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The perils of being GAY, and FAT


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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I'm gay and FAT - (bald, too) - and not ashamed to admit it.

Fat gay men are at the bottom of the totem-pole, and are treated as such in the so-called "gay community" and this is a fact. I got lucky, because (after 30 years of looking): I got a guy who would put any Broke Straight Boys or College Dudes model to shame, who happens to like and be attracted to. . . older, fatter, gay men. But it was a long time looking, I'm telling you that.

I have long felt that I have a lot more in common with lonely, fat straight guys - and girls - than most of the gay people I know, in real life.

Here is an excellent article by Mark Stern, of Slate, on the subject.


P.S. Any guys out there who are also gay and fat, and feel stressed about it, are welcome to message me, anytime.

Hey Ambi
When I was 13 maybe 14 I was 5;3 and 190 pounds.No one wanted to play with me.One time I was put in a garbage can.
You never forget.Lucky for me . I got bad sick.Lost weight and grew.But (Gay ) fat people are the worst looked at.
(But ..Here in San Francisco).There are a lot of Bears. I live and deal a lot in Gay Life.It is all around me.And the Bears
are having more fun than I am.But for the Forum. lol...I just think we need to s around are selves with people we can relate too.
Wish I could do as I say.I sound so shallow..But glad I don't have to deal with that.Hard enough being thin
Big Giant Hug...
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when I was younger I was only attracted to guys my age or younger. You could probably have considered me a pretty boy. I never dated what I thought were "ugly" guys and I never understand how young guys were so attracted to "daddies". Now that I'm a little older, whiter hair and beard and a little more gut then ever, I get more younger guys checking me out then when I was young? Go figure and thank God!!!

I'm gay and FAT - (bald, too) - and not ashamed to admit it.

Fat gay men are at the bottom of the totem-pole, and are treated as such in the so-called "gay community" and this is a fact. I got lucky, because (after 30 years of looking): I got a guy who would put any Broke Straight Boys or College Dudes model to shame, who happens to like and be attracted to. . . older, fatter, gay men. But it was a long time looking, I'm telling you that.

I have long felt that I have a lot more in common with lonely, fat straight guys - and girls - than most of the gay people I know, in real life.

Here is an excellent article by Mark Stern, of Slate, on the subject.


P.S. Any guys out there who are also gay and fat, and feel stressed about it, are welcome to message me, anytime.


Sometimes it pays to sit and wait, as it did for you. As far as I am concerned, well there has to be a certain amount of attractiveness for me to be at all interested - I mean what does the word attract mean.. However, I have on occasions spoken "blind" to people on apps such as Grindr (the don't put pics up for private reasons). Then as the conversation goes for maybe days or longer I eventually get a picture of them. If they appear out of shape or not my type attractively, then i will indeed continue to talk to them but doubt whether I will form a sexual relationship. The world is a great place because we are all individuals and hopefully there is someone for everybody, if that makes sense.
Hey Ambi
When I was 13 maybe 14 I was 5;3 and 190 pounds.No one wanted to play with me.One time I was put in a garbage can.
You never forget.Lucky for me . I got bad sick.Lost weight and grew.But (Gay ) fat people are the worst looked at.
(But ..Here in San Francisco).There are a lot of Bears. I live and deal a lot in Gay Life.It is all around me.And the Bears
are having more fun than I am.But for the Forum. lol...I just think we need to s around are selves with people we can relate too.
Wish I could do as I say.I sound so shallow..But glad I don't have to deal with that.Hard enough being thin
Big Giant Hug...


Big giant hugs back, Johnny.

Sometimes it pays to sit and wait, as it did for you. As far as I am concerned, well there has to be a certain amount of attractiveness for me to be at all interested - I mean what does the word attract mean.. However, I have on occasions spoken "blind" to people on apps such as Grindr (the don't put pics up for private reasons). Then as the conversation goes for maybe days or longer I eventually get a picture of them. If they appear out of shape or not my type attractively, then i will indeed continue to talk to them but doubt whether I will form a sexual relationship. The world is a great place because we are all individuals and hopefully there is someone for everybody, if that makes sense.


Hey, Jon ~

Your sentiments are lovely, and well-articulated, and your advice is very much like my friend "P's" ~ he was a gorgeous French-Canadian model from http://boyscondo.com/, many years ago. He always said, "'A', there is somebody, for everybody." I'm not so sure that is always true.

At least, I do think it is harder for those of us who have never been slim or fit-looking, to make a connection. As far as sitting and waiting: I really had no choice about it, Jon. I was dumped innumerable times, and even when I spent three hours every day, running 'round the track, and doing Nautilus exercises six times a week, for my then-b/f. . .it still wasn't good enough, for him.

As far as Mr. K. - I just got LUCKY. (And no kidding, I am EXTREMELY grateful.) I don't discount the possibility that other fat guys might have the same luck I have had. . . but, Jon, this took 30 years, of finding. (And probably I ought to be grateful, because I came of age in the late '80's and early '90's - and if I'd had all the boyfriends and liaisons I craved, back then: I would probably be DEAD, now.)

Unlike you, I don't think the world is a great place. I think it's an horrible place, and a vale of tears. I think the gay world is (increasingly, and day-by-day ever more) ruthless, and predatory. I think the gay world (and the straight world, too, even though the straight world is softened a little, by women's amenability to the charms of charming men) is dominated by a ruthless, carnivorous, hierarchy based upon looks: in terms of FACE and FORM. And I think that being a fat gay man is tantamount to being a nice, raw, pork-belly, afloat in an existential NILE, infested with CROCODILES.

I think no gay man who isn't, or has never been, FAT, can truly ever know the complete, utter, and absolute rejection from most other gay men that comes with that. If one is gay and FAT, one's BEST hope is to find someone who has a fetish for that - - - otherwise, no dice. And finding someone in that little niche, while not impossible, can take a long, long time.



I think no gay man who isn't, or has never been, FAT, can truly ever know the complete, utter, and absolute rejection from most other gay men that comes with that. If one is gay and FAT, one's BEST hope is to find someone who has a fetish for that - - - otherwise, no dice. And finding someone in that little niche, while not impossible, can take a long, long time.



It all depends on the fat gay guy's idea/expectations of who he is going to meet up with. If he thinks that some adonis is going to drool over him then he had better think again or wait for 30 years to find such a guy who is a chubby chaser. Yes I said there was or is someone for everyone and there is probably a fat guy for a fat guy, but I would guess that most fat guys want to be with a good looking fitty. In that case then I have to be harsh and say get real or get treading those boards and get fit.
It all depends on the fat gay guy's idea/expectations of who he is going to meet up with. If he thinks that some adonis is going to drool over him then he had better think again or wait for 30 years to find such a guy who is a chubby chaser. Yes I said there was or is someone for everyone and there is probably a fat guy for a fat guy, but I would guess that most fat guys want to be with a good looking fitty. In that case then I have to be harsh and say get real or get treading those boards and get fit.


Hey, Jon,

I love you dearly, think the world of you, and ALSO appreciate the realism of your perspective, on this file. I share your view about the "way things work", which is (to some significant extent) inescapable. And there is no point sugar-coating it. Yes, I have no doubt that many (if not most) fat gay guys would like to be with a good-looking fit person. And that is not always going to happen, unless one is willing to wait for someone who appreciates someone fatter.

I'd just like to mention a couple of things, however, Jon. There is a perception out there, that fat people solely have themselves to blame, for being fat. This is partly true, and partly not. When I was under the spell of my inamorato at uni, I starved myself (didn't eat anything but lettuce, tomatoes, and the odd slice of turkey); went to the gym every day and ran miles and miles around the track; and did Nautilus obsessively. That was over a period of three years, and I never got an ounce under 200 pounds. (Of course I did look better, at that weight, and I am 6'2", with very wide shoulders, so, I think I actually looked reasonable, then.)

But it still wasn't good enough for Danny, my love at that moment. He dumped me because, he said, "A - you're still too fat, and you're just not goodlooking enough, for me." (Since then, interestingly, he has phoned me and said, "A - dumping you was the biggest mistake of my life: because when I am ever going to find someone as kind and caring as you are, again?" Well, I suppose if he had had that epiphany at the time, all would have been mended. But he didn't, and it wasn't, and that's that. I'm fortunate, now, to have found a b/f who particularly LIKES older, and heavier, men. . . and I feel very fortunate to be in his company.)

Anyway, when I was treading those boards, as you say. . . it was an all-consuming pursuit. I was starved to the point of fainting in classes: and I spent so much time in the gym that I didn't have the chance to READ a BOOK, or anything. That's no kind of life for anyone, Jon.

Absolutely, by making healthier choices in terms of diet, and exercise, ANYONE will be thinner than he otherwise, would be. However, what some people who are blessed with a slight frame and a fast metabolism don't realize, is, that it is much harder for some people to lose weight, than others. One often reads articles in the U.K. popular press, and in quite a number of American self-help magazines too, which suggest that if fat people just diet and exercise, nirvana is just around the corner. What I am suggesting here is, it ain't necessarily so.

This has always been a problem, for me. And it is always a bigger problem, for gay men, to be fat - than for their straight counterparts. In my experience, there are a lot more straight WOMEN who are willing to look past a man's physical appearance, and love him for who he is, INSIDE, than there are gay men.

In point of fact, and I am not passing judgement, because I am an offender, too - - - - the gay world operates on a ruthless hierarchy based upon looks, weight, fitness, and age. . . and woe betide he who is less than handsome, or old, or fat. Some very nice people out there never get a look in with a lover, because they simply don't "qualify". Love is an exceptionally fierce economic competition for physical, emotional, and monetary resources - and a lot of people do get left behind, in the process. (I was one of them, for a very long time: I can only say, thank God for Jason Matthews. . . HE kept me going through my worst, and darkest periods, in life. Jason really SAVED MY LIFE, in some material fashion.)

Jon, you're absolutely right: it is what it is, and there is really nothing to be done about the basic facts of the matter. People must face reality, and cope as best they can.

My point in beginning this thread was not to CONTEST the reality of things, but rather - - - to offer some personal experience, commiseration, and comfort, to others who have been in my situation, and who have experienced personal and emotional hurt, therefor. And assist them, in the coping. It is very tough, being fat AND gay, and at the bottom of the erotic totem-pole. And so, when I read (the very cute!) Mr. Stern's article about this matter, it rang a bell, with me: and I simply wanted to share some love with anyone out there (and there are surely a few) who has been through some of the things, I've been through. And show some support for my fellow-fatties ;-)

Love, your friend,

P.S. Jon - when it comes to things romantic, I am very fussy, indeed. I love male beauty, and make no apologies, for that. Despite all the personal trials I have endured, I am glad that I waited 30 years for Mr. K. - because, not only is he sweet and kind, he is so devastatingly handsome, anyone on this board would cut off his right hand, just for the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek ;-))))


Hey, Jon,

I love you dearly, think the world of you, and ALSO appreciate the realism of your perspective, on this file. I share your view about the "way things work", which is (to some significant extent) inescapable. And there is no point sugar-coating it. Yes, I have no doubt that many (if not most) fat gay guys would like to be with a good-looking fit person. And that is not always going to happen, unless one is willing to wait for someone who appreciates someone fatter.

I'd just like to mention a couple of things, however, Jon. There is a perception out there, that fat people solely have themselves to blame, for being fat. This is partly true, and partly not. When I was under the spell of my inamorato at uni, I starved myself (didn't eat anything but lettuce, tomatoes, and the odd slice of turkey); went to the gym every day and ran miles and miles around the track; and did Nautilus obsessively. That was over a period of three years, and I never got an ounce under 200 pounds. (Of course I did look better, at that weight, and I am 6'2", with very wide shoulders, so, I think I actually looked reasonable, then.)

But it still wasn't good enough for Danny, my love at that moment. He dumped me because, he said, "A - you're still too fat, and you're just not goodlooking enough, for me." (Since then, interestingly, he has phoned me and said, "A - dumping you was the biggest mistake of my life: because when I am ever going to find someone as kind and caring as you are, again?" Well, I suppose if he had had that epiphany at the time, all would have been mended. But he didn't, and it wasn't, and that's that. I'm fortunate, now, to have found a b/f who particularly LIKES older, and heavier, men. . . and I feel very fortunate to be in his company.)

Anyway, when I was treading those boards, as you say. . . it was an all-consuming pursuit. I was starved to the point of fainting in classes: and I spent so much time in the gym that I didn't have the chance to READ a BOOK, or anything. That's no kind of life for anyone, Jon.

Absolutely, by making healthier choices in terms of diet, and exercise, ANYONE will be thinner than he otherwise, would be. However, what some people who are blessed with a slight frame and a fast metabolism don't realize, is, that it is much harder for some people to lose weight, than others. One often reads articles in the U.K. popular press, and in quite a number of American self-help magazines too, which suggest that if fat people just diet and exercise, nirvana is just around the corner. What I am suggesting here is, it ain't necessarily so.

This has always been a problem, for me. And it is always a bigger problem, for gay men, to be fat - than for their straight counterparts. In my experience, there are a lot more straight WOMEN who are willing to look past a man's physical appearance, and love him for who he is, INSIDE, than there are gay men.

In point of fact, and I am not passing judgement, because I am an offender, too - - - - the gay world operates on a ruthless hierarchy based upon looks, weight, fitness, and age. . . and woe betide he who is less than handsome, or old, or fat. Some very nice people out there never get a look in with a lover, because they simply don't "qualify". Love is an exceptionally fierce economic competition for physical, emotional, and monetary resources - and a lot of people do get left behind, in the process. (I was one of them, for a very long time: I can only say, thank God for Jason Matthews. . . HE kept me going through my worst, and darkest periods, in life. Jason really SAVED MY LIFE, in some material fashion.)

Jon, you're absolutely right: it is what it is, and there is really nothing to be done about the basic facts of the matter. People must face reality, and cope as best they can.

My point in beginning this thread was not to CONTEST the reality of things, but rather - - - to offer some personal experience, commiseration, and comfort, to others who have been in my situation, and who have experienced personal and emotional hurt, therefor. And assist them, in the coping. It is very tough, being fat AND gay, and at the bottom of the erotic totem-pole. And so, when I read (the very cute!) Mr. Stern's article about this matter, it rang a bell, with me: and I simply wanted to share some love with anyone out there (and there are surely a few) who has been through some of the things, I've been through. And show some support for my fellow-fatties ;-)

Love, your friend,

P.S. Jon - when it comes to things romantic, I am very fussy, indeed. I love male beauty, and make no apologies, for that. Despite all the personal trials I have endured, I am glad that I waited 30 years for Mr. K. - because, not only is he sweet and kind, he is so devastatingly handsome, anyone on this board would cut off his right hand, just for the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek ;-))))


Dear Ambi,

You know I have such a high respect for you and I wouldn't say anything to hurt or harm you. I am really pleased that Mr K came along and has made your life much happier since. However, my comments are meant to be for the norm and not the odd case of such things has a person undertaking and failing on such and such diets.

Most fat people, and I say most, are fat because they eat too much and exercise too little. It's as simple as that. There are a minority that have other issues that cause them to be fat, but I am concerned about the majority. So to those I say, eat less, exercise more and maybe you will see light at the end of the tunnel as well as Mr Right.
I've been husky, chubby and fat and lived in the gay world the whole time. It's not any tougher in the gay world than in the straight world it's all about your attitude. If you're going to be a wallflower and play the victim that's the way you'll be treated. If you walk into a dance club like you own it and you belong there just as much as anyone else you will be accepted.

There's always going to be someone who doesn't like you because you're too fat, old, bald, skinny, pretty, or because you have long hair, short hair, red hair, because you're tall or short. Some people like you for what you have and some don't but a lot of them don't care. Mostly I believe a gay man just like a straight woman is looking for a hookup or partner or bf who is confident and happy.

Some people do have a prejudice against fat people but a lot of people don't but prejudice is out there in a lot of different shapes, sizes and colors. To Joh I have to say you're full of shit, sorry buddy but you only know from your point of view and what you find attractive. I've been with body builders, a porn star, doctors, lawyers, working men, strippers (not for cash) pretty boys, hotties and drop dead gorgeous men. I've also been with men who were not pretty or handsome or maybe even butt ugly but they had a great personality and they were a wonderful guy. I've been with young guys (18+) to senior citizens throughout my whole sexual life. It's not always about sex sometimes it's about finding a connection. I've been with men who said they would have never considered being with a fat or fluffy guy before but they liked it and they came back for more.

I do enjoy watching the young boys on here having sex and I have fantasies of "what if" but when it comes right down to it I don't want to be with a young guy, I don't feel a connection with them, too many differences. If you are an older guy even a fat older guy who likes younger guys this is a very good time for you because those boys are coming out of the closet and no longer feel shame to admit that they like a mature cuddly man. There are a lot of possibilities available.

You can use anything for an excuse why guys aren't attracted to you or why you don't get enough sex or have a bf, lover, partner but they're only excuses and they are not the real reason you're alone and single. Mr. Right is not going to show up on your doorstep, you have to go out there, hunt him down and grab onto him.

A very long time ago someone who was very special to me said the wisest words to me, words I learned to live by. "I can't love someone who does not love himself." That's the key to it all, in my opinion, if you love yourself other people will also see your self worth and they will love you too.
when I was younger I was only attracted to guys my age or younger. You could probably have considered me a pretty boy. I never dated what I thought were "ugly" guys and I never understand how young guys were so attracted to "daddies". Now that I'm a little older, whiter hair and beard and a little more gut then ever, I get more younger guys checking me out then when I was young? Go figure and thank God!!!

Peter, I agree with everything you said. I use to only look for younger, cute guys, fit and trim. And then as I got older and my tastes changed - not for the type of guy I was looking for but for the type of experience I wanted. Instead of young/old slim/heavy,cute/etc I found what I was looking for was someone who responded to me with feeling and passion, who was turned on by me, who could share feelings. It didn't matter anymore what "type" they were. (And yes, it is true, I have more younger guys checking me out than ever before. And you can check my age in my profile!!
Sometimes it pays to sit and wait, as it did for you. As far as I am concerned, well there has to be a certain amount of attractiveness for me to be at all interested - I mean what does the word attract mean.. However, I have on occasions spoken "blind" to people on apps such as Grindr (the don't put pics up for private reasons). Then as the conversation goes for maybe days or longer I eventually get a picture of them. If they appear out of shape or not my type attractively, then i will indeed continue to talk to them but doubt whether I will form a sexual relationship. The world is a great place because we are all individuals and hopefully there is someone for everybody, if that makes sense.

That's a great post Jon. I'm sure many of us wish the world could be a more evolved and less shallow place to live. But your post does show maturity and wisdom. :)
Well it should Tampa, I'm not a young boy anymore lol
wow. I just checked your profile and I didn't realise you were younger than me, you really are a wise and clever guy. I know its not normal me passing out complements but what can I say I've turned over a new leaf. Dan x
I just ran across this post and my curiosity made me chime in. I am on the opposite end of the spectrum. I am tall and skinny (I hate that word). When I was 5 years old, my brother and I were admitted to the hospital to have our tonsils removed. The nurses were undressing me and they all started laughing at how skinny my legs were. I was so embarrassed. I became so self conscious about this I would refuse to wear shorts during the summer months. As I grew I got taller but not wider. When I went into the military I was 18. My waist at that time was only 28 inches. I had to wait a few days till they ordered uniforms small enough for me. In the meantime, my bunk mates would laugh and chant, "Sticks and stones, we'll break your bones." I am 5'11" and my weight has always fluctuated between 128 and 131. Clothes are impossible. Go into any men's department and find a pair of pants with a 29" waist and 32" length. I eat and eat a lot. People have always told me to put some meat on my bones. I eat very well and healthy. I do stay active. What I don't like are sweets and desserts. After my divorce, I was determined to put on some weight. I started swimming and going to the gym daily. My goal was to reach 150-155 lbs. which was the average weight for my height. I was at the gym one night and when I weighed myself I had reached 149.5 lbs. That night my body crashed. I became ill and vomited for three days. When I came out of this my weight had dropped down to 130. I was 41 y/o at that time. I have never made an attempt to gain weight since. But, I do still get the comments. I usually have a big hearty breakfast and a very large dinner. One day last week, I got up and was not really hungry for anything heavy. Instead of fixing myself a big breakfast I fixed a salad. I happened to tell Linda this and she said, "As skinny as you are, that is the last thing you need to be eating." Linda. Let me tell you about Linda. When we married she had just turned 20. She weighed 180 lbs at that time. By the time we divorced she was up to 300 lbs. She still weighs that today.

So, in keeping with the original theme of this thread, I use the expression that opposites do attract. My one and only male lover was also a hefty guy. After we separated, he hooked up with another skinny guy. Linda got married two more times after our divorce and her husbands have also been smaller guys.

Now, here I am today, struggling to maintain my 130 lbs and living next door to my ex-wife who weighs 300 lbs. As for the guys, I so much have the hots for the cook at my local hangout. He is probably in his early 30's and weighs well over 250 lbs. He is not tall but has these big hands, big body and even bigger gentle heart. My fantasy is to sneak in one night after the restaurant has closed and he is still in the kitchen cleaning up. I grab him, rip his clothes off and rape him on the floor in front of the stoves. All I hear is a slight moan when he says, "Oh, daddy!"

Wow. Sorry. I got lost in the moment. Maybe I should just close this post and say, "Opposites do Attract!"
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I just ran across this post and my curiosity made me chime in. I am on the opposite end of the spectrum. I am tall and skinny (I hate that word). When I was 5 years old, my brother and I were admitted to the hospital to have our tonsils removed. The nurses were undressing me and they all started laughing at how skinny my legs were. I was so embarrassed. I became so self conscious about this I would refuse to wear shorts during the summer months. As I grew I got taller but not wider. When I went into the military I was 18. My waist at that time was only 28 inches. I had to wait a few days till they ordered uniforms small enough for me. In the meantime, my bunk mates would laugh and chant, "Sticks and stones, we'll break your bones." I am 5'11" and my weight has always fluctuated between 128 and 131. Clothes are impossible. Go into any men's department and find a pair of pants with a 29" waist and 32" length. I eat and eat a lot. People have always told me to put some meat on my bones. I eat very well and healthy. I do stay active. What I don't like are sweets and desserts. After my divorce, I was determined to put on some weight. I started swimming and going to the gym daily. My goal was to reach 150-155 lbs. which was the average weight for my height. I was at the gym one night and when I weighed myself I had reached 149.5 lbs. That night my body crashed. I became ill and vomited for three days. When I came out of this my weight had dropped down to 130. I was 41 y/o at that time. I have never made an attempt to gain weight since. But, I do still get the comments. I usually have a big hearty breakfast and a very large dinner. One day last week, I got up and was not really hungry for anything heavy. Instead of fixing myself a big breakfast I fixed a salad. I happened to tell Linda this and she said, "As skinny as you are, that is the last thing you need to be eating." Linda. Let me tell you about Linda. When we married she had just turned 20. She weighed 180 lbs at that time. By the time we divorced she was up to 300 lbs. She still weighs that today.

So, in keeping with the original theme of this thread, I use the expression that opposites do attract. My one and only male lover was also a hefty guy. After we separated, he hooked up with another skinny guy. Linda got married two more times after our divorce and her husbands have also been smaller guys.

Now, here I am today, struggling to maintain my 130 lbs and living next door to my ex-wife who weighs 300 lbs. As for the guys, I so much have the hots for the cook at my local hangout. He is probably in his early 30's and weighs well over 250 lbs. He is not tall but has these big hands, big body and even bigger gentle heart. My fantasy is to sneak in one night after the restaurant has closed and he is still in the kitchen cleaning up. I grab him, rip his clothes off and rape him on the floor in front of the stoves. All I hear is a slight moan when he says, "Oh, daddy!"

Wow. Sorry. I got lost in the moment. Maybe I should just close this post and say, "Opposites do Attract!"
that's an interesting perspective Louis and I think your right opposites do attract. In my personal opinion in this day and age there is to much put on the appearance of somebody as yes I've never been in a relationship but for me it's whats on the inside that counts as I'd rather be with somebody that's got a great personality and a heart of gold then somebody that's really gorgeous and has got nothing on the inside, but I understand that other people aren't like that and I guess that's why opposites attract works as it's the perfect balance. I apologise if I whent of thread I just got caught in the moment. Dan x
wow. I just checked your profile and I didn't realise you were younger than me, you really are a wise and clever guy. I know its not normal me passing out complements but what can I say I've turned over a new leaf. Dan x

Thanks Dan. I aged very quickly following the early death of my father, but that's history now... One has to move on.
Another issue that has come up on this thread is the age factor. I have only ONE, ONE friend who is the same age as I. The remainder of my friends are in their 40's and younger. It is more of a like minded factor. I do not relate to people my age. I am not one of those old folks that are so settled in their ways that their actions are governed by every minute on the clock. I do what I want when I want. I do things on the spare of the moment. I can be sitting on my recliner, taking it easy, thinking about doing nothing for the day. Suddenly, memories of my mom and dad pop up. I'll jump up, throw some clothes on and head 20 miles out to their favorite Mexican restaurant. The day or clock does not govern what I do. It is the spirit in me that guides me. I remember one day when my kids (British don't like that word) were young. I used to take them to the park on Saturday mornings to give their mom a chance for some peace and privacy. Our routine was to stop at a local hamburger joint on the way back home for lunch. One day, my son said he didn't want burgers, he wanted ice cream. My daughter said she wanted ice cream too. Just as quickly as they said that, I turned my car around and headed out to the ice cream parlor. Man, we stuffed ourselves on ice cream that day. We made a pack that day that mom should not know where we had gone.

Yes sir. I am more attracted to younger people. I do not necessarily mean this in a sexual way. It is their youth and vibrant energy that keeps me young and laughing. The bad boys of Broke Straight Boys are my role models and remembrances of my own youth. I see so much of myself in these boys. Take for instance, Kodi who had a pack of cigarettes in his pants pockets that fell out when he was undressing. Tyler, his main concern when traveling to CO was to make sure someone had a lighter when he got there. Dakota, naughty boy. Strip dancing at gay clubs and doing gay porn while his wife waits a home. Tate, when he said, "Yea I might do it if the situation was right."

Today, what drives me is not the clock but the situation and the moment. The best part is that I am happy!
I just grabbed a beer from the fridge. I realized I need to run to the store and grab more beer before the store closes. I put on some shorts, and a t-shirt. Forget the shoes. I'll go barefoot and get there before the store closes.
Thanks Dan. I aged very quickly following the early death of my father, but that's history now... One has to move on.
No thanks needed as you truly are a clever guy and very wise and I know I dont know you or your family but by what ive seen of how people like you on here and by how and what you post im sure that anybody thats looking down on you should be feeling very proud of what they see. Dan x