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How many trees have to fall before someone admits there is a sound?


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2011
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The trees did fall and made sounds for many centuries now the sounds are being heard.
Within a two week period the US has experienced some shifts that move it toward being more human and less cruel.
Historically marginalized groups have been told that they matter and should receive reasonably priced health care and be permitted to marry any other human he/she chooses no matter whether both persons are heterosexual and/or homosexual and/or transgendered and/or transsexual and/or transvestite as well as they have a right to live with dignity unassaulted by symbols of torture that were meant to remind them that they ought to still be subject to the pathologically whimsical behavior of others without recourse to equal protection of the law/justice.
those who perceive their lives as being diminished by these steps to make sure the US Constitution, an imperfect document for sure because it is human-made yet contains within itself the seeds for a full participatory democracy where all citizens and residents of the USA have the real opportunity to live with dignity, will now be looking for ways to do harm by refusing to abide by what is now law.
Candidates for president have stated that they believe that nature has been perverted and elected members of government at the local, municipal, county/parish, state, and federal levels have stated that they believe that affordable healthcare is not a right all American citizens and residents should have. These "hate" groups are mobilizing by studying how to write seemingly content-neutrally worded laws that will do harm. Already one should expect to see a mass of firings from jobs based on some official non-performance of duties trumped up yet labor-legal reason.
Stay conscious and educate yourselves because the fact is that most of us are not multi-millionaires with lawyers on retainer to handle in court having one's constitutional rights violated on schools/in the workplace/for entertainment-recreation.