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sex drive


Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Is it normal for a young college guy (20) to lose his sex drive completely?:confused1:

It seems like my giddy up and go got up and went. It has been days since I have engaged in self pleasure or even thought about it.:ohmy:

Should I be worried?
Can I assume this would be finals time for you and that you have other things on your mind?

Also, if you are using a lot of alcohol or drugs right now, that can easily affect your sex drive.

I once had someone give me the secret to sex: When you're hot, you're hot, and when you're not, you're not.

Sounds like right now you're not. I wouldn't worry about it.
A few years ago I came befriended with a Canadian student in Amsterdam. He is 21 now and lives in Paris; visited me last weekend. We don't have sex, but we talk a lot.

He did not only lost his sex drive, really practiced celibacy for months... and after that he sexed again and again :)

Over a decade ago I lost my interest into all the work it took to seduce a guy, and started to rent them for a few years.

Now I feel to old for young guys, but I do wake up enthusiastic with a morning erection from time to time...

PS: No need for Viagra!
if you continue to have this problem, i would see a doctor and get my testosterone level checked. it may be on the low side. if so, it can be easily corrected by medication. i don't think a guy your age should have such a low sex drive.
if you continue to have this problem, i would see a doctor and get my testosterone level checked. it may be on the low side. if so, it can be easily corrected by medication. i don't think a guy your age should have such a low sex drive.

Jay is absolutely right. Go to a urologist. Get that testosterone level checked. That is the first thing that should be checked when you lose your sex drive. If it turns out to be low, insist on injections, NOT the gel or a pill. They will try to get you to go with gel, that has been my experience. But if you insist on shots they will give them to you.
try the stamp test

An easy erection self-test
An erection self-test is a method to determines a man's ability or inability to achieve an erection during sleep.

How the test is performed
A strip of four to six postage stamps (any kind) is used for each test. The test needs to be done for 3 nights. The man needs to wear brief-type undershorts that have a fly. Place the penis through the fly, leaving most of the pubic hair against the body.
Wrap the strip of stamps snugly around the shaft of the penis. The stamps need to overlap so the overlapped stamp can be moistened to seal the ring. When the stamp has dried, carefully place the penis back inside the shorts and wear them while sleeping. (They help protect the stamps from falling off).

In the morning, check to see if the stamp ring has been broken along the perforations. If the tearing of the stamps awakens the man during the night, check for an erection and how rigid the erection is.

How to prepare for the test
You will need to buy some stamps. Do not drink alcohol or take a sleep-inducing or sedative medication for at least 2 days before the test.

How the test will feel
The stamps may feel unusual. The test should be done until 3 nights of comfortable, uninterrupted sleep is achieved.

Why the test is performed
The test is done to confirm if a man can have an erection at night. All men with normal physiological erectile function will have an erection during normal sleep. The test may help determine if the cause of erectile dysfunction is psychological or physical.

An easy erection self-test
An erection self-test is a method to determines a man's ability or inability to achieve an erection during sleep.

I tried this one time Robert but every time my partner bent over to lick the seal I would get a hard on and tear the stamps. :001_tt2:

Sorry I couldnt resist

But seriously have you recently tried any new meds? I know for a fact and personal experience some meds can knock the crap out a good hard on.
Thanks guys!
I thought maybe it was everything going on in my life. School can be tough and going back home can be tough. Sometimes life just sucks!
My roommate has asked me if everything is all right several times over the past week. He says I have become kind of quiet. I didn't think he really payed too much attention to me other than the usual roommate stuff.
Sometimes I just think why am I here, what the hell am I going to do for the rest of my life, can I make it on my own, you know the usual stuff everyone wonders about. I have my annual appointment with my doctor when I get back home in June. If things are not better then I will ask him what he thinks is wrong. I never thought I would have to tell my doctor that my boner is broke ( insert laugh here).
I also have my annual check up for my back, hopefully my new parts are still in place.
Dear LPdude,

Everything can be boring or interesting; it's all in the eye of the beholder. If ever somebody told you that life never sucks; that person lied to you.

Everybody hurts sometime, and life can really bring you down. It is not easy to fight depression. "Why must I get out of bed what's the point..."

Bring some humor help in your life! Humor is overcome sadness. Humor might not change the misery, but better laugh than cry. (Okay cry one hour per day max)

Life is just a journey towards a coffin. A wise man was once asked: "What would you do if tomorrow the world came to an end?" He answered: "I would plant a tree."

Everyone has the wisdom to answer their own questions. But it's tough to ask ourselves those questions, we try to avoid so much because we might not like the answer.

Only usable objects have no choice, people always have a choice! Are you creative? Start faking it till you make it!

Hope you will feel well soon,


Depression can, and will, cause a diminished libido (impotence), lack of interest in just about anything (expecially sex). That could be the problem or it could be a combo of depression and low testosterone. Frequently the two are known to accompany one another.
"Depression can, and will, cause a diminished libido (impotence), lack of interest in just about anything (expecially sex)."

Buy plenty of stamps at the post office (don't ask, don't tell) and do the post stamp test. Maybe you'll shred them to pieces tonight...

PS: The Vinnie and Zack test does it for me every time!
PS: If your parents happen to be rich, or better your fiancées parents, you could upgrade your stamp test to first class. A touch to add some extra style and cachet to commemorate the moment.

The imperial stamp test is exquisite, but comes with a price tag...


PS: What was your size again?

Depression can, and will, cause a diminished libido (impotence), lack of interest in just about anything (especially sex). That could be the problem or it could be a combo of depression and low testosterone. Frequently the two are known to accompany one another.

That's all very true about depression. I found out the hard way though that some anti-depressant medications can kill your libido and hardon also. So if you start any new medications and you see your libido take a dive, consider that possibility when you follow up with the prescribing doctor.
That's all very true about depression. I found out the hard way though that some anti-depressant medications can kill your libido and hardon also. So if you start any new medications and you see your libido take a dive, consider that possibility when you follow up with the prescribing doctor.

definately google your meds, if you are taking any, to see if one of the side effects is decreased libido.
Tampa knows about depression, so does Logan, and everyday I swallow my Seroxat pill. You are in luck LPdude that most of us here on the forum are maniacal depressives. We are great cheer leaders. Like others I care a great deal in having my erection.

In doubt do consult a doctor...
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Spoken like a true professional. Now on to the Prostate!

Tampa knows about depression, so does Logan, and everyday I swallow my Seroxat pill. You are in luck LPdude that most of us here on the forum are maniacal depressives. We are great cheer leaders. Like others I care a great deal in having my erection.

In doubt do consult a doctor...

Dear Robert,

Thanks for broaching a subject that most guys are unwilling to think about, much less talk about. I would like to add my two cents worth based on my personal experience. Everything you said about anti-depresents can be true. One of my best friends is bi-polar and, essentially also addicited to sex. So, when he is given a new anti-depressant, he made it clear to the doctor that he wasn't ready to be mothballed, sexually speaking. You can chose any way you want to express your concern to your Doctor. They have many pharmaceutical options to select from and they understand your concern. If they don't, then you need to find a new doctor who does.

Changing the subject slightly, as we get older our beloved prostate just keeps on getting bigger and bigger. So men who notice a weaker than usual stream of urine or have difficulty producing a stream at all are in most cases suffering from an enlarged prostate due to age. There are medicines that help open up the potential blockage of urine, but in my experience they do a little more that is frequently withheld i n the doctor's explanation of the side-effects. In other words, if you like edging for 90 minutes or more every time you attempt to have an orgasm, a steady consumption of these medicinal wonders only add considerable time to be able to orgasm. So much more time that most guys, like myself, simply would give up having nothing to show for their extreme efforts, other than being turning shades of purple and blue with an almost unachieveable goal to simply orgasm.

What I want to emphasize is that not everybody needs to take these medicines daily. If you are like me, one dose immediately improved my urine stream back to normal and that same dose was good for 4 to 5 days before I could observe a change in my stream again. That means you have, much like a space launch, a "window of opportunity between pills to have your cake and eat it too", sexually speaking free of unwanted side-effects. I take Flowmax CAP 0.4 MG first thing in the morning and forget about it until I see a change in urine my stream slowing down. Originally, I stupidly took this medication daily only to get terribly frustrated trying to have an orgasm because this medicine makes orgasms much more difficult to achieve and much smaller in volume too. So, before you give up on your sex life altogether, due to one of these medicines meant to treat an enlarged prostate, check with your doctor first if you must, but I have been told there are no negative effects stretching the doses out in keeping with your individual diffuculty with urinating.

I realize this only applies to us older guys, but most older guys are not ready to abandon their sex life any more than anyone else.

Good luck to you. You know who you are!

Sincerely hope your not pissed off,:lol::lol::lol:

Hey guys, everything is fine with me. I have been in the hospital with pancreatitis. It sucked the life out of me but things are looking batter now.
Thanks for your concern.
I'm so glad you are doing better Lp...and that you're back with us. Was that the source of the decreased libido though or are you still dealing with it?
There are lots of things that can cause a drop in libido. Most of them are temporary at your age. Stress and depression lead the list. Medications and diet also figure in as well. Medical conditions such as diabetes can cause issues as well. Then there is just the simple fact that as you get older, things don't always work like they once did although your age would suggest this is not the most likely reason. If you ride a bicycle a lot the pressure on your scrotum can have a negative effect as well.

I would suggest that initially you try to increase your activity level. Go out and walk or jog, swim or engage in some other vigorous physical activity around 30 minutes to an hour each day. If you smoke cigarettes, stop or cut back, Try eating more healthy meals and increase the amount of non-caffeinated, nonalcoholic fluids you drink each day. These are all things which help your system cope with the physical effects of stress and depression. If you have access to a group that does some form of meditation or tai chi type activity that can do wonders as well.

If these things do not help after a few weeks then see a doctor and discuss the issue with him/her. There may be something a bit more serious going on. But I would not be overly concerned about that as yet. It is not unusual for people to occasionally have a drop in libido from to time.