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Team Avatars: The Good with The Bad


BSB Addict
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
While I applaud the Team Avatar concept as a cheerleading-type/marketing ploy, I am really having a difficult time avoiding confusing postings with other members because of sharing the same avatar. Like most guys, I am more visually oriented and I see so few variations of team avatars it is confusing who you are actually addressing.

In case I refer to you by the wrong name, please realize that is due to the associations made by the avatar image you share, not the person's screen name. I am saying this to apologize in advance. All through writing to various forumites with the team avatars, I am constantly having to ask my self "who am I actually writing to" and "am I getting any personal comment(s) confused with someone else due to the shared avatar. While well intentioned, I think it is widely understood that most guys tend to be stimulated visually by "images" rather than actual script containing the user's name.

Yes their screen name appears right next to the avatar, but it has the unintended effect of making team avatars too generic for the user. I really enjoy the individuality expressed by members having their unique and distinctive avatar.

I sincerely hope the Team Avatar can be incorporated some other way without abandoning the traditional individual/unique avatar. Maybe the team could be displayed in the upper right hand corner of the page instead. All I know is that I am constantly confused with whom I am writing to. I feel this is correctable.

Sincerely distressed,

While I applaud the Team Avatar concept as a cheerleading-type/marketing ploy, I am really having a difficult time avoiding confusing postings with other members because of sharing the same avatar. Like most guys, I am more visually oriented and I see so few variations of team avatars it is confusing who you are actually addressing.

In case I refer to you by the wrong name, please realize that is due to the associations made by the avatar image you share, not the person's screen name. I am saying this to apologize in advance. All through writing to various forumites with the team avatars, I am constantly having to ask my self "who am I actually writing to" and "am I getting any personal comment(s) confused with someone else due to the shared avatar. While well intentioned, I think it is widely understood that most guys tend to be stimulated visually by "images" rather than actual script containing the user's name.

Yes their screen name appears right next to the avatar, but it has the unintended effect of making team avatars too generic for the user. I really enjoy the individuality expressed by members having their unique and distinctive avatar.

I sincerely hope the Team Avatar can be incorporated some other way without abandoning the traditional individual/unique avatar. Maybe the team could be displayed in the upper right hand corner of the page instead. All I know is that I am constantly confused with whom I am writing to. I feel this is correctable.

Sincerely distressed,


Good point Stimpy. Give me a couple of days to... well you know, and I'll get a little more creative. I gotta be honest, your avatar of Shane is World Class. Makes me want to be in a secluded beach cottage with him somewhere on Nantucket for a month or two. That man is pure dreamy from head to toe!
Oy vey, I think I'm getting a case of the vapors....
♥ to ya!
While I applaud the Team Avatar concept as a cheerleading-type/marketing ploy, I am really having a difficult time avoiding confusing postings with other members because of sharing the same avatar. Like most guys, I am more visually oriented and I see so few variations of team avatars it is confusing who you are actually addressing.

In case I refer to you by the wrong name, please realize that is due to the associations made by the avatar image you share, not the person's screen name. I am saying this to apologize in advance. All through writing to various forumites with the team avatars, I am constantly having to ask my self "who am I actually writing to" and "am I getting any personal comment(s) confused with someone else due to the shared avatar. While well intentioned, I think it is widely understood that most guys tend to be stimulated visually by "images" rather than actual script containing the user's name.

Yes their screen name appears right next to the avatar, but it has the unintended effect of making team avatars too generic for the user. I really enjoy the individuality expressed by members having their unique and distinctive avatar.

I sincerely hope the Team Avatar can be incorporated some other way without abandoning the traditional individual/unique avatar. Maybe the team could be displayed in the upper right hand corner of the page instead. All I know is that I am constantly confused with whom I am writing to. I feel this is correctable.

Sincerely distressed,


Is this better Stimpy?

Is this better Stimpy?

Thanks Abe. I've actually been thinking the same thing since the "team avatars" were adopted. And especially as Rob & Jimmy both post on the forum, (although we have not heard from Jimmy for a while), it is doubling confusing.

But I do agree with Stimpy that it is especially hard to get to know the newer members of the forum, when many share the same avatar. The visual is much more memorable than the screen names.

Just my thoughts.

Is this better Stimpy?


There is that piano player, that I know and love.:001_wub:
Re: Team Avatars: The Good with The Bad

Hmmmmm.......team Avatars

I wondered if someone had already raised this thread so hadn't said anything.

I agree with Stimpy........nice idea but rather confusing.

The responses were so immediate, I think I have whiplash!!!!

Good point Stimpy. Give me a couple of days to... well you know, and I'll get a little more creative. I gotta be honest, your avatar of Shane is World Class. Makes me want to be in a secluded beach cottage with him somewhere on Nantucket for a month or two. That man is pure dreamy from head to toe!
Oy vey, I think I'm getting a case of the vapors....
♥ to ya!

Is this better Stimpy?


Thanks Abe. I've actually been thinking the same thing since the "team avatars" were adopted. And especially as Rob & Jimmy both post on the forum, (although we have not heard from Jimmy for a while), it is doubling confusing.

But I do agree with Stimpy that it is especially hard to get to know the newer members of the forum, when many share the same avatar. The visual is much more memorable than the screen names.

Just my thoughts.

There is that piano player, that I know and love.:001_wub:

Dear Robb,

Concerning Shane, I hate to inform you but his dance card is all filled up till 2014. But I will overlook this since you have the vapors, poor baby! Due to the "Vapors" being related to monthly feminine ailments, is there something you have been wanting to tell us? :001_unsure:

Let me offer a slight correction, Shane is "dreamy" personified with a great smile, great body, and a great sense of humor. In my confusion BradyD1, I hope I have gotten your name of "Robb" correct and, if not, this is why I have gotten so very confused with the team avatars. From your response, I take it that you have some imput over the Team Avatars. Please don't be offended by my critique. I only meant constructive criticism.

Dear Abe,

All I can say is who wouldn't want someone like "Schroeder" tickling their ivories. He is world-class just like my Shane. It will be a treat to see him play in the future, perhaps with a sound clip attachment. Wouldn't that be neat? Thanks for your responsive.

Dear Mikeyank,

Once again, I find us to be on the same wave length. Although I had not mentioned it to you earlier, but it had crossed my mind a few times before I finally came up with this new thread. Just as we need "Credit Limit Relief" in DC, we need a little "Team Avatar Relief" on the forum. Unlike congress paralyzed by gridlock, I am pleased it appears we on Broke Straight Boys will be getting some "TARelief" in the near future. Take care, Buddy.

Dear Ms. Kianna,

It seems like with all your postings of you favorite music, "Schroeder" must have given you some inspiration in the past. As we have struggled many times over our beloved Jimmie Slater, perhaps we can agree in a spirit of harmony on the site aspiring only to be "Schroeder Groupies". Good to talk with you again, fellow educator.


Dear Robb,

Concerning Shane, I hate to inform you but his dance card is all filled up till 2014. But I will overlook this since you have the vapors, poor baby! Due to the "Vapors" being related to monthly feminine ailments, is there something you have been wanting to tell us? :001_unsure:

Let me offer a slight correction, Shane is "dreamy" personified with a great smile, great body, and a great sense of humor. In my confusion BradyD1, I hope I have gotten your name of "Robb" correct and, if not, this is why I have gotten so very confused with the team avatars. From your response, I take it that you have some imput over the Team Avatars. Please don't be offended by my critique. I only meant constructive criticism.

Dear Abe,

All I can say is who wouldn't want someone like "Schroeder" tickling their ivories. He is world-class just like my Shane. It will be a treat to see him play in the future, perhaps with a sound clip attachment. Wouldn't that be neat? Thanks for your responsive.

Dear Mikeyank,

Once again, I find us to be on the same wave length. Although I had not mentioned it to you earlier, but it had crossed my mind a few times before I finally came up with this new thread. Just as we need "Credit Limit Relief" in DC, we need a little "Team Avatar Relief" on the forum. Unlike congress paralyzed by gridlock, I am pleased it appears we on Broke Straight Boys will be getting some "TARelief" in the near future. Take care, Buddy.

Dear Ms. Kianna,

It seems like with all your postings of you favorite music, "Schroeder" must have given you some inspiration in the past. As we have struggled many times over our beloved Jimmie Slater, perhaps we can agree in a spirit of harmony on the site aspiring only to be "Schroeder Groupies". Good to talk with you again, fellow educator.



You do not offend Stimpy. You always analyze, educate and entertain. And quite honestly, you write so beautifully, I really enjoy reading your posts. And I truly thought the 'vapors' were women being overcome by the heat and humidity in the deep South?! Not feminine issues. Trust me, I am all man!

Now I'm really going to have to change up the avatar, because I'm not Robb, and I'm not sure where that came from? For now at least, I'm still Brady, and actually several people know me by that name. Not just on this forum. I'd post an actual pic of myself, but I'm not sure I am ready to take that step quite yet! To quote Max from Mission:Impossible 1... "anonymity is like a warm blanket"!

Oh, and Shane? Dreamy, delish, delightful... there aren't enough words. I'm not typically a fan of blondes, but that man has it all. I really liked him on Naked Kombat! All that sweaty man wrestling leaves me weak in the knees and my pants fitting tight up front! He is dipped in yummy and rolled in gorgeous!

And if I keep this up, I won't have to list my 10 random things...

Wishing you a Happy Friday Stimpy Baby!
Dear Robb,

Concerning Shane, I hate to inform you but his dance card is all filled up till 2014. But I will overlook this since you have the vapors, poor baby! Due to the "Vapors" being related to monthly feminine ailments, is there something you have been wanting to tell us? :001_unsure:

Let me offer a slight correction, Shane is "dreamy" personified with a great smile, great body, and a great sense of humor. In my confusion BradyD1, I hope I have gotten your name of "Robb" correct and, if not, this is why I have gotten so very confused with the team avatars. From your response, I take it that you have some imput over the Team Avatars. Please don't be offended by my critique. I only meant constructive criticism.

Dear Abe,

All I can say is who wouldn't want someone like "Schroeder" tickling their ivories. He is world-class just like my Shane. It will be a treat to see him play in the future, perhaps with a sound clip attachment. Wouldn't that be neat? Thanks for your responsive.

Dear Mikeyank,

Once again, I find us to be on the same wave length. Although I had not mentioned it to you earlier, but it had crossed my mind a few times before I finally came up with this new thread. Just as we need "Credit Limit Relief" in DC, we need a little "Team Avatar Relief" on the forum. Unlike congress paralyzed by gridlock, I am pleased it appears we on Broke Straight Boys will be getting some "TARelief" in the near future. Take care, Buddy.

Dear Ms. Kianna,

It seems like with all your postings of you favorite music, "Schroeder" must have given you some inspiration in the past. As we have struggled many times over our beloved Jimmie Slater, perhaps we can agree in a spirit of harmony on the site aspiring only to be "Schroeder Groupies". Good to talk with you again, fellow educator.



I believe that Robb is Buckeye. I think he told you that on the 10 Randoms thread.:001_smile: