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Pride Month 2022

Today is the official Pride Day in New York City, where gay liberation and Pride celebrations began in 1970 with the first march and parade.

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I don’t go down to the Village anymore for the after parties on Christopher Street and on the piers along the Hudson River as I did back in my younger days. I had some fun afternoons and evenings back then. But I still wish everyone Happy Pride wherever you live and however you celebrate. And today with the current Supreme Court, we may have a fight on our hands all over again!

As do I & yes we sadly will.
I got a text a little while ago from my brother’s 34 year old niece wishing me Happy Pride. She is in the Village right outside of Stonewall with her girlfriend. I am proud of her and proud of the entire LGBTQ community in 2022. They must be having a blast today celebrating who we all are! :biggrin:
I got a text a little while ago from my brother’s 34 year old niece wishing me Happy Pride. She is in the Village right outside of Stonewall with her girlfriend. I am proud of her and proud of the entire LGBTQ community in 2022. They must be having a blast today celebrating who we all are! :biggrin:

I wish I could be there. :) Yesterday was the Pride parade in Saint Petersburg, Florida. I has always been considered the largest and most highly attended in the Southeast. (Even beating out Atlanta in sheer numbers.) It was the first parade since Covid. Sadly with a broken foot this year I was in no shape to deal with the lengthy walking, crowds and heat.
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I wish I could be there. :) Yesterday was the Pride parade in Saint Petersburg, Florida. I has always been considered the largest and most highly attended in the Southeast. (Even beating out Atlanta in sheer numbers.) It was the first parade since Covid. Sadly with a broken foot this year I was in no shape to deal with the lengthy walking, crowds and heat.

Get well for next year!
Below zI show two openly proud gay Olympic athletes. The multiple pics I plan to post today & later on my thread
Today is the 2023 Pride March in New York City where it all began. I no longer attend in person but I will be there in spirit. Last year my brother’s neice and her partner texted me a pic of them having a drink in front of Stonewall. Pperhaps they will share with me again this year.

Happy Pride.

Each Sunday, Brooklyn Heights is having street fairs on Sundays throughout the end of this month. Today, June 2 is “Celbrate Pride”. I will check out the festivities this afternoon, but as I was out on Montague Street doing my morning chores earlier, they were putting up balloons, and I passed a hetero couple with their boy, perhaps 8 or 9 years old, sitting at a picnic style table near the deli eating breakfast. I overheard the mother saying to the boy, “Today is Pride Day”, and the father said, “It means pride for all people to be who they are”. The little kid was climbing on the bench and not especially paying attention to them, but it made me think how great it is that parents can think this way and teach these values to their young children.

I fully understand that this is New York City and all parents don’t feel this way either here or certainly not in all parts of the United States, but it sure was nice for me to hear……:001_smile:

I went over to see what was going on at the Celebrate Pride Day this afternoon and there really wasn’t much activity. In every regard Brooklyn Heights is considered more of a bedroom community where people work and play in Manhattan and come back here to sleep. But there was an Irish dancing crew performing with some cute guys. The big Pride festival and parade will be in the West Village later this month. But I did want to report back here.

I really miss the pride events we used to do. Hopefully we can do them again soon.
I miss them too. Of course the event that I attended and met Blake, Jason, Sha, Denver & Cole from College Dudes was very special for me, but watching the BTS videos of all the others across the country, and seeing our favorite Broke Straight Boys interacting with the fans was so much fun. Again, just watching random porn performers is not so exciting for me, and the allure of Broke Straight Boys, besides the straight factor is “getting to know” the guys through interviews with the directors at the time. But seeing them in a setting of being on the road and hanging out with each other and fans humanizes them even more. Pride events in June was a very special time each year here at Broke Straight Boys
