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Staff and Models say the "Darndest Things"


Well-known Member
Oct 1, 2014
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We are reminded not only for the physical and action entertainment enjoyment we received from the different models and staff, but have you been listening to what some of these guys and lady say. Some are profoundly intelligent, cocky, abrasive and just dam right hilarious. Enjoy:laugh:
1002-cover.jpg Ms Subrina " We pay you for your cum" so "That cum is ours" BTS 06-14-2013
176.jpg Jason Matthews "Once you suck a dick, your always a cock sucker" BTS4-30-2013
haha love it. There is some great ones from the TV show. :p
I believe its been in the pipeline for a couple of years? actually that is why I subscribed.
I'm glad you did subscribe as I'm glad you're here to offer a new voice on the forum. But yes, we long time forumites have been waiting for a good while, so please be patient my friend, and do keep posting here while you are waiting. :cool:
I'm glad you did subscribe as I'm glad you're here to offer a new voice on the forum. But yes, we long time forumites have been waiting for a good while, so please be patient my friend, and do keep posting here while you are waiting. :cool:

The things the forumites have shared has been amazing and hopefully I can contribute something of interest and diverse.
What humored me was Lucas. He had already done an oral scene and practically abused by Johnny. When it came time to fuck Brandon, he said that somehow fucking a guy's asshole was just so gay!
Porn Shane and Josh's oral scene:
Shane says about kissing, "you're putting my dick in your mouth, you might as well put my tongue in there too."
[video]http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/play/NDUx/shane-&-josh-(hd)[/video]
After fucking Ian, Jason lies back, intertwined with Ian, and says, "good stuff, good God."

[video]http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/play/MTAxMQ==/jason-matthews-&-ian-dempsey[/video]
Hey, Inspire. . .

WHAT A GREAT THREAD - - - I loved all these wry and witty quotes, from models and staff!!!

And thank you to you, and Beth, and Another1, for all the great JASON quotes. It really made my week.
