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Updated Avatars For Members


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
We have updated Avatars under account settings. To go to this click on your name on the top right of the page. You can also upload your own avatar here.

You can change some settings on this page but if you don't have any issues with viewing videos please do not change the video settings. If you do change these settings and you can't view videos that will be why. We believe we do have this bug fixed but we aren't taking any chances.


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On the bottom of the settings page you will see the new avatars we currently have. If you have any suggestions for some we missed please post them in this thread. Thanks for being a member of Broke Straight Boys We hope you enjoy the site and stay safe.


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Cute, but I think you should have used the one's Jaybifla created over the last few days.....even cuter! :thumbup1:
Thanks for that info. Being retired now I have more time to enjoy the forum and postings. Just curious but why is it that members don't (and there could be many) don't post their own pictures as avatars. I'd be very interested. I've been thinking about doing it now that I'm retired but when I was working it could certainly have caused issues with the profession I am in. But before I make the decision I'd appreciate some feedback from other members.
Thanks for that info. Being retired now I have more time to enjoy the forum and postings. Just curious but why is it that members don't (and there could be many) don't post their own pictures as avatars. I'd be very interested. I've been thinking about doing it now that I'm retired but when I was working it could certainly have caused issues with the profession I am in. But before I make the decision I'd appreciate some feedback from other members.
I’ve been creating my own little avatars this week out of pure boredom from this quarantine, but I usually share my pic and will definitely go back to sharing it soon. I wish more would share pics of themselves for their avatar, but I do understand why they don’t. I know there’s a possibility that a person may recognize me from my pic and especially my username, but I just don’t care. If someone were to come to me and say “I recognize your pic on the Broke Straight Boys site and I can’t believe some of the things you say”, I’d tell them. “Well you’re on the site too, so what difference does it make”. LOL
So I say, “Go for it Frontier.”
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I agree Mikeyank!!! Maybe we can get Jaybifla to share it with us!!!!
yall are sweet. I just started creating them this week out of boredom from so much time at home......which is really just normal for me. LOL. I usually have a pic of my face and will return to that soon. I’m just having fun for the moment and sharing a new Broke Straight Boys boy every day. I’m gonna start sharing boys you won’t expect to see, and it might even make you smile that I included them. Maybe there could be a thread where members can post their own creative avatars and you’re more than welcome to use anything I’ve created, because as I said, I plan on eventually returning to my personal picture.
Sometimes I get confused between models and members with the model avatars. In fact Jimmy Johnson’s avatar was an I love Rob Ryder aviator with Rob’s pic and a heart. I will have to look for it later.

I always forgot it was Jimmy and not Rob posting. 🙂
Sometimes I get confused between models and members with the model avatars. In fact Jimmy Johnson’s avatar was an I love Rob Ryder aviator with Rob’s pic and a heart. I will have to look for it later.

I always forgot it was Jimmy and not Rob posting. 🙂
Here is Jimmy's avatar!

Broke Straight Boys Model


Join Date
May 2011

And here is a Jimmy Johnson thread that he started in 2011 when he used to post here as James Dawn does today! (A kind of forum "blast from the past").lol

Thanks for that info. Being retired now I have more time to enjoy the forum and postings. Just curious but why is it that members don't (and there could be many) don't post their own pictures as avatars. I'd be very interested. I've been thinking about doing it now that I'm retired but when I was working it could certainly have caused issues with the profession I am in. But before I make the decision I'd appreciate some feedback from other members.

There used to be many more members who used avatars with their own photos Frontier. Me, Jay, Mark and Sha are some of the few holdouts who do. Back in the day there was less concern of being recognized from a private, subscription only chat room. Times are changing though in this advancing digital age. If I were joining for the first time today I admit that I might have more reservations about putting my photo up there. But since it's been there for most of the 12 years since I joined, I see no immediate need to pull it down. And yes. You're quite right that once you're retired it's an easier decision to post a pic than if you're still working. Especially if it's a job involving a lot of direct interaction with customers and the general public.

I do like the idea of putting some of these newer avatar photos up there. They look really good! So I haven't ruled it out completely. Maybe I'll decide to rotate some in and out once in a while. But I can tell you form experience that it does make it more confusing for other readers in here to keep track of who is actually posting when they change their familiar avatars. lol