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Reason to post

in so(uthern) cal(ifornia) when someone says, 'i'll leave it at that', it is never left at that!
just between you and me, which names would strike?

if they include, blake, colin, denver or jason, don't tell me please!

Oh heavens no! I love all those boys!
Is it connor? If it isn't it should be lol.

if you are offering to give up your position on my top five or top ten list, then the offer would be rejected by me.
i can be slow to make up my mind on things, but once i do i am fixed and firm.
You also must LOVE ROSS. We have not seen enough of those beautiful blue eyes.:drool:

You are so right Ms. K! We do need to see more Ross. Actually, I thought we were going to see a lot more of him, back then. I always did enjoy watching him.
Who is this Ross? Must investigate!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

One more view.

Dear Hotter than Hell Robb,

My initial reaction to this uplifting picture of Ross is that things are indeed looking up. I hope your house temperatures are on the way down, or very soon. In these trying times of electrial outages, have you been given a glimmer of hope in finally getting some relief!

You definitely are on my mind! Have a necessarily uncomfortable July 4th holiday. My prayers are with you!




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and carter makes 12.

i need 3 more names for my list of 15.
any help would be welcome!