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Salem Pierce

Hmmm ~

I'm just gonna be agnostic about this, because I don't want to get roiled into a whole long conversation, about it. But my thoughts are, in response to all that's been said:

*My guess, based on the couple of photos we have, is that Salem is between 23 and 25 years old. He appears to have nary a wrinkle, his skin is smooth and lovely, and very little follicular recession. I really, truly doubt that he's in his "early 30's."

*What may contribute to making Salem LOOK older than he really is, is that he has appears to have a very pronounced Roman nose, and very strong masculine facial features, which many men don't attain (or succumb to, depending on one's perspective): until rather later, in life. I don't know about you guys, but I know I had friends in high school who HAD that kind of facial maturity even when they were 16 and 17 years old. . . . and because of that, they NEVER got carded at the movies, or the pub, or wherever required I.D. of that sort.

*I don't know if Salem will become a favourite performer of mine, at this point, but - I am not writing him off. He has a handsome, very masculine, face; a penetrating gaze; and a strong, fit, body. As a paying voyeur, I'm certainly interested to see how he performs, in bed - because, for me, there are ALWAYS "four P's, in play", before I become a fan of any model: pulchritude (i.e., beauty); personality; passion; and performance.

*Certainly, it IS the case, for me, that from time to time I have encountered a model whose photoset didn't inspire me, but whose personality and performance, DID.

*And I don't know whether my tastes have become more generously catholic over the years (in the "small c" sense): or whether I am just a DESPERATE SLUT (I bet I'll be getting a comment or two, in response to THAT particular question) but - - - I started out, in my teens, in a very shy and modest way - liking ONLY guys who looked like my high-school crush. Tall, slender, smooth, and very gently muscled. (He was the captain of the high-school basketball team.)

*As I grow older, though, I have found that my tastes have expanded, dramatically. Now I find that I often enjoy guys who are hairy (like Blake); or much more muscular than I originally liked (like Johnny Forza); or a little too SKINNY; or a little too FAT. . . just as long as there is SOMETHING in his eyes and face and VOICE, to which I can respond. This really surprised me, because, growing up, I ONLY got crushes on guys with a certain physique (slender, and minimally hairy); vocal range (only tenors); and hair-colour. (ONLY, ONLY brunets, EVER.) While I still have many of those same preferences, in my old age, I have discovered that there a lot more guys out there, who can move my mind and heart and COCK (to be frank): than I ever imagined, when I was 20.

*I dunno if Salem will be one of them, or not. BUT - all I'm saying is - I am willing to be surprised, because I've been surprised, before. Absolutely. And so I have sort of learned not to take men, for granted. Sometimes, a man you never thought you would find sexy, turns out to be the SEXIEST of ALL.

*About Dakota Ford - because there has been a little commentary about him, on this thread. . . . No, he is not a TWINK, in the way that sites which advertise "all twinks, all the time", present and market twinks. But Dakota is sure as hell young and handsome, and so sweet and charming. . . . he could make me splooge, just by saying, "hi". Dakota definitely has the look of a more grown-up young man, in his mid-20's and definitely in the midst of things, in life. . . but that only makes him MORE attractive to me. And there is just such kindness and such a LOVABLE nature, about Dakota - - - he sets off a whole lot of things in me. And sometimes, guys who are just a little bit older, or more experienced, have the power to DO THAT. (For me, if I were just showing up here for the first time, and there were no JASON ~ Dakota would be a reason to subscribe, for the very FIRST time, for me.)

*Hey, Keylo - I am getting that Salem isn't your favourite, and that's fine. What MikeYank said, is absolutely true ~ an erotic website runs on people's tastes, and, as the Romans used to say, "De gustibus non est disputandem" ~ "In matters of taste, there is NO disputing!" (That's the best cocktail-party line, you're ever prising from me, for free, incidentally ;-))) And I DO think that members should be able to express their likes and dislikes in this forum, as long as they are kind and civil in doing so and, Keylo, you've certainly been BOTH.

*All I would modestly suggest is, that Salem MAY turn out to be a pretty hot F***! At least for some of us. One never knows.(These days, I sort of wait to be surprised.) I'M not sure what I think of Salem, yet. That's all. AND - I don't think he is 35, either. Not that I would care, if he were. I never care how old a model is - - - as long as he turns me ON ;-)))

Hmmm ~

I'm just gonna be agnostic about this, because I don't want to get roiled into a whole long conversation, about it. But my thoughts are, in response to all that's been said:

*My guess, based on the couple of photos we have, is that Salem is between 23 and 25 years old. He appears to have nary a wrinkle, his skin is smooth and lovely, and very little follicular recession. I really, truly doubt that he's in his "early 30's."

*What may contribute to making Salem LOOK older than he really is, is that he has appears to have a very pronounced Roman nose, and very strong masculine facial features, which many men don't attain (or succumb to, depending on one's perspective): until rather later, in life. I don't know about you guys, but I know I had friends in high school who HAD that kind of facial maturity even when they were 16 and 17 years old. . . . and because of that, they NEVER got carded at the movies, or the pub, or wherever required I.D. of that sort.

*I don't know if Salem will become a favourite performer of mine, at this point, but - I am not writing him off. He has a handsome, very masculine, face; a penetrating gaze; and a strong, fit, body. As a paying voyeur, I'm certainly interested to see how he performs, in bed - because, for me, there are ALWAYS "four P's, in play", before I become a fan of any model: pulchritude (i.e., beauty); personality; passion; and performance.

*Certainly, it IS the case, for me, that from time to time I have encountered a model whose photoset didn't inspire me, but whose personality and performance, DID.

*And I don't know whether my tastes have become more generously catholic over the years (in the "small c" sense): or whether I am just a DESPERATE SLUT (I bet I'll be getting a comment or two, in response to THAT particular question) but - - - I started out, in my teens, in a very shy and modest way - liking ONLY guys who looked like my high-school crush. Tall, slender, smooth, and very gently muscled. (He was the captain of the high-school basketball team.)

*As I grow older, though, I have found that my tastes have expanded, dramatically. Now I find that I often enjoy guys who are hairy (like Blake); or much more muscular than I originally liked (like Johnny Forza); or a little too SKINNY; or a little too FAT. . . just as long as there is SOMETHING in his eyes and face and VOICE, to which I can respond. This really surprised me, because, growing up, I ONLY got crushes on guys with a certain physique (slender, and minimally hairy); vocal range (only tenors); and hair-colour. (ONLY, ONLY brunets, EVER.) While I still have many of those same preferences, in my old age, I have discovered that there a lot more guys out there, who can move my mind and heart and COCK (to be frank): than I ever imagined, when I was 20.

*I dunno if Salem will be one of them, or not. BUT - all I'm saying is - I am willing to be surprised, because I've been surprised, before. Absolutely. And so I have sort of learned not to take men, for granted. Sometimes, a man you never thought you would find sexy, turns out to be the SEXIEST of ALL.

*About Dakota Ford - because there has been a little commentary about him, on this thread. . . . No, he is not a TWINK, in the way that sites which advertise "all twinks, all the time", present and market twinks. But Dakota is sure as hell young and handsome, and so sweet and charming. . . . he could make me splooge, just by saying, "hi". Dakota definitely has the look of a more grown-up young man, in his mid-20's and definitely in the midst of things, in life. . . but that only makes him MORE attractive to me. And there is just such kindness and such a LOVABLE nature, about Dakota - - - he sets off a whole lot of things in me. And sometimes, guys who are just a little bit older, or more experienced, have the power to DO THAT. (For me, if I were just showing up here for the first time, and there were no JASON ~ Dakota would be a reason to subscribe, for the very FIRST time, for me.)

*Hey, Keylo - I am getting that Salem isn't your favourite, and that's fine. What MikeYank said, is absolutely true ~ an erotic website runs on people's tastes, and, as the Romans used to say, "De gustibus non est disputandem" ~ "In matters of taste, there is NO disputing!" (That's the best cocktail-party line, you're ever prising from me, for free, incidentally ;-))) And I DO think that members should be able to express their likes and dislikes in this forum, as long as they are kind and civil in doing so and, Keylo, you've certainly been BOTH.

*All I would modestly suggest is, that Salem MAY turn out to be a pretty hot F***! At least for some of us. One never knows.(These days, I sort of wait to be surprised.) I'M not sure what I think of Salem, yet. That's all. AND - I don't think he is 35, either. Not that I would care, if he were. I never care how old a model is - - - as long as he turns me ON ;-)))

Dear Ambi,

When Keylo started this thread this morning, I smiled and felt that I had to comment too, as I had the same visceral reaction to Salem's image, when I first previewed the still. But as the day has gone on, I see that some members are actually offended by our desiring a particular type of guy on this site, and he is not in that grouping for us.

I do not mean to offend any model, and I gather that only a few take on a screen name and actually read the forum and participate here, but I've always felt my number one loyalty here is to my fellow forumites , more than to a model, as they are the entertainment that we pay for. But of course they are real people too, and I use the example of Flint, who was beloved on the forum before his first solo was released, based on his great personality and quick wit, coupled with a fantastic still shot by Damian Christopher. However Flint was crushed when his forum friends apparently "turned against him" after watching him perform naked on the site in a few scenes. So I try to be extra sensitive when the model is actually also a forum participant.

I also appreciate your stories Ambi, telling us of some personal relationships you've had with porn stars and I understand that it is not an easy life, and so I have no intention of hurting any model with my comments, but I do like to be as honest as I can in expressing who and what turns me on. It is only my opinion, but that's what the forum is for, to all express our honest opinions, without being totally disrespectful or rude to a model or forumite.
Dear Ambi,

When Keylo started this thread this morning, I smiled and felt that I had to comment too, as I had the same visceral reaction to Salem's image, when I first previewed the still. But as the day has gone on, I see that some members are actually offended by our desiring a particular type of guy on this site, and he is not in that grouping for us.

I do not mean to offend any model, and I gather that only a few take on a screen name and actually read the forum and participate here, but I've always felt my number one loyalty here is to my fellow forumites , more than to a model, as they are the entertainment that we pay for. But of course they are real people too, and I use the example of Flint, who was beloved on the forum before his first solo was released, based on his great personality and quick wit, coupled with a fantastic still shot by Damian Christopher. However Flint was crushed when his forum friends apparently "turned against him" after watching him perform naked on the site in a few scenes. So I try to be extra sensitive when the model is actually also a forum participant.

I also appreciate your stories Ambi, telling us of some personal relationships you've had with porn stars and I understand that it is not an easy life, and so I have no intention of hurting any model with my comments, but I do like to be as honest as I can in expressing who and what turns me on. It is only my opinion, but that's what the forum is for, to all express our honest opinions, without being totally disrespectful or rude to a model or forumite.


Hey, Mike, NO -

I wasn't meaning to go ballistic on this one, that's for sure! I thought Keylo was very restrained and polite in the way he stated his case, on this file. This is a members' forum, and every member ought to be able to state what kinds of models he likes best, and hopes to see, in the future. I have no sense that Salem is a forum participant at this point, either, and so I don't think he is about to be personally offended or hurt by what members have to say in anticipation of a scene that hasn't even aired, yet.

I am really not offended by fellow members desiring models of a certain age or personality or physical type, to fulfill their fantasies. I think that's fair ball. I freely admit, I was upset by members' reaction to Jake Tipton some time ago, because I thought he was gorgeous and sweet and a super performer, and I do believe that members' reactions played at least a small, fractional, part in causing him to leave a good site (this one) for other sites (which may not be so good, for him.) However, that's water under the bridge.

I didn't know Flint, at all, and I don't think I have ever seen one of his scenes. But I appreciate the concern that you have shown for him, Mike.

Again, I wasn't meaning to go ballistic about members' reactions to Salem. All I was wanting to suggest is that: #1: Salem surely isn't as old as was suggested here, and if he were, that's not a big deal to me, either; #2: While I understand that people's tastes are what they are, it is not outside the realm of possibility that he might be really quite attractive to SOME members; and, #3: He might turn out to be quite a tiger in bed, and, while that sort of capacity cuts no ice for a lot of people if the guy's looks aren't what they need, I have found that SOMETIMES it works, for me. . . even if the guy wasn't someone I originally found STUNNING, in the "full ocular".

That's all! I really don't mind the comments that were offered in this thread (not that it matters, anyway, or that it is up to me to JUDGE: because we all need to have reasonable liberty to speak as members!) - but I think all the comments offered were gentle and moderate and reasonable in tone, and they didn't worry me, especially as Salem isn't presently on the board, so far as I know.

Sorry if I sounded or WAS crabby, unpleasant, or censorious. With no Jason or Paul for quite a little while (and Adam gone): and no Troy and no Bryan for a little while on College Dudes (though College Dudes has been very generous with Troy and Bryan's scenes, the past few months: and my b/f off on a big, long-haul job, I am just not feeling quite as JOLLY (even NASTILY jolly!!!) as I usually do ;-)

Hey Gang! Let's meet him first and give him a chance! He might surprise us:)
Hey Gang! Let's meet him first and give him a chance! He might surprise us:)

My thought also.

The still is not to my taste either but I'll wait to see how he interacts with another model in a scene before I come to any firm opinion.
I feel the same way!! I hated Ayden (well mostly because mikeyank and Ms K slobbered all over him) but his last scene with Ronan Kennedy has me a fan now.

Bullshit Peter - You're buttering up Mikey so he can be "nice" to you during your New York visit lol

Bullshit, I already told him that he gets the couch!! lol
Now wait a minute! How did this thread go from Salem Pierce to me practically sleeping out on the street next month??????? lol
I liked Salem's solo; gave it a 4. I enjoyed the interview outside and getting a feel for his personality. I think he will do well with Damien. I would actually like to see them both sit back with Fleshlights and chat about things they like to do with girls.:2c:
Here's a photo from Damien's Facebook page:
I have to agree with you on this change is nice it is nice to see a mature guy on the site it does it good to have a variety Salem was a breath of fresh air as far as I am concerned. As far as I am concerned.... Hell you excepted Kane and i thought he was the bottom of the barrel and still do but that's my opinion and every has that right.......
I have to agree with you on this change is nice it is nice to see a mature guy on the site it does it good to have a variety Salem was a breath of fresh air as far as I am concerned. As far as I am concerned.... Hell you excepted Kane and i thought he was the bottom of the barrel and still do but that's my opinion and every has that right.......
Who is Kane???
Salem Pierce.........very attractive. Now and then I welcome anyone who isn't a twink. He has a sexy body and a tasty looking cock. I would have liked a longer interview so we could get to know him a little bit. His voice is hot as well. Thanks for something a little different, guys. Is it possible to watch him fuck a little twinkie boy? Or is he really as "straight" as he looks?
There is a twink site (with some of the twinkiest twinks) that has started a series called "Man on Twink" and brought in Dominic Ford to direct. Some of us are really turned on by the idea of an older guy laying it on a younger man. And look at that cock! Can't wait to see what (and who) happens next.. This is not bottom of the barrel (which is really a low blow kind of comment) to some of us.