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Voted earlly to insure Republicans haven't succeeded in disenfranchising my voting

I hope all will be well and this time, our Congress will allow Barack Obama to have more success in dealing with economic problems!
That is my sincere hope also, Stimpy. It will take a lot of concessions & compromising on BOTH sides, but it can be done. For the future of our country, it must be done.

President Obama has been handed a second chance at healing the great divide that exists in this country. He may not have created it, but his LEADERSHIP the last four years has not succeeded in bringing the two sides any closer together. And you are correct, Stimpy in that Congress is probably the main problem in Washington, but the President is the LEADER of our great country and it is his responsibility to find a way to work with the Congress. Former President Clinton did it and was successful....President Obama can do it too. Bucking heads is not the answer unless you are a buck in search of a doe.

At this time, President Obama should be seen as neither Democrat nor Republican, but only our PRESIDENT.

Best wishes, Mr. President.
Stimpy, I too am elated with the results from last night, however what I fear is what I quoted from your post. We still have a Republican dominated House of Representatives, and I hope and pray that their leadership will show a sense of doing the right thing for our nation, rather than focus everything on defeating Obama. The election is over. This will be Obama's final term. Now all branches of government need to work together, to begin to get things back on track.

My fingers are crossed Mikey, but I don't know if "Republicans" and "work together" can be put in the same sentence.:frown:
My fingers are crossed Mikey, but I don't know if "Republicans" and "work together" can be put in the same sentence.:frown:

Be assured the republicans will work together to block any action attempted by the Obama Administration. How's that, Ms. Kianna?
Be assured the republicans will work together to block any action attempted by the Obama Administration. How's that, Ms. Kianna?

I guess the Republicans forgot that we are a melting pot, with all different backgrounds and needs, that have come together to make a country that works for all those that live in it..........oh, and the separation of church and state, so that their personal religious views are not allowed to be involved in what rules they try to enforce on others...........aaaannnnddddd, that under our Constitution all men are created equal...........
I've said this before but surely if a president gets elected then he should really be powerful enough in government to see his manifesto through. Here in the UK we don't elect a prime ministers - we vote for the party as it's the party's manifestos and their performance in last govt that should determine an individuals vote. The benefit of the UK system is that the Prime minister is head of the party that won the election and as the party have won they will have a majority vote in govt. Of course our current govt is a coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats because at the last election the Conservatives did not have enough seats to form a government. But my point is still valid with the coalition - they hold the majority vote so can pass legislations - the prime minister is just head of government.

Didn't we teach you guys anything before you booted us out lol
I think we should sequester President Obama, Senator Reid, and Congressman Boehner in a locked hotel room until they reach an agreement/compromise on the course this nation should be moving towards. After "X" number of days, problem should be solved.
i think we should sequester president obama, senator reid, and congressman boehner in a locked hotel room until they reach an agreement/compromise on the course this nation should be moving towards. After "x" number of days, problem should be solved.

Great idea!!!!!!
Today's British Sunday papers has a uk poll. The poll asked if the Brits had a vote who would they vote for. 70% said Obama, 7% said Romney - they rest couldn't give a fuck lol.. Another poll questions asked whether Obama had done a good job in his first 4 years and 75% said yes. Looks like the Brits have more faith in Obama than the Yanks lol. xx good luck.

What a great thread this has been. And I'm not even done reading it. We had people talking about the perks of early voting...which I myself did before I left town. Obama has carried my home county in the state of Florida. Obama will probably win the state of Florida. Our Republican governor Rick Scott (alias Lex Luthor) tried his best to suppress the number of Democratic voters by cutting back on the number of early voting days this year. He got away with doing that. He even succeeded in cutting back the number of daily hours of operation for the early voting polling places on the days they were allowed to be open. He claimed it was all in the name of not wasting taxpayer money. After all, in a state of nearly 27 million people, one day is plenty of time for people to vote and to get all the votes tallied within hours of the polls closing. Right? Florida has no history of voting problems...

People were standing in line to vote past 2:00 am Wednesday morning in south Florida trying to get their voting done. Hopefully sometime before Thanksgiving, Florida will have tallied its votes and declared a winner. But at least this time the rest of the country isn't forced to care what Florida thinks. haha It would have been nicer to have the results reported around 11:00 pm on election evening. Just like the 49 other states do.

Lex Luthor also tried to pass a law requiring stricter voter photo ID requirements meant to disenfranchise low income people who presumably would be more more inclined to vote for Democrats. All of this was of course in the name of preventing the dreaded "voter fraud".
Cue the music: Duhn, Duhn, Duhn!
The Florida Supreme Court saw right through his plans and overruled him. Those pesky checks and balances on his power have driven him crazy ever since he came to office. The delicious part is that he didn't succeed anyway. Florida will still probably be won by Barak Obama. But don't think the conspiracy theories aren't swirling in south Florida that he and his cronies had plans to put a thumb on the scale if Florida's electoral votes ended up deciding the national presidential election.

We also had Stimpy's timely warning of a possible storm that there just might possibly bring a bit of nasty weather to the northeast coast if all of the worst case scenarios lined up precisely within the following few days. Maybe even bad enough to reach a billion dollar's worth of damage. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by Hurricane Sandy and the second nor'easter to follow it. I hope that all of you in here who were affected are doing at least reasonably well.

As I say... :nicethread:


  • Rick+Scott+Florida+Governor+Rick+Scott+Speaks+z_LWGJXNjkfl.jpg
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Tampa why don't the people of Florida throw Lex Luthor out on his butt. Surely he should be reported to higher authorities for trying to hinder the electoral system. Nice to see you back my friend..
Tampa why don't the people of Florida throw Lex Luthor out on his butt. Surely he should be reported to higher authorities for trying to hinder the electoral system. Nice to see you back my friend..

What do you mean, it's nice to see Tampa back? You told us all that he has been with you..........
What went wrong with the campaigns...

Mitt Romney's disastrous ground game and 7 other behind-the-scenes revelations
By The Week's Editorial Staff | The Week – Fri, Nov 9, 2012.. .

Romney's get-out-the-vote operation was comically inept. Obama barely prepared for the first debate. Romney spent $25,000 on victory fireworks. And more!

The presidential election is over, but the real story behind the race is only just emerging. After months of enough spin to make a washing machine envious, members of the campaigns are starting to let down their guard and dish some dirt to media outlets. From Mitt Romney's embarrassingly ineffective get-out-the-vote operation to President Obama's peevish attitude toward the debates, post-election autopsies have given political junkies a lot to mull over before they, yes, turn to the 2016 race. Here, eight behind-the-scenes revelations from the campaign:

1. Romney was shellshocked by Obama's victory
Romney genuinely believed that he would become the nation's 45th president, and was "shellshocked" by his landslide loss. "I don't think there was one person who saw this coming," one senior adviser told Jan Crawford at CBS News. Why was Team Romney so certain of victory? They simply did not believe that younger voters and minorities would turn out the way they did in 2008. "As a result," says Crawford, "they believed that the public/media polls were skewed" in Obama's favor, and rejiggered them to show Romney with "turnout levels more favorable to Romney." In essence, Romney "unskewed" the polls, mirroring widely mocked moves by conservatives to show their candidate with a lead, epitomized by the now-infamous website UnskewedPolls.com. Romney's defenders say he had plausible reasons to believe Obama's turnout would be lower; less charitable commentators say Romney and his aides were stuck in a conservative media echo chamber at odds with reality.

2. Obama's get-out-the-vote operation was amazing
Obama's ground game relied on "an extraordinarily sophisticated database packed with names of millions of undecided voters and potential supporters," says The New York Times. The database allowed Obama's army of field workers to target new voters, register them, and get them to the polls. On Election Day, it became clear that the Obama campaign had altered "the very nature of the electorate, making it younger and less white," says The Times. "The power of this operation stunned Mr. Romney's aides on election night, as they saw voters they never even knew existed turn out in places like Osceola County, Fla."

3. Romney's get-out-the-vote operation was hopeless
The Romney campaign "came up with a super-secret, super-duper vote monitoring system that was dubbed Project Orca," says Byron York at The Washington Examiner. The so-called "mega-app for smartphones" was supposed to "link the more than 30,000 operatives and volunteers involved in get-out-the-vote efforts," in a bid to coordinate everyone's efforts and maximize turnout, say Maggie Haberman and Alexander Burns at Politico. But Project Orca was a complete and utter failure. The program crashed on Election Day, which meant that "workers on the ground didn't know what doors to knock on," say Haberman and Burns. The campaign was flying blind, relying on CNN and other media outlets to track turnout. "The end result," says John Ekdahl, a Romney campaign worker, at Ace of Spades, "was that 30,000+ of the most active and fired-up volunteers were wandering around confused and frustrated when they could have been doing anything else to help."

4. Obama underestimated Romney's debating prowess
In the run-up to the first presidential debate, Obama "displayed little concern" about the challenge ahead of him, and "his impatience with the exercise was evident," says The Times. He ended up walking "into a trap that Mr. Romney's advisers had anticipated: His antipathy toward Mr. Romney — which advisers described as deeper than what Mr. Obama had felt for John McCain in 2008 — led the incumbent to underestimate his opponent as he began moving to the center before the debate audiences of millions of television viewers." As a result, the president spent the rest of the campaign making up for "what was arguably the most dismal night of Mr. Obama's political career."

5. Romney was desperate for money
"The GOP nominee emerged late last spring from a long and bruising Republican primary season more damaged than commonly realized," say Sara Murray and Patrick O'Connor at The Wall Street Journal. Romney "had spent so much money winning the nomination" that he had to spend the first weeks and months of the general campaign touring fundraising meccas in "California, Texas, and New York — none of which were important political battlegrounds." Romney raised about $800 million, but "paid a deep political price," giving the Obama campaign a large window of time to "define the Republican candidate on its terms."

6. Romney was beholden to Donald Trump
Perhaps the Romney campaign's "most fatal mistake was its tortured, 16-month quest to win the affection of rank-and-file conservatives via their most boisterous mouthpiece — at the expense of everything else," says McKay Coppins at BuzzFeed. That would be Donald Trump, the country's most famous birther. "Trump's appeal to the Republican base was undeniable," and Romney spent a fair amount of effort winning his endorsement. But the "Trump stunt did not end up sending Tea Partiers marching en masse to the primary polls," and Romney's new ties to birtherism "became, increasingly, a political headache." The Obama campaign linked Trump with Romney at every opportunity, and Trump "required constant maintenance by the campaign to keep him from going completely off the rails."

7. Ann Romney cried when Obama won (See note below)
When it was all over on Election Night, the GOP nominee called Obama to concede defeat. "Romney was stoic as he talked to the president," says CBS News' Crawford, "but his wife Ann cried." His running mate Paul Ryan "seemed genuinely shocked," while "Ryan's wife Janna also was shaken and cried softly."

8. Romney had purchased victory fireworks
"Things didn't go as planned for Mitt Romney on Election Day in more ways than one," says Glen Johnson at The Boston Globe. "The Republican was prepared to celebrate his election as the 45th president with an eight-minute fireworks display within view of his party at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center." The Romney campaign reportedly paid $25,000 for fireworks that "had a patriotic theme, heavy on red, white, and blue colors."

PS Just for the record: I will have to agree to disagree with the writer's views on Ann Romney. I feel she is an honorable person only wanting her husband to succeed in his goals. I have no hard or negative feelings about Ann Romney and feel she deserves little blame or criticism for her husband's actions.


Tampa why don't the people of Florida throw Lex Luthor out on his butt. Surely he should be reported to higher authorities for trying to hinder the electoral system. Nice to see you back my friend..

I'd love to throw him out on his butt. He used $14 million of a personal fortune that he accumulated by defrauding Medicare...and used that money to buy the election. And people actually voted for him.

It's good to be back Jon. xo :)