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Two Schools of Thought on what Broke Straight Boys should be


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
The recent change to a new production company, has brought out what I consider to be two different audiences that the site has had, according to the feedback on the forum.

I was attracted to this site, and became a member because I have a definite fetish for young good looking masculine straight guys, engaging in gay sex. However, a masculine straight guy having gay sex is an oxymoron, by it's very nature, but by adding the factor of monetary payment to the straight guy can make this fantasy fetish plausible. I get turned on by guy's who claim their sexual interests are strictly in women, but nonetheless get naked and hard, and touch another guy's dick, suck dick, get sucked, fuck, etc. The look on the face of the straight model Jimmy, watching the other two guy's kissing, and tonguing each other was a turn on to me. Yes that type of scene can be considered degrading to proud gay men. Much like the famous scenes of Mike Robbins and Jordan double teaming other guy's, and laughing and "high fiving" and acting superior to the gay or bi guy that they were fucking was considered offensive to some, I found it entertaining and stimulating.

However, I also know that there is a part of the Broke Straight Boys audience who enjoy watching masculine apparently straight men, getting into passionate loving and caring sex with each other. Not to generalize, but it appears to me that many of the women who have posted on the forum, enjoy these kinds of scenes.

Therefore, it appears to me that there will always be an unresolvable debate on the forum, between the two camps. Obviously there are no "right" or "wrong" answers to such debates. There is an endless variety, as to what is hot in human sexuality. The previous studio that produced the Broke Straight Boys scenes, had a variety of types of models and scenes, which satisfied both audiences, on occasion.

As much as I enjoy the first three scenes that I have seen thus far, I would hope that management might sprinkle in some of the tender, loving passionate sex scenes to appease the member's who enjoy that. But of course, those who only want straight guys with attitude will object to that. I used to chuckle to myself when David would post on the forum, and get frustrated and say stuff like, "I can't satisfy you guys". That is because there is more than one audience who subscribe here. I suppose that Abraham Lincoln summed it up best, when he said,

"You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time”.

I know that this will not end the debate, but hopefully sheds some light on it.
My fantasies are where a straight gay gives, and the gay (me) gets.

Just as in the video VINNIE & ZACH.

Is that a third school Mike, or am I just a perv?
The best vidoes this site can have is young, straight guys without tattoos with a young gay guy without tattooos. In other words, a straight and a gay together makes for the best videos. Solos are boring so cut them out. Also, try to get Tyler from the old site to come back and do hot scenes. I always wanted to see him get rimmed.
Mike, you are right, there are two schools of thought on what this site should offer. But, you need both, to truly make it work. Some people here like the straight guy getting paid to do something he doesn't want to do. Some of the people here love it, when the straight guy realizes that he loves it, and gets swept away. BUT, I bet it is really close to 50% of the people here, that like both.
Mike, you are right, there are two schools of thought on what this site should offer. But, you need both, to truly make it work. Some people here like the straight guy getting paid to do something he doesn't want to do. Some of the people here love it, when the straight guy realizes that he loves it, and gets swept away. BUT, I bet it is really close to 50% of the people here, that like both.

I am with you Ms. K. I truly believe that we are sexual beings. I think that the labels and stereotypes often interfere with people's ability to let themselves go and truly enjoy a passionate sexual experience with either sex. I do realize that there may be more attraction to one side or the other but I still believe that people can love each regardless of sexual orientation. I do enjoy both perspectives.:biggrin:
My fantasies are where a straight gay gives, and the gay (me) gets.

Just as in the video VINNIE & ZACH.

Is that a third school Mike, or am I just a perv?
As the unofficial "professor of the schools of thought" in this thread, I believe that you fall into school #1 with me. I also found Vinnie & Zach entertaining and highly erotic.

And aren't we all "perv's" here who get our jollies watching young barely legal guys getting naked and having gay sex? This is a porn site, my friend, a place where most of our families, friends and co-workers would be shocked to discover that we "hang out". I am a perv, and proud of it. Wow. That was liberating to say. :ohmy:
The recent change to a new production company, has brought out what I consider to be two different audiences that the site has had, according to the feedback on the forum.

However, I also know that there is a part of the Broke Straight Boys audience who enjoy watching masculine apparently straight men, getting into passionate loving and caring sex with each other. Not to generalize, but it appears to me that many of the women who have posted on the forum, enjoy these kinds of scenes.

As much as I enjoy the first three scenes that I have seen thus far, I would hope that management might sprinkle in some of the tender, loving passionate sex scenes to appease the member's who enjoy that. But of course, those who only want straight guys with attitude will object to that. I used to chuckle to myself when David would post on the forum, and get frustrated and say stuff like, "I can't satisfy you guys". That is because there is more than one audience who subscribe here. I suppose that Abraham Lincoln summed it up best, when he said,

"You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time”.

I know that this will not end the debate, but hopefully sheds some light on it.

Hey Mike.

This is great advice buddy. As Matthew and his team move forward they will get a sense of what works and doesn't work in pleasing a majority of members at any given time. You very concisely showed why it's not possible to please everyone in here at any given time. There is no one audience on the site. The audience breaks down into several different camps. But we cannot at least give them feedback on what types of audiences we have in here.

Some enjoy the straight guy who is belligerant and hating every moment of it. Or at least acting nervous, awkward and out of his element. The kind of guy who is embarrased that he is even getting a hardon from another dude. But who is going to go through with the scene anyway because he needs the cash for school or to pay for a nice vacation with his gf.

A great example of this kind of scene was actually on Straight Boys Jerk Off (One of my faves.) Page 10, Patrick & Cyrus (3/2/07) The tension in the room was so thick when they touched each other's dicks that the director had to remind them to breathe. haha They both looked like they were holding their breaths for the first 10 minutes.

Some audiences like the models straight on straight. Some like straight model on bi/gay. The one thing that I think many members will agree on is that we don't like really effeminate gays in the scenes with the straighter models. If an effeminate gay is brought into a scene at all he should at least be very good looking. My opinion of course...but there is nothing worse than bringing an effeminate gay onto a straight fetish site and then have him be a 4 or 5. I won't list the 2-3 of the much older Broke Straight Boys scenes that did that. But they were pretty dreadful. IMHP Lest you all think that I am a fem hater I can say that sweet little Aiden from the Torin and Steve scenes just stole my heart. I could have just smothered him with kisses. lol But I digress... Again though, this being a niche site, we have plenty of other sites out there to watch effeminate models go at it with butch counterparts. We come to Broke Straight Boys for the straight aspect of it.
As a guy who is a 2 on the Kinsey scale (my joke is in real life I'm a 2 leaning toward a 1 but when I hang out with you guys here I'm a 2 leaning toward a 5), I'm more like Mike. But not exclusively. I've always been a touchie-feelie kind of guy and I love the passion. (Again in real life, there is a family of straight men, father and three sons, who whenever we meet, we kiss. The whole thing was started by the now 90 year old father.)

I'm not as sure it is as simple as just two camps, though Mike. What about guys like Tyler and Diesal, who started out straight but by now consider themselves bi? They both have done passionate videos here but neither would kiss initially. I have to agree with Jayman. As interesting as this discussion is, and I am glad you started this thread, Mike, let's not forget that the bottom line is we are sexual beings and for many of us, labels get in the way.
Mike, you are right, there are two schools of thought on what this site should offer. But, you need both, to truly make it work. Some people here like the straight guy getting paid to do something he doesn't want to do. Some of the people here love it, when the straight guy realizes that he loves it, and gets swept away. BUT, I bet it is really close to 50% of the people here, that like both.

You're so right MsK,

It's important to point out that while many of us may have a slight preference for one type of scene over another we nevertheless enjoy the variety of both. Thanks for bringing that up. :thumbup1:
I'm not as sure it is as simple as just two camps, though Mike. What about guys like Tyler and Diesal, who started out straight but by now consider themselves bi? They both have done passionate videos here but neither would kiss initially. I have to agree with Jayman. As interesting as this discussion is, and I am glad you started this thread, Mike, let's not forget that the bottom line is we are sexual beings and for many of us, labels get in the way.

You're right Smiley. Diesal and Jimmie's scenes were great examples of tenderness and almost lovemaking. They were considered a breahthrough, watershed moment for Diesal..who up to that point was considered by most of us to be straight as an arrow.
I'm not as sure it is as simple as just two camps, though Mike. What about guys like Tyler and Diesal, who started out straight but by now consider themselves bi? They both have done passionate videos here but neither would kiss initially. I have to agree with Jayman. As interesting as this discussion is, and I am glad you started this thread, Mike, let's not forget that the bottom line is we are sexual beings and for many of us, labels get in the way.
I agree 100% with what you and Jayman are saying, Smiley. As I said in my post, there are endless variations in human sexuality. I was primarily talking about two basic types of audience that Broke Straight Boys has. The folks who want the very masculine, straight type guys who swear that they are only in it for the money, and the audience who enjoys watching the models make passionate love to one another. And I was only generalizing about there being "two" audiences to make my point. Just as in the sexual desires in human beings, there are obviously more than "two" types of audiences here, but I used the number two to try to make a point.
Sexuality and, therefore, sexual likes and dislikes are as variable as the...

I am with you Ms. K. I truly believe that we are sexual beings. I think that the labels and stereotypes often interfere with people's ability to let themselves go and truly enjoy a passionate sexual experience with either sex. I do realize that there may be more attraction to one side or the other but I still believe that people can love each regardless of sexual orientation. I do enjoy both perspectives.:biggrin:

I agree 100% with what you and Jayman are saying, Smiley. As I said in my post, there are endless variations in human sexuality. I was primarily talking about two basic types of audience that Broke Straight Boys has. The folks who want the very masculine, straight type guys who swear that they are only in it for the money, and the audience who enjoys watching the models make passionate love to one another. And I was only generalizing about there being "two" audiences to make my point. Just as in the sexual desires in human beings, there are obviously more than "two" types of audiences here, but I used the number two to try to make a point.

Dear Mikeyank and Jayman01 and other likeminded members,

First of all I want to thank Mikeyank for originating this much needed thread, so that we give full respect to those members who have variations in their tastes or their views. Life has a way of making it difficult to easily pigeonhole people in certain camps because of the endless nature of the possibilities.

When I first came to this site a little more than a year ago, there was this same dialogue going on as to whether Broke Straight Boys should strictly adhere to its title (literally speaking) VS. in the overall mix is a little variety the spice of life? I want to praise Mikeyank to expanding his understanding that there is "more than one way to skin a cat". Back then, I felt Mike was only interpreting the proper direction for this site to be narrowly defined, as the title would literally suggest. Certainly, this falls right in line with his personal preferences and things for him would naturally seem to fit. Then, there are those among us, like myself, whose favorite models in the past were not necessarily straight. That negotiating $$$$ for what a model was to do for a sexual act for isn't titlating, rather it is downright insulting to the respect the model himself is worthy of - approximating exploitation. Personally, I would much rather have money never come up, if I had anything to say about it. Rather, I find it much more stimulating to think the temptation alone to try something strictly for the sexual experience itself regardless of one's preference is or should be a big enough "turn on by itself". To do something they normally might otherwise think is "taboo" is a "Major Turn on" (with the full understanding that no model is performing on Broke Straight Boys out of "Civic duty" any more than a professional athelete or a movie star would take time out to negotiate in front of an audience before the performance began.)

Therefore, I fully subscribe to the notion that all expressions of sexuality is in a constant state of flux, given the right circumstances. Particularly, I find this more and more true of the younger generations, of which I am definitely not included by the fact that I will be 63 this month. While I cannot claim to have convinced Mikeyank of his now broader view on this topic, at least I among others have shared much on the forum with Mikeyank to bring him closer to the "broadened view" to appreciate where I am coming from. When in the past expressing my divergent view on the forum with others concerning the theme of Broke Straight Boys, all too often I was given the "love it or leave it" option with little hope for my "deviant" views having any hope for acceptance. I was repeatedly told by others, there are plenty of other sites on the web which encouraged passionate kissing, using gay models, not directly negotiating for money during the scene, and discouraging unnecessarily rough sex scenes with newbies. I needed to look elsewhere than Broke Straight Boys


In closing, I want thank all participants in this discussion for helping us arrive at a happier place. A place where all Broke Straight Boys members, men or women, gay or bi- or straight, are united by our commonly shared interests of watching guys engage in gay sexual acts (including all subtleties without exclusion of any one faction of our eclectic membership). I would like to think this results from newly gained "mutual respect" for others with slightly differing views. We should celebrate this distinction as our strength, rather than a weakness!

Thank you to all participants!


You are so right Mike! Personally, I enjoy both sides; the straight young studs with attitude, like Jimmy; and the more passionate and erotic shoots of the past. I hope we get treated to both.
Even then, it will be impossible to please every one, all of the time. I learned to watch the shoots with the models I liked, and skip the ones with the models I didn't care for. That made me enjoy my favorite models even more.
Either way, I just hope that Broke Straight Boys doesn't go back to shooting quite so many gay boys.

I too have enjoyed the new scenes and the new models. One thing though, do all these directors have to chat so damned much?!? Geez, this new director is a regular chatty Cathy! It wouldn't be so bad, except that probably 15 minutes of a 25 minute segment is just endless chatter! I can turn the damned TV on and listen to endless babble, for free!
I think the site started out good with actors such as Aiden, Chris, etc., but in the last few years I have seen the trend has gone towards bringing the same people back over and over and those people don't seem straight to me.. and some of them are quite obviously not straight and many were not attractive in my opinion. The problem is a lot of people want to see these "straight" men jump right into sex, but in the real world most straight men would have to be convinced to do something with a guy (if they did it all) so I like the changes so far.. of course anytime there is a change there will be those that don't like them.. that's the nature of the beast. This site is Broke Straight Boys not broke GAY boys so if that's what you're into, there are more than enough sites to find that sort of thing.
I think there may be a third school.

I think the new models are very good looking for the most part, the models preforming the sex acts really do it well. example Zach, great head and beautiful facial. My problem with the new format is to much BS and not enough action. That I personally don't like the actions of Jimmy and Vinnie, when, to me, they come like some sort of superior being, that is a turn off for me, as was Mike and Jordan's high five act. If somebody like these actions is fine with me, and the member who explained why he likes these actions was informative to me.

In this thread I think there are some really good suggestions. Bringing back some of the former models, I think, has merit and should be tried. Maybe as teachers or something??? Second, there should be less talking. and negotiating.
Let's face it David was here a long time, and the total change could be to soon and to much. I think is the best of the two school, merge the good, change the bad and Broke Straight Boys will be the great site again:confused1:
I think that all of us are all on the same road for the most part, and in some ways we're even all travelling the same direction and speed. There have been times in the past where even though we were all driving on the same road together, some of us were heading Westbound (or Southbound? :001_tt2: ) hell bent for election, others were headed eastbound at a more leisurely pace, while yet others of us were merely stopped alongside the road enjoying the scenery.

I feel that it seems like now we're all in more agreement than we've ever been as a group before!

It seems like for the most part, we all prefer it when at least one of the guys in a scene is straight, or at least portrays and identifies with being straight and doesn't want to do gay stuff, at least when they're one of the new guys.

The majority of us seem to find scenes that involve two openly gay (or bi) guys very boring, no matter how hot the sex might be.

The majority of us tend to HATE scenes where there is no actual sex involved, no matter what. Even if the guys are totally hot, if they don't do anything more than jack off side by side or even jack each other off, but don't do anything oral or any fucking, we ditch the scene and the scene seems to always get a really low rating NO MATTER WHAT (although granted, when we discuss the scene together here on the forum there will always be guys who liked the scene, I'm just going on general consensus and overall scene rating).

While most of us tolerate solo jack off scenes to introduce the new guy, if he does a jack off after that initial casting couch type scene, we get irate and upset, and feel cheated since we already had to endure a jack off scene with him once before.

So putting this all together, we all tend to like seeing sex in the scenes.

We tend to all prefer a majority of the guys being straight, or at least having one predominantly straight guy (it seems to be acceptable if one of the guys is gay in the scene, as long as they're not all gay, and there's full on sex).

We tend to tolerate the negotiating aspect of a scene, AS LONG AS it doesn't last very long and they get down to 'business' as quickly as possible and get naked, hard, and start hot sexual activity sooner rather than later. We know that a scene has enraged members for too much negotiation and talking once members start notating and quoting the exact minute and second a scene has "jumped the shark" for lack of a better word, and that scene crashes and burns due to the talking and negotiating dominating too much of the scene.

Have I left anything out? If not, let me move on to the gray areas (those areas where many of us seem to all drift off the main highway and start wandering down various sideroads, rest areas, and exit ramps altogether).

That is, when do we start wanting more kissing, less kissing, cum eating, no cum eating, bareback sex (oh wait, I don't think that actually became a topic or issue since I only know of one bareback scene that was done on Broke Straight Boys, but it is definitely something that I'm sure there are those of us who would love to see it happen), lovemaking, tenderness, socks, no socks, orgies, locker room and publix shower sex, etc.

With that being said, I think in order to be wildly successful, you have to do what satisfies the most members, for the most amount of time.

In otherwords, once you establish a foundation, build upon it until you have done some of everything to satisfy the most members.

What I *don't* think will work, is to try and pull off what sites like Straight College Men.com have failed at doing. That site was adamant about *ONLY* hiring straight guys to do not so straight things on camera. The guys truly were straight most of the time, and it showed. Those guys NEVER could get or maintain a satisfactory erection, in 100% of the scenes. They were visibly trying not to vomit, while sucking a guy's cock for the first time. They were wretching and heaving, and it to me was painful to watch. There was absolutely NO passion or lust involved, they obviously were doing it for money, and they obviously hated every second of it. They also had to be paid BIG bucks to do anything the least bit non straight sexually, and they also charged their members a premium membership fee and rarely (usually once a month or less) updated the site with new scenes. Those truly straight guys came at a very hefty cost, and would never actually enjoy what they were doing sexually and couldn't WAIT to get it over with, and you could tell they were not just acting.

But that site stayed true to its name, and never strayed from its original function, which was to have totally straight guys doing gay stuff for the first time.

That site has lost its member base steadily for the last several years, and as of the current date, it hasn't updated the site since mid October. And it was what could be considered a niche site, whose aim was to satisfy a very specific target audience (those who love watching truly straight guys have gay sex). But it didn't work, and if the site isn't out of business yet, it's probably on the way to going out of business.

I think if the new Broke Straight Boys wants to satisfy as many members as quickly as possible, it needs to make very sure that the sex is hot, often, and not force fed onto the guys doing the fucking and sucking. If they *won't* perform or do so grudgingly and can't get into it, or have to take half the scene working out the negotiating before anything hot or sexual starts happening, then the scene has jumped the shark. And by the way, most of us know that any real negotiating is done prior to any filming being done, at the time the release forms are signed and the performer signs the contract...whether it's a contract for one scene or an exclusive, the performers know what they'll be getting paid before they ever make their way over to the futon. This should be obvious in the first "new Broke Straight Boys" scene where Jimmy can be seen standing there waiting at the bridge for someone to say action at which time he starts casually walking towards the camera, which should have been edited out but was not.

I think it's great if the guys are straight, but with each scene become more willing to do more things (but not necessarily selling out either), it's a winning formula. If they go from being totally straight in their first action scene to backing onto the guy's cock and mpaling themselves with it and loving it in their second, their straightness is not very believable.

If they are in 20 action scenes and still refuse to kiss, show passion and/or refuse to at least try bottoming, they need to eventually be shown the door in my opinion.

But bottom line, at the end of the day, I think I speak for the vast majority of us when I say we want to see hot sex as often as possible, with the right mix of guys, in order to love the site and consider it one of our all time favorites with the hottest, and best scenes.

I think the new models are very good looking for the most part, the models preforming the sex acts really do it well. example Zach, great head and beautiful facial. My problem with the new format is to much BS and not enough action. That I personally don't like the actions of Jimmy and Vinnie, when, to me, they come like some sort of superior being, that is a turn off for me, as was Mike and Jordan's high five act. If somebody like these actions is fine with me, and the member who explained why he likes these actions was informative to me.

In this thread I think there are some really good suggestions. Bringing back some of the former models, I think, has merit and should be tried. Maybe as teachers or something??? Second, there should be less talking. and negotiating.
Let's face it David was here a long time, and the total change could be to soon and to much. I think is the best of the two school, merge the good, change the bad and Broke Straight Boys will be the great site again:confused1:

Excuse me.. how is it too soon? David did the site for 6 years.. it's more like it's about time they changed it.. if you want to see the gay men go to a site that doesn't say Broke STAIGHT boys. David did very well in the beginning when there was an actual STORYLINE and the men were actually belieably straight.. but the last few years it's the same thing over and over and the same boring gay men.
Mr. Ascott86

I don't care if you agree with me or not. i have the same right you do to express myself, and I don't need your permission to speak my mind on the Forum. I have no idea why you seem so hostile towards me. I don't believe I did anything to you.
To soon merely means that 1 day I see one production method, and then a guy named Jimmy comes to Broke Straight Boys, and yes, I don't like Jimmy. I find him offensive, and I say what I feel. Members of the forum can verify that.
I didn't like all the videos David did and said so in the forum.
I didn't appreciate your suggestion to go to another site. I like the site, Mark and David. In the future please respect me as I respect all forum members.
In the future I will bot mention you by name, and I wish you would do the same or me

I hope the other members of the forum will forgive me for my harsh words
They were not meant to hurt anyone.