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Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA! :)


Oct 30, 2008
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The Supreme Court today has struck down DOMA!!!!

Details are still sketchy right at this moment. Stay tuned to your favorite media outlets for more info. Same sex couples married in states where it is legal may now receive federal benefits already available to heterosexual married couples. It is unclear if couples legally married in one state and residing in another state where gay marriage is not legal, are still entitled to those federal benefits.

The Prop 8 ruling should be coming within the next few minutes, hours?
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Prop 8 Is Essentially Overturned!

Gay Marriage Now Legal In California

The Supreme Court punted on this one and said that the parties didn't have the legal standing to bring the suit. The complicated decision of the court NOT to rule, in practical terms leaves Prop 8 legally defunct.
Same sex marriage can continue in California!

LMAO True Robert. It was already legal in California before. Many gay couples are already legally married there. Prop 8 put a temporary pause to it. So now legal gay marriage in California may continue. :)
One third of Americans can now marry the person they love.

Watching MSNBC and listening to gay choir of Washington singing for the gay couples that started this case. Shivers run over my back, and the hair on my arms stand up.

Victory for lesbian, years after her longtime partner's death

Edith Windsor, who filed the original case that could upend the Defense of Marriage Act, says just getting the case to this point is a kind of victory. "We've made a huge step forward and a huge difference in how people look at us," she said. "And so, it'll happen. Another year if not now."

It was the death of Windsor's life partner, Thea Clara Spyer, that led to the case.

Theirs was not a fleeting romance -- the women were together 42 years sharing ups and downs, laughs and tears. They also shared what they'd earned together, including from Windsor's job as a programmer with IBM and Spyer's work as a psychologist.
read more: http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/27/us/new-york-doma-windsor

Thank you for sharing all this with us Robert. I'm also well aware that you are following this story with great enthusiasm and posting all of this for us at 4, 5 and 6:00 a.m. where you live.

Oh Happy Days!!

While this is not the final victory just yet...and there will still be a few battles yet ahead... I can't help but sing, Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty. We're free at last!!

:crying1: :waw: :999: :flaggen15: :crying1:

I wasn't sure if I would ever see this in my lifetime.

Big hugs to you across the pond Robert. xoo
Like I mentioned before on another post that Washington State legalized Gay marriage last year. As of now no one has challenged it here, but this guarantees that no one can now. But the flip-side here is that the couples who were registered with a Domestic partnership and receiving benefits from there partners, this law now voids the partnership and unless the couple dispute this there partnership automatically becomes a legal marriage. Not all gay couples are thrilled about this!!
posting all of this for us at 4, 5 and 6:00 a.m. where you live....

Three kisses for you Tampa... bless you, thought it's not AM but PM here in Europe. : -)

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Like I mentioned before on another post that Washington State legalized Gay marriage last year. As of now no one has challenged it here, but this guarantees that no one can now. But the flip-side here is that the couples who were registered with a Domestic partnership and receiving benefits from there partners, this law now voids the partnership and unless the couple dispute this there partnership automatically becomes a legal marriage. Not all gay couples are thrilled about this!!

In Holland all citizens can choose for a registered partnership or marriage... So there is still work to do in the US!
So happy to see this happening! If we preach and teach equality, then we should live it...all of us!
Three kisses for you Tampa... bless you, thought it's not AM but PM here in Europe. : -)


Now wait, we all know Tampa well enough to know, if you really want him to "pucker up" Rob, you've got to bend him over, not look at a clock!:001_tongue:
rejoice but don't relax. There is more work to do I have been radicalized at an early age and continue to be. I have no trust in any government or religion
The Supreme Court today has struck down DOMA!!!!

Details are still sketchy right at this moment. Stay tuned to your favorite media outlets for more info. Same sex couples married in states where it is legal may now receive federal benefits already available to heterosexual married couples. It is unclear if couples legally married in one state and residing in another state where gay marriage is not legal, are still entitled to those federal benefits.

The Prop 8 ruling should be coming within the next few minutes, hours?

Yes, they are. Federal benefits attach to the individual or couple no matter where they live. For instance, you can live in Canada and still receive your Social Security benefit. In the same way, if a couple is married in New York and moves to backward Penna., whatever federal benefits they have come with them. They just wouldn't received any Penna. benefits because, despite the generalization in the media, the court didn't strike down all of DOMA. Only the section regarding federal recognition and benefits. Unfortunately, the rest of DOMA stands, including the provision that allows states which do not have same sex marriage not to recognize same sex marriages performed in other states.

Once Justice Kennedy retires, he should be given every gay award in existence.
Yes, they are. Federal benefits attach to the individual or couple no matter where they live. For instance, you can live in Canada and still receive your Social Security benefit. In the same way, if a couple is married in New York and moves to backward Penna., whatever federal benefits they have come with them. They just wouldn't received any Penna. benefits because, despite the generalization in the media, the court didn't strike down all of DOMA. Only the section regarding federal recognition and benefits. Unfortunately, the rest of DOMA stands, including the provision that allows states which do not have same sex marriage not to recognize same sex marriages performed in other states.

Once Justice Kennedy retires, he should be given every gay award in existence.

I agree your legal reasoning there Stowe. However the Republican governor we have in Florida (Rick Scott) is a total a**hole. I fully expect him to go to court to try to block as many benefits as possible to Floridians legally married in other states. I'm sure many Republican governors around the country are consulting their legal teams about how to stonewall, delay or water down these major court decisions for their own citizens. Whether their legal teams come up with any workable options towards that end remains to be seen.
I agree your legal reasoning there Stowe. However the Republican governor we have in Florida (Rick Scott) is a total a**hole. I fully expect him to go to court to try to block as many benefits as possible to Floridians legally married in other states. I'm sure many Republican governors around the country are consulting their legal teams about how to stonewall, delay or water down these major court decisions for their own citizens. Whether their legal teams come up with any workable options towards that end remains to be seen.

They are Federal benefits which no state has control over.