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Ponderings for April 16th 2022

f seeing new or unique porn is your reason for your membership, then perhaps a break is in order, although I’d hate to see you leave, even for a break, as the forum is my reason for staying, and you are one of the few current guys who has something to say. The forum has certainly lost it’s pizazz for me in recent years, but it is very affordable and I see no other options that would replace it for me, so I remain. But you do whatever is best for you! (But I would miss you if you left).

I would not leave the forum, I pay for this site and all the others by the year, it is much cheaper that way. I just think I need to cut back on my viewing for a bit. I really do enjoy chatting with all you peeps. And I hope to continue and hopefully not annoy you all :biggrin:
I would not leave the forum, I pay for this site and all the others by the year, it is much cheaper that way. I just think I need to cut back on my viewing for a bit. I really do enjoy chatting with all you peeps. And I hope to continue and hopefully not annoy you all :biggrin:

In that case it’s fine to stop watching scenes. Just keep chatting here, please. That’s what I care about. :001_smile:
In that case it’s fine to stop watching scenes. Just keep chatting here, please. That’s what I care about. :001_smile:

I pay that way too and ask you stay active on the Forum as well.
Another beautiful day in the books! I had the pleasure of watching my nephew play baseball with his team. They won today, this past weekend was a bit rough with 2 losses at a double header . The humidity was perfect, temperature was perfect, it felt great being outdoors.
Another beautiful day in the books! I had the pleasure of watching my nephew play baseball with his team. They won today, this past weekend was a bit rough with 2 losses at a double header . The humidity was perfect, temperature was perfect, it felt great being outdoors.
I’m glad you got to watch him play and win. And it was another perfect July day today in the northeast. Weather like this makes you feel great to be alive. I’m glad it was such a good day for you Chac. :thumbup:
While the summer heat can be annoying, my favorite part about summer is that my guilty pleasure of “guy watching” increases exponentially! :drool:

I look twelve months a year and I can spot a hottie even bundled up in a parka and hoodie in the dead of winter. I am good at finding hot guys, but it sure is a lot more fun in summer with guys in shorts or even running shirtless. And even in the morning on a day like today, when I was out and about getting my morning newspaper and doing some grocery shopping, I saw young business guys on their way to work in button down shirts, with no jackets and I can see the shape of their hot bods and their legs and asses in their tapered slacks. Ahh! Summertime and the living is easy!

I confess…..I am a “guyaholic” !!!


So speaking of men...... I was at my nephew's baseball game today, and the coach of the opposition was bent over in just that fine way where I had super naughty thoughts about how his ass was just angled right to go to town on, the back arch was perfect. like my jaw was on the floor, he was super hot, 10/10, WAY out of my league. This no porn thing is hard :haxor: LOL :doggystyle:
So speaking of men...... I was at my nephew's baseball game today, and the coach of the opposition was bent over in just that fine way where I had super naughty thoughts about how his ass was just angled right to go to town on, the back arch was perfect. like my jaw was on the floor, he was super hot, 10/10, WAY out of my league. This no porn thing is hard :haxor: LOL :doggystyle:
The bottom, (no pun intended), line Chac is that men are horny. I would observe my brother’s father-in-law while in his eighties and his eyes always followed a shapely young woman. A friend’s father in his nineties was confined to home and his wife and family discovered from credit card statements that he was signing up for straight sex sites online. I am in my early seventies as are friends of mine and I still go “ga ga” over hot guys I see out and about. Men are ruled by our sex drive. And as much as we may say we are abstaining we can’t help ourselves from looking and getting horny from our teenaged years basically through death, lol.


I mentioned in the recipes thread how I use YouTube to learn recipes, and I go to sleep with my iPad and listen to YouTube music and podcasts as I fall asleep. But I wanted to detail a bit more how much I utilize YouTube.

I used to think of it as a tool for listening to music, but when I got my big screen Internet TV two summers ago, I discovered that with my short attention span, I find YouTube on my TV more entertaining to me than Netflix or Prime Video or HBO Max or Disney Plus our any of the other streaming services. Other than sporting events, primarily New York Yankees games this time of year or politics, Morning Joe and especially the Select Committee on January 6th. I am throughly entertained by YouTube.

I’ve discovered that there is a different setup on YouTube on my TV than on my ipad. They offer rows and rows of programming that they think I might be entertained by. I do select some subscriptions, but the algorithms already know what I like from Yankees and Duke, to sixties rock and sixties radio to hot young guys whether on TikTok or hot movie stars like Austin Butler or podcasts to political programming to New York or United States history, to documentaries about cities and trends. Basically Google and YouTube know what I like and I rarely have to search something out. They know and they serve it to me on a metaphoric “silver platter”. Many would consider this invasive or “Big Brother is watching” type of issues, but I have nothing to hide. I am a gay man who likes handsome young men, and sports and music and history and information of iPhones and cooking recipes, so what do I have to hide?

Below is NOT from my TV but an example from google on what the screen looks like. I find myself on weekends or days I am not working “lost in the sauce” of YouTube.


On that note, today is a work day and I need to get dressed, out the door and on to the subway. Have a good day forumites!!!
P.S. Thank you Chac for starting this thread, I needed a thread for random ponderings and you did it.

Chac rules!!!! :thumbup:
I mentioned in the recipes thread how I use YouTube to learn recipes, and I go to sleep with my iPad and listen to YouTube music and podcasts as I fall asleep. But I wanted to detail a bit more how much I utilize YouTube.

I used to think of it as a tool for listening to music, but when I got my big screen Internet TV two summers ago, I discovered that with my short attention span, I find YouTube on my TV more entertaining to me than Netflix or Prime Video or HBO Max or Disney Plus our any of the other streaming services. Other than sporting events, primarily New York Yankees games this time of year or politics, Morning Joe and especially the Select Committee on January 6th. I am throughly entertained by YouTube.

I’ve discovered that there is a different setup on YouTube on my TV than on my ipad. They offer rows and rows of programming that they think I might be entertained by. I do select some subscriptions, but the algorithms already know what I like from Yankees and Duke, to sixties rock and sixties radio to hot young guys whether on TikTok or hot movie stars like Austin Butler or podcasts to political programming to New York or United States history, to documentaries about cities and trends. Basically Google and YouTube know what I like and I rarely have to search something out. They know and they serve it to me on a metaphoric “silver platter”. Many would consider this invasive or “Big Brother is watching” type of issues, but I have nothing to hide. I am a gay man who likes handsome young men, and sports and music and history and information of iPhones and cooking recipes, so what do I have to hide?

Below is NOT from my TV but an example from google on what the screen looks like. I find myself on weekends or days I am not working “lost in the sauce” of YouTube.

On that note, today is a work day and I need to get dressed, out the door and on to the subway. Have a good day forumites!!!

Yes it is quite scary how good YouTube's algorithm is. I have two accounts, one my day to day, and the other is my "porn account". I use my personal cell phone for work related stuff so I don't ever mix the two. My porn account which is on my tablet does know me well LOL.

I pay for the premium YouTube, I absolutely detest ads so the 12 a month is well worth it to me, plus I get all the YouTube music I can listen to.

On my primary account, you will find aviation, cooking, trains/subway videos, comedians, and car crash videos. Nothing like seeing a Russian piece of shit Lada doing something stupid on a dashcam hahahaha
Yes it is quite scary how good YouTube's algorithm is. I have two accounts, one my day to day, and the other is my "porn account". I use my personal cell phone for work related stuff so I don't ever mix the two. My porn account which is on my tablet does know me well LOL.

I pay for the premium YouTube, I absolutely detest ads so the 12 a month is well worth it to me, plus I get all the YouTube music I can listen to.

On my primary account, you will find aviation, cooking, trains/subway videos, comedians, and car crash videos. Nothing like seeing a Russian piece of shit Lada doing something stupid on a dashcam hahahaha
I’m glad to hear that I am not the only “nerd” so into YouTube. I detest the ads too, but sit with remote ready to “skip ads” at the sight of them, but you may be right that the extra $12 a month would make it an even more pleasant experience.

We are in the middle of an extreme heat wave. I heard this is the worst we’ve had in the last decade, and it is happening all over the country and the world. Europe is having it really bad too. I miss the “old forum” where we had members like Slim in Spain, Jon and later tangogent in England, Robert in Amsterdam, Milla in France to name a few. It was fun to part of a worldwide community on the forum and we could get an idea of what’s going on all across the planet through this forum. But at least I can report that it is really hot and humid and basically disgusting outside in New York City. :wtf: Lol
England has unheard of heat well over 100 degrees. This all was predicted and sadly will not get better unless there is a concerted effort to do what has been requested by scientists and other advocates.

I am lucky it has been more comfortable down where I live this summer than in past years.
Staying with the theme of this hot, hot July of 2022, on a personal note I want to mention that in my ground floor apartment there are bars on the windows and so a traditional air conditioner is not possible to use. I’ve had a reverse one in my bedroom for years, where the guts of the air conditioner are on the inside and the grill goes against the bars. It is very heavy and each year I need to move it in and out of the window.

Until last summer the bedroom was the cool room and other than eating in the kitchen, I would spend my summer days in the bedroom watching television, using my computer and pretty much living in one room during the summer months.

But after buying a recliner and a giant television for my living room, I looked into an air conditioner for the living room. I discovered portable one’s that sit on the floor with a hose going to the window and it does a remarkable job. This is similar to the one I purchased last summer.


View attachment 75428

View attachment 230AC386-4538-4251-B040-B67222BF56BE.webp

It is incredible how after almost 46 years here, I am finally utilizing my entire apartment by watching the big screen TV in my living room, sitting back in my recliner, and now being cool and comfortable twelve months a year. It feels like I moved into a new apartment twice as big as my old one. Why do we get old so fast and wise so late???? Lol

However today is a work day so I need to walk to the subway and take the 15 ride to work. My office is air conditioned so it is not too bad. After today, my four day weekend begins and I can stay cool until Monday, when hopefully the heatwave will break.

Those are my ponderings for July 22, 2022. I’d love to hear the ponderings of the rest of you folks. :001_smile:
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My son has this huge TV in the basement rec room. I just use my lap tops. I am just a hermit I rarely see anyone but my beloved Forumites.
My pondering for today also revolves around heat, it was fucking HOT today, 97.2 F to be exact with 87% humidity. The record 100 F, set I believe in August 1948, we came so close to breaking it... I was at a baseball game tonight and I could see the mugginess in the air around the lights. I don't know how those teenagers were able to play in 80 degree heat under the lights., I surely would have died of heatstroke!

I left my 2 AC units on while I went to the game, so it was a comfortable 70f in my condo, and 50% humidity. My power bill is going to be massive :frown:

Stay cool my fellow forumites!
My pondering for today also revolves around heat, it was fucking HOT today, 97.2 F to be exact with 87% humidity. The record 100 F, set I believe in August 1948, we came so close to breaking it... I was at a baseball game tonight and I could see the mugginess in the air around the lights. I don't know how those teenagers were able to play in 80 degree heat under the lights., I surely would have died of heatstroke!

I left my 2 AC units on while I went to the game, so it was a comfortable 70f in my condo, and 50% humidity. My power bill is going to be massive :frown:

Stay cool my fellow forumites!
I agree and love the way you think Chac. My two air conditioners stay on all day when I am home as I intend to be for the next four days, although I turn the living room one off during sleeping time. The electric bill is outrageous but necessary.