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The Tyler and Mike Interviews


Oct 30, 2008
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It's so cool that we finally get to see some of these interviews. Tyler is a much more serious and introspective person than I would have guessed. Actually it's a Vulcan-like personality that many of us Scorpios can empathize with and relate to. He is justifiably proud to have such a deep level of maturity at such a young age. I do wish that his affect had been a little less flat in the interview. But then again he wasn't being asked to perform here. Only to share a glimpse of himself behind the scenes. He comes across to me as an older soul who is very level headed and goal oriented. LOL That is a compliment by the way. :thumbup1:

So what do you guys think about what they discussed?
Hey Guys,
Nice interviews. One thing that comes across in the film is Tyler's maturity, I can see it in his eyes. He is goal oriented which is not as surprising as I thought. I hope to see more of these interviews. Good job.

David the behind the scenes section is the best idea since you added the forum and picking Tyler and Mike for the first ones was absolutely brilliant. I can not thank you enough, all of you! I believe this section will end up being just as popular as the videos themselves....:thumbup:
David the behind the scenes section is the best idea since you added the forum and picking Tyler and Mike for the first ones was absolutely brilliant. I can not thank you enough, all of you! I believe this section will end up being just as popular as the videos themselves....:thumbup:


I believe you are Jolly, Jolly Right on target. And perhaps it might even be better.

Live Long and Prosper,

David the behind the scenes section is the best idea since you added the forum and picking Tyler and Mike for the first ones was absolutely brilliant. I can not thank you enough, all of you! I believe this section will end up being just as popular as the videos themselves....:thumbup:

We started filming the behind the scenes over a year ago so I'm hoping they become very popular. :001_smile:

It's so cool that we finally get to see some of these interviews. Tyler is a much more serious and introspective person than I would have guessed. Actually it's a Vulcan-like personality that many of us Scorpios can empathize with and relate to. He is justifiably proud to have such a deep level of maturity at such a young age. I do wish that his affect had been a little less flat in the interview. But then again he wasn't being asked to perform here. Only to share a glimpse of himself behind the scenes. He comes across to me as an older soul who is very level headed and goal oriented. LOL That is a compliment by the way. :thumbup1:

So what do you guys think about what they discussed?

I liked watching Tyler's Behind the Scenes alot mainly cause I can relate being a jack of all trades on the BCB site it takes alot of patience to do what we do but that man has been at it a little longer than I have and my hat is off to you sir ;-)
Tyler is 20 going on 35.

David, when was the Tyler interview filmed, I mean what day, month...? The date on the "episode" isn't, obviously, the date of filming, or is it? I only ask since Mark's just told us you've been doing this for a year now. So, as is typical with Broke Straight Boys, there's no telling when this one happened.

I've said to some mates in a PM earlier on how terrific it was to see those two irresistible guys being so real for a couple of minutes each. They both came across as excellent people. It was also patent in both sets of interviews that the rapport and affection they have for you is strong.

Tyler is such a phenomenal guy. It's extraordinary how a boy just out of his teens can be so perceptive, coherent, insightful and eloquent about his situation in life.

And despite what Eduardo said about the makeup not showing on cam, Ty, with less of it on than in the futon shoots, was heartbreakingly beautiful, his eyes more natural, the softer lighting picking up his jawline. He is such a great kid.
Is there any way to make these downloadable? My internet connection may be too slow -- or maybe there's something else wrong -- in any case, I get about 4 seconds of video then about 20 seconds of a frozen still, repeat. It's basically unwatchable which is extremely frustrating.
David, when was the Tyler interview filmed, I mean what day, month...? The date on the "episode" isn't, obviously, the date of filming, or is it? I only ask since Mark's just told us you've been doing this for a year now. So, as is typical with Broke Straight Boys, there's no telling when this one happened.

Hey Slim,

We really don't have a production date for these, what I do is take a film reel and I continue to film on the same reel...so Mark has a reel with lots of interviews and behind the scene footage. This took several months to film because I wanted to get the right interviews, I'm working on another reel after the new year! But if you asking because of Tyler's looks, he didn't change...Tyler's interview was completed about 2-3 months ago.
Is there any way to make these downloadable? My internet connection may be too slow -- or maybe there's something else wrong -- in any case, I get about 4 seconds of video then about 20 seconds of a frozen still, repeat. It's basically unwatchable which is extremely frustrating.

Hi there this is casper. If you will let it finish ( i mean you have to tolerate all those 20 second breaks until its finished) and there is a little v type arrow next to the download button (directly to the left of the download button which gives you other options) that will allow you to save it. and then when you click on it to watch you can watch the entire thing without interuption or breaks. I can't download anything from real player for some reason so I know what you mean. It is worth the wait as it is a very good interview.
It was great to see and hear the guys in a relaxed environment, honestly thinking over their answers. Both were very down to earth.

Live Long and Prosper,

David, when was the Tyler interview filmed, I mean what day, month...? The date on the "episode" isn't, obviously, the date of filming, or is it? I only ask since Mark's just told us you've been doing this for a year now. So, as is typical with Broke Straight Boys, there's no telling when this one happened.

Hey Slim,

We really don't have a production date for these, what I do is take a film reel and I continue to film on the same reel...so Mark has a reel with lots of interviews and behind the scene footage. This took several months to film because I wanted to get the right interviews, I'm working on another reel after the new year! But if you asking because of Tyler's looks, he didn't change...Tyler's interview was completed about 2-3 months ago.

Thank you David, that's exactly what I was wondering about. His face is a little bonier, more chiseled, and his demeanor is a little subdued. He gets more and more beautiful as he grows up. He's still just a kid, but he was like a real man in his discourse with you, deeper and more reflective, contemplative. You mentioned that he'd have a bunch of questions printed out, maybe all of them from Casper's questionnaire, that he'd answer in another one of these behind the scenes vignettes soon. It would be fascinating to see him do a solo monologue using the questions as a script and ad libbing the answers. You'd have to introduce him and sign him off, otherwise it wouldn't be Broke Straight Boys, but I wish you'd let him have the mic to himself for the whole rest of the scene. It would be a bit of a test for him, but he's so eloquent and articulate that he would be awesome to watch and hear. Thanks again for your answer.
They both came across as excellent people. It was also patent in both sets of interviews that the rapport and affection they have for you is strong.

Tyler is such a phenomenal guy. It's extraordinary how a boy just out of his teens can be so perceptive, coherent, insightful and eloquent about his situation in life.

Agree 100%. I was very impressed by all those things
There are a lot more interviews coming up from some of your other favorite models!
Congratulations to Mike, Dave, Tyler et al. in such shares as deserved. You had a great site and have made it better. Mozel Tov. A thought: String together a number of interviews, some samples of video, etc and make a documentary for film festivals. It would be free very high class publicity.
Hi there this is casper. If you will let it finish ( i mean you have to tolerate all those 20 second breaks until its finished) and there is a little v type arrow next to the download button (directly to the left of the download button which gives you other options) that will allow you to save it. and then when you click on it to watch you can watch the entire thing without interuption or breaks. I can't download anything from real player for some reason so I know what you mean. It is worth the wait as it is a very good interview.

Sorry Casper there is no way to download the behind the scenes content. We are working on a couple other options to view these videos though.

The behind the scene videos should play smoothly now :) I had my video settings really high when I rendered them so they were very heavy... it's fixed now and it should load pretty quick. :)
Behind the scenes is a wonderful addition. In fact, I like the appearance of the entire new home page. A few minutes 'off camera' (so to speak) gives us a little look at the person we have gotten to know as a model. Both Mike and Tyler proved to be an excellent way to kick off this new feature. Hopefully the reel that David has contains many more of the favorite guys on Broke Straight Boys Once again, job well done and your hard work keeps this site one of the very best..if not THE best.