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What I don't like about Jimmy!


Well-known Member
May 14, 2011
Reaction score
Austin, TX area
I wrote the following message to the Divine Ms. K. back on September of this year:

"Hi, Ms K,
I find your posts interesting and a helluva lot of fun! I am sending you a friend request. I know you are a fan of Jimmy's, so I'll understand if you don't accept, given how vocal I've been about Jimmy. Physically, he is the cat's meow! And I have no doubt that he is a personable young man off camera. I am starting to believe he is changing, so I look forward to more hot scenes with him in them. Drop me a line when you can. I'd really like to communicate with you one on one!"

I meant every word I said about Jimmy then, but given the recent round of Jimmy scenes, I'm having doubts about his changing. I don't hate Jimmy! I never have! So, just like his fans started a thread about what they like about him, I have taken one of his fan's advice and started this one. However, if any of his fans, or he himself, would like to post anything to the contrary, they/he are/is welcomed to do so. I posted an opposing comment on the "What I like about Jimmy" thread, and it was edited completely out. Tags were inserted that the thread was for Jimmy fans only. And then we wonder why he's still around!!!
Even on Christmas day still bashing the boy... You must feel so lonely Tequilla.

From home to home and heart to heart,
From one place to another,
The warmth and joy of Christmas,
Brings us closer to each other.

May the good times and treasures of the present
Become the golden memories of tomorrow.
Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.

While I agree with you that Christmas Day seems to be a rather inopportune time to begin a negative thread regarding one of BluMedia's models, I also respect Tequila's right to express himself, and from reading his post's on this forum since he began posting last May, and from a few personal messages that we have exchanged, I know that he is a sweet, wonderful man, who does have a good heart.

My opinion is that all member's of this site, have our own individual taste and much of what "turns us on" sexually is innate, and we cannot be convinced by someone else's words to change in any way what excites and arouses our sexual desires.

My wish is that all member's of Broke Straight Boys learn to respect the diversity of membership here, and refrain from making derogatory comments that can be hurtful, particularly to a model who actively participates on this forum. And I wish that we try to choose our words carefully, particularly when making critical comments, as it may also hurt the feelings of those who disagree with one's individual taste and desire.

I wish the merriest Christmas and most joyous of holidays to Robert, Tequila, Jimmy, and all forumites, management, and models on Broke Straight Boys

Peace on earth, and good will to all.

Merry Christmas to all!! :xmaschristmas:

While I agree with you that Christmas Day seems to be a rather inopportune time to begin a negative thread regarding one of BluMedia's models, I also respect Tequila's right to express himself, and from reading his post's on this forum since he began posting last May, and from a few personal messages that we have exchanged, I know that he is a sweet, wonderful man, who does have a good heart...

I wish the merriest Christmas and most joyous of holidays to Robert, Tequila, Jimmy, and all forumites, management, and models on Broke Straight Boys

Peace on earth, and good will to all.

Merry Christmas to all!! :xmaschristmas:

Yea, I agree with what MikeYank said so well!

Opinions (Desires) are like noses, almost everyone has one.... I just happen to have grown attached to mine.

From tme to time I need reminded not to stick it in other poeples' faces.

If you don't like a scene, rate it low, that's sufficient ain't it?:anyone:
I'm easy, I like everyone. I don't look for faults in my fellow man. PEACE, LOVE, HAPPINESS.
It's so easy to pick on Jimmy... why not choose a worthy opponent?

Start a thread: "What I don't like about Mark"
Mark please stop posting Jimmy video's.

Mark would most likely answer:
You are not the only customer that I have to please.

Is it because I'm from Europe that I feel a guest here? Why would guests insult their Broke Straight Boys host, the models that visit us here, or their products?

"I also respect Tequila's right to express himself"
Well, Tequila has expressed himself. There's nothing he likes about Jimmy... and he repeats the message over and over again. Poor Jimmy.
I forbid it!

It's so easy to pick on Jimmy... why not choose a worthy opponent?

Start a thread: "What I don't like about Mark"
Mark please stop posting Jimmy video's.

Mark would most likely answer:
You are not the only customer that I have to please.

Is it because I'm from Europe that I feel a guest here? Why would guests insult their Broke Straight Boys host, the models that visit us here, or their products?

"I also respect Tequila's right to express himself"
Well, Tequila has expressed himself. There's nothing he likes about Jimmy... and he repeats the message over and over again. Poor Jimmy.

Robert.......Where you on vacation when I professed my adoration for Mark?:001_wub:

Mark wears a halo and works tirelessly to please all of the people, all of the time:angel:........

Feel free to start a "How Do We Love Mark....Let Us Count the Ways" thread.:thumbup:
Robert.......Where you on vacation when I professed my adoration for Mark?:001_wub:

Mark wears a halo and works tirelessly to please all of the people, all of the time:angel:........

Feel free to start a "How Do We Love Mark....Let Us Count the Ways" thread.:thumbup:
Ms. K, How could I not love Mark, as without him we would not have our beloved forum, and without our forum, I never would have met all of the wonderful people that I have met from the four corners of the earth, lead by my favorite forumite of all time, my friend and confidante, the lovely, wonderful Ms. Kianna. :smiley-love001:
For me this forum is all about you Ms. K:001_wub:, MikeYank and Tampa. The three Broke Straight Boys musketeers!

How will Jimmy feel at his next log-in when he finds this thread: "What I don't like about Jimmy..."? It stings. It always hurts a little. Be fair, would you want to find this thread with your name on it?
For me this forum is all about you Ms. K:001_wub:, MikeYank and Tampa. The three Broke Straight Boys musketeers! THANK YOU!:001_wub:

How will Jimmy feel at his next log-in when he finds this thread: "What I don't like about Jimmy..."? It stings. It always hurts a little. Be fair, would you want to find this thread with your name on it?

Well, no, BUT IF I put myself out there, in the public eye, I would have to be willing to accept the bad......as well as the good. And there is a lot of good here for Jimmy.

Take the most recent movie of the VERY FAMOUS AND POPULAR Twilight Series, Breaking Dawn. These stars have been praised and adored by fans everywhere.......BUT, they have also been given terrible reviews by the critics, and made fun of by people that think Twilight is a joke.

BUT ROBERT, LET'S TURN THIS AROUND...........and look at it from the perspective of Bobby, Colin, Conner, CHAD, Ross, Jason, etc, etc, etc, that look at the forum, and see endless discussions about Jimmy. Good or bad, we still talk about Jimmy every day. And I bet some of those guys think, "Why the hell can't they shut up about Jimmy? There are a lot more of us here, and I wish they would talk about me."

Poor CHAD, ROSS, Bobby, Rocco, Conner, Colin, Jason, etc, etc, etc........they put it all out here too, and some of them do a lot better job than Jimmy. CHAD, CHAD, CHAD, Ross, CHAD, CHAD, Jason, CHAD.........
Thank you!

Thank you to those members who posted on this thread. As you can see, your posts are still there and will remain there for all to read! I especially want to thank rrhill for his comment: "Well, Tequila expressed himself. There's nothing he likes about Jimmy...and he repeats the message over and over again." You're absolutely right, rrhill, it's sad to have to be repetitive. That has always been my contention about Jimmy's performances, but my opinions have always fallen on deaf ears! I can sugar coat how I feel, or be as harsh as I can be, but it will all be to no avail!

You'll be glad to know, however, that you and Jimmy are receiving a much anticipated Christmas present from me. This the last post about Mr. Jimmy Johnson I am going to write! Not because of anything anyone has said to me, including Jimmy, but because it's not worth it!

One last thing I want to say to you, rrhill. Please don't presume to know, or care about how lonely i must feel! You don't know the first thing about me! I tried to get to know you and for you to get to know me by sending you a friend request, to which you never responded. That friend request was sent before you went on vacation, and it was still there when you returned! I
eventually deleted it! You wrote how hurt Jimmy was going to feel when he logged in the next time and found a thread with his name on it. Well, see how you feel when you try reaching out to someone whose posts you admire and
respect for their witty and intellectual content, only to be ignored!! Abe and Mike, both, accepted my friend requests, even though we had differing opinions about Jimmy. I would hope that they would understand WHY I started this thread, even if they totally disagree with it! I think every member should have the right to espress his/her opinion, good or bad! How elitist to remove someone's post because he doesn't agree with the premise of the thread! And besides, why a thread about just Jimmy? Is it because you characterize him in your post to me as "Poor Jimmy?" Poor, baby, all he ever gets is a lot of bashing from mean, old Tequila!! And that's another thing, your definition of "bashing" seems to be any negative opinion about Jimmy! There are a lot of other models who have received negative criticism! Why not start a "What I like about" thread for them?

You also state that Jimmy is easy to pick on! Obviously, you haven't read all
the comments Jimmy has made to those who don't like his performances, or
his personna!! I suggest you go back and read those posts! He can defend himself very well!!! Believe me, he is a worthy opponent!!!

Finally, please don't feel you have to expound on the meaning of Christmas to me! I'd rather you not write anything to me at all, if you're going to spew nothing but arrogant, sarcastic BS in the name of Caring!!
Never found any friend request from you Tequila; and I never turn down a friend request either. And it is true that I don't know you at all. If someone dares to post a thread named: "What I don't like about Tequila" I will come down on that poster like a ton of bricks too!

Being overweight, they picked on me at primary school long ago. Kamerolifantje (room elephant) they liked to call me. Whenever I see bullying I am not going to stand by say and say nothing. That was my reason for starting the thread: "What I like about Jimmy..."

Your contribution to that discussion was: "There is nothing I like about Jimmy!" No arguments, nothing. Just that one sentence. That was an unnecessary bash, wasn't it?

A member does have the right to express his or her honest opinion, but not if her or she is writing from the underbelly. Nobody has the right to abuse the hospitality of Broke Straight Boys or to insult others on this forum.

"I'd rather you not write anything to me at all if you're going to spew nothing but arrogant, sarcastic BS"
Maybe we have more in common then you think Tequila, because that is exactly my point! Why would anybody have to right to spew sarcastic BS on this forum; about Jimmy, you, or anyone else.
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When I left Broke Straight Boys and the forums, "in a huff," as my dear "friend," Mike, wrote, it wasn't because of Jimmy. I'm done with Jimmy! I' don't give a rat's ass about him, as I'm sure he doesn't give the same about me. However, he still lingers on Broke Straight Boys like Marley's ghost, carrying the chains of self-righteousness! I, myself, think he's no ghost, but What Scrooge called it: "a bit of undigested beef!" I left because of management's total disregard for three pages of negative comments about a scene that was a waste of time and money -- the now infamous airport scene. I returned because Ms. K informed me there was an up and coming Chad scene and that I shouldn't miss it.

I purposely stayed away from the forums, much like Abe is doing now, except to defend Jimmy, which is his prerogative! When I finally decide to return to the forums, what do I find, but World War XVI, the Connor and Jimmy episode!!! I think that Jimmy and his Knights of the Round Table are getting bogged down about what is an opinion. WEBSTER'S dictionary defines opinion as "a view, judgement, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter." I get it Mike, Abe, Stowe, the newly returned rrhil, and others -- you like Jimmy!! His type of straight boy appeals to you and you have the right to say so. However, those members who dislike Jimmy's performance have a right to say it, too!!

The rub, I think, is in the language used in expressing the differing opinions. The members who think less of Jimmy's efforts at trying to do his best are going to object strongly, and after seeing Jimmy perform time after time, their
objections are getting harsher! The Knights, on the other hand, are going to be
more than complimentary because that's the way they feel! The problem is that the Knights true to their nature start to question the anti-Jimmy camp's opinions. Asking a member to explain his opinion is not an opinion!! To top it
all off, Jimmy gets into the fray to defend himself because someone thought his blow job was pathetic! And bada-bing, we have 10 pages devoted to a thread that should have been about two models, but focused on only one!

Tampa is absolutely correct. Jimmy's efforts at doing his best have to show on camera and not on the forum. And if gagging on one inch of cock is the best
he can do, than he shouldn't do it at all! The Knights will enjoy it no matter
what, while those who don't like Jimmy's performance can jerk off to Diesal
and Jimmie Slater, right Ms K? Because, seriously guys and gals, if all the ranting and raving about how bad Jimmy is hasn't gotten him his walking papers, you can bet he's going to be around a long time!:sleeping:

That was the best analyses yet about Jimmy, I read so far. An well written opinion that invites one to agree to disagree.

Can't we make up Tequila? Start over again... If you want me as your friend please accept my flaws, I've got plenty of those - as you already pointed out.

For you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp2Yx_XMCdI

Yes, rrhill, you do have a lot of flaws, but so do I! So, for the sake of breaking the impasse we have reached, I'll be happy to agree to disagree! Thank you for the friend request you sent me. I will be accepting forthwith! I do want to assure you that I did send you a friend request. Anyone who visited my profile and saw my list of friends can attest to the fact!
:angel:I suspect rrhill that Jimmy is man enough to "buck up" and take the abuse from a very small "minority" of members. He knows that several of us like and appreciate him and several don't like his work, and that is fair. As Mike says there are vast opinions out there and when you put yourself out on a mainly "gay" website to be watched you better be ready to take the bad with the good. I suspect Jimmy doesn't tell many of his straight friends about his work or the site because of the possible negative consequences or comments, but he continues to do the job fully aware of the possible negative comments he might be subjected to from them.

So don't feel sorry for Jimmy because part of life is dealing with bad as well as the good and learning that will make you stronger in life and maybe Jimmy needs to be stronger to.
Tequila, I kinda wanted to make this a personal reply to your comments. I don't hate any members on this forum and I do respect "your" opinion on Jimmy. Jimmy is an aquired taste for sure but I look at Jimmy and see myself as I was many years ago. I was cocky as all hell and so inexperienced in all aspects of life. Most of the members on the forums I suspect have been around the block once or twice and have grown as we have experienced more to life, and Jimmy will to. Jimmy has grown up as a straight boy and has all the prejudices that comes with that, as I did, even though I knew there was something there I fought it until I finally came to terms with myself and my desires. Jimmy has gotten past phase one of the education process and he has gotten over his fears so be patient with him he is getting better as he gets more comfortable.

:nicethread:Keep writing my friend and feel free to kick the hell out of the smartass punk he deserves it and just because you and I may banter back and forth don't take it personal, I don't. I came to Jimmy's defense only because it started to get overly personal and mean by several members. Opinions are great but being mean and abusive is not (Not saying you are but many members were).
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I just want to encore what Tequila wrote.

My opinion -- or lack thereof -- of Jimmy is well known by now and we know what he thinks of us.

But, as far as I am concerned, I have wasted enough time commenting about him and intend to concentrate on the Broke Straight Boys boys I find hot and seem to be pleasant.
Tequila, I kinda wanted to make this a personal reply to your comments. I don't hate any members on this forum and I do respect "your" opinion on Jimmy. Jimmy is an aquired taste for sure but I look at Jimmy and see myself as I was many years ago. I was cocky as all hell and so inexperienced in all aspects of life. Most of the members on the forums I suspect have been around the block once or twice and have grown as we have experienced more to life, and Jimmy will to. Jimmy has grown up as a straight boy and has all the prejudices that comes with that, as I did, even though I knew there was something there I fought it until I finally came to terms with myself and my desires. Jimmy has gotten past phase one of the education process and he has gotten over his fears so be patient with him he is getting better as he gets more comfortable.

:nicethread:Keep writing my friend and feel free to kick the hell out of the smartass punk he deserves it and just because you and I may banter back and
forth don't take it personal, I don't. I came to Jimmy's defense only because
it started to get overly personal and mean by several members. Opinions are
great but being mean and abusive is not (Not saying you are but many
members were).

Rallen, thank you for your kind words. They certainly have encouraged me to keep on writing. However I'm going to stick to my guns and write no more about Jimmy!

I finally realized that what disturbs me about Jimmy makes me react with my emotions and not with my mind. To me, he is that gorgeous straight boy I loved in high school, but hated for being such a bully!! The kind you described. The cocky one who put you down every chance he got because it was part of being the "good old boy." Even though, you feel he's getting better, his scenes make me see RED!! And, consequently, I become the bully I hate so much when I post my opinions about his performances! I am not a bully, nor do I ever want to become one! So, I'll be patient with him, because you asked me to, but for the time being, I'm keeping my opinions about Jimmy to
I always said that I didn't like Jimmy's scenes, but I liked Jimmy in the BTS. Last night I watched the latest BTS scenes(Palm Springs).:angry2::ohmy:

All that I will say here, is that I have changed my mind. Anything else that I say will definitely be considered bashing and personal.:cursing:

Although, I have to question if it is bashing, if it is true. If you put it out there for everyone to see, can someone calling you on it, be bashing you?

Tequila, I am sorry for suggesting that you should ignore or be nice, but I will take your new approach, and keep my mouth shut, because I have nothing nice to say.
A message for Tequila

Please don't stop writing on the forum about anyone and everything you want. I too don't like Jimmy or his attitude. I also don't speak of any member of the forum, unless they speak about me first. I am very sorry that ANY MEMBER chooses a personal attack when anyone speaks their honest feelings.

Tequila, I don't know you, but I always enjoy meeting new people and RESPECTING their opinions. Some people always find it easy to belittle other people, for the purpose of inflating their own worth.

Remember Jimmy chose to say to me on an episode of,"Behind the Scenes"
"Nobody gives a fuck", when told of something I wrote in the forum. I have said on this forum that I as every else is a paying member of Broke Straight Boys, which as part of a membership allowing a member to post on the Members Forum, and express their own feelings and comment on models and the words they choose to say. No member has the right to take another member to task.

Tequila, I am sorry that someone chose to express their opinions on you or any other member.Thanks Tequila for being a member of the forum, and thanks for your posts. That message applies to all members who do not criticize other members.