No worries. I'll just hold it while you zip; I'm handy that way!...just ask Tampa...
Always willing to lend a helping hand. Or mouth... That's our Beth!

No worries. I'll just hold it while you zip; I'm handy that way!...just ask Tampa...
Tyler, it has been a while since your introduction video aired. I hoped by now your search for validation via subscriber feed - back and responses to your query would have easily been sated in full by now.
Yes it's has , everyone's waiting for more
I like to talk to people
U live to give advise huh?No problem with liking to speak with people. However, know when to say when and leave your inner mysteries to your fans' imaginations until you exhibit them, one by one, in your scenes. Do not inadvertently deprive viewers of their desires and excited opportunities via anticipation to learn more about you through your scenes rather than through your words.
You are definitely going to make it, but do not do it by chatter. Actions do indeed speak far louder than words, and each video in which you perform has the incredible potential to speak volumes about you - as a person, as a performer - the spoken word could not even amass.
Only advice from a video producer/director of an alike product.
U live to give advise huh?
That's a loaded question. lmaoHere's a $20 word for you: Axiomatic
U live to give advise huh?
While I trust that you are doing good work for the folks of Indianapolis, or near there with your overseeing three grief counseling sessions per week, please keep in mind the nature of this forum. We are a bunch of folks who are fans of the fantasy that this site provides to us. We enjoy watching good looking young guys who proclaim to be straight, performing gay sex for our entertainment. And occasionally a model such as Damien, Paul, Zeno Kostas or Tyler will get into engaging with us on the forum. For many of us folks who are way past our own adolescence, and our younger years, this is an opportunity to converse and exchange banter with a young guy who enjoys performing sexually for us. That is all this site and this forum are really about.As a matter of fact, I do. I voluntarily oversee three Grief Counseling sessions/week for seniors who have lost loved ones to death and are finding it difficult to cope. I do indeed hope that satisfies your curiosity.
As for Tampa, I am so elated by his use of such large words, that is, I am taking it for granted he knows what they mean beforehand. He never ceases to amaze me how if he cannot dazzle someone with brilliance, he baffles them with bullshit. Whoops! There I go again, being axiomatic. Someone stop the bleeding!
While I trust that you are doing good work for the folks of Indianapolis, or near there with your overseeing three grief counseling sessions per week, please keep in mind the nature of this forum. We are a bunch of folks who are fans of the fantasy that this site provides to us. We enjoy watching good looking young guys who proclaim to be straight, performing gay sex for our entertainment. And occasionally a model such as Damien, Paul, Zeno Kostas or Tyler will get into engaging with us on the forum. For many of us folks who are way past our own adolescence, and our younger years, this is an opportunity to converse and exchange banter with a young guy who enjoys performing sexually for us. That is all this site and this forum are really about.
This is not a serious place where folks come to ponder life and death situations. I wish everyone could lighten up and enjoy the forum for what it is. It's not all that damn serious, and I truly wish we could lighten up the mood and just enjoy the pretty boys, their sex scenes and the sense of brotherhood that many of us have established here over the years. Please keep in mind that "it is only porn" that brought us here and I believe we should have some fun and enjoy what we pay for here for our entertainment, without the drama and animosity.
Only advice from a video producer/director of an alike product.
U live to give advise huh?
As a matter of fact, I do. I voluntarily oversee three Grief Counseling sessions/week for seniors who have lost loved ones to death and are finding it difficult to cope. I do indeed hope that satisfies your curiosity.
As for Tampa, I am so elated by his use of such large words, that is, I am taking it for granted he knows what they mean beforehand. He never ceases to amaze me how if he cannot dazzle someone with brilliance, he baffles them with bullshit. Whoops! There I go again, being axiomatic. Someone stop the bleeding!
While I trust that you are doing good work for the folks of Indianapolis, or near there with your overseeing three grief counseling sessions per week, please keep in mind the nature of this forum. We are a bunch of folks who are fans of the fantasy that this site provides to us. We enjoy watching good looking young guys who proclaim to be straight, performing gay sex for our entertainment. And occasionally a model such as Damien, Paul, Zeno Kostas or Tyler will get into engaging with us on the forum. For many of us folks who are way past our own adolescence, and our younger years, this is an opportunity to converse and exchange banter with a young guy who enjoys performing sexually for us. That is all this site and this forum are really about.
This is not a serious place where folks come to ponder life and death situations. I wish everyone could lighten up and enjoy the forum for what it is. It's not all that damn serious, and I truly wish we could lighten up the mood and just enjoy the pretty boys, their sex scenes and the sense of brotherhood that many of us have established here over the years. Please keep in mind that "it is only porn" that brought us here and I believe we should have some fun and enjoy what we pay for here for our entertainment, without the drama and animosity.
Good morning, Mikeyank.
It is most obvious some of us have different agendas in our lives that bring us to a site such as this. I highly doubt this forum, in any capacity, can cater to the needs and yens of every forumite, let alone most.
I thank you for all you have done for me via conversations, etc., in the forum. I am truly sorry I do not apparently meet the criteria you described, even though it has been expressed my diverse opinions were refreshingly different, even amusing to the same lusts and fantasies others maintain that I simply cannot. At the same time, much unlike many on here, I can live with myself sans needing fantasies or lusting over what I cannot have.
And just so you know: While I am not what others expect of me, while I do not have all my body parts (at no fault of my own), and while I have endured countless sufferings in life much as normal people do, I attempted to remain civil in the forums, proving I have feelings the same as any person.
You and many others have a most kind way of telling someone such as me to get the fuck out.
Noted and complied.
From your lips (or more precisely in this case your fingers) to God's ear.
Tyler, I liked the way you gave credit to Johnny in an earlier post for having helped you become "comfortable" enough to get through your solo. That sounds to me, like the person with whom you work, trust, and who's guidance would be most beneficial to you. After all, you work with" BLUMEDIA studio", Yes???
While I trust that you are doing good work for the folks of Indianapolis, or near there with your overseeing three grief counseling sessions per week, please keep in mind the nature of this forum. We are a bunch of folks who are fans of the fantasy that this site provides to us. We enjoy watching good looking young guys who proclaim to be straight, performing gay sex for our entertainment. And occasionally a model such as Damien, Paul, Zeno Kostas or Tyler will get into engaging with us on the forum. For many of us folks who are way past our own adolescence, and our younger years, this is an opportunity to converse and exchange banter with a young guy who enjoys performing sexually for us. That is all this site and this forum are really about.
This is not a serious place where folks come to ponder life and death situations. I wish everyone could lighten up and enjoy the forum for what it is. It's not all that damn serious, and I truly wish we could lighten up the mood and just enjoy the pretty boys, their sex scenes and the sense of brotherhood that many of us have established here over the years. Please keep in mind that "it is only porn" that brought us here and I believe we should have some fun and enjoy what we pay for here for our entertainment, without the drama and animosity.
How do they taste, Betu?
Dear mikeyank
You are my hero.I just love you.Life is hard enough. Getting older is hard enough.This forum and site are for entertainment.
Thank You Buddie...