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Upcoming Bobby, Darren


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
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Just saw the photo for the upcoming scene with Bobby and Darren.

Bobby Cut His Hair !!!

Say it isn't so !!!

First Rocco now Bobby, what's next, Jack with a shaved head?

What do you have aganist long hair Broke Straight Boys!?
That can't be my Bobby. It's someone else named Bobby...sniff...sniff. :crying: :crying: If I say it enough times, it must be true.

(Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.)
Just saw the photo for the upcoming scene with Bobby and Darren.

Bobby Cut His Hair !!!

Say it isn't so !!!

First Rocco now Bobby, what's next, Jack with a shaved head?

What do you have aganist long hair Broke Straight Boys!?

That can't be my Bobby. It's someone else named Bobby...sniff...sniff. :crying: :crying: If I say it enough times, it must be true.

(Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.)

I'm gonna try clicking my heels 3 times to see if that works.
But Bobby is still cute with his new haircut......................

We'll see, it just won't be the same. His hair is part of his persona and personality. If it was his decision to cut his hair that is one thing, but if he was made to cut it to remain on the site, that's another,

Besides, when's the last time you saw Rocco? He got a haircut, did three scenes and hasn't been back since.

One last observation, do we really want all our models to look the same? Is this the begining of a cookie cutter factory?

I hope not.

We'll see, it just won't be the same. His hair is part of his persona and personality. If it was his decision to cut his hair that is one thing, but if he was made to cut it to remain on the site, that's another,

Besides, when's the last time you saw Rocco? He got a haircut, did three scenes and hasn't been back since.

One last observation, do we really want all our models to look the same? Is this the begining of a cookie cutter factory?

I hope not.


I was simply pointing out, that while some people cannot pull off a new look.......others can.:biggrin:
I loved Bobby's curls, but even with a close crop he'll still have the smile, the humor, and that twinkle in his eye :)

I'm excited that Darren is back!!! Great attitude, nice looking, big hard dick, and nasty at heart!
Change is hard...

We'll see, it just won't be the same. His hair is part of his persona and personality. If it was his decision to cut his hair that is one thing, but if he was made to cut it to remain on the site, that's another,

Besides, when's the last time you saw Rocco? He got a haircut, did three scenes and hasn't been back since.

One last observation, do we really want all our models to look the same? Is this the begining of a cookie cutter factory?

I hope not.


I totally agree. I think that certain models are popular because they have a certain look. After all, porn is a visual medium, esp for men. Bobby cutting off his hair makes him look like every other guy. His curls were a signature look and made him unique in a sea of crew cuts. I have a feeling he's trying to go for a more masculine look, which is his right, of course. Or, maybe he wants to look more generic, be less striking. But to us, he's lost that cuteness which, btw, will fade on its own anyway with age soon enough, and without any help from him.

I'm sure I'll like him just the same, but change is always a hard thing to accept.:thumbdown:
We'll see, it just won't be the same. His hair is part of his persona and personality. If it was his decision to cut his hair that is one thing, but if he was made to cut it to remain on the site, that's another

Oh come on, who do you think we are? seriously.
I can hardly wait to see what he looks like in a bigger pic, but there's no doubt that I'm gonna like it. Changing the guys' appearances in this way is actually a good site move despite Stéphane's dismissing the suspicion that it was a Blu directive. I would actually find it amusing for Clay to tell Bobby to cut his hair at the end of one scene and then in the next to discover that he was down to a quarter of an inch. That kind of stuff makes for nice continuity. You also get two different models for the price of one.
Oh come on, who do you think we are? seriously.

All I am saying is that it is possible that Broke Straight Boys, just like any other type of business, could require or "reccomend" that their employees meet certain criteria for employment. Have you ever seen a fat chick working at Hooters? Or a one legged waitress at the IHOP? It is not unheard of for a business to implement a certain dress code for example, or restrict employee fratinization, no visible tatoos or piercings , etc..etc..., so it is not beyond the realm of possibility to suggest that maybe Broke Straight Boys has a short hair policy. One only need look at the current batch of models to see that with little exception, they all have a simular physical type and appearance. There were only two models with long hair, and that would be Rocco and Bobby and a model that I would describe as having thick hair and that would be Darren. Rocco didn't only cut his hair, he cropped it, and now Bobby appears to have done the same.

Now go back and take a look at the models from the David era and you will see a diverse array of models of every size, shape, color and style. Some with long hair, short hair, messy, bushy and styled hair as well as tall , short, lanky, husky and skinny body types. Deaf, mute, perfect teeth, braces and missing teeth, extremely intelligent and borderline retarded (no offense intended or directed at anyone), and how they came in to Broke Straight Boys is how they went out, with the exception of Leon, who in my opinion, felt comfortable enough to just revert back to his stoner, rocker style.

Now before you all take up the pitchforks and torches and head for Tucson, I am not bashing the site, or the models, I am just stating an observation.

I believe everyone is entitled to my opinion! :thumbup: :thumbup:

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Bobby is adorable with the curls, he used to kind of remind me of a grown-up Bobby Brady on the Brady Bunch. But you know what, I'll bet that Bobby is still sexy and hot as hell with a crew cut too. The great thing about hair, is that it grows right back!

Unlike tattoos or piercings, those are hugely permanent...especially tattoos.

Unless you're Sampson in the bible, it's not the hair that makes the man but instead only a hot man can really accentuate the amazing hair like Bobby had before the cut.

But I'll bet anything he looks equally stunning with a crew cut, I thought Rocco looked just as hot with the crew cut as he did with the long locks of hair.

I'd like to weigh in. Personally, I like Bobby better with his curls. It seemed to compliment his personality. His boyishness. His affability. His good natured attitude. And I would also like to add that I appreciate diversity. I would be disappointed if all the models on this site ended up with the same haircut, hair color, body shape etc.

With that said, I do enjoy this site. And Bobby remains my favorite performer. He remains so because of his personality and attitude. But I do hope that his curls will eventually return.

especially, IN Rocco'S case!!!, HE LOOKED SO fukin hot W/ HIS LONG SKATER HAIR!!!(Maybe, an update with him again, when it grows back? )....just sayin!


Without wanting to anticipate on to-morrow's update, I am afraid too that the hair cut is a mistake.Broke Straight Boys is Florida and not Hollywood where actors sometimes do change their look according to the role they must play in a movie.Here it turns around Bobby with his cute boyish charm and curly long hair.I will not appreciate him less with short hair but he will not look like the same Bobby anymore.Short hair cut mostly makes a face harder and I keep my fingers crossed we will not miss too much our Bobby as he was before.