find disgusting and don't return to. But I am not turned off by very much. So yes, I saw the videos and my response was, "So what else is new?" HAPPY NEW YEAR! By the way. Thanks for being interested in my opinion.:thumbup:
Why question Jimmy's motives... because he had sex with girls on the side?

We are paying Jimmy to perform gay sex acts on camera, knowing that he is straight and has a pregnant girlfriend. That bothered nobody here.

Are we the righteous ones? Let's take a look at ourselves first.
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You must be kidding! Tell me, please, YOUR KIDDING! Judge not lest ye be judged! Or whatever. Like I said before, we support paying boys much younger than ourselves to get naked and get their bodies probed by other dudes. We make "disgustingly" vivid remarks about their bodies and the quality of their performance. We are no better than Romans watching their slaves having orgies. We are not here to be Jimmy's or anybody else's conscience. Enjoy the show or get thrown into the arena with all the other christians. Hypocrisy does not become us. :smiley-sex020::angeldevil::abkuehlung:

Pshaw Larkster, I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are and Jimmy's behaviour was ridiculous and offensive to me. It's not about what's right or wrong as much as it was a public display of very poor taste and judgment as to his public behaviour and could potentially create legal ramifications down the road for him even if it was all scripted...which I somehow doubt. I thought it was the epitome of low class not to mention offensive, because it was hurtful towards others and demeaning in character and tone.

I recognize that a lot of guys talk a certain way when they're bantering with the guys, but that was crossing a line of what's acceptable in my opinion and I find it just as offensive and shocking that it wasn't edited out of the footage.

It's perfectly fine Larkster if you see nothing wrong with it at all, I totally respect and appreciate your opinion. But I can tell you that I feel just the opposite and never again will I stick up for Jimmy Johnson as a result of his disgusting public behaviour in that footage.
Was this really "in public"? It was guys being videoed while drunk and they were contractually obligated to allow behind the scenes. Now their behavior is being judged by a rather high standard that we don't hold ourselves to. What does Jimmy's character have to do with the fact he drops his pants and gives us a show? I'm beginning to think that we think we are superior to these guys. I'm not. I find it impossible to feel superior when I'm sitting with my dick in my hand ogling their writhing flesh. I have now given my last response on the subject. Unless somebody puts a brilliant twist on the subject. PEACE! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!