RRHILL, you demand respect, yet you spell my simple name wrong, It's TOBEY, only 5 letters so you can remember it.
I my responce to Tequila69, I did not mention you or anyone else by name, only Tequila69's name was used It seems that you have inserted yourself as judge and jury pertaining to what people can say.--- NOT!!!!!
I believe every member has a right to their own opion, and also has the right to express it, we don't have a right to take them to task because of the way they feel. By the way, I don't agree with you.
Please keep in mind Tobey, that Robert is Dutch, lives in Holland and English is not his native tongue. I am actually incredibly impressed at his command of our language, and how well he communicates with us in English, including many idioms that I'm sure are incredibly difficult to master. And I would imagine the name "Tobey" is not one that he is familiar with in his land.
If he misspells or has a typo in his text, I think that it is small of you to call him out on it. After all, I assume that English is your first language and you misspelled both "
response" and "
opinion" in your reply. I would normally never point out a poster's spelling or grammar, but I am just trying to show that you post is rather mean spirited.
Secondly, you have accused me in the past of responding to something that you said to another member, and I would again point out to you that we have a "private message" feature here where members can privately communicate with one another, but when we post to this open board, it is both proper and appropriate for any one who reads it to reply.
Finally, I want to say again that our like or dislike of any model, including the highly controversial Jimmy is oh so totally subjective, and we can never all agree. I feel that Tequila has stated his points, as has Robert, and I was particularly impressed with Tequila's Post # 18 in this thread where he said:
"I finally realized that what disturbs me about Jimmy makes me react with my emotions and not with my mind. To me, he is that gorgeous straight boy I loved in high school, but hated for being such a bully!! The kind you described. The cocky one who put you down every chance he got because it was part of being the "good old boy." Even though, you feel he's getting better, his scenes make me see RED!! And, consequently, I become the bully I hate so much when I post my opinions about his performances! I am not a bully, nor do I ever want to become one! So, I'll be patient with him, because you asked me to, but for the time being, I'm keeping my opinions about Jimmy to
I loved his honesty and self understanding in that post, and I totally respect him for what he said.
At the end of the day, this is a porn site, designed to get us hot and horny, and if a scene really works for us, we will become sexually excited, and achieve an orgasm. I am turned on by a cocky straight guy, it makes me get "hard". You may love to watch two guys kiss and attain mutual orgasms. My straight friends who do not watch gay male porn may get the same reaction from watching two woman have sex together. We are all different, and receive our sexual pleasure from different types of people and scenarios. It is all okay.
I respect Tequila's taste which may differ from mine, as much as Robert's which is often similar to mine. We the members of this site are as diverse in our tastes, as the types of model's that Mark employs trying to please us. Can't we all try to respect each other's taste, without using negative and insulting comments, regarding each other? It sure would make things much more pleasant and friendly on the forum.
We will NEVER all agree as to what is hot and "gets us off", but we can agree to be civil with each other, and respect our divergent tastes. That would be a tremendous improvement for 2012.