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Voted earlly to insure Republicans haven't succeeded in disenfranchising my voting

Who knows what will happen on Nov. 6th!

Today's British Sunday papers has a uk poll. The poll asked if the Brits had a vote who would they vote for. 70% said Obama, 7% said Romney - they rest couldn't give a fuck lol.. Another poll questions asked whether Obama had done a good job in his first 4 years and 75% said yes. Looks like the Brits have more faith in Obama than the Yanks lol. xx good luck.

Dear jon,

This only proves my point. With all the unlimited cost-is-no-object campaign advertising spending thanks to a recent Supreme Court ruling, legitimate issues now get even more clouded with half-truths. After hearing these half-truths repeated hundreds of times on TV and radio ads, it seems everything almost evens out, especially with one candidate who alters their message with each and every audience that they address. Then, when this fact is brought up later in a public forum or debate, Romney is a master at being on both sides of every issue. When he opened his candidacy for president, he swore to eliminate the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" Romney dismisses as "Obama Care". Yet the program fundamentals are based on the same state-wide health care Romney poudly promoted and got passed during his term as Governor of Mass. iT WAS HIS SIGNATURE PIECE OF LEGISLATION HE BACKED AS GOVERNOR. Now he HAS THE BALLS TO OPPOSE THE SAME THING ON A NATIONAL BASIS! GIVE ME A BREAK!

Only Obama has given a consistent message on his goals for his next term as President. But, with the barrage of denials from Romney, he is yet to be open with the American People sharing his actual plans. All Romney says is that things will be better when he is elected WITH NO DETAILS PROVIDED. What BS??? Either Romney has a plan or he doesn't and not trusting the American people speaks volumes to the distrust Romney holds for its citizens. Evidently, he trusts no one as far as I can tell.

We will find out on the 6th how much actual trust and faith Americans put in Romneys blank promises. Hopefully none!



PS Dear Ms Kianna, I think the last I heard Undie was in Singapore, Malaysia.
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I don't know how you will choose......but, I would love to sight see with Grace......if, I didn't already have a bed at Slimmie's.
Well it's nearly 24hours before you guys and gals find out whether or not you have a new president. TBH I'm quite surprised how little forumites are getting involved in the debate, but i do realise you've had it pushed down your throats via the media.
Well it's nearly 24hours before you guys and gals find out whether or not you have a new president. TBH I'm quite surprised how little forumites are getting involved in the debate, but i do realise you've had it pushed down your throats via the media.

Nothing ruins friendships, like discussing religion or politics, and with Romney you cover both.........
I voted already. Just waiting now.... Not much to say at this point.
I got so excited about this race that I woke up early this morning anticipating the results. Damn forgot the results are tomorrow - silly head on today, the noise of last night's Guy Fawkes night's fireworks has affected my brain..
I got so excited about this race that I woke up early this morning anticipating the results. Damn forgot the results are tomorrow - silly head on today, the noise of last night's Guy Fawkes night's fireworks has affected my brain..
Perhaps we will have the resultsby Wednesday morning, or perhaps not. In a tight election, there could be recounts and challenges, etc, and remember in 2000 when it took over a week between Gore & Bush, and the Supreme Court had to rule? That is the year that Bush "stole" the election.

I voted at 7 AM this morning. There was a heavy turnout at my election district, but Obama is a done deal in New York State. It will be states like Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, etc. where this battle is won.

I am cautiously optimistic that President Obama will be re-elected.
Perhaps we will have the resultsby Wednesday morning, or perhaps not. In a tight election, there could be recounts and challenges, etc, and remember in 2000 when it took over a week between Gore & Bush, and the Supreme Court had to rule? That is the year that Bush "stole" the election.
It actually took WAY over a week that year (Nov. 7-Dec. 12). Al Gore conceded on Dec. 13.

I was living in Florida that year and in Ohio this year......maybe I'm a jinx. lol If I were to move to New York in 2016, your state would probably vote conservative.
I'm on the west coast.......they will start announcing results before our polls even close.
Congratulations to Barrack Obama for winning a second term as US President. I see our prime minister david cameron tweeted his congratulations lol.
Wonderful news can be a double-edged sword/!

I must admit, the world will be a safer place with Obama in the hot seat and the US citizens can go back to enjoying themselves on a Sunday instead of being forced back into church :o) x

Dear jon,

You got that right! I am elated and relieved Obama was triumphant in this political race where the "Fat Cats"(Billionaires - top 1%) were trying to essentially "take over our government like it was some private club where only certain people in the top income ranges were to have influence". They wanted to get out of paying additional taxes yet, at the same time, kill health care, medicare for the elderly, and most social programs that provide the underpinnings of those less wealthy. Consider this an economic disaster barely missed, that would have probably succeeded in creating a global depression just due to their unconstrained greed! Thank God, the worst didn't happen after all!

What I fear most is that those Billionaires have always had everything their way! I don't feel it is too far fetched that they might consider hiring assassins to murder our 44th President - Barack Obama (just like John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963). I don't mean to be obsessed with this assassination fear of mine, but I so feared Obama would be shot last night during his Acceptance Speech, in effect I was just waiting for it to happen in front of the entire world! One of my greatest fears is that there are so many fringe people that would be crazy enough to put this plan into action. I lived through JFK's assassination and I simply cannot bear the thought of our country having to deal with this possibility once again. I can't stand the loss it would represent for Michelle Obama and his two daughters or the havoc it would create in our country and the world. Essentially, I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop during his wonderful acceptance speech. Isn't that deplorable following his victory!

Well, enough with my melodrama! I hope all will be well and this time, our Congress will allow Barack Obama to have more success in dealing with economic problems!


I hope all will be well and this time, our Congress will allow Barack Obama to have more success in dealing with economic problems!
Stimpy, I too am elated with the results from last night, however what I fear is what I quoted from your post. We still have a Republican dominated House of Representatives, and I hope and pray that their leadership will show a sense of doing the right thing for our nation, rather than focus everything on defeating Obama. The election is over. This will be Obama's final term. Now all branches of government need to work together, to begin to get things back on track.