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(S)he's Baaaaaaack!


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Hello Boys. Did ya miss me? Sorry to be gone so long, but the ol girl had work to do and it just took longer than I expected. But I'm back now, and I'm watchin' ya! Holiday Greetings and Blessings on us all!:thumbup:
Hello Boys. Did ya miss me? Sorry to be gone so long, but the ol girl had work to do and it just took longer than I expected. But I'm back now, and I'm watchin' ya! Holiday Greetings and Blessings on us all!:thumbup:

Your Majesty
Kiss your ring
Welcome back, we have indeed missed you
You certainly knew when to be away from the excitement over the last few months, actually the last 12months
Welcome back, madam. You have been missed dearly.

Are you still afloat down there in the rain soaked CA.?

A Short History

In going through my message board, I found several citizens of Forum land had expressed concern/interest in my whereabouts/wellbeing. Please allow me a few moments to give those interested a short summary.

First, let me say that all is well with my husband Carl, our sons, and our parents. All of Carl's people are quite well and excited at the start of another Holiday season. My mother is as well as can be expected, although her health has steadily declined since my father's death on Oct. of 2007. Her emotional condition has suffered the most, but she is loved, and loves us in return. I myself am well, no more heart attacks, but some gout, severe sleep apnea, Carpal Tunnel, blah blah blah! Social Security is reviewing my case to determine eligibility for reinstating Disability, blah blah blah!

The main reason for my sudden departure had more to do with politics than anything else. As a newly baptized Democrat, I felt the need to become involved in the advancement of my new party's agenda, and so began doing fundraising for the overturn of Prop 8, and the repeal of DADT. I also spent time working to elect Gavin Newsome, a man I admire and respect. "Two out of three ain't bad," but as one of 18,000 couples who were able to legally tie the knot in California, I will not stop fighting until we win the right to marry for ALL people everywhere!

I am thrilled to have this opportunity to rejoin my friends here in Forumland, and want to take this moment to tell you how much I have missed you and how glad I am to be able to wish you all Blessings and Peace in this Holiday Season, and to say "Thank You" for all you have been and still are to me!
Yes Gary, we are afloat, in fact, Carl commented this morning we should go down to the boat for the day and I asked him, "Why? Is there more rain coming?" I feel bad for SoCal, I mean, as if the fires last summer weren't enough!
In going through my message board, I found several citizens of Forum land had expressed concern/interest in my whereabouts/wellbeing. Please allow me a few moments to give those interested a short summary.

First, let me say that all is well with my husband Carl, our sons, and our parents. All of Carl's people are quite well and excited at the start of another Holiday season. My mother is as well as can be expected, although her health has steadily declined since my father's death on Oct. of 2007. Her emotional condition has suffered the most, but she is loved, and loves us in return. I myself am well, no more heart attacks, but some gout, severe sleep apnea, Carpal Tunnel, blah blah blah! Social Security is reviewing my case to determine eligibility for reinstating Disability, blah blah blah!

The main reason for my sudden departure had more to do with politics than anything else. As a newly baptized Democrat, I felt the need to become involved in the advancement of my new party's agenda, and so began doing fundraising for the overturn of Prop 8, and the repeal of DADT. I also spent time working to elect Gavin Newsome, a man I admire and respect. "Two out of three ain't bad," but as one of 18,000 couples who were able to legally tie the knot in California, I will not stop fighting until we win the right to marry for ALL people everywhere!

I am thrilled to have this opportunity to rejoin my friends here in Forumland, and want to take this moment to tell you how much I have missed you and how glad I am to be able to wish you all Blessings and Peace in this Holiday Season, and to say "Thank You" for all you have been and still are to me!

Thanks Marky for the update.
Some of us did panic a bit when you suddenly didn't appear, but at least we now know it was for a good cause - so you are forgiven.
I am glad all is well with everyone, including your mum & yourself.
All the best to you, Carl & your families for the holiday season.

PS Listen to Carl, he is a wise man. Your boat may be very useful. hehe
In going through my message board, I found several citizens of Forum land had expressed concern/interest in my whereabouts/wellbeing. Please allow me a few moments to give those interested a short summary.

First, let me say that all is well with my husband Carl, our sons, and our parents. All of Carl's people are quite well and excited at the start of another Holiday season. My mother is as well as can be expected, although her health has steadily declined since my father's death on Oct. of 2007. Her emotional condition has suffered the most, but she is loved, and loves us in return. I myself am well, no more heart attacks, but some gout, severe sleep apnea, Carpal Tunnel, blah blah blah! Social Security is reviewing my case to determine eligibility for reinstating Disability, blah blah blah!

The main reason for my sudden departure had more to do with politics than anything else. As a newly baptized Democrat, I felt the need to become involved in the advancement of my new party's agenda, and so began doing fundraising for the overturn of Prop 8, and the repeal of DADT. I also spent time working to elect Gavin Newsome, a man I admire and respect. "Two out of three ain't bad," but as one of 18,000 couples who were able to legally tie the knot in California, I will not stop fighting until we win the right to marry for ALL people everywhere!

I am thrilled to have this opportunity to rejoin my friends here in Forumland, and want to take this moment to tell you how much I have missed you and how glad I am to be able to wish you all Blessings and Peace in this Holiday Season, and to say "Thank You" for all you have been and still are to me!

I don't think there is a much more noble cause to take a short leave of absence your Highness. Your courage and fervor in being that quintessential family matriarch and your intrinsic motivation to serve your people reflect great credit upon you and I would consider it an honor to continue to serve in your royal court your Majesty.

Welcome back my dear friend you have been truly missed.
The main reason for my sudden departure had more to do with politics than anything else. As a newly baptized Democrat, I felt the need to become involved in the advancement of my new party's agenda, and so began doing fundraising for the overturn of Prop 8, and the repeal of DADT.

Your Highness considering your cause you are truly not only forgiven for your absence but are hailed. Long Live The Queen may every day of your life be filled with sunshine.

I was gone for a bit myself mostly because of stupidity but I am feeling much better now. :) We are looking at bad news here in Iowa. Our newly elected Republican Jack Ass Governor is now saying as soon as he takes office he is going to try and get the legislature to remove our newly acquired right to marry. I am worried sick about it. I just hope the feds can some how do something before they have a chance.

Good to have you back!
Welcome back your majesty! Your gentle grace and sunny disposition have been greatly missed. I'm so glad to have you back with us once more. Many blessings upon you and your loved ones this Christmas season.
Hail Hail, The Gang's All Here!

Welcome back Markymark. You, along with Slim and Jayman, are among the original "stars" of the forum. As 2010 draws to a close, as does David's time on Broke Straight Boys, it is nice to see so many of the original forum members back to "ring out the old", and hopefully ring in the new.

And a 'shout out' to Tampa, as well. You've been absent from the forum too long. Your sunny disposition and always optimistic views have been missed here. I sure hope that you will be contributing more often. :001_smile:
Welcome back your majesty! Your gentle grace and sunny disposition have been greatly missed. I'm so glad to have you back with us once more. Many blessings upon you and your loved ones this Christmas season.

Welcome back to you too Tampa. It is so good to s:thumbup:ee you on again. I have certainly missed you.
Welcome back Markymark. You, along with Slim and Jayman, are among the original "stars" of the forum. As 2010 draws to a close, as does David's time on Broke Straight Boys, it is nice to see so many of the original forum members back to "ring out the old", and hopefully ring in the new.

And a 'shout out' to Tampa, as well. You've been absent from the forum too long. Your sunny disposition and always optimistic views have been missed here. I sure hope that you will be contributing more often. :001_smile:

Well said Mike, but I still refuse to call Marky Her Majesty for my own reasons mentioned some years ago.

Mark, nice to see you back hun and well done for pressing the USA senate etc for such a good cause as DODT. It's great to see that Obama has signed a law repealing this. Without active people like yourself, it would never have been done. xx
Thank you Jon, and as you know, we are still in the fight to overturn Prop 8, and we will, soon! Happy Holidays to you and yours!