Whats the web site gardenboy. Would love to see it.These photos are rather lame and, although they may be true, are too blurry for actual visibility. The We Love Cock webpage has frequently shown Prince Harry(supposedly) being F.......... by a fellow soldier. I doubt sincerely that it was really Prince Harry but it sure as hell looked enough like him to be real. Also, according to reports, Prince Hal was somewhat of a randy bit and this could well be real.
I am most interested to find out what our young British citizen Jon, thinks about this whole issue.According to my morning Pittsburgh Gazette, pictures are real and occured in a Vega Hotel where Harry and others were playing strip billards! Sorry for those who wanted to see his partner but the article said it was a women. Too Bad. Article said he is being shipped home for discipline by Royal Army and"spanking" by Grandmother Elizabeth. Most people in Britain say that these private moments should be his alone and not photographed. So I have to eat my words over blurry image and it not being the Randy Prince.