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Second Lucas Behind The Scenes

I would like to take a moment to address this thread as I personally feel like this discussion is getting a bit out of hand. I want to start out by saying that everyone is certainly entitled to his or her opinion and I also believe that trust is earned so a new member that hasn't had the opportunity to know us or our company doesn't have the benefit of any knowledge of our history to go by.

As I said in my previous post, we are a very family oriented company that looks out for what is in the best interest of our models as well as our members. We started the BTS footage as an added bonus to our already popular website, so members had the opportunity to experience getting to know the models and a bit more about who they are as human beings, instead of just sex objects. We saw that this footage became very intriguing to our members so we decided to hire additional team members to ensure that we would be able to capture more BTS footage for our members as an added benefit to our members for being part of our Broke Straight Boys family.

The thing about BTS is that it is REALITY. When I shoot reality I do it unscripted because I want to get the real reaction of the person that I am speaking with. Because this is unscripted we never know what could possibly come out of the persons mouth and we are well aware of this. We take our models personal privacy very serious and there are times that during a BTS video that a model will slip and give their real name, exactly where they live or very personal information about a family member that they have. These are things that are frankly their personal life and should not be shared with others. Whenever this happens, we will certainly cut this information from the BTS footage. This is for the well being and safety of our models.

Other than this exception, we keep the content of our BTS footage very raw to allow members to get to know our guys as best as possible. This is certainly not common in the industry as I really don't know another company that shares as much information about their models in BTS footage as we do but please respect the fact that some very personal information needs to remain private.

We hope to continue bringing you more and more behind the scenes, but please bare with us as doing this many BTS and the professional editing that we are presenting is very time consuming. This is certainly a trial and error period for us and we are trying to edit the scenes as quickly as possible and deliver them on the site in a timely manner. In the future we will be more attentive to each scene before it goes up so there isn't a need to pull the scene. I hope that you all enjoy the extra benefit of the BTS footage that Broke Straight Boys offers.
They promised me an interview with Lucas, and that's what I got. A good interview, short, but it went deep. And I like Lucas, honest, no bull, clear opinions and his look on life as he sees it now.

Lucas is so right. Sail on the wind of today, yesterdays wind is of no use, and tomorrow could be windless; sail on the wind of today.

PS: Did not see wrinkles around your eyes Sha, (they were in your neck from twisting your head : -) Why not sit next to each other next time, like in the talk shows?

Loved this interview!


PS: Sha you look so much younger on video than on your Avatar!

This wasn't really an interview. It actually wasn't even planned. Lucas and I were in the kitchen and I was standing there talking to him when our camera guy decided to start filming us.
I worry for the safety of the company, especially if they unroll their years-in-the-making TV site, which has the potential to be the biggest "revenge porn" experiment ever. I would not want the Broke Straight Boys site harmed, as they seem like such a wholesome bunch.

I would especially hate being deprived of models like Colin or Blake, porn fan that I am...

Welcome to the forum Jules! :)

I hope you will stick around and we will learn more from you. You make many good points here. I am not all that concerned about the TV show because it can also be edited. This minor incident...and I do consider it very minor...is a wakeup call to Broke Straight Boys that they will have to be very careful in editing the Broke Straight Boys TV episodes. I think that message has gotten through. Ergo, I am not fearful about the future of the site. :)

In any case, welcome again to our dysfunctional family and mostly happy home. haha
We hope to continue bringing you more and more behind the scenes, but please bear with us as doing this many BTS and the professional editing that we are presenting is very time consuming. This is certainly a trial and error period for us and we are trying to edit the scenes as quickly as possible and deliver them on the site in a timely manner. In the future we will be more attentive to each scene before it goes up so there isn't a need to pull the scene. I hope that you all enjoy the extra benefit of the BTS footage that Broke Straight Boys offers.

I definitely am enjoying the newest BTS vids Sha. In that one paragraph alone you get to the heart of the matter very well. All of you are learning as you go. There will be some trial and error involved. It's quite possible that some future scene may also need to be pulled down and redone. I'm sure you will try to keep that to a minimum. I look forward to many more BTS scenes! :)
We hope to continue bringing you more and more behind the scenes, but please bare with us as doing this many BTS and the professional editing that we are presenting is very time consuming. This is certainly a trial and error period for us and we are trying to edit the scenes as quickly as possible and deliver them on the site in a timely manner. In the future we will be more attentive to each scene before it goes up so there isn't a need to pull the scene. I hope that you all enjoy the extra benefit of the BTS footage that Broke Straight Boys offers.

Of course we will bare with you. We love you guys. The way that Broke Straight Boys treats its models and members is why a lot of us are so happy here. Especially the members that are on the forum, where we get to know you a little better.

Things happen. And we really do get that. How many times have members posted that they needed to click the edit button, but it had already expired? We can't go back and fix it. We just have to apologize for it, explain it, or laugh it off, and move on. :biggrin:
While I am familiar with editing audio and video, it was tape and back in the 70's. I presume the editing process is similar, but the mechanics are different, e.g. digital or better. But the problem here is that conflicting statements were given, to wit:

First, some changes to the scene.
Then the watermark was left off, necessitating the video to be "re-rendered".
Then it's editing.
Then it's "all the bugs".

It seems to me that these are not all one and the same. Perhaps, you should figure out what the problem or problems are and then make one comprehensive statement explaining the problem. Yes, I was a college student in the 60's. So, I am to some extent a cynic and one who likes to hold "the man's" feet to the fire if I feel something is amiss or there is an appearance of such. Sue me. If you don't like my questioning such things, then don't read my posts. Believe me, my feelings won't be hurt in the least!!!

Sha - please note highlighted sentence from my earlier post. Had your statement which follows been made at the beginning, then all this brouhaha might have been avoided.

I would like to take a moment to address this thread as I personally feel like this discussion is getting a bit out of hand. I want to start out by saying that everyone is certainly entitled to his or her opinion and I also believe that trust is earned so a new member that hasn't had the opportunity to know us or our company doesn't have the benefit of any knowledge of our history to go by.

As I said in my previous post, we are a very family oriented company that looks out for what is in the best interest of our models as well as our members. We started the BTS footage as an added bonus to our already popular website, so members had the opportunity to experience getting to know the models and a bit more about who they are as human beings, instead of just sex objects. We saw that this footage became very intriguing to our members so we decided to hire additional team members to ensure that we would be able to capture more BTS footage for our members as an added benefit to our members for being part of our Broke Straight Boys family.

The thing about BTS is that it is REALITY. When I shoot reality I do it unscripted because I want to get the real reaction of the person that I am speaking with. Because this is unscripted we never know what could possibly come out of the persons mouth and we are well aware of this. We take our models personal privacy very serious and there are times that during a BTS video that a model will slip and give their real name, exactly where they live or very personal information about a family member that they have. These are things that are frankly their personal life and should not be shared with others. Whenever this happens, we will certainly cut this information from the BTS footage. This is for the well being and safety of our models.

Other than this exception, we keep the content of our BTS footage very raw to allow members to get to know our guys as best as possible. This is certainly not common in the industry as I really don't know another company that shares as much information about their models in BTS footage as we do but please respect the fact that some very personal information needs to remain private.

We hope to continue bringing you more and more behind the scenes, but please bare with us as doing this many BTS and the professional editing that we are presenting is very time consuming. This is certainly a trial and error period for us and we are trying to edit the scenes as quickly as possible and deliver them on the site in a timely manner. In the future we will be more attentive to each scene before it goes up so there isn't a need to pull the scene. I hope that you all enjoy the extra benefit of the BTS footage that Broke Straight Boys offers.

A few comments on Sha's post:

1. Ms. K saw the original posted video.
2. Ms. K says that Jules is correct in that there has been editing of the original to what is now up.
3. Sha says in his statement that the only editing ever to be done relates to personal information which the model might say which should not be shared with members. (And in my opinion this is a valid exercise of editing.)
4. One can logically infer from this list of facts that what was edited out were items of a personal nature of Lucas' which should not be put forth publicly.
5. Despite posts from Chuck, Lucas himself as well as Sha (post#67) to the contrary, there was editing.
6. And with all to respect to everyone who says there has been no editing, in my book, if Ms. K verifies, I accept that unequivocally.

Of course we will bare with you. We love you guys. The way that Broke Straight Boys treats its models and members is why a lot of us are so happy here. Especially the members that are on the forum, where we get to know you a little better.

Things happen. And we really do get that. How many times have members posted that they needed to click the edit button, but it had already expired? We can't go back and fix it. We just have to apologize for it, explain it, or laugh it off, and move on. :biggrin:

That's a big ditto from me! I love the BTSs and appreciate the effort that goes into making them.

I think this small upset just highlights how important the whole Broke Straight Boys experience is for some of us...
This wasn't really an interview. It actually wasn't even planned. Lucas and I were in the kitchen and I was standing there talking to him when our camera guy decided to start filming us.

As I stated earlier on this thread I am familiar with the filming and editing process, both audio and film, albeit from back in the 70's. This latest BTS is labelled Outtakes. To me outtakes are scenes from a finished product which were cut out during the editing process and thus don't appear in the finished product. They are then put together in sort of a clip video because they are funny, or informative or otherwise entertaining even though not germane to the video from which they were cut.

So when I saw this "outtakes" bts, I looked at it as outtakes from episode 2 of introducing Lucas Weston, which was promised at the end of episode one of Introducing Lucas Weston.

But here you say that this was an impromptu filming of a kitchen counter conversation you and Lucas were having. Therefore, am I correct to infer that episode 2 is still forthcoming and that these "outtakes" (which don't seem like outtakes to me, at least as far as I understand the meaning of "outtakes") are not related to episode 2 at all?

Yes there is an episode 2.....

This is what was posted directly by the video....

Broke Straight Boys’s new model Lucas Weston revealed a lot about himself in episode 1 of Introducing Lucas to the Broke Straight Boys Studio Episode 1. Now, Broke Straight Boys producer Sha “gets real” with Lucas and discovers more about this Tennessee farm boy turned porn star. Think this is just a teaser for Episode 2? You’ll have to watch to find out!
Gee how many of the future BTS videos are going to feature Lucas? What ever happened to the Blake interviewing Sha video???
Gee how many of the future BTS videos are going to feature Lucas? What ever happened to the Blake interviewing Sha video???

I assure you that not all of the BTS episodes will not be Lucas. We have much more footage that we are still waiting to edit. We have a very busy production schedule and the footage is adding up very quickly but we are trying to attend to everything as quickly as possible. We have a great lineup of BTS videos but each model that comes to do a shoot will have their chance at BTS. We have some good stuff in store for you guys. I just wish there were more hours in the day.
I assure you that not all of the BTS episodes will not be Lucas. We have much more footage that we are still waiting to edit. We have a very busy production schedule and the footage is adding up very quickly but we are trying to attend to everything as quickly as possible. We have a great lineup of BTS videos but each model that comes to do a shoot will have their chance at BTS. We have some good stuff in store for you guys. I just wish there were more hours in the day.
By any chance have you done any BTS footage with Ayden? If the answer is yes, I will be patient for it to be released. :001_cool:
I think the last time we saw Ayden was in the Denver Grand BTS. I am not sure when he is scheduled again but when I see him I will get some footage of him.
Sha knows better...

Thank you Sha. :thumbup:

Stop hustling Mike
It's so cheap to beg...


Where you and Sha know that most members desperately want BTS footage of Damien!


Color red changed in purple, at request by Ms. K.
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Fixed it in the nick of time... :001_wub:

Purple for Damien makes sense... how could I not know this?

What's in a color? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Damien would, were he not Damien call'd in purple,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that purple title. Damien, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.

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I finally got through most of the 10 pages of this thread. WOW !!! I really don't care what was or what is by comparison. I have watched the BTS video and loved every minute of it. Lucas is an amazingly wise young man..far beyond his years..and Sha did a great job by allowing Lucas to just go with it. My hat is off to Sha for a great job and a huge thanks to Lucas for letting us see a bit of what makes him tick. My very best wishes to Lucas and many thanks to Broke Straight Boys for such an interesting BTS video.