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Damien Kyled grings home the hard salami to Brady in a rapid fire spree!

First of, no matter what he would have said, when you don't like a model, you find faults in everything he says. So, all it would have done is add fuel to the fire. I think it best he didn't say anything else. But guess what? I don't have a direct line to Damien Kyle, neither does Ms. K. I find your comment about him "waiting for the mothers of the forum" to protect him MORE than over the top sexism. Just because we didn't agree with you doesn't give you the right to talk to us like that.
You're acting like you're the King of The Forum and we shall bow down to you or face the consequences. Well, you know what? In your dreams.
I refuse to be bullied by you or anyone else in here.

Thank you!! I couldn't have said it any better.
NICEEEE!! Damn, right! You can put your foot down on anyone and anything ;). Not encouraging this. She just doesn't like bullies bahaha.
Grahams A Great Dude We'll Always Have Fun & Fool Around. You Ppl Like To Twist Up My Words & like to make me look bad bc ppl actually care about me and i actually have a story unlike any Of The other of the models....am i constantly bringing up how i dont have a dad or mom? NO i Stated My Story Once In 3 Or 4 Paragraphs... Clearly It Got Me Here...Ive Changed So Much Since I First Started and To Say Im Not Humble Is A FREAKING UNDERSTATMENT. Time After Time I Have Shown How Greatful I Am To Have All My Supporters And Ppl That Are Willing To Help And watch Me Go Far In Life. Im Sorry Im The Only Model Taking Charge. Im Sorry Im The Only Model The Legit Is On Every Social NeT Work So I Could Get Every Bit Of Feed Back I Possibly Could To Make Sure I Make It To The Top. Ive Stated Why And What Im Here For. Watch Both Behind The Scenes Video Of Me So You Can Get Some More Background Info And Before You Jump To Say Something Make Sure You Heard Everything I Was Stating. I Dont Need Any One To Protect Me From Anything. The Fact That The Only Ppl Defending Me Actually Know My Life Here & Out Side Of here Bc They Connect With Me Through Social Net Works. Not Saying You Should Too But Whats Every Ones Problem? Me & Graham R Boys & Good Friends Nothing Will Change That Neither Will Any Of These Negative Comments. Every One Has A Voice But Ima Type Of Person That Gets Heard! So That Being Said. Im Done Talking About This Scene. We Did Great That Fine You Dont Have To Agree But Clearly The Score Tells The Turth So You Can Feel Free To Agree To Disagree. Have A Good Day <3 Team Damien Kyle!!
Yeah, no hard feelings ha. We're alwaqys be bros and I can't wait for when we go on tour. I really have to agree that this whole thig needs to just fly right by. No, need to argue about everything a models does that you feel that it's wrong. As models we build ourselves and we love the feed back that we get from members, it makes us more determined to become even better models. I too, thought this scene was great! :) That is all. Thanks for your support.
Damien's story is on his profile, and almost every "Damien" thread, for all to read. I am not special , I see a young man that works very hard, doesn't ask anyone for anything, and takes responsibility for his own actions. If we are expecting him to do everything right, we should look in the mirror, and think about the stones we throw....

I'm sure anyone can go read his story we all got a story to tell. What better way to get to know a model than to know the story of their life ha. I have my story paul has his, flint, too. Damien Kyle just speaks his mind about what he feels as I would and did the other day when someone commented about "my build" you best believe I'm gonna say something to that. As anyone would set them straight. This whole fighting thing on the forum is not helping the situation either. Have a good Ms. K. :))))
Well, I think you and some of the others are being a little hard on him TG. None of us in here is perfect. I think we're building a mountain out of a molehill. I'm willing to cut a 20 y/o guy, and one who's had a rough life so far...plenty of slack. It's pretty easy for people older than 18-24 to find fault with things that people of that age say or do. (As if those of us who are over 24 y/o always manage to say and do all the right things with no regrets in life over our own self-comportment) Hmmm... :001_rolleyes: Uhhh....yeah.

I hope that having had such a rough life in childhood, that Damien has a wonderful life in adulthood. I hope his future's so bright that he needs to wear shades. :thumbup1:

This is very true :). I'm not perfect, have I ever made mistakes being as yound as i am? You damn, bet your little ass I made some mistakes and you learn from those mistakes. I was def a trouble maker in high school along with being the class clown so I had my fun with my teachers lmao. Still learning and growing. But I'm far from perfect, I'm just...me.
Damien's story is on his profile, and almost every "Damien" thread, for all to read. I am not special , I see a young man that works very hard, doesn't ask anyone for anything, and takes responsibility for his own actions. If we are expecting him to do everything right, we should look in the mirror, and think about the stones we throw....

Again Ms. K, thanks for all of your posts, could not agree more with each one.

Damien, thanks for your latest post my friend. You got it right as I see it and I am very proud of your development and for sure you have a great future.

I also think you are wise to keep things from this point to yourself. You are done with talking about this scene, AMEN!

Again Ms. K, thanks for all of your posts, could not agree more with each one.

Damien, thanks for your latest post my friend. You got it right as I see it and I am very proud of your development and for sure you have a great future.

I also think you are wise to keep things from this point to yourself. You are done with talking about this scene, AMEN!

I couldn't agree more, MacTee! :smile:
I was supporting you, Ms. K. Btw :). Much love, from Graham.
I'm sure she knows that. At least, she knows not ever member on the forum thinks the way some do.

The only ones that support the fact that models can slate each other are those so far up the models asses they don't know where the light is coming from. Do us a favour and get real. Mind you the same members were due to leave the site a few months ago were they not due to the BB issue.
The only ones that support the fact that models can slate each other are those so far up the models asses they don't know where the light is coming from. Do us a favour and get real. Mind you the same members were due to leave the site a few months ago were they not due to the BB issue.

Saying that the models can express themselves and have opinions you may not like is not the same as saying they can bash each other. I did say that Damien Kyle probably shouldn't have expressed himself the way he did concerning Graham, did I not?? He apologized to Graham for saying what he said, by the way. About the members threatening to leave over the BB issue, that's another issue altogether and most of them threaten to leave and didn't. So what? Does that mean, they don't get to express their opinions anymore??
I’m having a hard time following all the negativity here and I’m more than a little worried about wading into something, but here’s what I’ve seen:

Damien responded to some of the comments asking for more “passion” by explaining that he wasn’t really into Graham. I don’t see what the issue is that has popped up around this. I didn’t read Damien’s response as rude – he was just explaining his side of why the scene may not have been what others were expecting. The only person that might have truly been offended – Graham – already said he took no offence at what his friend Damien had posted.

Since this happened it seems various forum members have lined up on opposing sides, but to me the whole original issue was just blown out of proportion by some folks reading more venom in Damien’s response than I feel he ever intended. I won’t even try to blame it on him being young, I’ve just seen lots of other people react the same as him and I don’t think his intention was to upset anyone – just respond to the concern raised.

The emoticon was created because plain words on a screen often don’t convey the real feeling behind them. The only thing Damien might be accused of is writing an off-the-cuff comment too quickly and not thinking about how others might interpret it. But, even so, I think we’re all guilty of that, so no big deal.

Quite a few other “issues” have been brought up in the back and forth here, and I *really* don’t want to get in the middle of that, but as far as what all this seems to have started from, I think it has been made way too much of. Whether people think that models should or shouldn’t be posting on the forum I think that Damien has stated his position well, and Graham… Well, I’m showing my age here but I think Graham “takes a licking and keeps on ticking” (pun really not intended) – he just takes these negative comments and mostly lets it fall off his shoulders. I think he has it much more together than some of the other folks posting here. Seriously people, can't we just move on.

I’m having a hard time following all the negativity here and I’m more than a little worried about wading into something, but here’s what I’ve seen:

Damien responded to some of the comments asking for more “passion” by explaining that he wasn’t really into Graham. I don’t see what the issue is that has popped up around this. I didn’t read Damien’s response as rude – he was just explaining his side of why the scene may not have been what others were expecting. The only person that might have truly been offended – Graham – already said he took no offence at what his friend Damien had posted.

Since this happened it seems various forum members have lined up on opposing sides, but to me the whole original issue was just blown out of proportion by some folks reading more venom in Damien’s response than I feel he ever intended. I won’t even try to blame it on him being young, I’ve just seen lots of other people react the same as him and I don’t think his intention was to upset anyone – just respond to the concern raised.

The emoticon was created because plain words on a screen often don’t convey the real feeling behind them. The only thing Damien might be accused of is writing an off-the-cuff comment too quickly and not thinking about how others might interpret it. But, even so, I think we’re all guilty of that, so no big deal.

Quite a few other “issues” have been brought up in the back and forth here, and I *really* don’t want to get in the middle of that, but as far as what all this seems to have started from, I think it has been made way too much of. Whether people think that models should or shouldn’t be posting on the forum I think that Damien has stated his position well, and Graham… Well, I’m showing my age here but I think Graham “takes a licking and keeps on ticking” (pun really not intended) – he just takes these negative comments and mostly lets it fall off his shoulders. I think he has it much more together than some of the other folks posting here. Seriously people, can't we just move on.


I completely agree with you Toby and as a sign of "good faith", I will not post any more about this in this thread.
I completely agree with you Toby and as a sign of "good faith", I will not post any more about this in this thread.
I agree with you Milla and Toby. Although I haven't posted on this thread (I posted my thoughts on another one) I liked Damien and I liked Graham. All concerned with this disagreement have made their apologies and apologies were accepted. Enough said.
It is funny that members seem to think because they pay for something they can say things to the models and when models defend themselves they get offended. You cannot have your cake and eat it too I am glad the they interact with us.

That is hitting the nail right on the head. Some comments are innocent enough just perhaps poorly expressed while others are simply snarky.
And you are no Mother Teresa either. If someone has the balls to stand up to you, you gather all your friends in an effort to gang up on them OR chat in PMs or Tweets behind their back. I don't use any of those methods as I am straightforward - that's the only thing straight about me. Because I am gay and I guess you are so jealous of us gay guys and those who perform here to profess to be str8, bi or whatever. We can all have wicked tongues Ms K - you are just very clever in choosing your words and get others to do your dirty work.

Oh please. Get over yourself and take a chill break.
Every Public figure (ie. celebrity,pornstar,politician) you are liabal to criticism, whether it be reconstructive or negative and hurtful. To be a public figure one must develop a thick skin... People complain and talk shit... But in the end, how does that really bother you? It doesnt... Nobodys else life or opinion matters to you if you dont allow it to. I just choose whoch opinions to listen to, i suggest others tey and do the same.......
This is why I love Liam and sport his avatar. This is exactly what I think about the Broke Straight Boys politics. It drives me crazy. Say what you feel and don't feel ashamed for your opinion. There is so much drama here lately. It's like high school over again.