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Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA! :)

[h=1]Tim Huelskamp Readies Constitutional Amendment To Ban Gay Marriage [/h] 06/27/2013
The Supreme Court ruling Wednesday that the federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional isn't stopping Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas) from trying to block same-sex marriages through another route: by amending the U.S. Constitution. Huelskamp said he plans to introduce the Federal Marriage Amendment later this week, a measure that would define marriage as between one man and one woman. DOMA did the same thing, but was a federal law, not a constitutional amendment. As such, the Federal Marriage Act is more far-reaching but also a tougher climb. It requires the support of two-thirds of the House and Senate, and ratification by three-fourths of the states, or 38 states.
"This would trump the Supreme Court," Huelskamp told The Huffington Post.
Huelskamp said his bill has no cosponsors yet, but said its language will be almost identical to past Federal Marriage Amendments introduced in Congress. The last time Congress voted on the proposed constitutional amendment was in July 2006, when it failed 236-187. It needed 290 votes to pass. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) were among those who voted for the amendment at the time.
read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/...y-marriage_n_3505465.html?utm_hp_ref=politics

The Supreme Court today has struck down DOMA!!!!

Details are still sketchy right at this moment. Stay tuned to your favorite media outlets for more info. Same sex couples married in states where it is legal may now receive federal benefits already available to heterosexual married couples. It is unclear if couples legally married in one state and residing in another state where gay marriage is not legal, are still entitled to those federal benefits.

The Prop 8 ruling should be coming within the next few minutes, hours?

Yes, they are. Federal benefits attach to the individual or couple no matter where they live. For instance, you can live in Canada and still receive your Social Security benefit. In the same way, if a couple is married in New York and moves to backward Penna., whatever federal benefits they have come with them. They just wouldn't received any Penna. benefits because, despite the generalization in the media, the court didn't strike down all of DOMA. Only the section regarding federal recognition and benefits. Unfortunately, the rest of DOMA stands, including the provision that allows states which do not have same sex marriage not to recognize same sex marriages performed in other states.

Once Justice Kennedy retires, he should be given every gay award in existence.

Tampa - upon further research and reading, my reply to you was way too general. It seems that different Federal agencies use different definitions of marriage with respect to its recognition. Some use the location where the marriage occurred to define a legal marriage and others use where the couple is currently domiciled as to whether there is a marriage or not. It appears that the President will convene some type of super interagency task force made up a reps from the different govenrment agencies that will be impacted inorder to come up with a common set of regulations. Then there is the question of how much can be done administratively, and how much needs to be changed by Congress. Let's hope most of the former and little of the latter. However, from what I've read the Defense Department can act on its own and Defense Secretary Hagel has already set the wheels in motion as the regs apply to legally married sposues of service members.
Tampa - upon further research and reading, my reply to you was way too general. It seems that different Federal agencies use different definitions of marriage with respect to its recognition. Some use the location where the marriage occurred to define a legal marriage and others use where the couple is currently domiciled as to whether there is a marriage or not. It appears that the President will convene some type of super interagency task force made up a reps from the different govenrment agencies that will be impacted inorder to come up with a common set of regulations. Then there is the question of how much can be done administratively, and how much needs to be changed by Congress. Let's hope most of the former and little of the latter. However, from what I've read the Defense Department can act on its own and Defense Secretary Hagel has already set the wheels in motion as the regs apply to legally married sposues of service members.

It seems to me that being in the military will be one of the best places to be if one hopes to begin receiving benefits right away. The U.S. military will be addressing those concerns faster I would hope than certain other governmental agencies and even state governments. If one is married to a service member then that person would in theory be eligible for on-base housing, free medical care, free daycare for children, the ability and financial help to move overseas if a spouse is on deployment in an allied country. Then there's the V.A. benefits.

Also I would think that if a service member marries a gay partner in a legal state, that the military would make sure the feds honored all those rights regardless of whether a soldier happened to be deployed in a state where gay marriage was not yet legal. If you're active military you're more or less an employee of the federal government anyway. They are going to take care of you and give you and your spouse all your IRS and other federal benefits whether you are stationed in Alabama or South Korea.
Hah. It's just an example of a conservative and Republican southern state where gay marriage is not legal. The people there are quite nice. :)

Neil Young didn't like it lol, but I'm sure you're right about the people. David once called them retards though lol
Neil Young didn't like it lol, but I'm sure you're right about the people. David once called them retards though lol

The south is called the Bible Belt, because of the high percentage of religious church goers. It makes them religious or conservative, not retarded.....
here is where living in a different state makes a big difference. in the final analysis the high court ruled that this is an issue for the states to decide. it is not the role of the federal system to move the states in one direction or the other. marriage has always been a state issue and the federal government has always accepted the states position. if a state recognizes marriages performed in Canada, then for federal purposes the marriage counted for taxes. the court simply return the federal government to its traditional position. States can refuse to honor any marriage. I could be considered married in iowa, but not in Kansas. the court side stepped that issues and only dealt with the role of the federal government.
Neil Young didn't like it lol, but I'm sure you're right about the people. David once called them retards though lol

The south is called the Bible Belt, because of the high percentage of religious church goers. It makes them religious or conservative, not retarded.....
Ms. K is correct, that each region of our country has it's own culture and way of thinking. While I personally disagree with the basic message of the "religious right", they certainly have as much right to their opinions and politics as I do.

David using the term "retard" was politically incorrect, and in very poor taste, just like a comedian who might use the term "fag" in his act, as Andrew Dice Clay and Sam Kinison did back in their day. It is very edgy material, and highly offensive, but can be funny too.
Facts Are Terribly Inconvenient Things Mike

Ms. K is correct, that each region of our country has it's own culture and way of thinking. While I personally disagree with the basic message of the "religious right", they certainly have as much right to their opinions and politics as I do.

David using the term "retard" was politically incorrect, and in very poor taste, just like a comedian who might use the term "fag" in his act, as Andrew Dice Clay and Sam Kinison did back in their day. It is very edgy material, and highly offensive, but can be funny too.

You repeat this relativist mantra Mike that all ideas are equal and deserve the same respect.

What about the idea that anyone has the right to kill or enslave others because they are inferior to you?

Much of the South has been trying to rewrite the facts about the American Civil War or the War Between the States since the war ended in 1865. Was the prewar South more like GONE WITH THE WIND or more like DJANGO UNCHAINED?

Do I need to respect the opinions of a Hitler or Stalin or some local warlord who wants to run a pogrom?

Respecting all opinions might be OK when talking about choice of cookies, cheese, or beverage, but, it is very dangerous when it comes down to important issues regarding human rights.

Your position is intellectually lazy Mike when you write that all are equally deserving of respect.

The South loved Jim Crow laws after the Civil War. Southern Historians attacked Lincoln (and they still do) for interfering with southern rights regarding how they want to treat their negroes.

Life is not a situation comedy that can always be played for laughs.

People die or are treated horribly when you can not recognize evil when you see it.

Time to grow up.
You repeat this relativist mantra Mike that all ideas are equal and deserve the same respect.

What about the idea that anyone has the right to kill or enslave others because they are inferior to you?

Much of the South has been trying to rewrite the facts about the American Civil War or the War Between the States since the war ended in 1865. Was the prewar South more like GONE WITH THE WIND or more like DJANGO UNCHAINED?

Do I need to respect the opinions of a Hitler or Stalin or some local warlord who wants to run a pogrom?

Respecting all opinions might be OK when talking about choice of cookies, cheese, or beverage, but, it is very dangerous when it comes down to important issues regarding human rights.

Your position is intellectually lazy Mike when you write that all are equally deserving of respect.

The South loved Jim Crow laws after the Civil War. Southern Historians attacked Lincoln (and they still do) for interfering with southern rights regarding how they want to treat their negroes.

Life is not a situation comedy that can always be played for laughs.

People die or are treated horribly when you can not recognize evil when you see it.

Time to grow up.

Blue, you seem to delight in twisting people's words into something entirely different from what they were intending to convey. If you think it makes you sound superior you're wrong...it makes you sound like a bloody wanker.

That's it, I've said my piece. Mark, seeing as I called Blue a bloody wanker ban me if you think it's necessary. Others, correct me if you think it's necessary...
I Really Do Not Care What You Called Me

I would ask Mark to take no action against you or anyone Grace.

I really do not care what you think of me.

I posted here because I was interested in IDEAS and not PERSONALITIES.

I am sorry you took offence at my comments about what I perceived as Mike's blindness to the fact that tolerance of injustice is a major issue today and the past.

But, discussions on the internet can always get heated.

If you want to pick sides and cheer on the people you like, so be it.

It does not bother me one whit.
David using the term "retard" was politically incorrect, and in very poor taste, just like a comedian who might use the term "fag" in his act, as Andrew Dice Clay and Sam Kinison did back in their day. It is very edgy material, and highly offensive, but can be funny too.

If each time David's comments were interpreted as politically incorrect then he would have been fired ages ago. This is a porn site and it was these kind of interviews that made me like the site so much. If the recipient of David's humour didn't like what he said then he could have complained and the comment would have been edited out. Some may have been, we will never know.

Going back to the Bible Belt, surely it is not all the south. California is south but that is far from bible belt country. If states like Alabama and Kentucky want to stay in the 20s and 30s then it is bad for their youngsters who cannot afford to leave but live in such oppressed places. Back on thread, I cannot ever see these states allowing Gay marriage whilst they stay so religious and blind to the outside world.
I would ask Mark to take no action against you or anyone Grace.

I really do not care what you think of me.

I posted here because I was interested in IDEAS and not PERSONALITIES.

I am sorry you took offence at my comments about what I perceived as Mike's blindness to the fact that tolerance of injustice is a major issue today and the past.

But, discussions on the internet can always get heated.

If you want to pick sides and cheer on the people you like, so be it.

It does not bother me one whit.

I'm so glad my opinion means so little to you because that is exactly as it should be, otherwise you would be seen as a rather pathetic figure. On the subject of defending personalities, Mikey is intelligent and articulate enough to not need me to defend him. My comments reflect my opinions alone and have nothing to do with personalities...

Freedom of expression does have it limits when it comes to: speech that incites imminent lawless action, written or spoken words, generally expressed to incite hatred or violence from their target, child porn, copyrighted or patented materials...

Christians that base their Gay hatred on the bible, should be aware that Jesus Christ did not make one negative comment about homosexuals.
You repeat this relativist mantra Mike that all ideas are equal and deserve the same respect.

What about the idea that anyone has the right to kill or enslave others because they are inferior to you?

Much of the South has been trying to rewrite the facts about the American Civil War or the War Between the States since the war ended in 1865. Was the prewar South more like GONE WITH THE WIND or more like DJANGO UNCHAINED?

Do I need to respect the opinions of a Hitler or Stalin or some local warlord who wants to run a pogrom?

Respecting all opinions might be OK when talking about choice of cookies, cheese, or beverage, but, it is very dangerous when it comes down to important issues regarding human rights.

Your position is intellectually lazy Mike when you write that all are equally deserving of respect.

The South loved Jim Crow laws after the Civil War. Southern Historians attacked Lincoln (and they still do) for interfering with southern rights regarding how they want to treat their negroes.

Life is not a situation comedy that can always be played for laughs.

People die or are treated horribly when you can not recognize evil when you see it.

Time to grow up.
Dear Mr. Blue,

I try to respect all people's opinions, whether I agree or disagree, and I respect your opinion that it is "time for me to grow up" too.

I have a close friend who is biased against the state of Texas, due to some bad experiences he had there, as well as their position on the death penalty, the Bush family and the current governor. I try to tell him not to lump all Texans into one group, and that people are people.

The point I was trying to make was to judge everyone as an individual, and to respect everyone's freedom of choice. If I offended you Blue, I'm sorry, but I always try to speak my honest opinions on this forum, no matter what the subject matter.
Blue, you seem to delight in twisting people's words into something entirely different from what they were intending to convey. If you think it makes you sound superior you're wrong...it makes you sound like a bloody wanker.

That's it, I've said my piece. Mark, seeing as I called Blue a bloody wanker ban me if you think it's necessary. Others, correct me if you think it's necessary...

I'm so glad my opinion means so little to you because that is exactly as it should be, otherwise you would be seen as a rather pathetic figure. On the subject of defending personalities, Mikey is intelligent and articulate enough to not need me to defend him. My comments reflect my opinions alone and have nothing to do with personalities...
This may seem self serving, based on the very kind things you said about me Grace, but I do consider you to be one of the fairest minded people I've ever encountered, typically looking at the positives in life, rather than the negatives.

After being on this forum for close to five years, I still marvel at all of the amazing people that I've met here, of all ages, genders, nationalities and sexualities, including the amazing ladies who currently participate, including yourself, Ms. K, Milla, Beth and lovelumps. And of course I have made a ton of close friends and dear acquaintances among the men as well.

As I've said many times, paraphrasing something that Ms. K said a while back, I came here for the porn, but I stay here primarily for the forum. It continues to blow my mind that a forum designed to discuss porn has added so much to my life in so many amazing ways.
Going back to the Bible Belt, surely it is not all the south. California is south but that is far from bible belt country. If states like Alabama and Kentucky want to stay in the 20s and 30s then it is bad for their youngsters who cannot afford to leave but live in such oppressed places. Back on thread, I cannot ever see these states allowing Gay marriage whilst they stay so religious and blind to the outside world.

In many ways the Bible Belt is behind the times. And it's sad. The Bible Belt states usually encompass only the southern states that formed part of the Confederacy at the outset of the Civil War. Tennessee being a bit of an exception. The far western states didn't fully come into the Union until after the Civil War. They shared a different history and culture than the deep south in the east. Florida is deep south and was part of the Confederacy but it is more progressive in its politics and culture. That's probably because it is populated by so many people who were born and grew up elsewhere. Plus we have the influence of so many domestic and international tourists.

The state of Florida went for Obama in both of the last 2 elections. :)

But still...the state government is dominated by a Republican majority and a Republican governor who's a crook. :/
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