Do they expect to have results by at least midnight local time? Or will the tallying likely go into much later the next day? I expect with the vote really being close to 49-51 either way or even 50.xx-50.xx, that it could be a long count.
hi tampa, im not a very intelligent person but ive just heard on the tv over here that the polls opened at 7am and if im not mistaken they close at 10pm gmt so if my brains working that will be 3am your time. Going by that id imagine it will be some time tomorrow morning my time that the result will be told as its an extremely big decision. The morning show I watch has got a special from 6 till 10 in the morning and so if I remember (as my memorys atrocious) if theres nothing on here ill put it up but id imagine you'll have it on your news aswell. Dan xDo they expect to have results by at least midnight local time? Or will the tallying likely go into much later the next day? I expect with the vote really being close to 49-51 either way or even 50.xx-50.xx, that it could be a long count.
hi tampa, im not a very intelligent person but ive just heard on the tv over here that the polls opened at 7am and if im not mistaken they close at 10pm gmt so if my brains working that will be 3am your time. Going by that id imagine it will be some time tomorrow morning my time that the result will be told as its an extremely big decision. The morning show I watch has got a special from 6 till 10 in the morning and so if I remember (as my memorys atrocious) if theres nothing on here ill put it up but id imagine you'll have it on your news aswell. Dan x
hi tampa, im not a very intelligent person but ive just heard on the tv over here that the polls opened at 7am and if im not mistaken they close at 10pm gmt so if my brains working that will be 3am your time. Going by that id imagine it will be some time tomorrow morning my time that the result will be told as its an extremely big decision. The morning show I watch has got a special from 6 till 10 in the morning and so if I remember (as my memorys atrocious) if theres nothing on here ill put it up but id imagine you'll have it on your news aswell. Dan x
Scotland votes NO to independence. 55% to 45%
Now that this is all over the PM has promised more powers to the individual countries.