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UK General Election 2010

Good post John but I fear if you don't vote then you really lose the opportunity to have some say on how the country will be run and by whom for the next 4 or 5 years.

I go along with the addage - if you don't vote then you cannot complain..

PS I note you come from Scotland but I note you do not mention Alex Salmond LOL

I hear ya John... I know i will vote but I am seriousloy struggling. I like Brown but hate hate hate the people he is surrounded by. David Cameron makes my skin crawl :scared: And why would anyone vote liberal democrat, like really!

Alex Salmond is a complete farse of a man... I hate the SNP, i oppose nationalist, cos well, quite franky I am realist. Scotland as a country i fear simply could not survive on our own. Yes we have the wealth from the north sea oil etc.. but how much longer will that last. I hate the fact there is a scottish parliment... it makes little to no sense, like the Welsh Asembly.... I see it more as a 'High School Council' The sit around and discuss what they want to do, and then paqss their ideas on to the real people in charge, Westminter in this case, to then decide whether or not to go ahead.

I like this thread!!
I hear ya John... I know i will vote but I am seriousloy struggling. I like Brown but hate hate hate the people he is surrounded by. David Cameron makes my skin crawl :scared: And why would anyone vote liberal democrat, like really!

Alex Salmond is a complete farse of a man... I hate the SNP, i oppose nationalist, cos well, quite franky I am realist. Scotland as a country i fear simply could not survive on our own. Yes we have the wealth from the north sea oil etc.. but how much longer will that last. I hate the fact there is a scottish parliment... it makes little to no sense, like the Welsh Asembly.... I see it more as a 'High School Council' The sit around and discuss what they want to do, and then paqss their ideas on to the real people in charge, Westminter in this case, to then decide whether or not to go ahead.

I like this thread!!

Glad you're gonna vote john x... I agree with your view on Scottish and Welsh assemblies - a complete waste of time - I was born in Wales so I know where you are coming from.
So the first of the 3 main party leaders debate went ahead. I watched a bit of it before I got bored with the staged show and went out for a drink. From what I did watch though, I thought Cameron came out worse but that was because I felt Brown tried to get Clegg on his side, but he was rebuffed. The Brits don't like people being bullied so Brown and Cleggs seemingly bullying tactics may have a negative effect.

Don't think I'll watch next weeks.... come to think of it I can't lol.. I don't have Sky.
Hey guys,

What are your thoughts on the way the voting was handled in the polling places? The thought that people were turned away from polling places after waiting in lines for an hour or more is just appalling to me. As some over there have already said, it just makes no sense for something like that to happen in a first world country like Britain.

Over here in the last presidential election there were polling places that were so swamped with voters coming by after work that they had to extend voting hours past the usual 7:00 pm cutoff time. There were even huge lines of students trying to vote after 7:00 at my college alma mater. What did they do about it at 7:00? They kept the polling places on the campus, and elsewhere across large parts of the country open later. Even after Obama was declared the winner at 7:00 by all the news outlets, the students on my old campus were still voting until they finally closed the polling station at 11:00 that night. Even though those voters already knew that Obama had won, they still voted anyway. And there were other issues on the ballot besides the presidential race.

Polling places around the country with unusually high turnout and long lines stayed open later until the line had cleared. That's the way it's done when you have people still queued up at polling stations past the cutoff time. Now everyone in Britain is pissed off and spinning conspiracy theories. . Because the voting ended in a stalemate anyway and it still managed to disenfranchise many citizens who didn't get the chance to exercise their vote.

So what do you Brits think about what's going on?
Hey guys,

What are your thoughts on the way the voting was handled in the polling places? The thought that people were turned away from polling places after waiting in lines for an hour or more is just appalling to me. As some over there have already said, it just makes no sense for something like that to happen in a first world country like Britain.

Over here in the last presidential election there were polling places that were so swamped with voters coming by after work that they had to extend voting hours past the usual 7:00 pm cutoff time. There were even huge lines of students trying to vote after 7:00 at my college alma mater. What did they do about it at 7:00? They kept the polling places on the campus, and elsewhere across large parts of the country open later. Even after Obama was declared the winner at 7:00 by all the news outlets, the students on my old campus were still voting until they finally closed the polling station at 11:00 that night. Even though those voters already knew that Obama had won, they still voted anyway. And there were other issues on the ballot besides the presidential race.

Polling places around the country with unusually high turnout and long lines stayed open later until the line had cleared. That's the way it's done when you have people still queued up at polling stations past the cutoff time. Now everyone in Britain is pissed off and spinning conspiracy theories. . Because the voting ended in a stalemate anyway and it still managed to disenfranchise many citizens who didn't get the chance to exercise their vote.

So what do you Brits think about what's going on?

We have been discussing this issue all day at work and the issue of the hung parliament. My thoughts are as follows:

A. The polling stations are open from 7am until 10pm - in my opinion that is enough time to attend and vote. Leaving it until last minute like a lot of people have done is down to the individuals as they all have their own reasons.

B. Don't tell me that students spend all day studying and cannot take a 10 min walk down to the local polling booth. They should get up in the morning instead of sleeping off their hangovers.

C. Those people who thought that they could not make it due to work could, like myself, have got a postal vote. Because I work quite a distance from where I am registered as a voter, since I was eligible to vote I have always voted by post.

The people who left it too late will learn by experience and maybe next time, they will vote by post, or via proxy, or get up a bit earlier in the morning.
I agree with you that a 7:00am to 10:00 pm window is quite a long time to get in to vote. And I will freely admit that since I am a Florida resident I have plenty to be embarrassed about as a global citizen. The 2000 election in Florida made us an international laughingstock.

I only have the news reports that I have been getting over here to go on. They paint a picture of people in many cities who had been in line for a few hours before the polls had closed. And that it was not just a matter of a bunch of lazy people showing up an hour or less before the polls closed. There were also reports of polling places that had to close for two hours or more until more ballots could be delivered to the site. If I were an average citizen over there with a 9-5 job I would assume that I had plenty of time after work to get over to the polls. Get home, have some quick dinner, be in line by 7:00-7:30 and be back home by 9:00 to watch the election results. I wouldn't fault them for believing that they had plenty of time.

Whenever you have an election that is this close it usually means that large segments of the population are undecided until the final days of the election. Those who are staunch partisans are the ones who can most take advantage of the mail in ballots. Those who are undecided are less likely to use the post or proxy methods of voting. Since the British elections are only one month long it makes sense that many of the undecideds wanted to see all of the debates and twists and turns before deciding. Not that I'm advocating the use of American style elections that run for 2 years. :scared:

Those who got burned by going to the polls after 5:00 will indeed be forewarned about evening voting in the future. But I don't fault them for being caught off guard this time around. Of course there are going to be those who wait until a half hour before the polls close. But it was not my impression that this was the cause of the majority of problems at the polls. Am I wrong on this?

The British are usually very fastidious about making sure that all the trains and tubes run on time. It's just a bit out of character to see the inefficiencies that were exposed yesterday. And I'm not saying any of this to look down on the Brits. Not at all. I'm just saying that I can understand their dismay at the way things were handled.

As for the college students on campus I can understand your conclusions based on the scant information I gave you. The circumstances are a bit more complex than people showing up late to the polls. The supervisor of elections for Hillsborough county at the time was an extremely corrupt egomaniac who was incompetent. His primary goal in the election appeared to be ensuring that he got reelected to supervisor of elections rather than running a smooth presidential election overall. He made sure that extra money was spent putting a large photo of himself, with his name featured prominently, on all election literature. His own job was on the ballot. Using public funds for one's own reelection is of course illegal. He tried to say that he had not done that.

There were allegations that he understaffed the polling places and purchased voting machines that could be too easily hacked into. He siphoned money out of the budget for his own personal spending. He was handily defeated in the election.

He was called to the campus at 3:00 that afternoon where he witnessed the lines snaking around the building. There were problems with the voting machines and the campus polls were understaffed. Many students who had waited an hour or more had to leave line to attend classes. Then they had to come back later to get into the same line all over again.

Many polling places throughout the county had to stay open later to accommodate the crowds. Hillsborough county was the last county in the state to submit its finally vote tally at around 4:00 am. The other counties had their returns in by 11:00 pm that night.

Then after runnining the worst election day in the state he made the unprecedented move of going to the county after the election and asking for more money. He said his office had grossly exceeded its budget. And he didn't even attend the county hearing to explain the reasons for himself. He sent an underling to request more money. Needless to say that he has been in court more often than not since 2000 trying to stay out of prison.

Anyway... My point in all this is just to say that even though the elections were being run by an incompetent crook, the voters were not penalized by having the doors to the polls closed in their face. They kept the polls open until the line had cleared. I'm just very surprised that they didn't keep the polls open later in Britain.
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Tampa, there is going to be an enquiry by the electoral commission so hopefully many of the mistakes will not be repeated. Saying that there were 40million people eligible to vote and about 65pc voted which leaves 35pc who didnt vote.

Notwithstanding the above, we are now at a situation where David Cameron has invited Nick Clegg to form a coalition govt. Will be interesting to see how this developes because Clegg has to get the backing of 75pc of his newly elected MPs. There are many issues that the Conservatives and Liberal party differed over, but the main one was changing the voting system which the libs want but the tories don't.

If there is no agreement and the current labour pm brown doesnt form a coalition then it will probably result in a 2nd election. God help us lol
Nick Clegg is the only one of the three who I might consider doing. He's rather cute. haha

In all seriousness though it is not good for the markets and the European economy to have all the uncertainty about who will lead in Britain. The pound is taking a dive. There is already alot of fear over the Greek debt crisis. And even though you are not in the eurozone you are still part of the EU. So of course you will be asked to help foot the bill to bail out the teetering economies of southern Europe.

I hope you guys can get a government sorted out quickly without another election. Or God help us all. :001_smile:

God save the queen! LOL
Hey Guys!

I just thought I would stop by n say Hi, I got an email about this thread...
Any so yesterday was the first day i went back to work, I am stockbroker! Not the best of days but hey it managed to keep my mind busy!
Absolutely gutted Mr Brown never won and as yet still dnt knwo whats going on. anyway - there needs to be a review of the process, or at least an education to people about who it is they are voting for.
People think this was some dort of x-factor (American Idol) competition .... But our governance doesnt work like that and you wouldnt beliebve the amount of people thatt thought i had it wrong!!

This has resulted in possibly the worst election outcome in recent history. A hung Parliment = Financial Meltdown...We will fall with europe, America couldnt deal with europe going under and then China take over the world!

Gordon Brown to Stay - Nick Clegg to get the COCK out an David Cameron to quietly go back to his little house and stay the fuck away from people with that stupid smirk and god awful grin.... makes my skin crawl!! <<shudder>>

Anyway that my 2 cents for now... (couldnt resist)

Love to All
Peace and Love
Johnny x
Hey Guys!

I just thought I would stop by n say Hi, I got an email about this thread...
Any so yesterday was the first day i went back to work, I am stockbroker! Not the best of days but hey it managed to keep my mind busy!
Absolutely gutted Mr Brown never won and as yet still dnt knwo whats going on. anyway - there needs to be a review of the process, or at least an education to people about who it is they are voting for.
People think this was some dort of x-factor (American Idol) competition .... But our governance doesnt work like that and you wouldnt beliebve the amount of people thatt thought i had it wrong!!

This has resulted in possibly the worst election outcome in recent history. A hung Parliment = Financial Meltdown...We will fall with europe, America couldnt deal with europe going under and then China take over the world!

Gordon Brown to Stay - Nick Clegg to get the COCK out an David Cameron to quietly go back to his little house and stay the fuck away from people with that stupid smirk and god awful grin.... makes my skin crawl!! <<shudder>>

Anyway that my 2 cents for now... (couldnt resist)

Love to All
Peace and Love
Johnny x

Hey Johnny dude, Maybe it would be best for all if there was a 2nd election. Not only would it sort out the alleged voting fiasco but it would also give people a bit more time to think about this seriously. I'm not keen on a Cameron/Clegg coalition govt after all as none have much experience. Mind you they say it is the civil servants that run the country and not the politicians.
Hey Johnny dude, Maybe it would be best for all if there was a 2nd election. Not only would it sort out the alleged voting fiasco but it would also give people a bit more time to think about this seriously. I'm not keen on a Cameron/Clegg coalition govt after all as none have much experience. Mind you they say it is the civil servants that run the country and not the politicians.

Hey Jon!

I see what you mean about a second election, but I know I am only saying that because Gordon Brown doesnt hold the majority. lol!
Its complicated because the ideal coalition Gov would be Lab/LibDem (not perfect by any standard) Because It is a complete conflict of ideals and Party fundamentals for the LibDem and Torys to be on the same political page. But as Clegg has said, David Cameron's Party has achieved a higher amount of votes, so he should be able to pitch his proposal first.. Thus ensues Nick Clegg's dilema.


Tory Backbenchers and MPs, and voters for that matter will not be happy for Cameron to give adopt LibDem policies - They completely oppose Europe and an amendment to the electorial system (the irony is unbelievable) Which are two of the main running policies Nick Clegg ran with . This isnt taking into account the socioeconomic status of each parties voters.. It doesnt mix.
LibDem Backbenchers, MPs and voters sure as hell do not want anything to do with the Tory party for the exact same reason.
Labout would love to stay in power so it would be great for them to Join forces with the LibDems, as their policies are more fitted. BUT Gordon Brown doesnt hold the majority vote, but would remain prime minister?!? making a slight mokery of the whole electorial system and people will loose their faith in the Gov.

I wouldnt want to be Nick Clegg! The problem is the FTSE Closed Down 4% and thal took the bigggest downward when a coalition became more evident. if this happens I have no doubt times are gonna get tougher!

Anyway...rant over!
Happy Weekend!
Hey Jon!

I see what you mean about a second election, but I know I am only saying that because Gordon Brown doesnt hold the majority. lol!
Its complicated because the ideal coalition Gov would be Lab/LibDem (not perfect by any standard) Because It is a complete conflict of ideals and Party fundamentals for the LibDem and Torys to be on the same political page. But as Clegg has said, David Cameron's Party has achieved a higher amount of votes, so he should be able to pitch his proposal first.. Thus ensues Nick Clegg's dilema.


Tory Backbenchers and MPs, and voters for that matter will not be happy for Cameron to give adopt LibDem policies - They completely oppose Europe and an amendment to the electorial system (the irony is unbelievable) Which are two of the main running policies Nick Clegg ran with . This isnt taking into account the socioeconomic status of each parties voters.. It doesnt mix.
LibDem Backbenchers, MPs and voters sure as hell do not want anything to do with the Tory party for the exact same reason.
Labout would love to stay in power so it would be great for them to Join forces with the LibDems, as their policies are more fitted. BUT Gordon Brown doesnt hold the majority vote, but would remain prime minister?!? making a slight mokery of the whole electorial system and people will loose their faith in the Gov.

I wouldnt want to be Nick Clegg! The problem is the FTSE Closed Down 4% and thal took the bigggest downward when a coalition became more evident. if this happens I have no doubt times are gonna get tougher!

Anyway...rant over!
Happy Weekend!

Good post Johny,

If the fairly radical and independent Lib MPs fail to give 75pc backing to Clegg - that is if he accepts Camerons invitiation, then it goes to the Liberal party members. I would think that if 75pc of MPs don't back Clegg then the more radical party membership will definately not.

Sure Lib/Lab coalition sounds better however, Brown would need more support from the "Others" to get any decent majority. Therefore I believe this in itself would end up in a minority govt which inevitably means another election, as does if the Tories decide to go it alone.

As for the market, well I dabble a bit and would not mind a drop in value in some of the shares I trade in as I need them topping up. As always it's about getting the timing right and when you work full time you can't always keep your eyes on the markets.

Take care my wee Scottish friend.

The coverage of the British election was very limited over here. It was mentioned briefly in recent days on cable news, just a few minutes here and there. I had to go to the BBC web site to find out what was going on. Part of the reason for this is that we, and our media, are pretty overwhelmed right now with news of the continuing recession, the big oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico which has reached our shores, and the fact that our government is broke and we are up to asses in so much national debt that I don' know how we will ever pay it off. Then there is the continuing loud debate over illegal aliens sneaking over the Mexican border. And then there is always the terrorism stuff, most recently in Times Square. The American media has their plate pretty full right now with big time home grown issues that demand a lot of attention.
Well David Cameron is the new British Prime Minister and it was nice to hear that President Obama called to congratulate him soon after he entered 10. His term of office is not going to be easy with similar issues to those mentioned by Logan in the previous post.

If all the modern countries have a massive national debt then why don't they just write it off.
If all the modern countries have a massive national debt then why don't they just write it off.

It may yet come to something like that. But it would be very painful to do. It's easy enough to say but not very practical. For instance it's all good to say that you are walking away from your debts. But that's not news that will be welcome to the people or governments that loaned you the money in the first place.

Right now we are selling our souls the Chinese. Our own deficit spending is being paid for on the Chinese credit card. As Hillary Clinton said in the presidential campaign, "We are borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Saudis." What would their reaction be if we told the Chinese that the X trillions of dollars we owe them is being taken off our books? With no more payments forthcoming?

But you are right Jon that nearly all industrialized countries are in the same boat right now. We are all carrying too much debt. We are running deficits that are not sustainable in the long term. But also in the long term we are facing the financial time bomb of an aging population demographic that will require much more money to fund government pensions, health care and the like. At the same time nearly every politician in the developed world is terrified to push for tax increases to pay for any of it.

Greece got this point a bit faster. But it's hardly unique. It does have the disadvantage of a tax system that nearly everybody cheats on. So their tax base is small but the population still demands many government services and social welfare programs. But even in other countries where more people do pay their taxes, many of the same problems exist. Unfortunately Greece is just a microcosm of events to come for many countries. That being an admission of national bankruptcy.
Well David Cameron is the new British Prime Minister and it was nice to hear that President Obama called to congratulate him soon after he entered 10. His term of office is not going to be easy with similar issues to those mentioned by Logan in the previous post.

If all the modern countries have a massive national debt then why don't they just write it off.

It is true Jon, the Tories are back... but with a twist.. We didnt elect David Cameron, but he did get the majority of votes so fair game, but for Nick Clegg to be Deputy Prime Minister, when he came in last is a complete joke. It won't last.. so I predict a new Election next year to put right some wrongs.

In an ideal world Jon we would clear all debt... But it is fiscally impossible. If we were to write of the world debt then there would be no more financial markets, money would effectively be worthless, there would be chaos. .. We are fortunate in that the money used to bail out the banks in this country was done in the form of an equities exchange - meaning we own part of said Banks and Building Societies.. so once the markets recover (who knows when that will happen now that skeezy slimy creep of a man is in control) We will be able to sell these shares at a profit and be able to pay back the Money borrowed from China, India the US etc.. Other countries not so lucky!

I hope and pray to Mary, Joseph, Jaysus, God, Allah, Mohammed, Buddah & fricking Dorris Day that David Cameron makes the right choices! Our futures depend on it...
Jonny, tonight's Channel 4 News was interesting. It's very interesting that now that Gordon Brown has resigned that a lot of people are coming out to say he made the right decisions. The Tory and Lib Dem coalition rules are so far from each of their manifestos that there really should be another election. There was a professer of economics - forget his name - who categorically defended and backed up Brown's idea that there should be no cutbacks until the economy was stabilized. Of course the new govt have stated they will try and save 6billion in the first year, which Brown and now the professor totally object to.
Jonny, tonight's Channel 4 News was interesting. It's very interesting that now that Gordon Brown has resigned that a lot of people are coming out to say he made the right decisions. The Tory and Lib Dem coalition rules are so far from each of their manifestos that there really should be another election. There was a professer of economics - forget his name - who categorically defended and backed up Brown's idea that there should be no cutbacks until the economy was stabilized. Of course the new govt have stated they will try and save 6billion in the first year, which Brown and now the professor totally object to.

I never watched it... but i'll 4od it later on...
Its crazy to me how these people crawl out the woodword after the damage is done.... Makes me wonder if they were told to be quiet until now!